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2、扮而来。机遇、友情、成功、团圆它们都酷似幸福,但它们并不等同于幸福。”与这里的“乔装打扮”一语的意思最远的一顶是。A.涂脂沫粉B.改头换面C.庐山面目D.面目全非6韩小蕙在悠悠心会中写道:“有的夫妻一个屋檐下厮守一辈子,有的同事一个办公室对坐几十年,就是没话,心灵始终隔膜着一片寸草不生的荒漠。”与这里的“寸草不生”一语的意思最近的一项是。A. 赤地千里B.天府之国C.鱼米之乡D.山穷水尽7.2004年的印度洋地震海啸令当地人民不及防,造成了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,但海啸无情人有情,通过中国国际救援队队员等多方救助后情况就得到了改善。句中方框应填入的字是。 A.防B.措C.猝D.促8清刘熙载艺


4、沙秋思)其中的“古道西风瘦马”这一比喻表现的是。A.客观的景物描写 B.客观的必理投射C.客观景物与主观情意的交融 D.纯粹的主观情意13泰戈尔说,翅膀坠上黄金的鸟儿将无法飞翔。刘翔110米栏完美爆发平世纪夺冠,宣告了“刘翔时代”的到来。但没有对手的日子是孤寂的,有名利的纠绕更加危险。未来,他还能为世人带来多少惊喜,没人能预知,在这个巨星升起和陨落同样倏忽的年代,这的确是留给世人的一声重重的叩问。这“重重的叩问”是指。A. 在巨星升起和陨落同样倏忽的年代刘翔是否趎的没有对手。B.鲜花和名望是否会让刘翔成为一颗转瞬即逝的流星。C.刘翔走上了偶像的神坛之后,能否经受得住世俗眼光的评判。D.刘翔面对






10、.对于上海石库门住宅中的具体的旧事和故人的怀念31They are fed up the old routine.A. with B. of C. at D. on32.He is such a(n) teacher that has devoted all his and energy to his students. A. conscientious B. conscious C. academic D. scientific33.We are looking for someone with a real sense of to the job. A. committee B. comm

11、itment C. community D. commission34.There are fewer working hours in the executive jobs, the job stress is comparatively higher. A. that B. where C. which D. what35.Since you are to the seafood, youd better avoid eating it. A. sensible B. sentimental C. sensitive D. sensory36.During the celebration,

12、 fireworks have been at the bay. A. set out B. set about C. set up D. set off37.They declared the war, for they believed that country had the weapons of mass destruction. A. liberated B. countered C. approved D. proliferated38.The journalist reported the of children labors who had worked many days o

13、n end. A. expansion B. expedition C. exploitation D. explorationWhat is the thing called happiness? For centuries, people were too busy pursuing it 39 much time analyzing it. Now a pioneering band of researchers has finally bagged the elusive quarry or at least taken its measure. Using such sophisti

14、cated new tools 40 the five-item Life Satisfaction Scale and the seven-point Delighted-terrible Scale (On a scale of one to seven, how do you feel about your life?),social psychologists have plumbed the heart of happiness. And their answer to the age-old 41 is that it all depends.Happiness, that is,

15、 42 what makes. you feel happy, which is why psyc1hologists often call it“subjective well-being.” But from studies of various age and population groups in the United States and abroad, they have reached some 44 at the top of the charts is not, as many might expect, success, youth, good looks or any

16、of those 45 assets. The clear winner is relationship, close ones, followed by happy marriage. Supportive, intimate connections with other people seem 46 important. Using simple survey questions, psychologist David Myers found that the 47 happy people are those in unhappy marriages. Happiest are thos

17、e who married 48 their “best friend.”39.A.to spend B.spending C.has spent D.have spent40.Alike B.alike C.as D.for instance41.A.psychology B.mystery C.solution D.trick42.A.results in B.leans against C.dependes on D.arrives at43.A.realistic B.idealistic C.objective D.individualistic44.A.endlessly B.co

