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1、各国英语口音概述各国英语口音概述英国口音英国口音英国口音的特点,就是阴阳顿挫,几乎每个音节都发的清清楚楚,长韵母音和短韵母音有十分明显的区别。而美式英语里面则有点含糊不清,大部分的长韵母音都被截短。比如说 class 中的 a 音,属于长韵母音,英国人一般都发得比较完整。而美国人往往读成短音,听上去和 bad 里面的 a 音差不多。又如 aunt,美国人几乎无一例外发成 ant,让人搞不清楚他们到底是说自己的阿姨,还是家门口的蚂蚁。英国口音往往对位于弱音节上的清辅音发得十分清晰,美国人则经常把清辅音读成浊辅音。比如 battery,美国人读来就如同 Baddery。实上我国以前中小学英语课上使

2、用的英语发音,都是基于英国标准的(现在新课标已经开始使用美音了)。中央电视台的英语频道,以及外交部发言人对外国记者的谈话,也基本上都是英国式的英语。国外媒体当中,BBC 是公认的英国式英语的典范。影视明星当中,休格兰特(主演四个婚礼和一个葬礼)是牛津毕业,操一口标准的上层社会的英音。美国口音美国口音事实上美国各地的口音差别并不大。除了上述对长韵母的截短之外,美国人往往把-ing 读成-n。美国东部美国东部 美东的发音,由于地理上靠近英国,因此很多方面更类似英国口音。有一位教授毕业于普林斯顿(位于新泽西),前几星期上课,我都以为她是英国人,后来经过多方证实,才知道她是地道美国人。语言学上有 rh

3、otic 和 non-rhotic accent 的说法。Rhotic accent(儿化音),具体来讲,就是 r 不论做辅音(比如 red),还是做元音(比如说 four),r 都发音。与之相反的是 non-rhotic accent(非儿化音),这种发音风格是只发辅音 r,不发元音 r。英国人和部分美东地区以及小部分南方地区,都是属于非儿化音。美国大部分地区则为儿化音。因为美国东部开发较早,人口流动性比较大,口音混杂的很厉害。目前为止,我还没有找到能够突出反映美东口音的影视作品。很多剧集虽然把地点设在美东,比如 Friends(六人行)和 Sex and the city(欲望都市),但是

4、这些剧集不能完全反映美东的口音。名人当中,歌手 Clay Aiken 是北卡罗莱纳人,他的发音特别奇怪。美国南部美国南部美国南方经济落后,民众普遍受教育不高,因此长期被美国其它地区的人看不起。南方大部分为农业区,农民被蔑称为 red neck,意思是他们整天在太阳底下晒着,脖子发红。Red neck 随后成为美国南方白人的代名词。美国南方口音的特点就是拖长音,什么元音都拖的老长,而且词与词当中没有停顿,通通连读。再加上南方人爱用鼻音,他们的对话听起来就像两个感冒的人在聊天。事实上南方口音是很容易遭到嘲笑的。名人当中:布什总统在德州度过大半生,讲话略带南方口音。著名心理节目主持人 Dr.Phil

5、 McGraw 是南方人,讲话口音很重。影视节目:凡是背景设为美国南方的电影,几乎都是清一色的非常容易辨别的南方口音。比较著名的有阿甘正传和动画片山大王(King of the Hill)。姚明去的休斯敦,属于美国南方口音的特例-墨西哥湾沿海地区,据说这个的地方的人说话是南方口音+美东,不能证实。美国西部美国西部西部由于接纳大量移民,因此口音混杂交融。比较突出的是 God 里面的 o 音被拖长为 Gaad,把 leg 发成 layg。澳洲口音澳洲口音澳洲最早是英国的殖民地,被用来发配犯人,后来又有大量淘金者涌入。澳洲口音常常省略辅音 h,直接发后面的元音。比如 how 经常发成 ow。澳洲人称

6、朋友为 mate,而且喜欢夸张的发成 myte。于是有一个著名的笑话,说澳洲游客总喜欢缠着导游说:“Where are we going to die?”(我们到哪里去死?)原文是 Where are we going today?澳洲人把 today 念成 to die。名人:很多在好莱坞发展的澳洲明星,比如 Nicole Kidman,Hugh Jackman 和 Russell Crowe,说话多少带澳洲音。Nicole 似乎最不明显。影视作品:海底总动员(Finding Nemo)里面的鹭鸶,鲨鱼,牙医,都是典型的澳洲音。其他口音其他口音日本口音日本口音日语只有5个元音,长短都一样,因

