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1、Unit twoFoodReading A1, food refers to something that living creatures take into their bodies to give them strength and help them to develop and to live.食物是指生物摄入体内,从中获得能量帮助其生存和发展的物质。饭店设有一个中餐厅和一个西餐厅the restaurant serves Chinese food and western food.这家店的粤菜不错This restaurant serves good Cantonese food/

2、cuisine.The restaurant serves good fish and picke泡菜)slices in hot sauceCuisine 更多的是指菜系,杭帮菜 Ningbo local cuisine, 川菜 the spicy Sichuan cuisine这里,您可以品尝地方风味小吃taste the local flavors / snacksI will accommodate you in the best hotel, introduce to you the best local flavors and show/guide you around the m

3、ost beautiful places.Accommodation 住宿(费)Take care of your food, accommodation and your fares.Refer to 指一means, is文化是一个民族的整体的生活方Culture refers to the total way of life of a nationStrength实力,长处,优点national strength (综合国力)research and development strength,marketing strength ;do you see any strength with

4、 the Chinese way of management你认为中国式的管理模式有无优点它代表了一种新的文化的诞生,一种集东西方传统优点之大成的新的价值体系。it represents the birth of a new culture, a new values system that incorporates /combines the strengths of the eastern and western cultures.strengthen=enhance=improve 增进相互理解和信任 strengthen/improve/enhance mutual understan

5、ding and trust.2,the process of digestion begins as soon as the food goes into the mouth.Absorbing foreign cultures is a process of taking a bite, chewing and digesting. We should adopt the principle of eliminating the false and retaining the true, discarding the dross and selecting the essential. 吸

6、取外国文化是一个入口,咀嚼和消化的过程。我们应该采取去伪存真,去粗存精,(去其糟粕,取其精华)的原则。You must browse, gently chewing the cud of your idle thoughts, and nibbling here and there at a sight or a touch of the goods that lie about you.Chew the cud of sth 回味,体味,深思 你需要浏览,慢慢的体味着自己闲散的思绪,看看或者摸摸周围的东西,但是不要急着下决定购买。Palate (味觉)=tastehave a good pa

7、late for fine/high arts 善于鉴赏高雅艺术connoisseur(尤其指艺术品的欣赏家,行家)patron 主顾,投资者We Canadians are grateful to these magic trees, because they color the Canadian landscape in autumn and sweeten the Canadian palate in spring.我们加拿大人对这种神奇的树木心存感激,因为秋天他们给加拿大带来美景,春天给加拿大人带来口福 世界各地的风味烹调如:法,俄,意,英,德,日,韩印等外邦菜,比比皆是,各领风骚,清

8、真人士和素食者自有去处,各得 其所You can easily find your way to such competing international cuisines as French, Russian, Italian German and Korean food. Muslin people and vegetarians may well find a place to satisfy their palateOne may easily find his way to those competing foreign food restaurants featuring/serv

9、ing French, Russian, Italian, British, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and Indian cuisines. On top of that, authentic Muslim and vegetarian foods may very well satisfy the palate of those religious enthusiasts and interested parties3, Edible insects are inand big busineIn=popularIn 还可以表示画着妆9欲把西湖比

10、西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜Heavy make-up Light make-upthe west lake is just like a fair lady, always charming in heavy or light make-up.4, however, some species of insects are lower in fat and higher in protein than eggs, beef, pork or chicken, not to mention their wide variety of amino acids. 氨基酸be rich in含量丰富(本身含有

11、的)eggs are rich in protein.Probably 95% of the white bread sold in the United States is enriched with thiamine (硫胺素,维他命 B1) , niacin (肉类,酵母 和某些谷类中的维生素-烟碱酸),riboflavin (核黄素),and iron.外面添加的 be enriched with 美国出售的白面包,有将近95%的富含carbohydrate 碳水化合物, coarse grain 粗粮东方明珠塔最大的球体直径达30米Diameter 直径 hemisphereThe

12、diameter of the biggest sphere is /measures 30 metersThe biggest sphere measures 30 meters in diameter.Species 物种(植物,动Variety 种类 diversity中国地大物博,游人无不叹为观止.Visitors will admire the size and variety/diversity of china.diversity 多元化here you may have a keen sense of the diversity , dynamism and progress