18、ntradictorily C.harmoniously D.consistrntly45.Aenviable B.reliabele C.inevitable D.endurable46.A.vastly B.tremendously C.swiftly D.basically47.A.most B.best C.least D.worst48.A.to B.with C.for D.offSarah Alexander celebrated the start of her last year at Wells College the way many other seniors befo

19、re her have. She ran across the picturesque to the shores of Cayuga Lake, where she jumped into the water.So did many of her fellow seniors. But dozens of students decided to stay away, especially the relatively few newly arrived male students.Wells College, which since 1868 had educated only women,

20、 began accepting men this year in hopes of bolstering its dwindling enrollment. For many students and alumnae, it was a crushing decision. After the college announced last October that it would go coeducational, about half of the students protested and two filed a lawsuit, which they later dropped.T

21、he students33 men and 383 women campus late month Both sexes are now trying to navigate new social landscape. Mr. Phillips said“You cant do guy stuff. Every time you want to sit and watch sports or a game, it turns into a movie.” The women were “some what nasty.” I could see the dirty looks in their

22、 eyes,” he said.“But I was not going to let that stop me from coming.”Wells was a place where women did not have to fuss over their appearance or fight to be taken seriously by their professors. They could enjoy the camaraderie of their campus sisters and their playful traditions. Besides jumping in

23、to the lake, the women dance around the maypole each May and kiss the feet of the statue of Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom, before exams.Ms. Alexander said,“People told us we wouldnt notice a difference, but from the moment men arrived on campus not could notice a difference. Waking up early t

24、o put on makeup, and thats odd,” she said.Henry Wells, a founder of Wells Fargo and a friend of Cornells benefactor, Ezra Cornell established this college, when women were not considered capable of higher learning. “Give her the opportunity,” he wrote.Henry Wells, a founder of Wells Fargo and a frie

25、nd of Cornells benefactor, Ezra Cornell established this college, when were not considered capable of higher learning. “Give her the opportunity,” he wrote.The great-great-great-great granddaughter of Henry Wells, Stephanie Redmond, 18,of Washington State, said that earlier this year a Wells student

26、 had tracked her down and asked her to support the protest. But Ms. Redmond said the move the move to admit men had encouraged her to enroll at Wells this year as a freshman. She plans on a career in engineering, a male-dominated field, and said attending an all-womens college might have put her at

27、a disadvantage.49.The primary reason for the Wells College to accept men is that . A. its enrollment rate is decline B. the campus is lack of vigor and vitality C. it will face the destiny of being closed down D. all-womens college might put a woman at a disadvantage50.A typical behavior for seniors

28、 to do that . A. they jog along the picturesque campus B. they switch sports programs to a movie C. they celebrate their year by jumping into a lake D. they swim in Cayuga Lake accompanied by friends51.The change after turning into a coed college is that . A. dirty looks in womens eyes have disappea

29、red B. women get up early to make up C. women are waking up early to study D. women dance with men around the maypole52.The attitude of the author is that . A. she hares a tradition of all-women schools B. she calls on women in support the protest C. she dislikes the change and hopes to file a lawsu

30、it D. she objectively describes the new and uneasy coeducation53.Which of the following statements is Not true? A. The enrollment of male students caused controversy, B. The grandchildren of the college founder benefited most. C. The current president of the college was also its graduate. D. The fou

31、nder hoped to give women opportunities of higher education.But what is teacher quality? How can one measure it reliably?An analysis is issued a sample of data a Texas school district. Experts argue convincingly that teacher effectiveness should be measured by students gains on standardized tests: Mr

32、. Smith is presumably a better teacher than Ms. Brown if his students consistently improve their test scores more than hers do.Though this approach is appealing, there are tricky issues. For example, what if Ms. Brown teaches in a school where students score so high there is little room for improvem

