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1、课堂教学设计方案 教学内容Unit 1 How can I get there? Lesson1 A Lets learn & Make a map and talk教学目标1能够听、说、读、写:sciencemuseum,postoffice,bookstore,cinema,hospital 2能够听、说、认读短语:near在附近nextto与相邻3能够听、说、认读句型:“Whereisthecinema?” “Itsnexttothebookstore.” 并进行关键词的替换操练。教学重、难点1、掌握Lets learn部分的四会单词和短语。2、准确书写四会单词和掌握单词museum的发

2、音。教学过程设计二次修改意见Step1Preparation教师放三年级下册第六单元的歌曲“They Are in the Zoo师生齐唱。Step 2.Presentation1单词呈现(1)“请你猜猜”活动 教师课前在黑板上画一个框,将hospital,post office,bookstore,cinema,science museum,park,library,school等单词卡片反面朝外贴在黑板上作为地图,每张卡片面都写着数字。教师指着其中一张卡片说:“Now I am in Nol. Pleasewhat place it isIs it a ZOOschoolpark?”教师要

3、注意先出示两个学生的场所,第三次再让学生猜的时候,他们首先会考虑学过的词汇,这时再呈现新词cinema。教师示范朗读,学生跟读。教师带领学生拼读并cinema。(2)继续做“请你猜猜”活动。教师说:“No3 is a cinemaWe can see a film cinema”接下来教师拿出一封信,说:“1 want to post the letterShall I go to the cinema?Where shall I go?Yes!Post office”教师继续利用黑板上的卡片让学生猜:“Is it a post office?”并领读post office。教师指着黑板上po

4、st office的位置说:“Look at themapThepostofficeishere”然后问:“Whereisthepostoffice in our town?”让学生根据实际情况回答。(3)同法教授hospital,bookstore,science museum。(4)整合读五个新单词和句型。2、听音正音教师放A部分Lets learn的录音,学生跟读。教师请学生重点读单词next to和句子“Whereisthecinema?” “Itsnexttothebookstore.”并注意纠正其发音。3、Pair work教师请学生先在方框里填上单词或短语,再根据所填写的地图进行

5、描述,如:The post office is near the museumThe cinema is next to the post office”等。Step3 .Practice1、 听音贴图。2、 看图快读单词。3、根据板书呈现的地图,利用句型“Whereisthe-?” “Itsnexttothe-.”自编对话Step4Production“小小设计师”活动教师先带领学生认读六个表示场所的单词或短语:library,post office,hospital,science museum,cinema,bookstore,接着告诉学生:“现在你们都是城市设计师,请大家设计一张地图,

6、设计之后会有记者来采访。”让学生利用单词卡片设计城市规划图,并在班级里选几名学生充当小记者去采访“设计师”,逐个提问:“Where is the hospital?”由“设计师”来回答问题。Step5.Progress1、 做配套相应的练习。2、 Summary:what have you learned today ?Step5 Homework学生背诵并抄写本课时的四会单词。Blackboard design: 课后反思课堂教学设计方案 教学内容Unit 1 How can I get there? Lesson2 A Lets try &Lets talk教学目标1 能够听、说、认读句子

7、,并能在情景中进行运用。2 能够四会掌握句子:“Whereisthemuseum shop?” “Itsnear thedoor.”教学重、难点本课时的教学重点和难点是使学生掌握句型:“Whereisthemuseum shop?” “Itsnear thedoor.”教学过程设计二次修改意见Step1Preparation 1、“寻宝藏”活动。请学生根据教师的描述猜单词,如果猜对了,他们将会得到“宝藏”。该活动也可以在两人组内进行。2Lets try教师放Lets try时部分的录音,学生做出正确的选择。WuYifanandRobinarelookingatsomerobots.Listen

