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1、人教PEP版四年级上册英语句型转换专项辅导题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 句子加工厂。1My seat isnear the window.(对句子主题意思提问)_is_seat?21 can see11new lights.(对句子主题意思提问)_new lights can_see?3真的吗?让我们去看一看。(汉译英)_? _go and_look.4This is my new desk.(改为一疑问句)5Whats in your classroom?(根实际情况回答)2. 句型转换。1There are eleven pigs in the photo. (改为一般疑问句)_eleven

2、pigs in the photo?2There is a panda in the zoo. (改为否定句)_a panda in the zoo.3are, nice, some, there, photos (.) (连词组句)4the, is, fast, horse, running (.) (连词组句)5girl, under, there, a, is, tree, the (.) (连词组句)3. 按要求完成下列各题。1Is Mike in the study? (作肯定回答)_, he_.2Itsnear the window. (对句子主题意思提问)_is it?3Woul

3、d you like some beef? (作否定回答)_,_.4They are on the table. (改为一般疑问句)_on the table?5My aunt isa nurse. (对句子主题意思提问)_is your aunts_?4. 按要求改写句子。1I likePE and Music.(对句子主题意思提问)_do you like?2They haveMaths and Musicthis afternoon.(对句子主题意思提问)_do they have this afternoon?3I have a swimming lesson today.(用she替

4、换I改写句子)_a swimming lesson today.4We get upat six.(对句子主题意思提问)_you get up?5I like Chinese and Science.(改为否定句)I_Chinese or Science.5. 按要求完成下列各题。1. I am fat. (变成一般过去时)I_fat.2. It was thin. (变成否定句)It_thin.3. They aremy grandparents. (就句子主题意思提问)_are they?4. They were young. (变成同义句)They_.5. then, naughty,

5、wasnt, he (.) (连词成句)6. 按要求改写下列句子。1. Jack likesEnglish. (对句子主题意思提问)2. Kitty and Peter usually play football on Sunday morning. (改为一般疑问句)3. That isMiss Tongstriangle. (对句子主题意思提问)4. Lily likes painting. (改为否定句)5.(根据答句写问句)Yes, I can play the guitar.7. 按要求改写句子。1The gloves are big. (改为单数句)The_big.2This is

6、mycoat. (对句子主题意思提问)_is this?3The boy ismy brother. (对句子主题意思提问)_the boy?4Those jeans are Toms. (同义句转换)Those_.5That is my new sweater. (改为一般疑问句)_new sweater?8. 按要求完成下列各题。1He isdoing exercise. (对句子主题意思提问)2Im going to work. (改为复数形式)3Turn left. (改为否定句)4I go to school. (用be going to 改写)5Dont cross the str

7、eet. (用please改为肯定句)6My grandma issixty-nine years old. (对句子主题意思提问)7There are sixty minutes in an hour. (改为疑问句)9. 句型转换。1Im in New York.(改为一般疑问句)2I amin Beijing.(就句子主题意思提问)3Shall we go to the playground.(改为let型的祈使句)_to the playground.4Its3 oclock.(就句子主题意思提问)10. 按要求改写下列句子。1. Those books are thick. (改为同

8、义句,意思不变)2. I can seeAlices dogin the photo. (对句子主题意思提问)3. What can you do with your nose? (根据实际情况回答)4. The sun rises behind the hill in the morning. (改为一般疑问句)5. you, red, green, apples, apples, like, or, do, (.) (连词成句)11. 按要求改写句子。1My name isDanny._name?(划线提问)2Shesten.(划线提问)_is she?3Im Peters classma

9、te. (一般疑问句)_Peters classmate? Yes,_.4This is my brother. (否定句)This_brother.5Ben likes fly a kite. (否定句)Ben_fly a kite.12. 按要求完成句子。1It is in the living room. (改为一般疑问句)_in the living room?2My pen ison the sofa. (对句子主题意思提问)_your pen?3My mother isin the kitchen. (对句子主题意思提问)_your mother?4It is in your be

10、droom. (改为否定句)It_your bedroom.5Id likean egg and a glass of milk. (对句子主题意思提问)_you_?13. 句型转换。1. my I like new socks (连词成句)2. I go to schoolby bike. (对句子主题意思提问)3. My favourite colour isred. (对句子主题意思提问)4. My favourite school work isto read books. (对句子主题意思提问)5. like we our shirts new (连词成句)14. 按要求改写句子。1

11、I haveChinese and Mathsthis morning.(对句子主题意思提问)_do you have this morning?2I like playing football.(改为否定句)I_playing football.3I have a swimming lesson today.(用she替换I)_a swimming lesson today.4I likeMaths and English.(对句子主题意思提问)_do you like?5She has breakfastat seven.(对句子主题意思提问)When_she_breakfast?15.

