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1、 Success with BEC (Vantage)Copyright by Jennifer新编剑桥商务英语新编剑桥商务英语(中级中级)BEC-V1商务英语课程介绍 -子曰:工欲善其事,必先利其器。Objectives To help students to be familiarized with the business English vocabulary/situations/contexts/skills/formats,/communication strategies in the work place To enhance their readiness for the w

2、orld of work and to help them to take maximum advantage of their higher education to achieve career and personal development To help prepare for the BEC exams子曰:“工欲善其事,必先利其器.BEC-V1To offer opportunity to develop students all-round developed capabilities as outlined below:personal capabilities:be rea

3、dy to accept responsibility for their own lifelong development and realizable career possess the learning and communication skillsinterpersonal capabilities:share ideas,opinions and experiences with others,work in a team,use oral and written methods to communicate effectively in the work placeBEC-V1

4、To offer opportunity to develop students all-round developed capabilities as outlined below:vocational capabilities:deal with relationship,handle matters,solve problems,fulfil tasks,respond to challenges,etc.problem solving capabilities:apply their transferable skills to the execution of individual

5、and group projects,demonstrate creativity,flexibility,perception,decisiveness,confidence and an awareness of valuesBEC-V1COURSE CONTENTS12 Modules 1.Business Topic 2.Business Skills 3.Exam Spotlight (Ways of working;Company benefits;Starting a business;Advertising;the workplace;Recruitment;Sales;Tra

6、ining;Branding;Management;Ethical economics;Business law)Starting a businessBEC-V1Basic Requirements Four As:Attendance Attention Activities Assignments BEC-V1Evaluation Attendance (20%)Attention (10%)Activities (10%)Assignments(20%)Test (40%)BEC-V11st week2nd weekTuesdayBEC Course Listening practic

7、e(exam preparation)Presentation+Interview Business English Course ThursdayPresentation+Interview Business English CoursecorrespondenceSpeaking Mini presentations(2 candidates,6 m)Collaborative task and discussion(2 candidates,5 m)BEC-V1什么是什么是BEC?BEC?BEC考试是为英语学习者提供的国际商务语言资格证书考试。它注重考查考生在实际工作环境中用英语解决问题

8、的能力。BEC考试适用于不同职业背景的考生,并对考生的学习深造以及求职应聘具有实用价值。BEC-V1剑桥商务英语证书考试剑桥商务英语证书考试BECBEC BEC证书得到全球认可,它也是出国留学和进入外企的“通行证”。BEC初、中、高级可替代雅思(IELTS)Band 3、5、7,是全球160多所大学入学语言能力的证明;国外众多大学认可其高级C以上考试成绩,可免修该校MBA相应课程.BEC-V1剑桥商务英语证书考试剑桥商务英语证书考试BECBEC 由于颁证机构的权威性,在英国、英联邦各国及欧洲大多数国家的商业企业部门获得认可,并得到国内数百家外资企业认可,有“外企绿卡”之美誉;此外,取得BEC初

9、级证书可免修高教自考中英合作商务管理金融管理专科段商务英语课程。BEC-V1BECBEC、CETCET、PETSPETS的区别的区别BEC(英国剑桥商务英语证书考试):目前国际最受推崇的商务英语语言能力考试,考试侧重听说读写四项基本技能,全球认可,中国国家教育部引进并推荐;CET(大学英语四六级考试):主要针对在校生的英语水平测试,分四级和六级,国家教育部高教司大学英语考试指导委员回主办;PETS(全国英语等级考试):主要针对非在校生的英语水平测试,分1-5级,国家教育部主办。BEC-V1等级划分:等级划分:BEC共分三个等级:BEC初级 (BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为B