8、andtick.1.Wherearethey?A.Inthemuseum.B.Inthebookstore.2.IsGrandpathere?A.Yes,heisB.No,heisntStep 2.Presentationw 1、教学I want to buy a postcard .出示实物postcard,让学生根据发音规律试读,教师领读。接着老师走到一名学生旁边问:I want to buy a postcard2、教学I want to send it today 买到卡片之后,老师在接着提出I want to send it today引导学生理解send 含义,教师领读,学生在小组

9、内练读。3、带着问题听录音出示两个问题Questions:Whereisthemuseumshop?_Whereispostoffice? http:/w _Letstalk.WuYifan:Robin,whereisthemuseumshop?Iwanttobuyapostcard.Robin:Itsnearthedoor.WuYifan:Thanks.Whereisthepostoffice?Iwanttosendittoday.Robin:Idontknow.Illask.Excuseme,Sir.Man:Wow!Atalkingrobot!Whatagreatmuseum!Robin:

10、Whereisthepostoffice?Man:Itsnexttothemuseum.Robin:Thanks.Step3 .Practice1、 听音答题Questions:Whereisthemuseumshop?_Whereispostoffice?_2、听音跟读3、 角色朗读:师生、生生、同桌分角色朗读,注意语音语调。4、 角色表演,上台展示。Step4ProductionTalk about the places in your village.Is there a ?Where is it ?Its near next to behindStep5.Summary:what ha

11、ve you learned today ?ProgressStep6:Homework1、做配套相应的练习。2、学生熟读对话并背诵重点句型。Blackboard design:课后反思课堂教学设计方案 教学内容Unit 1 How can I get there? Lesson3 B Lets learn & Be a tour guide教学目标1能够听、说、读、写短语:crossing, turn left,turn right,go straight。2能够听、说、认读句型:“Where is the Italian restaurant ?”并能进行回答。教学重、难点1.本课时的教学

12、重点是掌握四会短语:crossing ,turn left, turn right, go straight. 2.本课时的教学难点是straight的发音和拼写。教学过程设计二次修改意见 Step1Preparation 热身(Warm-up) 教师准备“兔子舞”的录音带。师生共同跳“兔子舞”,跳的时候要注意强调单词left和right,师生一起跳一跳、乐一乐。Step 2.Presentation1 单词呈现(1)教师伸出两只手介绍说:“This is my left hand and this is my right hand”请两名学生分别站在自己两侧介绍说:“A is on the

13、leftB is on the right”然后提问一学生:“Where is AB?”引导学生回答:“is on the leftright(2)教师给自己发指令并做动作:Turn leftTurn rightGo straight ahead(3)图片教学crossing2、听音正音教师放B部分Lets learn的录音,学生跟读1、 合作学习学生小组内读,教师把合作要求讲清楚,一生说单词,其他同学指图并拼出该单词,同时及时纠正发音,发音好的同学及时鼓励评价。1、 Step3 .Practice 2、 1、listen and do, 师说指令,生快速做动作,如turn left 2、 2

14、、快看快读快记:教师指板书上的图片学生说单词,然后教师用词卡让学生快速认读,给学生几秒钟让他们知道拼读,看谁记得快。Step4ProductionBe a tour guideChen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing ,Can you help her ?Step5 :Summary:what have you learned today ?Step6. Homework1、 学生背诵并抄写本课时的四会单词2、做配套相应的练习。Blackboarddesign:课后反思课堂教学设计方案 教学内容Unit 1 How

15、can I get there? Lesson4 B. Lets try &Lets talk教学目标1.能听说,读,写单词和词组:pizza,street.get.2能听说,读,写句子:IlikeHowcanIgettothe?Turnrightat并能在实际情景中正确使用。教学重、难点1.重点:能听说,读,写单词和词组:IlikeHowcanIgettothe?Turnrightat并能在实际情景中正确使用。2.难点:正确选用介词at和on教学过程设计二次修改意见 一热身(warm-up)1师生问候。2.singasong:Whereisthehospital?二复习(Revision)1