13、of china。你将会强烈的感觉到中国充满活力,不断进取,多姿多彩。Diversified cultural activities 多姿多彩的文化活动5. Craving the crawliesCrave (for) =desire 渴望,渴求she craves for the recognition/acceptance of others 希望得到别人的认可An established company may have some advantages in market share and brand recognition, while a growth company may t

14、ake the lead in innovation and more tailor-made services.这反映了亚欧国家希望获得和平和发展,希望开展交流与合作的共同愿望this reflects the common desire/aspiration/wish for peace and development, exchanges and cooperation between Asia and Europe.Yearn for (desire strongly)渴望,想念 yearn for ones homeland6, he yanks open the heavy ste

15、el door of his cold storage locker, you get the expected burst of snowy frost, along with a moist, overpowering, rancid stench.yank 猛拉(朝某个固定方向,突然的) -表示沉重Jerk 猛拉(朝一个固定方向,快速的)- she jerked her hand away when he tried to touch it.Locker (尤指存放衣物的)小橱柜 left-luggage locker 行李寄存柜(商场的)-depository 储藏室,寄存处 行李认领

16、处/寄存处 baggage claim/depositaryOverpowering rancid stench 强烈的腐臭overpower=overwhelm 强大的使人受不住,压倒,制服(在数量和力量上)The burglars were overpowered/overwhelmed by the police.Overpowering 更多的表示人的个性强悍overpowering personality;overwhelming 更多的表示挡不住的he win the election with an overwhelming majority 压倒性的多Rancid (含脂肪的食

17、物)因变质而有腐臭的味道,腐臭的Stench 恶臭6,nostrils flaring, Tongchart draws the mist into his lungs, this sweet aroma of hard work, money, success; the odor of bugsFlare 火苗发作或达到更加激烈的状态tempers flared at the conference 会议上群情激愤,the violence has flared up暴乱又起(伊拉克)Nostrils flaring鼻翼大幅度一张一合(生气时)Blaze 猛烈地燃烧-表现强烈的感情(通常怒火)

18、he blazed with great anger 他勃然大怒,his eyes blazed 眼里充满怒火Aroma 香味评判中国烹调有三大依据,即色香味the three essential factors by which the Chinese cooking is judged are color, aroma and taste.Fragrance 芳香the soothing and pleasant fragrance of Osmanthus 桂花沁人心脾的香味 初秋的宁波,金粉送爽,丹桂飘香the city is overwhelmed by the pleasant f

19、ragrance of sweet Osmanthus the early autumn is bringing about soothing and relaxing gentle breeze.Balmy 气候温和的the balmy island Hawaii 四季如春的岛洲夏威夷春城the perennially balmy city KunmingThe perennially snow capped mountains 终年积雪的山脉Odor 气味(香的,臭的) the odor of bugs- 名声 An odor of corruption hangs about him.S

20、ucculent 多汁的,味美的(水果) Suck 吮吸Succulent steakSucculent wormsSuck 使人不愉快的 life sucks/ it sucks7, bugs are hot, new culinary item in Thailand. Middle-class Thais in Bangkok are buzzing over the exoskeletal treat虫子是风靡 泰国的新菜肴。曼谷的中产阶级都在谈论这些骨头长在外面的美味佳肴。Culinary 烹饪的- skills烹饪技术,-culture烹饪文化/饮食文化Signature item

21、 招牌菜我国悠久的历史,广袤的国土,与世界各国和海外文化的广泛接触,孕育了中餐烹饪的独特艺术Contact 接触广泛接触 extensive contactsCultivate =foster 培养+ spirits /valuesNurture 孕育+文化/人The Oxford University has nurtured many Nobel-prize winners.The vast/big land of china=the vast expanse of the Chinese territoryChinas long history, vast territory, toge

22、ther with the extensive contact with overseas countries and cultures have nurtured/given birth to the distinctive Chinese culinary arts.Distinctive独特的一distinct清楚的,明显的have a distinct view of the mountains in the distance and the lakes below.Catering 饮食饮食,步行街及观光,购物,饮食,娱乐于一体the walking street incorpora

23、tes /combine such services as sightseeing, shopping, catering and recreational facilities.cater to 迎合The Intime department store especially caters to the citys young consumers.We have a variety of restaurant catering to different tastes and pockets.buzz 充满兴奋地谈话,闲话或谣言the whole office is buzzing over