12、按要求完成句子。1. Iplayfootballontheplayground. (改为一般疑问句)2. Theygotoschoolatseven.(改为否定句)3. Hecanskateverywell. (改为一般疑问句)4.今天下午我们上三节课。(翻译成英文)5. I have lunchat 12. (就句子主题意思提问)16. 句型转换。1She goes to school on Mondays.(改为否定句)2Li Ming is a boy. He is cute.(合并为一句话)3Thatsa toy car.(对句子主题意思提问)4It will be hot in Ha

13、inan.(改为一般疑问句)5She is a nice teacher.(改为否定句)17. 按要求改写句子。1I like spring.(改为一般疑问句)_like spring?2We likewinter.(对句子主题意思提问)Which_do you_?3These gloves aremy fathers.(对句子主题意思提问)_are these?4The man ismy uncle.(对句子主题意思提问)_the man?5We can go boating in spring.(改为否定句)We_boating in spring.18. 句型转换。1. The book

14、s are in the bookcase.(改否定句)2. The baseball is under the bed.(改一般疑问句)3. The pictures areon the wall.(对句子主题意思提问)4. The baseball is in the bag.(变为复数)5. Are the chairs next to the table?(做否定回答)6. on , T-shirt, the, his, is, bed(连词成句)19. 按要求完成下列句子。1The library ison the second floor.(对句子主题意思提问)_the libra

15、ry?2Is this the teachers office?(肯定回答)_, it_.3It is next to Classroom 3.(变一般疑问句)?20. 按要求改写句子。1My yellow coat ison the sofa.(对句子主题意思提问)_yellow coat?2Lucy isin the kitchen.(对句子主题意思提问)_Lucy?3It is in the living room.(改为一般疑问句)_in the living room?4Come and look.(同义句转换)Come and_.21. 按要求完成下列各题。1. book Engl

16、ish is an it(?)(连词成句)2. have fish we lunch for(.)(连词成句)3.What does your mother like to do in the morning?(翻译成汉语)4. Do you like to dance?(做否定回答)5. What is your father?(根据实际情况回答问题)22. 按要求改写句子。1Its time for school. (同义句转换)Its time_to school.2It isSaturdaytoday. (对句子主题意思提问)_is it today?3We have four les

17、sons in the morning. (改为一般疑问句)_you_four lessons in the morning?4I get upat sevenevery day. (对句子主题意思提问)_you get up every day?5Mike does his homework every day. (改为否定句)Mike_his homework every day.23. 按要求完成下列各题。1. Ill play_my friends next week.A. with B. on C. in2. Robots will do our homework. (变为否定句)R

18、obots_do our homework.3. Will you go swimming next week? (作否定回答)_,_.4. I will help my mother.(变为一般疑问句)5. do everything, Robots, will(.)(连词成句)24. 按要求改变句子。1You have a new car. (用she替换you)_a new car.2They likethe yellow skateboard. (对句子主题意思提问)_they like?3Mary and her father can fly the kites.(改为一般疑问句)_

19、Mary and her father_the kites?4We want this robot. (改为否定句)We_this robot.5The balloons aresmooth.(对句子主题意思提问)_the_?25. 按要求完成句子。1Ilive at the No.2 Park Street.(对句子主题意思提问)2The trainis up the hill.(对句子主题意思提问)3Samis behind the door.(对句子主题意思提问)4The cinema isnext to the supermarket.(对句子主题意思提问)5Did she learn English yesterday ?(否定回答)6I didnt stay at home yesterday .(肯定句)7She played with her dogs yesterday.(一般疑问句)8I walked to the park yesterday .(否定句)11 / 11

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