22、2.完成活动手册配套练习。3.用英语为家长描述如何从学校走回家里。Blackboard design:课后反思课堂教学设计方案 教学内容Unit 1 Part B Read and write & Tips for pronunciation,教学目标1能够在图片、实物等媒体的帮助下听说认读单词,能理解会用表示方位的介词和介词短语等表达某物在某处。2了解map,compass,GPS,stars等的作用。教学重、难点教学重难点:本课时的教学重点和难点是理解会用表示方位的介词和介词短语等表达某物在某处。教学过程设计二次修改意见Step 1: warm-up1. Play a game: list

23、en and do.(review the words: go straight, turn left, turn right) 2. Can you say and spell? ( review the words and put the words on a map: cinema, hospital, post office, bookstore, Italian restaurant, science museum, museum shop, library, park, school)3. Lets talk according the mapA: I want to go to

24、the . How can I get there?B: Turn right/ left at the . The is next to / behind /in front of Step2: Presentation1. Teach: map, compass, GPS, starsT: If we get lost. What should we do? What can we use?Ss: We can use map. / We can see stars.T: Yeah, we also can use compass in the past. Ss read: compass

25、.T: But now we can use GPS to fine our way quickly. Ss read GPST: Where can we see GPS? Ss: in the car./on the phoneT: We also can use it on the robots.2. Teach: a new feature.T: What can robot do? S1: He can do housework.T: Look, this robot has GPS. So he has a new feature.Ss read: a new feature.Ss

26、 learn to say: He has a new feature.3. Listen to “Part B Read and write”.(1)You are in a car. Which of these can help you find a place? Listen and choose.Ss listen and choose. T checks and let Ss to read the words.(2) Listen again and underline the words we cant understand itgave, follow me, far, my

27、 new GPS works. tell(3) listen again and order.( ) turn left at the bookstore.( ) behind the hospital( ) in front of the cinema( ) a restaurant4. Read the text and answer the questions(1) Whats Robins new feature?(2) How many places did they pass by?(3) Which word under the fourth picture means “奏效,

28、起作用”?5. Read the text in groups.6. Fill in the blanks. Then retell the story.Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They _ and _ . they _ and then turn right again.7. Can you read? ( Tips for pronunciation)Step 3 : Consolidation1.Play a game: Where is it? (act a ro

29、bot has GPS)Group 1 and 2: write the name of places 1Group 3 and 4 : write the name of places 2Group 3: write: beside, in front of E.g. : The hospital is next to the cinema2. Do workbookStep 4:Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the text .2. Copy the new words 4 times.Blackboard design:课后反思课堂教学设计

30、方案 教学内容Unit 1 Part B Lets check, Lets wrap it up & Part C Story time教学目标1、复习巩固本单元所学的知识,检测掌握情况。X |k | B| 1 . c|O |m2、培养学生的听力能力。3、能熟练运用next to,beside,near等方位词。4、能读懂、理解storytime部分的故事。教学重、难点1、复习巩固本单元所学的知识,检测掌握情况。2、能熟练运用所学语言礼貌地问路和指路。教学过程设计二次修改意见 Step 1: warm-up1. Lets enjoy a song: Where is the hospital?

31、2. Can you say and spell? ( review the words and put the words on a map: cinema, hospital, post office, bookstore, Italian restaurant, science museum, museum shop, library, park, school)3. Lets talk according the mapA: I want to go to the . How can I get there?B: Turn right/ left at the . The is nex

32、t to / behind /in front of Step2: Presentation1. Lets check(1) Listen and tick the places you hear. Write the words under the pictures.(2) Listen again and answer the questions.A. Where does the boy want to go?B. How can he get there from the post office?2. Lets wrap it up: I can say.(1)T: I can say

33、: next to. What about you? S1: I can say: near S2: I can say: beside.(2) T: I can say: The hospital is near the park. S1: I can say : the bookstore is next to the3. Teach: Story time(1) Look at the picture, answer the questions.A. Who is in the picture? Zoom, Zip & a boyB. What are they talking abou

