【教案与学案】高考英语听力训练与解题技巧指导(Ⅰ) 学案

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《【教案与学案】高考英语听力训练与解题技巧指导(Ⅰ) 学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【教案与学案】高考英语听力训练与解题技巧指导(Ⅰ) 学案(8页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、听力训练与解题技巧指导() 学案Step I: Warming-up & Lead-in1.Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In an office B. In a library C. In a bookstore2. What are the two speakers talking about?A. A football player B. A football team C. A football match3. What does the woman think of the mans English?A

2、. Excellent B. Acceptable C. Strange解题步骤1、 听前(pre-listening) 审题,预测2、 听时(while-listening) 细听,记录3、 听后(post-listening) 判断,选择Key:遵循解题步骤,勤加练习,熟悉题型,掌握答题技巧等。Step II: Basis for the lesson题型分析高考听力材料的选用非常重视语言真实性和交际性的原则,语言材料一般来源于实际生活, 对话 的内容大都取材于日常生活, 即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、天气、生活环境等话题, 可分为校园、 公共场所、家庭等方面,如:shopping, fi

3、nding the way, doing ones homework, seeing a doctor, making a phone call, weather report, asking for different kinds of information 等。高考考纲要求要求考生听懂有关日常生活中所熟悉话题的简短独白和对话, 考生应能(1) 理解主旨要义; (2)获取事实性的具体信息;(3)对多听内容进行简单判断; (4)理解说话者的意图,观点和态度;Step III : Analysis of typical types1. 场景方向题常见提问形式有:Where does / did

4、 this conversation probably take place?Where are the two speakers?Where can you see such plants?题型特点:此类题的书面选项大都是表示地点或方向的介词短语,主要考查分析推理能力,即根据 对话所提供的信息,推断出对话所发生的地点和场景。1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a restaurant B. In an office C. At homeSkills:a. 仔细辨认对话中的语境相关词,特别是场景词汇及习惯用

5、语.2. Where are the two speakers going to plant the tree?A. By the front door B. At the back of the garage C. At the end of the gardenSkills: b. 注意对话中肯定与否定回答. 例如常见的肯定回答: Yes/ Absolutely/ I agree with you否定回答: No/ Im not sure.练习:1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a classroom B. I

6、n a library C. In a bookstore12. Where are the speakers?A. In a restaurant B. In a hotel C. In a school3. Where will the swimming competition be held?A. At the school swimming poolB. At the Jackson Sports CenterC. At the New Town Swimming Pool2.人物关系及身份题常见提问形式有:Whats the relationship between the two

7、speakers?Who is the man(woman)most probably speaking to?What is the man(woman)?What is the mans (womans)job/occupation/profession题型特点:对话中不会直接提到职业或关系 , 只会用一些相关词作暗示。主要考查能否根据对话内 容、语气及说话者的态度做出正确的判断。1. Who is Chris Paine?A. A computer engineer B. A book seller C. A writerSkills:a. 仔细辨认对话中的职业相关词, 抓住其相关的关键

8、词进行答题。2. Between whom did this dialogue probably take place?A. husband and wife B. teacher and student C. doctor and patientSkills: b. 分析选项目,预测可能出现的词汇,短语,句子。细听,捕捉关键消息判断人物的职业,身份及人 物关系。练习:1. What do you think the woman is?A. A doctor B. A nurse C. A waitress2. What is the probable relationship between

9、 the two speakers?A. Manager and job applicant.B. Teacher and student.C. Professor and teaching assistant(预测关系)doctor and patienttrouble、check、pain、sore(发炎)疼痛的;酸痛的)fever、 、heart、stomach、lungs、blood test、 prescription、when did it start、open your mouth, whats wrong with you?.teacher and studentprofess

10、or, subject, homework, questions, major(专业),hand in, why are you late? shop assistant and customersize、color、try on、price、discount、Can I help you?What size do you wear?Is that cash or charge?husband and wifedear、darling、 sweetheart、my love、cook、picnic、TV、dinner3.推理判断题常见提问形式有:What does the man(woman)

11、 mean?What do we learn from the conversation?Why is the woman so happy?What does the man (woman) imply?2What can be inferred from the conversation?题型特点:说话人表达思想的方式比较含蓄,往往不能为选择答案提供直接的信息。1. What does the woman mean?A. She didnt tell a lie.B. She doesnt tell the truth.A. She didnt choose to talk to the

12、man.Skills:a. 从间接回答中理解言外之意.b. 特别注意对话中的提示词、语气、语调。降调通常表示讲话人的态度是肯定、赞同的2. What does the man mean?A. He had a terrible vocation.B. He remained at home all the time.C. The woman asked a silly question.Skills: c. 注意一些语法的运用,如虚拟语气表示与事实相反, 否定比较级结构表示最高级;It couldnt be better. I couldnt agree more. ;定语从句对人和事进一步修

13、饰。如: She is the person who is always speaking ill of others.练习:1. What does the woman mean?A. Cathy will be at the party B. Cathy is too busy to come C. Cathy is going to be invited2. What does the woman imply?A. The man is so forgetful. B. The man is too careless. C. The man is over confident.3. Wh

14、at do we know about the girl?A. She is new to the school.B. She writes for the school newspaper.C. She seldom asks questions in class.4.观点态度题常见提问形式有:What does the man(woman)say about/think of.?How does the man(woman) feel/ like about.?Whats the mans(womans) opinion about.?题型特点:根据对话者说话的语音、语调、语气以及谈话内容

15、,判断出说话者对某人、某事物的看 法或态度。1. What does the man think about the vacation?A. Itll be a long vacation.B. Its only a dream.C. Itll be great.Skills:a. 细辨表示观点的形容词, 推断出谈话人的意图和看法。2. What does the man think of Picasso?A. He thinks that he is the greatest Spanish painter.A. He doesnt consider him the best Spanish

16、 painter.A. He is sure that he can become famous.Skills: 注意两个人的态度是否相同,如果不同,要分清各人的态度,因为这时问题往往问的是其中 一人的态度或看法,不要混淆。练习:1. How does the woman think about her work?3A. It is very good. B. It is hard to say now. C. It keeps her very busy. 2. What does the woman think about the mans idea?A. Its interesting.

17、 B Its worth trying. C Its impractical.Step IV: Conclusion题型 场景方向题示例Where does the conversation most probably take place?Where are the two speakers going to plant the tree?解题技巧1. 仔细辨认对话中的语境相 关词,特别是场景词汇及习惯 用语;2. 注意对话中肯定与否定回 答。人物关系及身 What are the two speakers talking1. 仔细辨认对话中的职业相份题推理判断题观点态度题Step V: H

18、omeworkabout?Between whom did this dialogue probably take place?What does the woman mean?What does the woman imply ?What does the man think about the vacation?How does the woman think about her work?4关词 , 抓住其相关的关键词进 行答题。2. 分析选项目 , 预测可能出现 的词汇 , 短语 , 句子 , 细听 , 捕捉 关键消息,判断人物的职业,身 份及人物关系。1. 从间接回答中理解言外之 意;2. 特别注意对话中的提示词、 语气、语调;3. 注意一些语法结构的运用, 如虚拟语气表示与事实相反, 否定比较级结构表示最高级; It couldntt be better. I couldntt agree more. ; 定语从句对人和事进一步修 饰。1. 细辨表示观点的形容词 , 推断出谈话人的意图和看法。 2. 注意两个人的态度是否相 同,如果不同,要分清各人的 态度,因为这时问题往往问的 是其中一人的态度或看法,不 要混淆。

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