7、此日本人通常难以应付元音众多的英语。韩国口音韩国口音朝鲜语单词连读,最后一个音节拖长。很多韩国人也就这么说英文。此外他们无法分辨 l 和 r,也无法发出 th 的音。印度口音印度口音很多印度人自以为英语很好,但是他们说出来的英语除了他们自己,谁都听不懂。印度人对英语的停顿掌握很差。我们把英美以外的国家的英语发音做了个分类,难易程度分为三档:第一档以澳大利亚为代表,只要懂一个不同的词的口音就够了,比如data在澳洲的发音“打他”,这就足够了,剩下的都一样。第二档以新加坡为代表,对于新加坡英语发音,只要背过“一颗真实的树”就够了。因为在新加坡英语里面的 One,Two,Three,发音对应为标准的

8、 One,True,Tree,走到哪里都是这个发音。而第三档,就是以日本和印度为代表的卷舌音派英语。比如日本把 Silk 会发音为 Siloko,而印度英语的“Data”这个单词的发音,听完了后耳朵里面基本都打结了。有个自认为英语还不错的同事,起码他的英语水平在非英语系国家都能听的懂,有次印度IT进行远程技术支持,双方在开始前先联 Netmeeting,一个IP地址,不加点最多12个数字,两个人互相说了30分钟始终不能连上 印度人英语口音重、语速快,说起话来满嘴里跑舌头,辅音r发颤音,乍听起来很难懂。所以国内单位接待印度客人,往往是几个本单位的英语高手一起上阵,竖着耳朵聆听,有时候听完了还要在

9、互相之间热烈讨论一番才敢翻译。印度式英语发音的另一个主要特点就是把标准英语中本应该咬舌送气的音th简化为 t。而且印度人发的t的音,又接近d的音。所以印度人自己也拿这个发音特点开玩笑,当他们说“我30岁了”(I am thirty),听上去就是“我有点脏”(I am dirty),因为 thirty(三十)的发音和 dirty(肮脏)混淆了。1968年美国拍摄的狂欢宴(The Party),著名喜剧演员塞勒斯扮演一位倒霉的印度土包子,满口印度腔英语,一路插科打诨自我解嘲,周旋于美利坚高等白人之华屋盛宴,漏子捅了一个又一个,至今还是美国人模仿印度腔英语的经典。玩笑归玩笑,实际上印度英语可是英语大

10、家族最重要的成员。早在15世纪英语就随着英国商人进入了印度,到现在保留了许多现代英语已经很少使用的词汇。我的印度同事起草给项目执行单位的信里总是有这么文绉绉的句子:Please intimate(请告知),或者 You will be intimated shortly(不久你们就会被告知),同样的意思,美国同事就直截了当写:Please let us know 和 You will be informed shortly。因为印度人口远超过英国人口,以至于已故英国著名作家马尔科姆蒙格瑞奇(Malcolm Muggeridge)曾经这样说过:“世界上最后一个英国绅士没准是印度人”(The la

11、st Englishman would be an Indian)。对我来说,最不习惯的是印度绅士们什么情况下都使用现代进行时,比如 I am understanding it(我明白),She is knowing the answer(她知道答案).这可不是古苏格兰的语法,而是受了印地语的影响的变味英语。受印地语影响的常用印度英语还有 Your good name please?(你叫什么名字?)问人家岁数的时候可以用这样委婉的说法:Whats your good number?甚至可以问:When is your happy birthday?(什么时候生日快乐?)印度英语发音规律:WA

12、 DIM=WHAT TIMEI D LIG DO CHANGE DE GALA=ID LIKE TO CHANGE THE COLOR关键点:P发BT发DK发GR发L没有爆破音和清辅音Exercise1.爱尔兰口音英语爱尔兰口音英语 Q:So its a very important charity?A:It is yeah.,but I even to give it more from myself since I have children.爱尔兰口音英语爱尔兰口音英语 Q:So its a very important charity?A:It is yeah.Charity has

13、always been important to Westlife as a whole,but I even to give it more from myself since I have children.苏格兰口音英语苏格兰口音英语(Do you play games with the other teams in the league?)UhGames are normally for Wednesdays and Saturdays.has recently being promoted to the higher division as we came top in the le

14、ague last year.I see basketball as a hobby and to keep fit.苏格兰口音英语苏格兰口音英语(Do you play games with the other teams in the league?)UhGames are normally set up for Wednesdays and Saturdays.My university team has recently being promoted to the higher division as we came top in the league last year.I see