34、t? They are talking about where can buy tanghulu(2) Listen and judge A. The London Eye is next to the film museum. ( ) B. The Thames isnt far from here ( ) C. My teeth hurt. ( )(3) Listen again and choose Where can I buy the tasty things? A. Near the London Eye. B. Near the film museum. Is the Thame

35、s far from here? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.(1) Read the funny story and answer the questions.Where is the London Eye?How can I get to the Thames?Whats the matter with Zoom?What does Zoom want to eat?(2) Listen and read after the tapeStep 3 : Consolidation1. Review the words we have learnt in Uni

36、t 12. Choose one of the talks in unit1 and act it.3. Do workbookStep 4:Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the story times.2. Read “Lets wrap it up” and make a sentence.3.Copy the 4 sentences 4 times.Blackboard design:课后反思课堂教学设计方案 教学内容Unit2 Ways to go to school Lesson 1 A. Lets learn教学目标1. 1能够听说朗

37、读how do you come to school?询问别人的出行方式。2.能够听说表演lets talk的内容,并在场景中进行交流和运用。3.在对话交流中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯。教学重、难点学生能够运用how do you come to school?询问别人的出行方式。教学过程设计二次修改意见Step1. Warm up1. Lets chant of Unit 12. free talk(Review Unit1):T: Where is the bookstore? Where is Australian?()Practise in pairs. 3. Teacher pres

38、ent her friends Lindas travel plan to Hangzhou for the National holiday and ask the students for help to figure out the transportation for her.Step2.Presentation Present the topic: “Lindas Plan” and draw a map for herby planeHangzhou Wenhuaby busby taxiGermanyby subwayWest Lakeon footIntime Xianlinb

39、y trainGermanyby shipZhoushan by planeNingbo 1. Lets learn1)Present “by plane” L: How can I get to Hangzhou?T emphasizes when you are using some transportation by is using. And let students try to spell plane.2)Present “by taxi”L:How can I get to Wenhua hotal?T figures out the reason: Its late.3) Pr

40、esent “by bus”L:How can we get to the West lake?If possible students should tell the reasons.4)Present “on foot” S: How can I get to Intime?T emphasizes on foot is very special because the foot is myselves.5)Present “by subway”S:How can I get to Xianlin?T: In _, I can see _.6) Present “by train”S:Ho

41、w can we get to Ningbo?7) Present “by ship”S:How can we get to Zhoushan?T tell the difference of a boat, a ferry and a ship.Step3. Practice.1. listen and number2. Lets chant.You go by subway.And Ill go by taxi.And Ill be at school before you.You go by airplane.And Ill go by a big ship.And Ill be in

42、Scotland before you.3. Play a game “Can you remember”. PS1: How can Linda go _ from _?S2: By _.3. the real situationHow can I get _ from _?Step four Consolidation and Extension 1. Make a travel planStep4. Assessment and homework1) T explains the meaning of the task in the activity book.2) Homework:

43、Listen to tape and read the new words and the chant 5 times.Blackboard design:课后反思课堂教学设计方案 教学内容Unit2 Lesson 2 Part A lets talk教学目标1能听、说、读、写四会掌握句子“Howdoyoucometoschool?UsuallyIcometoschoolonfootSometimesIcomebybike”并能在情景中正确运用。2能够表述自己以何种方式上学并简单陈述原因,如:UsuallyIcometoschoolbybusbecauseitsfast3能够听董Letstry

44、的录音内容并选出正确选项。掌握Letstalkandreadandwrite部分的句型。4学会调查和统计、分析数据,并能表示出来。教学重、难点书写四会句子并能简单陈述选择某种交通方式上学的原因。听、说、读、写句Howdoyoucometoschool?UsuallySometimesIcomeby新|课新|课 | 标|第 | 一| 网 |标|第 |一| 网教学过程设计二次修改意见 Step One: warming up and revision 1. Lets chant.2. Play a game: Hanging ghost. Divide the class into boys an

