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1、 议论文包括三个要素:论点、 论据和论证。 论点 是作者对所议论 的问题所持的见解和主张, 论据 是用 来证明论点的事实和道理, 论证 是用 论据证明论点的过程,也就是论述的 方法。它有:归纳法,推理法、人们 常用的方法是对照法,即把正反两方 面相互对照,然后加以分析,以说明 事物;驳论法,先列出错误观点,然 后加以逐条批驳,最后阐明自己的观 点。 议 论 文 议论文有时也要运用说明、叙述、描写等 手法。但记述和描写是为论点提供根据的。 因此,叙述是概括的,描写是简要的。 议论文体的书面表达试题一般都有 具体要点(即论点或论据)的限定, 并不需要考生纵横捭阖、旁征博引。 但是,一篇 100字左

2、右的议论文,同样 要求逻辑严密、结构清晰、语言洗练; 必须论有中心,言而有据。下面先从 其 篇章结构 方面谈谈写好一篇小议论 文的基本方法与技巧。 一、 篇章结构 1.遵循写作规律 主题句 正面论述 反面论述 结论 指论点 指论据 (实事和道理) 就 学 校 规 定 ( 课 余 时 间 学 生 只 能 呆 在 自 己 的 教 室 里 ) 的 话 题 展 开 论 述 , 步 骤 如 下 : There is nowadays much discussion about whether or not children should stay in their own class- rooms du

3、ring break times. Personally I believe that children can never be kept in the classrooms between classes. 表 明 作 者 观 点 第 一 段 正面 论述 “ 课间不能只呆在教室里 ” 的理由。 I would argue that break times are our only opportunity to choose what we want to do 第二段 批驳反面观点或进一步阐述正面观点 Another reason why people say that children

4、have to stay in their own classes at break times is that it would be difficult to organize dinners if they are out. 最 后 用 不 同 的 语 言 再 次 强 调 正 面 观 点 。 2. 确保 论证 直接为主题服务 在上例中,“学生课间 不能 只呆在自己的 教室里”是主题句,论述时应该牢牢抓住 这一中心。切不可跑题,写成流水账,使 中心涣散。如: 也许有同学会这样写:“ 学生若在课间大 范围地活动,就可交到更多的朋友,交到 更多朋友就可以学习到更多知识,学到更 多知识就可对社会

5、做出更大贡献”。 这种 论述方式每一句都是对前一句的承接,貌 似环环相扣,承前启后,实际上是中心涣 散的流水账。 3. 确立并写好 分论点 分论点一般置于段首;以保证文章纲举目张、 条理清晰。如: 使用互联 网的益处 1.资源丰富 2.节省时间 3.方便交流 和沟通 Some students regard it as a great helper. Since there is a lot of information on line, yo u can surf the internet for an y information you need in a s hort time with

6、out working h ard in the library. It is also very convenient to communicate with others by using the internet, Continued 使用互联 网的弊端 1. 内容良莠兼有 2. 沉迷网络游戏 会影响学业 3. 过多使用会影 响健康 However, other students think that there is some information on line that is not good for the students. In addition, spending too

7、 much time playing games on line will not only have a bad effect on study but also do harm to our health. Therefore, we should make proper use of the Internet. It is of great importance for us to separate good plants from wild weeds. Practice (31) 现在很多中学生出国留学。据环球时报报道, 澳大利亚驻华使馆 2002年签发的留学签证有 50%给了高中生

8、。假设你是学生李华,请给某 报编辑写一封信,根据以下所给要求,明确表 示 赞成还是反对 中学生出国留学(只能选一种 观点)。 赞成: 1、 与中国相比,国外教育有诸多优点, 如: 2、 在国外接受教育,可以培养学生多方 面的能力,如: 反对: 1、 与中国教育相比,国外教育可能存在 诸多问题,如: 2、 过早留学,可能给学生在精神上、学 习上及经济上造成诸多负面影响,如: 赞成 Dear editor, I think it is good to send teenagers abroad for further study. 分论点 Compared with Chinas educatio

9、n, foreign education has many advantages. Details 1 2 3 Closing ( 这是全文的 论点 或称为 主题句 ) 反对 主论点 Dear editor. I dont think it is good to send teenagers 分论点 Compared with Chinas education, foreign education has many problems. Detailed 1 2 3 Closing 请看下面两个描 写 “ 居住在城 市的好处 ” 的例 子。 Firstly, it is very conveni

10、ent in daily life. There are many shops and supermarkets in a city. I can buy everything I need easily in these places. When I am sick, I can easily see a doctor in any clinic or hospital. Transport services are good in a city. When I want to go somewhere, I can take a bus or train or something else

11、. There are also many kinds of entertainment in a city. Public buildings (such as libraries) and parks can easily be found in a city. First, it is convenient and comfortable to live in a city. To begin with, there is good housing in a city, and all the houses and flats are well equipped with good fa