15、basketball as a hobby and a great way to keep fit.法国口音英语法国口音英语 You see,_,_.But they were cast aside.But in a few very_ days,it will be back where it belongs with me.法国口音英语法国口音英语 You see,200 years ago,my family should have inherited the throne of England.But they were cast aside.But in a few very sho

16、rt days,it will be back where it belongs with me.西班牙口音英语西班牙口音英语 You can imagine people everybody very very happy with their team,because,you know,as well as the other countries.西班牙口音英语西班牙口音英语 You can imagine people from children to old people-everybody very very happy with their team,because,you kno

17、w,the Spanish economic situation is not very good as well as the other countries.意大利口音英语意大利口音英语The Italian man who went to Malta One day,Im gonna to Malta to a big hotel.In the morning,_.I tell the _ that I want 2 pieces of toast.She brings me only one piece.I tell her I want 2 piece.She say _.I say

18、 you no understand,I want 2 piece on my plate.She say you better no piss on the plate,you son of a b*ch!_ and she calls me a son of a beach.One day,Im gonna to Malta to a big hotel.In the morning,I go down and to eat breakfast.I tell the waitress that I want 2 pieces of toast.She brings me only one

19、piece.I tell her I want 2 piece.She say go to the toilet.I say you no understand,I want 2 piece on my plate.She say you better no piss on the plate,you son of a b*ch!I dont even know the lady and she calls me a son of a beach.澳大利亚口音英语澳大利亚口音英语 Well do the right thing for Australia:,stop new taxes and

20、 stop the boats.Thats our action contract.Thats what were standing for.澳大利亚口音英语澳大利亚口音英语 Well do the right thing for Australia:end Labours wasteful spending,pay back Labours debt,stop new taxes and stop the boats.Thats our action contract.Thats what were standing for.非洲口音英语非洲口音英语 Weve been notified b

21、y IAAF that Caster Semenya has been to participate anywhere in the world.We have thought and then that leads to Africa.We will do everything to go and participate wherever she would like to prepare for the international event.非洲口音英语非洲口音英语 Weve been notified by IAAF that Caster Semenya has been relea

22、sed and free to participate anywhere in the world.We have thought who was really excited about her release and then that leads to Africa.We will do everything in our power to assist her and her coach to go and participate wherever she would like to prepare for the international event.G:I had a small

23、 in Madras.Made just enough money to survive.One day this policeman comes in and .I said OK.This is common.So I pay him.But the next day,the same policeman come and keep coming and keep coming.And I am paying him and Im paying him and Im paying him and Im paying him._?印度口音印度口音T:Gupta,_(1)_?G:What di

24、d you say?T:_(1)_?G:_(2)_._(3)_.T:Why?G:I had a small tobacco shop in Madras.Made just enough money to survive.One day this policeman comes in and tells me I owe him some tax.I said OK.This is common.So I pay him.But the next day,the same policeman come and keep coming and keep coming.And I am payin

25、g him and Im paying him and Im paying him and Im paying him.And finally,on the fifth day,I take a knife and I stab him in his chest.T:You killed policeman?G:No.I just missed his heart.But the time they tried to arrest me,I run away.T:So you never go home?G:If I go home,I go in the jail for seven yea

26、rs.韩国口音英语韩国口音英语 Korea is a very .About 85%of Korean youth enter university or college.In fact,.韩国口音英语韩国口音英语 Korea is a very highly education oriented society.About 85%of Korean youth enter university or college.In fact,its been a long time since a university degree did not guarantee a privilege.复述练习

27、复述练习日本口音英语印度口音英语日本口音复述练习日本口音复述练习Hello!Everyone all over the world!You are watching DOGA-DOGA SEVEN!DOGA-DOGA SEVEN is an internet video site for all Japanese culture lovers.We have Japanese animation channel,Otaku channel and TV star channel.They are going to be updated weekly and lots of new videos

28、 are up coming.Please check us out and have fun!We are always waiting for you!印度口音复述练习印度口音复述练习I do,however,have a few conditions.First,at all times,Im to be treated as a colleague and an equal.Second,my contributions shall be noted in all published materials.And third,you are never allowed to lectur

29、e me on Hinduism or my Indian culture.Homework巴基斯坦口音英语巴基斯坦口音英语 by 巴基斯坦外长巴基斯坦外长【BACKGROUND】Pakistani foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has invited Indias foreign minister S.M.Krishna for a peace talk.Shah Mehmood Qureshi says both ministers had a good phone conversation.“,recognizing the challenges,recognizing the fact that ,recognizing the fact that ,but is there.

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