24、the possible salary increase 整个办公室都在兴奋得谈论着可能的工资上涨。The office is buzzing over the love affairs between the boss and the secretary。The overseas business people are buzzing over investment in China.treat乐事,(尤其是意想不到的,难得的)dumplings! What a treat.The circus is another thing that parents may very well take

25、 their children to see as a Christmas treat.作为圣诞节的一大乐事,父 母肯定会带孩子去看马戏。此处为美食Delicacy 美味佳肴=0!1117 delightsome people regard snails as a great delicacy rich texture 肉质细腻 Coarse texture 肉质粗燥& the business is creating a chain of modest wealth for farmers and sellers虫子买卖为农民和小贩们带来了一定的财富。Some big brands open

26、 chain stores by franchise agreement 一些大的品牌通过连锁经营协议开设分店。Chain store =franchise 连锁店Modest 谦虚的,适度的 到本世纪中叶在全国建立小康社会 build a well-to-do society throughout the country. build a society of modest wealth throughout the country at the turn of the century.Wholesaler - retailerCar-dealer 汽车经销商一4-S car dealers

27、hip9, but as farmers and laborers migrated to the cities during the economic boom of the late 80s and early 90s, they brought their yearning for six-and eight-legged creatures with them.migrate 迁移,国家内部 immigrateemigrateMigrant workers / laborers 民工Labor force=staff我公司有员工 100 人 our company has a labo

28、r force/staff of 100 workersThis company is staffed by 100 workers我校开设英德法日俄五个语种,各语种都聘有外籍教师任教our school offers five foreign language programs, namely , English, German, French, Japanese and Russian. Each language program is staffed by native speakers with teaching qualifications.Faculty 教职员工Economic

29、boom/prosperity经济繁荣The market is very brisk 市场很景气were reintroduced to the wonders of savory creepy-crawliesSavory开胃的,好吃的=&0聞1好吃的美味的=delicate好吃的=yummySavor a cup of tea品茶10. girls start to swarm 女孩子蜂拥过来A swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂,flock(同一种的鸟或羊)一群flocks of sheep羊群herd 兽群,尤指牛群 a herd of cows, elephants 一群牛,象S

30、warm 大群的移动(朝一个方向) 人群一窝蜂的从出口涌出the crowd swarmed out through the gates on a day of good sunshine and gentle breeze, the moon lake is swarmed with visitorsSwarm with 挤满,到处是= crowded with .=be thronged with 熙熙攘攘The square is thronged with people going to cinemas, restaurants or shops 广场上熙熙攘攘,人们前往影院,饭店和商

31、场。Flock 成群结队,群集birds of a feather flock together 人以群分,物以类聚An increasing number of migrant workers are flocking/flooding into the urban area in search of a satisfactory job.Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock in search of f

32、ame and fast money.硅谷就像一个磁铁,吸引着无数天赋异斌的工程师,科学家和企业家,他们从海外云集而至/纷至沓来,寻求功名利禄.越来越多的外资企业正在涌入中国,上海的浦东地区是他们的首选An increasing number of foreign firms are pouring into China, and Shanghais Pudong area is among their best choices.11, but now on a good night, he can make $ 80 in profit.现在一个晚上挣得好的话,利润有80 元He gross

33、es about $ 1000 a day, clears about $ 225,她每天毛收入 1000 块,利润 225 元net income 净收入GDP = gross domestic productionGNP = gross national production音乐之声来杭州演出8 场,挣的 180万the sound of music presented/staged 8 performances and rolled in 1.8 million. This business rolls in moneyhe can afford a good car, he is ro

34、lling(in money) 他有的是钱 he makes big bucks.Pluck 拔,摘,采pluck the feather off the roosterDietary habit 人的饮食习惯rice is the staple food (主食)for the Chinese.Staple 主要的大量出现的事物 wasting has become a staple on the campusShrimp 小虾Lobster 龙虾Crayfish 小龙虾12, the only cloud on the horizon: Thailand is running out of

35、 bugs唯一的担心/不确定因素是,泰国没有虫子了。The national legislation has been clouded /complicated by the scientific and ethical questions over whether and how to restrict cloning or to ban it altogether. 围绕是否以及如何限制克隆或是彻底禁止克隆所产生的科学和伦理问题让全国立法变得扑朔迷离。动词化He confessed before the trial, with tears streaming/running down th