10、EC Pre.),BEC中级 (BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.),BEC高级 (BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)。考生可根据自己的英语水平自由选择相应级别报考。BEC-V1两个阶段:两个阶段:第一阶段为笔试第一阶段为笔试:包括阅读、写作和听力包括阅读、写作和听力第二阶段为口试第二阶段为口试内容和时间内容和时间BEC初级初级BEC中级中级BEC高级高级阅读阅读60分钟分钟60分钟分钟60分钟分钟写作写作30分钟分钟45分钟分钟70分钟分钟听力听力40分钟分钟40分钟分钟40分钟分钟口语口语12分钟分钟14分钟分钟16分钟分钟BEC-V1BEC考

11、试安排如下:考试安排如下:BEC初级初级BEC中级中级BEC高级高级上半年上半年 5月中下旬到月中下旬到6月初月初同同同同下半年下半年11月中下旬到月中下旬到12月初月初同同同同BEC-V1报名时间、考试时间及费用 报名无开始时间,即任何时间都可以报名。有截止时间:上半年报名截止时间为三月十日;下半年报名截止时间为九月十五日。报名截止时间每年会有几日的变化,以考点公布的为准。每年五月的周六和每年十一月周六,上午笔试,下午口试,口试进度慢的,延至第二日上午。顺序是初级、高级、中级。每次报名收费(含口试费)如下:BEC1约18美元,BEC2约475元人民币(22美元),BEC3约530元人民币(3

12、3美元)。BEC-V1 BEC-V WritingBEC-V1WRITING Part One 第一部分是非正式文体写作,要求考生利用给出提示,写一篇简短的公司内部通信,即与公司内部的同事进行与商务有关事宜的沟通,其文体可能是便条、留言、备忘录、电邮、传真等。字数:4050词BEC-V1MEMODefinition:a short official not to another person in the same company or organization.MEMO is short for memorandum.BEC中级写作中,MEMO主要针对公司内部交流、告知或提醒公司内部员工有关

13、商务或公司内部活动的事宜,用于联系工作、交流信息,是处理一般公务时常用的一种简便函件。BEC-V1EmailDefinition:a message that is sent from one person to another using the computer systemFormat:To:From:CC:Attached:Subject:BEC-V1Format of E-mailThe date and time is automatically inserted by your computer so make sure you keep your computers inter

14、nal clock accurate.Key in the e-mail addresses exactly.Correctly addressed email are delivered within seconds.It can take days to receive an error message letting you know that an incorrectly addressed message did not get delivered.Always write a subject heading.This will give the recipient a good i

15、dea of the contents of the message and makes for easier handling.Formality are not necessary in e-mails.Replace formal salutations like Dear David with informal Hello David or even just David.Yours sincerely is not needed in emails,perhaps just Best wishes or All the bestExpress yourself.Emoticons c

16、an be used to show mood in your email messages.:-)happy;-)wink;-(sad:-I indifference:-/perplexed:-D shock or surpriseBEC-V1Basic Rules of E-mailCheck your syntax.Make an effort to keep sentences short and simple,and check your syntax.The more pride you take in your message composition,the more succe

17、ssful you will be in being understood and achieving the desired results.Keep copies.Just as you would keep copies of letters,it is good practice to take a printout of email messages sent and receiving.Check your message.As soon as you hit the send symbol,your message may be received in seconds.No ca

18、lling it back for second thoughts.So check it and get it right first time.BEC-V1PART II 题型介绍 Part Two 要求考生写一篇120140词的商务信函、报告或提案 题目中有相应的文字对考生提具体要求,并有以图标或表格等形式出现的带“手写笔记”的材料 要求考生重组信息,运用自己掌握的词汇和句子结构将其表达出来BEC-V1写作技巧 如何将信息分类重组,并条理清楚的表达出来就成了考生要解决的主要问题。Observation&Organization Outline Writing ReviewBEC-V1AB

19、C RulesAccurateBriefClearCheck facts carefullyInclude all relevant detailsProofread thoroughlyKeep sentences shortUse simple expressionsUse non-technical languageUse plain,simple languageWrite in an easy,natural styleAvoid formality or familiarityBEC-V ListeningBEC-V1LISTENINGTime:approx.40minutes i