33、ent?The authors try to correct for this problem, as well as other sorts of measurement issues, to generate a measurement of teacher effectiveness. The paper is primarily concerned with how this measure is related to other observable teacher characteristics.The first finding is that is a large variat

34、ion in teacher effectiveness: some teachers consistently have a larger impact on their students achievement than others.Second, easily observable characteristics like having a masters degree or a passing score on the teacher certification exam are not correlated with teacher effectiveness.Then what

35、does matter? The most important single influence is experience: first-year teachers are much less effective than others. The second year is significantly better, and by the fourth year, most teachers hit their stride.It is not entirely clear whether this experience effect is learning by doing (the m

36、ore you teach, the more effective you become) or survival of the fittest (those who are not good at teaching tend to drop out early).From my reading of the paper, both effects appear important and there is no simple answer. The data do suggest, however, that teacher effectiveness is pretty clear by

37、the end of the second year, so the information to make an informed decision is available at that time.The authors also investigate the contentious issue of racial matching of students and teachers. Here they find strong evidence that minority teachers tend to be more effective with minority students

38、. Again, it is unclear whether this is because of a role model effect (students respond better of their own race )or an empathy effect (teachers empathize better with students of their own race )or something else entirely.The authors also look at teacher mobility. There is some evidence that teacher

39、s who quit teaching or switch schools tend to be below average in effectiveness. This is consistent with the survival-of-the-fittest model.54.The schoolmaster could decide wisely whether to further employ the teacher by the end of the . A. the first year B. the second year C. the third year D. the f

40、ourth year55.The phrase“hit their stride” most probably means“ ”. A. reach their normal level B. become confident C. walk with long steps D. get bored56.The author of this passage the view that . A. teachers will perform better with time passing B. ineffective teachers should leave earlier rather th

41、an later C. teachers effectiveness is apparent after a couple of years D. a masters degree will improve teachers effectiveness57.Why do black teachers tend to be more effective with black students? A. Students feel secure, so they respond better. B. Teachers sympathize with students of their own rac

42、e. C. There are entirely some other identified reasons. D. The reasons are far from clear and definite.58.Which of the following may serve as the best title?A. Tenure, Turnover and the Quality of TeachingB. Impact of Teacher Quality on Student LearningC. Different Sorts of Measurement IssuesD. Survi

43、val-of-the-fittest Model vs. Learning-by-doing Model59三边均为整数,且最大边长为11的三角形,共有个。A.20B.26C.30D.3660若a1,b1且lg(a+b)=lga+lgb,则lg(a-1)+lg(b-1)= 。A.lg2 B.1 C.不是与a、b无关的常数D.061已知zC,若z24i,则的值是A34i B. C. D.62已知函数f(x)=cos()+cos()=2sin(),其中x为实数且k为整数。则f(x)的最小正周期为AB. C. D.263已知A(x,y)yx2,B=(x,y)x2+(y-a)21。则使ABB成立的充分

44、必要条件为A.a= B.a C.0a1 D.a164已知平面上三角形ABC为等边三角形且每边边长为a,在AB和BC上分别取D,E两点使得ADBE,连接A,E两点以及C,D两点。则AE和CD之间的最小夹角为A. B. C. D.以上均不对65已知数列an满足3an+1+an=4,(n1),且a1=9, 其前n项之和为Sn,则满足不等式Sn-n-6的最小整数是A.6 b.7 C.8 D.966将一个四棱锥的每个顶点染上一种颜色,并使用一条棱的两端点异色,若只有五种颜色可供使用,则不同的染色方法的总数为A.120 B.260 C.340 D.42067设甲乙两个袋子中装有若干个均匀白球和红球,且甲乙