45、d girls. Spell the new phrases 3. daily talkT: lets go to the nature park?S:_.T: How do we get there?S: _.Step Two: Presentation1.lets talk 1)Free talk: T:How do you come to school?T emphasizes come. And tell the difference of come and get?And gives some examples. 2) Present the dialoguea Watch the

46、VCD and match:How does Mike go to school? How does Amy go to school? And How does Mrs Smith go to school? 3) Read it after the tape.4)read by themselves5)act it outStep Three: Practice and consolidation1) do a survey2) while filling the blanks students have to ask: How do you come to school?.3) repo

47、rt it_ usually come to school_._ often come to school_._sometimes come to school_._ never come to school_.Step Four: Assessment and homework1. Class Exercises: Do the exercises on the AB.2. Homework: Read the dialogue after the tape and practice 5 times, Recite it.Blackboard design:课后反思课堂教学设计方案 教学内容

48、Unit2 Lesson 3 Part B Lets learn教学目标1.能够听、说、认读以下短语:Stop at a red lightWait at a yellow lightGo at a green light能够听、说、读、写短语和单词:stop,wait,traffic lights,traffic rules。2.能够了解基本的交通规则,即红灯、黄灯、绿灯的功能;并能听懂英语指令做出相应的动作。教学重、难点掌握四会短语和单词:stop,wait,traffic lights,traffic rules。书写短语traffic light,traffic rule和理解动词st

49、op,wait的含义。教学过程设计二次修改意见Step One: warming up and revision1) Lets sing. Colour song2) Memory gameT. shows the colours. Ss. Remember and repeat.Step Two: Presentation1) present the topic by showing a pic of a crossing rodT: Look! This is a cross. What can you see at the cross?SS: Car/ bus/ bike/ people

50、/ taxiT: Whats that?( point to the traffic lights)T: Whats its colour?(remember its color)SS: Red-yellow-green-yellow-redT shows some different kinds of traffic lights.T: They are all traffic lights.2) learn the traffic rules:T: What does the colour mean?Red means: Stop and wait. So stop and wait at

51、 a red light.Yellow means: slow down and wait. So slow down and wait at a yellow light.Green means: Go. So go at a yellow light.3) Lets playT: Can you go at a red light? No, its against the traffic rules. Youll be fined. So, lets play a game. We should do different actions according to the lights co

52、lour. T. say-ss do. S say-ss do.Step Three: Practice and consolidation 1)Lets chantyellow light , yellow light ,Slow down and light , red light Stop and wait .green light green light Go,go,go.2) Good to know Lets match the signs with their meanings. crosswalk 行人穿越道 no entry 禁止通行 turn right

53、右转 no bikes 禁止自行车通行 one way 单行 no left turn 禁止右转4) play a sceanfour students as a group and act out the real situation by saying the traffic rules we learn today.T tells the students the importance of obeying the traffic rules and figures out which group is the best to do this.Step Four: Assessment

54、and homework1. T explains the meaning of the task in the activity book.2. Homework: Read the new words and listen 5 times. Blackboard design:课后反思课堂教学设计方案 教学内容 Unit2 Lesson 4 Part B Lets talk教学目标1能够听懂、会说并能书写句型:“How Can I get to Fuxing Hospital”? You can go by the No57bus”能够在情景中正确运用。2能够在对话中正确使用礼貌用语,比如

55、:“Excuse meThank youYoure welcome”等。教学重、难点掌握四会句型:How Can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go By the No15 bus在实际情景中恰当地表达使用某一交通工具到达某一目的地。教学过程设计二次修改意见Step One: warming up and revision1.Greetings:2.daily talk: How can I get to the _? How do you come to school? the traffic rules(lets do and judg

56、e)Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Stop and wait at a red light.Go at a green light.Step Two: Presentation1. Lets tryListen and tick: what does Mrs Smith tell the children to do?2. lets talk1)Listen and answer:Where does Wu Yifan go?2)listen and matchHow to get to the Fuxing Hospital3)listen repeat and teach the new words: helmet and pay attention toa.teach helmetWatch the video and choo

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