20、ncluding 10 minutes transfer time.第一项:单词填空第二项:多项匹配第三项:多项选择BEC-V ReadingBEC-V1Time:1 hourPARTMain Skill FocusInputResponseNumber of Questions1Scanning and gistFour short information texts(approx.250-350 words in total)matching72understanding text structureSingle text:article,report,etc.with sentence

21、level gaps(text plus 7 option sentences approx.450-550 words in total)Matching53Reading for gist and specific informationSingle text(approx.450-550 words)4-option multiple choice64vocabulary and structureSingle information text with lexical gaps(text including gapped words approx.200-300 words)4-opt

22、ion multiple choice155Understanding sentence structure/error identificationShort text(approx.150-200 words)identification of additional unnecessary words in textProof reading12BEC-V1Module 11.1 Ways of working1.2 Making contacts1.3 speaking test part one BEC-V11.1 Ways of workingBEC-V1Wordlist Regul

23、ar hours n.正常的工作时间 Flexible hours/flexitime/flexible time 弹性工作时间 n.Freelance 自由职业 Teleworking n.电子化办公 Job-share v.n.分担工作 Shift work n.轮班制 Part-time n.兼职 Temping n.做临时工 Consultancy n.咨询公司,咨询师,咨询服务BEC-V1Wordlist Specialist advice 专业咨询 Hotdesking:办公桌轮用 Office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公室八卦 Brainpower 智能 Worst-ca

24、se adj.作最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的 Scenario n.事态,局面 Delegate:allocate 分派工作,授权BEC-V1Wordlist Availability/available Job-sharer Parental leave:父母假,育儿假,产假,照顾新生儿女假 Case-load:工作量 Self-organization:自我组织/管理能力 Self-organized a.self-controlled/self-disciplined 自我管理能力很强的,自制力很强的 Disruptive a.造成混乱的 Disrupt v./interru

25、pt/bother/disturb/distractBEC-V1Background knowledge about flexible working Flexiplace:弹性工作地点 Flexitime/flexible working hours 弹性工作时间 Compressed work weeks 压缩工作周 Permanent part-time 长期兼职 Job-sharing 分担工作BEC-V1Different ways of workingStep 1:warm-up oral practiceQ1:How do you study English most effec

26、tively?By working At the same time every day/at different times of the day?Early in the morning/late at night?With others/on your own?At home/at your place of study?Part 1VocabularyBEC-V1VocabularyStep 1:warm-up oral practice Q2:How do you work most effectively?By working Regular hours/flexible hour

27、s?From home/in an office?In a team/on your own?For a boss/as your own boss?BEC-V1Reference for oral practice Routine type of person Have flexible management of time and work Get support from each other Co-operate with each other Share ideas Learn from other peoples strong points Working in a team ne

28、eds good interpersonal skills and is not necessary efficientBEC-V1Reference for oral practice Can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office Have more flexibility Feel more relaxed A dependent type of person and never make decisions myself An independent type of person and always make

29、 decisions myself Dont want to work under someoneBEC-V1Step 2:Matching Match these ways of working 1-8 to definitions A-I.Do you work in any of these ways?Would it be possible to telework in your job?How would you feel about job-sharing?Have you ever suggested to your boss the idea of flexitime?BEC-

30、V1Step 3:Matching the ways of working in exercise 2 to their commentBEC-V1Step 4:Work in pairs.Think of one more advantage or disadvantage for each way of working in exercise 2.Type of workingPossible advantagesPossible disadvantagesteleworkingOrganize your work timeNeed to be good at self-organniza

31、tionJob-sharingMore free timeNeed to coordinate with other personShift workGives you your days freetiringPart-timeMore free timeLess moneyTempingLots of varietyHard to progress your careerconsultancyWell paidNo job securityflexitimeGood for work-life balanceNot good for people who like routineFreela

32、nceYou choose your jobNo job securityHot-deskingSaves the company moneyDisruptive to employeesBEC-V1How to job-share Step 1:Reading task Ss read the whole text before they put the headings with the correct paragraphs.ReadingBEC-V1Language focus in reading 0.make it work:make it be effective 使有效,使产生效

33、果 Guide to sth/key to sth/access to sth,/approach to sth 1.share credit and blame:share honor and blame荣辱与共 2.managing director:总经理 3.request for sth.From sb.:来自 的诉求 E.g.The authority of our school should consider the requests for the installation of air-conditioners in dorms from students.BEC-V1 4.