12、cilities and surrounded by modern amenities 令人愉快之事物 such as places of entertainment, public libraries and parks. Question: Which do you think is better, the first or the second? Why? 二、学习写起始句 Learning how to write a beginning 假如你是某报的小记者,近来对大学生 的就业观点及专家的看法进行了采访 。 请根据下列要点为报社写一篇 报道 。 什么人做了什么事 涉及到什么问题 焦

13、点是什么 或作者的观点是什么 ? ? ? Recently I have had an interview with some university students and experts about their opinions on job choosing. Example 1. (28) Example 2( 21) 假设你是某中学英文报的小记者, 对中学生 课外上网 的 利弊 进行调查采访。 以下是学生们对上网的看法,请你根据 它们的观点写一篇简要的 调查报告 ,并 呼吁正确使用互联网。 Ive had an interview with some students about t

14、he advantages and disadvantages of getting on line (surfing the Internet) out of class. Some students regard it as a great helper. With the development of compu- ter technology, the Internet has be- c ome more and more popular. (more and more students like surfing the Internet for any information th

15、ey need.) Some students regard it as a great helper. Example 3 (9) 假设你是李华,最近你校同学就如 何处置公共场所吸烟、吐痰等不文明行 为 展开了讨论 。争议在于是 该提醒还是 该罚款 。请给某报社写一封信,客观介 绍讨论的情况。 Dear editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion we recently had about how to deal with bad behaviors in public, like smoking and spitting. Tha

16、t is , to remind or to fine. 三班的同学进行了 一场有关英语学习的讨 论。讨论的题目是: 学习英语 要不要 从儿童 时期开始?请你根据 下面的提示写一篇短文, 介绍讨论的情况。 即 学 即 练 一些同学认为: 1.应从儿童时期开始学习英语 2.儿童时期记忆力好,可以记住很多单词 3.能为以后的英语学习打下坚实的基础 另一些同学认为: 1.不应从儿童时期开始学习英语 2.儿童时期即要学汉语拼音又要学英语 ,易混淆 3.会影响汉语学习 结论: 讨论未取得一致意见 注意 ! 3. 词数: 100左右 4. 参考词汇: 打基础 lay a solid foundation

17、汉语拼音 Chinese pinyin 1. 组织文章的起始句,明确写出主论点: 2. 分论点 Details One possible version The students of Class 3 had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood. Some of them think that English learning should start from childhood. As little boys and girls have very good

18、memory, they can learn a lot of English words by heart. This will help them lay a solid foundation for their future English learning. But others do not agree. Young children have to learn Chinese pinyin at school. If they study Chinese pinyin and English at the same time, It will be very easy for th

19、em to mix them up. This will do a lot of harm not only to their Chinese learning but also to their future English learning. In short, the students have not arrived at any agreement yet. ( No agreement was reached.) 三、词汇运用 1、 多用书面语,少用口头语。因为使用 书面语言用词更加规范、正式,表达 效果上较口头语略胜一筹。如: 1) We still have social pr

20、oblems. The same social problem still exists today. 2) With the development of computer technology, commercial information exchange is becoming easier. Computers have greatly influenced business communication. 2. 使用连接词 列举理由时运用表示顺序的词语:如: first of all, second, most important of all等 , 可以使文章脉络更加清晰。 Fir

21、st of all, it was hot. Second, it was ugly. Most important of all, the room smelt bad. 使用连接词可使表达层次分明 The water was polluted. As a result, the fish died. However, others think we should have junk 肉类 food. On the other hand, packaging 包装 can have many disadvantages. 3、巧妙过渡、衔接 The main reason for that

22、is the lack of space on the playground. . It is also important to think about the development of the year six childrens. In conclusion, I feel the year sixes playing football on the field . 1.确定文体、文章的时态、人称、格式以 及标题。 2.分析、确定文章的要点。即反、正方的 观点 4.认真审题,正确理解提示语,对有提示 语的作文题目,必须根据提示,围绕中心 准确表达 . 四、总结写作技巧 3. 对行文所

23、需材料(词汇、短语、句型等) 要心中有数;对可能出现的困难要尽早 发现,以便及时调整思路 ( adjust the train of thought) Practice 38. 17 某英语报正在就中学生 可不可以带手 机上学 这一话题开展讨论。假如你是李 华请你根据下表所提供的信息,向该报 编辑写一封英文信, 发表观点 。 手机的优点 1.便于与父母和朋友联系; 2.能增加乐趣 . 带手机上学 存在的问题 1.上课时使用手机干扰教学 ; 2.用手机聊天、发短信费时费钱。 建议 1.上课时不许使用手机; 2.贵重物品,个人宜妥善保管。 Dear editor, Im a senior thre

24、e student. Im writing to tell you my opinion on whether middle school students can go to school with mobile phones. I think they can do that. Because students can stay in touch with their friends and family wherever they are.besides, the mobile phone is a way to have fun. However, there are some pro

25、blems with using mobile phones. The ring of phones can disturb teachers and students in the classroom. Another problem is that some students can spend too much time and money on phone calls and sending messages. In conclusion, I suggest students not use phones in the classroom. Also, as it is expensive, the own should take good care of it. yours sincerely, Li Hua

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