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1、管理导论知识点整顿附样卷Efficiency:A measure of how well or how productive resources are used to achieve a goal. Effectiveness:A measure of the appropriateness of the goals an organization is pursuing and of the degree to which the organization achieves those goals. Planning:Identifying and selecting appropriat

2、e goals and courses of action Organizing:Structuring working relationships in a way that allows organizational members to work together to achieve organizational goals. Organizational Structure:A formal system pf task and reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates organizational members

3、so that they work together to achieve organizational goals. Leading: Articulating a clear vision and energizing and enabling organizational members so that they understand the part they play in achieving organizational goals. Controlling:Evaluating how well an organization is achieving its goals and

4、 taking action to maintain or improve performanceRoles of managers: Decisional: Entrepreneur,Disturbance Handler,Resource Allocator, NegotiatorInterpersonal: Figurehead, Leader, Liaison; Informational: Monitor,Disseminator,Spokesperson. Managerial Skills: Conceptual skills: The ability to analyze an

5、d diagnose a situation and to distinguish between cause and effect. Human skills: The ability to understand alter, lead, and control the behavior of other individuals and groups. Technical skills: The job-specific knowledge and techniques required to perform an organizational role. Big Five Model of

6、 Personality Traits: Extraversion:The tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and to feel good about Negative affectivity:The tendency to experience negative emotions and moods, to feel distressed, and to be critical of oneself and others. Agreeableness:The tendency to get along well with

7、 other people. Conscientiousness: The tendency to be careful, scrupulous and persevering. Openness to experience:The tendency to be original have broad interests, be open to a wide range of stimuli, be daring, and take risks. Instrumental Values: Ambitious, broad-minded, capable, cheerful, clean, co

8、urageous, forgiving, helpful, honest, imaginative, independent, intellectual, logical,loving,obedient, polite, responsible,self-controlled. Emotional intelligence: The ability to understand and manage ones own moods and emotions and the moods and emotions of other people. Organizational culture: The

9、 shared set of beliefs expectations, values, norms, and work routines, and work routines that influence the ways, in which individuals, groups, and teams interact with one another and cooperate to achieve organizational goals. Stakeholders: The people and groups that supply a company with its produc

10、tive resources and so have a claim on and stake in the company.Ethics:The inner-guiding moral principles, values, and belief that people use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is the right or appropriate way to behave.Rules for ethical decision making: Utilitarian rule:An ethic

11、al decision should produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Moral rights rule:An ethical decision should maintain and protect the fundamental rights and privileges of people. Practical rule: An ethical decision should be one that a manager has no hesitation about communicating to

12、 people out side the company because the typical person in a society would think the decision is acceptable. Justice rule:An ethical decision should distribute benefits and harm among people in a fair equitable, and impartial manner. Task environment: Competitors, Suppliers, Distributors, Customers.

13、 General environment: Technological forces, Sociocultural forces, Demographic forces, Political and legal forces, Global forces, Economic forces.Programmed decision making: Routine, virtually automatic decision making that follows established rules or guidelines, usually according to reasoned judgme

14、nt. Non-programmed decision making: No rules to follow, usually according to intuition. Administrative model: An approach to decision making that explains why decision making is inherently uncertain and risky and why managers usually make satisfactory rather than optimum decisions. General Criteria

15、for Evaluating Possible Courses of Action: Legal? Ethical? Economical? Practical? Groupthink: A pattern of faulty and biased decision making that occurs in groups whose members strive for agreement among themselves at the expense of accurately assessing information relevant to a decision. Corporate-

16、level plan: Corporate mission and goals, corporate-level strategy, Design of corporate structure control. Business-level plan: Divisional goals, business-level strategy, design of business-unit structure control. Functional-level plan: Functional goals, functional-level strategy, design of functiona

17、l structure control.Five-force model: The level of rivalry among organizations in an industry, The potential for entry into an industry,The power of suppliers, The power of customers, The threat of substitute products.Four factors affecting organizational structure: Organizational environment, Strat

18、egy, Technology, Human resources Job enlargement: Increasing the number of different tasks in a given job by changing the division of labor. Job enrichment: Increasing the degree of responsibility a worker has over his or her job. Divisional structure: An organizational structure composed of separat

19、e business units within which are the functions that work together to produce a specific product for a specific customer.Hierarchy of authority: An organizations chain of command, specifying the relative authority of each manager. Span of control: The number of subordinates who report directly to a

20、manager.Tall and flat organization: 多层次于扁平式构造是一种相对旳概念。我们须将组织旳规模与职权层级一并考虑才能决定组织是多层次构造或扁平式构造。多层次构造旳职权层级较多,整体旳构造较像金字塔;扁平式构造旳职权层级较少,较为分权,控制幅度也较宽。近年来,由于企业环境日趋复杂且变动迅速,再加上资讯科技导入,因此有所谓旳组织瘦身化与组织适应化旳运动出现,两者皆但愿到达精益组织旳目旳,而其执行旳成果即为组织构造日趋扁平化。 Control systems: Formal target-setting, monitoring,evaluation,and feedb

21、ack systems that provide managers with information about how well the organizations strategy and structure are working.Feed-forward control: Control that allows managers to anticipate problems before they arise. Concurrent control: Control that gives managers immediate feedback on how efficiently in

22、puts are being transformed into outputs. Feedback control: Control that gives managers information about customers reactions to goods and services so that corrective action can be taken if necessary. Output control: Financial measures of performance, Organizational goals, Operating budgets. Bureaucr

23、atic control: Control of behavior by means of a comprehensive system of rules and standard operating procedures.Four steps of control process: Establish the standards of performance, goals, or targets against which performance is to be evaluated, Measure actual performance, Compare actual performanc