45、两个袋子中的球数比为13。已知从甲袋中摸到红球的概率为,而将甲乙两个袋子中的球装在一起后,从中摸到红球的概率为。则从乙袋中摸到红球率为AB. C. D. 68.方程f(x)=0 的实根的个数是A1个B. 2个C.3个D.无实根69已知a,b 为实数,满足(a+b)59=-1,(a-b)60=1,则A.0121 B.-49 C.0 D.2370a=是“直线(a+2)x+3ay+1=0与直线(a-2)x+(a+2)y-3=0相互垂直”的A.充分必要条件B.充分而不必要条件C.必要而不充分条件D.既不充分也不必要条件71设函数y=f(x)对一切实数x均满足f(2+x)=f(2-x),且方程f(x)=

46、0恰好有7个不同的实根,则这7个不同实根的和为A.0 B.10 C.12 D.1472.已知,分别为某三角形中的三个内角且满足tg=sin,则下列四个表达式(1)tgtg=1 (2)0sin+sin (3)sin2+sin2=1 (4)cos2+cos2=sin 2中,恒成立的是。A.(1)(3) B.(10(4) C.(2)(3) D.(2)(4)73设Sn=1+2+n,nN。则A.2 B. C. D.6474复数z=(aR,I=)在复平面上对应的点不可能位于A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限75已知f(x)=asinx+b4(a,b为实数)且f(lglog100=5,则f(l

47、glg3)= A.-5 B.-3 C.3 D.随a,b取不同值而取不同值76已知四棱锥PABCD,底面ABCD是菱形,DAB,PD平面ABCD,线段PDAD,点E是AB的中点,点F是PD的中点,则二面角PABF的平面角的余弦值AB. C. D. 77在()50的展开式中有项为有理数。A.10 B.11 C.12 D.1378棱长为a的正方体内有两球互相外切,且两球各与正方体的三个面相切。则两球半径之和为为。A无法确定B.a C.D.79在集合1,2,11中任选两个作为椭圆方程中的a和b,则能组成落在矩形区域(x,y)x11,y9内的椭圆个数是 A.70 B.72 c.80 D.8880设a,b

48、,c为非负实数,且满足方程,则a+b+c 的最大值和最小值。A.互为倒数B.其和为13C.其乘积为4D.均不存在81给定正整数n和正常数a,对于满足不等式a12+an+12a的所有等差数列a1,a2,a3,和式的最大值A B. C. D.82设z0(z00)为复平面上一定点,z1为复平面上的动点,其轨迹方程为z1-z0=z1,z为复平面上另一个动点满足z1z=-1。则z在复平面上的轨迹形状是。A.一条直线B.以为圆心,为半径的圆C.焦距为的双曲线D.以上均不对83一个球与正四面体的六条棱都相切,若正四面体的棱长为a,则这个球的。A.B.C. D. 84已知函数f(x)的定义域为(0,2),则函

49、数g(x)=f(x+c)+f(x-c) 在0时的定义域为。A.(1-c,2+c) B.(c,2-c) C.(1-c,2-c) D.(c,2+c)85设函数f(x)=sin(2x+),(-0),y=f(x)图象的一条直线x=。则的值为 。A. B. C. D.286设f(x)是定义在实数集上的周期为2的周期函数,且是偶函数。已知当x2,3时,f(x)=-x,则当x2,0时,f(x)的表达式为。A-3+x+1 B.2-x+1 C.3-x+1 D.2+x+187当a和b取遍所有实数时,则函数f(a,b)=(a+5-3cosb)2+(a-2)sinb)2所能达到的最小值为。A.1 B.2 C.3 D.