34、embrace the benefits:enjoy the benefits/reap the benefits.5.the worst-case scenario:the worst situations 最糟糕的情况/境况 6.inevitable:unavoidable in with sb.Be suitable for sb./keep pace with sb BEC-V1 7.hand sb./sth.over to sb:把交给 to:comply with 迎合,投所好 The two job sharer should try to comply

35、 with each others strengths and weak points.9.delegate the workload:allocate your job分派工作任务 10.clarify:make clear of 搞清楚,弄清楚 terms of:就 而言;根据 12.manage their employer s expectations:live up to their employers expectations 达到老板的期望 BEC-V1 13.make up for 弥补BEC-V1Step 2:Oral practice on page 7 How

36、 easy would it be for you to job-share?Would your employer or boss think it was a good idea?BEC-V1Expressions for reference Yes Have more time with children With less work stress Have more free time Have someone to share credit and blame Two people doing one job means twice as much experience,skills

37、,brainpower,and energyBEC-V1Expressions for reference No Difficult to find someone you like Need to coordinate with the other person Tend to work late at night Need careful planning to play to each others different strengths They may not get what they expect of the job-sharer in terms of hours,avail

38、ability and resultBEC-V1 working from home Ss listen to the tape recorder and finish the corresponding exercises in the book.Part 2listeningBEC-V1Key to questions:Q1:Have a timetable and stick to it.BEC-V1Key to Q2:Advantages:she can spend more time with children and is given more flexibility.No com

39、muting The company saves money on office space Disadvantages:Miss office gossip,news and people Sometime working late at nightBEC-V1Key to questions:How long has she been with her current employer?_She has been with the same company since she left school.How long has she been home-working?_about 5 y

40、ears.Is she doing anything different from normal this week?_ she is going in nearly everyday this week to meet visitors.BEC-V1Difficulties in listening Timetable:时刻表 If you end up watching TV or do cleaning,it isnt for you.Have a morning off:have a mornings leave As long as:so long as 只要BEC-V1Presen

41、t tenses:Present continuous:一般现在进行时 Present perfect continuous:现在完成进行时 Present simple:一般现在时 Present perfect simple:一般现在完成时Grammar BEC-V1A Mini-presentationWhat is important when job-sharing?Find someone you like Organize and plan how you share the work Your opinion What is important when working fro

42、m home?Set up an office space in the house Plan your working hours and your breaksspeaking BEC-V1A Mini-presentation on Page 9 Whats important when?Job-sharing Find someone you like.Organize and plan how you share the work Finding someone you like is the most important when you start a job-share.As

43、job sharing is a way for two people to both fill one job,finding someone you like is very important for the success of the scheme.You may find one from your current workplace,or you may find one from outside through all kinds of contacts.BEC-V1Mini-presentation Whats important when?Job-sharing Find

44、someone you like.Organize and plan how you share the work Organizing and planning how you share the work is also important.If its shared responsibility,there is no division of duties but the two people have to split the hours clearly to ensure that the work flows continuously.If its divided responsi

45、bility,each partner has to be clear about his own case-load or project to focus on during his working hours.BEC-V1Mini-presentation If its unrelated responsibility,the partners have to learn what their separate tasks are in the same department,and each has to do his own share well.Communication is a

46、nother important factor to consider when you arrange the job-share especially for shared responsibility.Partners have to communicate well so that jobs are done smoothly.Using email,voicemail messages,daily logs and notes are some techniques that help facilitate communication.BEC-V1Mini-presentation What is important when?Working from home Set up an office space in the house plan your working hours and your breaks Not answer the door to neighbors or make social calls Stick to your timetable

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