36、e cheeks他在陪审团面前认罪,眼泪滂沱而下The wine dealers refuse to recycle those empty bottles so that they can pocket each 8 cents as profit/ a windfall 酒商不愿意回收空瓶子,这样就可以将每个8分钱纳入囊中,当作以外收获。I was blinded by the prospects of making a fortune abroad想到能够在国外挣大钱,我就迷失了方向Litter 垃圾- 乱丢The river is littered with ship wrecksHi

37、s bedroom is littered with all kinds of strange stuff.开拓眼见;Broaden the vision or the horizon , 充实自己 enrich yourself.9科学技术的突飞猛进,为全球经济和社会发展提供了前所未有的物质技术条件,打开了广阔的空间。The fast advance/development/progress of science and technology has provided unprecedented material wealth and technological conditions for

38、 global economy and social progress, and has opened up a broader horizon/ prospect.a new horizon /prospect 理解成“新的起点,新的高度,迈上一个新的台阶”今年我公司销售总值100万,净利润20 万,这对公司而言是一个新的台阶This year, our company grosses 1 million in sales volume, and clears 200000. This is a new horizon for our company.13, that has caused

39、an ecological imbalance: When the insect population dipped, so did that of birds and reptiles that feed on them.这导致了一场生态失衡,当昆虫数量下降,那些以昆虫为食的鸟类和爬行动物(冷血,卵生)数量也随之减少Dip 浸,沾-9下降到某个平面或高度以下the sun has dipped below the horizon 太阳已经下山Drop 急剧减少,下降Plummet大坡度或快速落下the house price in this area has plummeted 这个区域房价

40、大跌Alaska Airlines Flight 261 plummeted into the pacific Ocean, killing all 88 on board 阿拉斯加航空公司 261次航班坠入太平洋,机上全部88人全部罹难。Plummet (势头汹涌,在高位上跌落)-Plunge (势头汹涌,不一定是高位)突然而猛力的向下the horse plunged into the cliff 马坠入了山崖。Share prices plunged as a result of the gloomy economic forecast经济预测前景暗淡,因而股票价格大跌In the tr

41、oubled times of the Middle Ages, trade between countries dwindled.在中世纪混乱的年份,国家之间的贸易往来减少dwindle 逐渐变少their savings have dwindled (away ) to nothing.Shrink 缩水=dwindleHis assets dwindled/shrank in this economic crisis. RecessionLack of consumer demand and questionable nutritional benefit led to gradual

42、phasing out of these enrichments.消费者需求缺乏以及在营养价值方面疑问最终让营养添加剂慢慢的推出了市场Phase in/out 分阶段引进或废除,终止the use of lead-free petrol is now being phased in 正在逐渐推广无铅汽油The use of energy-saving/efficient lamps is now being phased in. 逐步取消贸易壁垒 phase out the trade barriers.Carnivore 肉食动物Herbivore 食草动物Imminent 即将发生的,即将

43、到来的The imminent danger /disasterScarcity 稀缺 scarce14,he is looking forward to the day when he wont have to break his back farming on his 8 hectaresbreak ones back 压力过大他期待着有一天不用累死累活的在那8公顷的土地上种田工人们在建筑工地上流汗劳作the workers sweat and toil on the construction site每天有一大堆的事情要做,have to plough through a heavy l

44、oad of work everyday.15, with minimal investment for sewer pipes, chicken feed and breeding crickets, and help from university entomologists and a self-sufficiency project sponsored by the royal family, the village will be able to propagate 3-5kg of crickets in each tube every 45 days. 除了排水管,鸡饲料和用来繁

45、殖的蟋蟀这些有限的投资外,他们还获得了大学昆虫学家的指导,以及由皇家发起的一个自给自 足的项目的帮助。该村每个试管45天就能够繁殖3-5公斤蟋蟀.Minimize the risks 将风险降到最低在最大程度上发挥有关双方的优势maximize the strengths of both parties concerned.-optimize 充分利用,optimize the opportunities coming along with/ brought about by chinss WTO entry. Propagate 繁殖 multiply(人和物)-中华民族繁衍生息在中国这块土

46、地上,各民族互相融合。The Chinese people have lived and multiplied on this land, where people of all nationalities have been highly integrated/ have mixed together.Integrated services /facilities 配套设施The sewer pipes 排水管一sewerage 排水系统=drainageThe torrential rain posed a big challenge to the outdated sewerage/drainage system of the city Pose threat to 构成威胁

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