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1、人教PEP版四年级上学期英语句型转换年级联考习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求完成下列各题。1Thisismymusicroom.(改为一般疑问句)_musicroom?2Its6:30a.m.(对句子主题意思提问)_isit?3ItsrainyinBeijing(对句子主题意思提问)_the_in Beijing?4Arethoseducks?(作否定回答)_,_.5Thisjacketisfortydollars.(对句子主题意思提问)_isthisjacket?2. 根据题意变句型。1This mouse likes to eat bread. (改复数句)_to eat_.2The l

2、adybird is small. (改为否定句,但意思不变)The ladybird_.3I like nice flowers. (I改成Kitty)Kitty_nice flowers.4My aunt isan English teacher. (对句子主题意思提问)What_your aunt_?5The cat isangry and tired. (对句子主题意思提问)_the cat_?3. 按要求改写句子。1. I go to school atseven. (划线提问)_go to school?2. Itsseven oclock. (划线提问)_is it?3. I h

3、ave four lessons in the morning. (改第三人称单数)He_four lessons in the morning.4. I get up at five every day. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_at five every day?_, I_.5. I have lunchat twelve oclock. (划线提问)4. 按要求完成句子。1. I will take a ball. (改为一般疑问句)_you_a ball? 2. Will it be hot in Sanya? (作否定回答)_, it_. 3. Will you take

4、your book tomorrow? (作肯定回答)_, I_. 4. tomorrow, because, Thursday, is (. ) (连词成句)5. I will do my homework. (改为同义句)I_do my homework.5. 按要求完成句子。1. Ican draw a river .(改为一般疑问句)2. He can sing a song .(改为否定句)3. Itisfivethirty. (改为一般疑问句)4.我会画画。(翻译成英文)5. Thatisanappleoverthere (就句子主题意思提问)6. 句型转换。1The cake i

5、sten yuan. (对句子主题意思提问)_is the cake?2Immaking a cake. (对句子主题意思提问)_are you_?3Do you want some eggs? (作肯定回答)_,_.4Do you want some fish? (作否定回答)No,_.5you, some, do, meat, want (?) (连词组句)7. 按要求做题。1. Its fun(英译汉)2.让我们去火车站。(汉译)3. Its8:30(对句子主题意思提问)4. Is there a train to Kunming?(做否定回答)8. 句型转换。1The horse is

6、dancing. (对句子主题意思提问)_is the horse_?2They aredrinking milk. (对句子主题意思提问)_they doing?3pictures, Amy, is, taking (.) (连词成句)4the, on, the, look, lake, at, people (.) (连词成句)5are, tigers, what, doing, the (?) (连词成句)9. 按要求完成句子。1Do you like art?(改为陈述句)2I like fruit. I dont like vegetables.(合并为一句话)3She likes

7、to play games.(改为否定句)4My favourite clothes areshorts.(对句子主题意思提问)5Whats your favourite school work?(根据实际情况回答问题)10. 根据要求完成句子。1. She is wearinga nice skirt.(对句子主题意思提问)_is she_?2. He does his homework in the afternoon.(改为一般疑问句)_he_in the afternoon?3. I want to go tothe restaurantto have dinner.(对句子主题意思提

8、问)_do_want_to have dinner?4. The restaurant has rice and noodles.(改为否定句)The restaurant_rice_noodles.5. you, school, to, go, how, do (?)(连词成句)11. 按要求写单词或句子。1.These are Dads shoes.(改为一般疑问句)2.This isJennyscap.(就句子主题意思提问)3.这双蓝袜子是你的吗?(译成英文)4.它们是妈妈的连衣裙。(译成英文)5.These are my dresses.(改为否定句)12. 按要求完成下列各题。1.

9、Are you a bit shy?(作肯定回答)_,_.2. He is a naughty pupil.(变为一般疑问句)_a naughty pupil?3. This is my friend.(变为复数句子)_my friends.4. clever, He is, very(.)(连词成句)5. a bit, hes, But, shy(.)(连词成句)13. 按要求改写句子。1I will fly.(改为一般疑问句)_fly?2I will take a kite on Sunday.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_take a kite on Sunday?_, I_.3Na

10、ncy is fromLondon.(就句子主题意思提问)_is Nancy from?4She ismy teacher.(就句子主题意思提问)_is_?5They were young then.(改为否定句)They_young then.6That book ismy brothers.(就句子主题意思提问)_is that?14. 按要求完成句子.1The cat is in the study.(改为一般疑问句)2Id likesome rice.(对句子主题意思提问)_you like?3Itson the floor.(对句子主题意思提问)_is it?4Are they in

11、 the living room?(做否定回答)5How many people are there in your family?(根据实际情况回答)15. 对句子主题意思提问。1The cinema isnext to the supermarket.2Samis behind the door.3The trainis up the hill4Ilive at the No.2 Park Street.16. 按要求完成句子。1Ilistened to musiclast Saturday.(对句子主题意思提问)2Its a big city.(改为否定句)3My house is sm

12、all.Its beautiful.(用but连接这两个句子)4You can answer the call.(改为一般疑问句)5This is my house. Its very beautiful.(合并为一个句子)17. 按要求写句子。1I had fish for breakfast. (改为否定句)2He didnt go to the park. (改为肯定句)3It doesnt become gold. It becomes a snake. (改为一般过去时态)4bad, the, was, man, angry, (.) (连词成句)5It became gold. (

13、改为否定句)18. 按要求改写句子。1. He is a driver.(对句子主题意思提问)2. They haveducks on the farm.(对句子主题意思提问)3. She has breakfast at seven.(改为一般疑问句)4. I havemilk and eggs for breakfast. (对句子主题意思提问)5.Do you watch TV at home?(做否定回答)19. 按要求改写句子。1The schoolbag isnear the computer.(对句子主题意思提问)_the schoolbag?2Open the door. (反

14、义句)_the door.3My uncle is tall and strong.(一般疑问句并做肯定回答)4The notebook isgreen.(对句子主题意思提问)5There isa book and two pensin the desk.(对句子主题意思提问)20. 按要求改写句子。1The lion isnt sad. (改成肯定句,意思不变)2There isa sandwichon the table. (划线提问)3Toms uncles got a red car. (改否定句)4Supergirl likes flying. (改一般疑问句)5Those are

15、their balls. (改单数句)21. 按要求完成下列句子。1Ihavefivepictures.(对句子主题意思提问)2Itstimeforlunch.(改为同义句)3Itistenoclock.(对句子主题意思提问)4Itssunnyandwarm.(对句子主题意思提问)5Thatisthemusicroom.(改为一般疑问句)6Thegymisonthesecondfloor.(对句子主题意思提问)22. 句型转换。1This is a duckling. Its ugly. (合成一句)2The boy is jumpingin the garden. (对句子主题意思提问)23

16、. 按要求改写句子。1I havetwoapples.(对句子主题意思提问)_do you have?2We have some pineapples and mangoes.(改为否定句)We_have_pineapples and mangoes.3I have some grapes.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_grapes?Yes,_.4Do you have a book?(作否定回答)_, I_.24. 按要求完成下列各题。1These are my shorts. (改为一般疑问句)_these_?2The gym isunder the music room. (对句子主题意思提问)_the gym?3Is it cool? (作否定回答)No,_.4The gloves are not expensive. (同义句)The gloves are_.5That is a hen. (改为复数句)_.25. 按要求完成下列各题。1I likechicken. (对句子主题意思提问)2Do you like chicken? (做否定回答)3I like hot dogs. (变为否定句)4I like noodles. (变为一般疑问句)5I like noodles.(变为否定句)11 / 11

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