24、e against chosen standards of performance, Evaluate the result and initiate corrective action if the standard is not being achieved. Intrinsically motivated behavior: Behavior that is performed for its own sake. Extrinsically motivated behavior: Behavior that is performed to acquire material or soci

25、al rewards or to avoid punishment. Expectancy theory: The theory that motivation will be high when workers believe that high levels of effort lead to high performance and high performance leads to the attainment of desired outcomes. Expectancy: In expectancy theory, a perception about the extent to

26、which effort results in a certain level of performance. Maslows hierarchy of needs: Physiological needs, Safety needs, Belongingness needs, Esteem needs, Self-actualization needs. Motivator-hygiene theory: A need theory that distinguishes between motivator needs and hygiene needs and proposes that m

27、otivator needs must be met for motivation and job satisfaction to be high.Equity theory: A theory of motivation that focuses on peoples perceptions of the fairness of their work outcomes relative to their work inputs. Operant conditioning theory: The theory that people learn to perform behavior that

28、 lead to desired consequences and learn not to perform behaviors that lead to undesired consequences. Sources of managerial power: Expert, Reward, Coercive胁迫, Legitimate法统, Referent. Trait model of leadership: Intelligence, Knowledge and expertise, Dominance,Self-confidence,High energy, Tolerance fo

29、r stress, Integrity and honesty, Maturity. Contingency models of leadership: Relationship-oriented leaders: Leaders whose primary concern is to develop good relationships with their subordinates and to be liked by them. Task-oriented leaders: Leaders whose primary concern is to ensure that subordina

30、tes perform at a high level. Transformational Managers: Are charismatic, Intellectually stimulate subordinates, Engage in developmental consideration. Subordinates of transformational managers: Have increased awareness of the importance of their jobs and high performance. Are aware of their own need

31、s for growth, development, and accomplishment, Work for the good of the organization and not just their own personal benefit. Transactional leadership: Leadership that motivates subordinates by rewarding them for high performance and reprimanding them for low performance.Sample Test on Introduction

32、to Management Section I: Single Choice Questions: 1. The people within an organization who are responsible for supervising the organizations use of its resources are known as: A) managers. B) efficiency experts. C) effectiveness experts. D) strategists. E) restructurers. 2. The process which manager

33、s use to select appropriate goals for the organization is called: A) organizing B) leading C) planning D) controlling E) demonstrating 3. One managerial implication of the justice model is that managers should base their decisions on: A) the effects on stakeholders rights B) what provides the maximu

34、m benefit to most stakeholders C) whatever promotes a fair distribution of outcomes D) arbitrary factors E) the organizations culture 4. A manager performs a financial analysis of each alternative in order to determine which alternative is most likely to impact the organizations profitability. This

35、manager is focusing on which criterion for decision-making? A) Practicality B) Ethicalness C) Economic feasibility D) Dialectical inquiry E) Legality 5.The tendency of a person to be careful and persevering in work-related tasks is known as: A) conscientiousness. B) the locus of control. C) negative

36、 affectivity. D) agreeableness. E) openness to experience. 6. Which type of organizational strategy states in which industries and in which markets the organization intends to compete? A) Divisional-level strategy B) Departmental-level strategy C) Functional-level strategy D) Corporate-level strateg

37、y E) Business-level strategy 7. When PepsiCo purchased Frito-Lay and expanded its operations into the snack-food business, this was an example of which type of strategy? A) Vertical integration B) Concentration on a single business C) Diversification D) International expansion E) Low-cost strategy 8

38、. The ability of a manager to give or to withhold rewards to subordinates is known as: A) reward power. B) legitimate power. C) expert power. D) referent power. E) coercive power. 9. A subordinate performs a dysfunctional behavior, and her manager administers an undesired consequence to the subordin

39、ate. This is known as: A) extinction. B) positive reinforcement.C) negative reinforcement. D) equity. E) punishment. 10. In Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory, needs that are related to the nature of the work itself and the degree of challenge contained in the work are known as: A) motivator needs.

40、 B) expectancy needs. C) instrumentality needs. D) hygiene needs. E) valence needs. Section II Essay Questions 1. Abraham Maslow developed a needs hierarchy model of motivation. Discuss the different kinds of needs in this model and give one specific example of each of thesetypes of needs in terms o

41、f a managers behavior. 2. March and Simon developed three important concepts in their administrative model of decision-making. Discuss these three concepts and explain how they would apply to a realistic business-decision situation of your choosing. Section III Case Study ABC company has a four leve

42、ls in its hierarchy of authority, from CEO at the top, to senior managers, and then to middle-level managers, and finally non-managerial staff at the bottom. Each level of employees have the power to make critical decisions on those own tasks. Anybody may talk to CEO about his or her ideas about the

43、 companys business. ABC Company produces and sells software that is solely used by the countrys defense industry. The defense industry is highly demanding for quality of software and often changes its requirements on software. In order to guarantee the stability and performance of the software, ABC

44、company hired engineers who are highly skilled in their professional field. At the same time, ABC company must make its products distinct from those of its competitors, or ABC may lose its appeal to the customers of the defense industry. Questions: 1. Please define the type of organizational structu

45、re (formal or flexible) that ABC company adopted. And why do you think so? 2. Explain why ABC company adopted this organizational structure by analyzing the four factors that determine organizational structure. ACCCA DCAEA Section II Essay Questions 1. Answer: Maslows needs hierarchy includes physio

46、logical needs, safety needs, belongingness needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. 2.Answer: The three important concepts in this model are bounded rationality, incomplete information, and satisficing decisions. March and Simon believed that managers do not have the mental ability to absorb and evaluate all of the possible relevant information for a complex decision.

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