51、?A汉武帝 B.汉高祖C.楚霸王D.楚怀王91湖南岳麓书院有一对联,上联为“惟楚有材于斯为盛”;下联为“沅生芷草澧育兰花”,为冯友兰所书。问:上联中所谓“惟楚有材”,是因为。A.古时湖南为楚地B.芷兰盛产于楚地C.岳麓书院多人才D.冯氏出生在楚地92在儒家思想逐渐成为中华民族传统精神主干的过程中,有三位思想家的作用举世公认:孔子、董仲舒、朱熹。董仲舒提出:“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,使孔子创立的儒学从诸子百家中跃居独尊地位。问:董仲舒提出上述主张,中国出于时期。A.西周B.东周C.西汉D.东汉93“单于最初为中国古代北方游牧民族首领的称号,唐朝诗人卢纶亦作有塞下曲,提及“单于”:“月黑雁飞高,单于

52、夜遁逃。欲将轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀。”问:诗中的“单于”当指民族的首领。A.匈奴B.女真C.突厥D.回纥94美籍华裔史学家黄仁宇在中国大历史中写道:“北宋之东北是所成立的朝代辽,属蒙古语系,他们活跃于中国东北地区已逾300年,即使仿效中国朝代所成立的辽,也比宋早出现53年。”A.回纥B.吐蕃C.契丹D.女真95江苏无锡东林书院遗址(今东林小学)内有一楹联:“风声雨声读书声,声声入耳;家事国事天下事,事事关心。”某史籍曾对当年东林书院情景作如是评论:“讲习之余,往往讽议朝政,裁量人物。朝士慕其风者,多遥相应和。”问:该点评当年东林书院情景的史籍当为 。A.唐史B.宋史C.元史D.明史96在中国与某西

53、方列强签署的不平等条约中,有下列条款:“合众国贸易船只进中国港口湾泊,仍旧各领事等官督同船主人等经管,中国无从统辖。”问:此条款当出自 。A.南京条约B.天津条约C.望厦条约D.黄埔条约97.16世纪后,西瞠东渐。1655年,西方传教士卫匡国在中国新地舆图序言中提出“中国”(China)一词的渊源是“秦”(chin)的观点。问:当时来华的卫匡国,当属 的传教士。A.方济各会B.多明我会C.耶稣会D.浸礼会98年1月18日下午,日本驻华公使日置益向袁世凯递交了日本对中国的“21条要求”,并称:“今次如能承允所提条件,则可证明日华亲善,日本政府对袁总统亦可遇事相助。”问:题中的年份,当为 。A.1


55、世帕里奥洛加斯解放君士坦丁堡。1453年君士坦丁堡沦陷,帝国灭亡。问:该年表反映了的兴亡。A.西罗马帝国B.东罗马帝国C.阿拉伯帝国D.奥斯曼帝国101伊曼纽尔沃勒斯坦在现代世界体系中提出:“倘若新教和教公分母时不足以像它们一度能做到的那样解释经济现象,那么在宗教改革时代,同样也解释不了多少。”问:上文中提到的“新教”,在当今中国又被称为。A.基督教B.天主教C.罗马公教D.希腊正教102 All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall c

56、onsist of a Senate and House of Representative.The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court,and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The C

57、onstitution of the United States of America(1787)Question the principle emphasized above was originated by 。A. Locke b. Diderot C. Montesquieu D. Voltaire1031854年,日本洋学家佐久间象山依日本原有的“和魂汉才”主张,明确提出了“东洋道德。西洋艺术”的主张(艺术技术)。这一主张后被更凝练地概括为“和魂洋才”。问:佐久间象山提出这一主张时,日本正处于。A.江户幕府初期B.江户幕府末期C.明治维新初期D.明治维新末期104任何一种文明,均由其基本的政治、经济、文化结构。一般认为,农村公社、斯拉夫精神、东正教,构成了的“鼎形文明”结构。问:题中处应填入。A.拜占庭B.伊斯兰C.俄罗斯D.古希腊105磁感应强度的单位特斯拉(T),1特斯拉相当于。A.1kg/A.s2 B.1kg.m/A.s2 C.1kg.m2/s2 D.1kg.m2/s2106一束单色光从空气射入水中,则。A.光的颜色、频率不变,而波长、波速都变小B.光的颜色、频率、波长都不变,只有波速变小C.光的颜色

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