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1、 中考英语最后冲刺复习一 6.8课程安排:中考英语相关题型答题技巧初中英语阅读理解的解题技巧(一)先读问题,弄清考查要点,以便能带着问题看文章,这样会心中有数。一般问题的顺序是根据原文段落安排的顺序来提问的,所以再看每个问题时可以按照段落顺序的安排来快速定位问题里的相关字眼。(二)快速浏览全文,注意发现与问题有关的信息和字眼并用笔划出来做出记号,带着问题去做题,同时选择答案,必要时用排除法,文章中一般有答案,有的甚至是原原本本的,如果时间紧,至少要扫视一下起首段和尾段。(三)再看问题时再浏览原文定位到问题的相关字眼时并在原文里不能直接找到答案的要细读原文里的某些段落或句子,捕捉相关信息词,掌握

2、短文细节内容。这是解题的关键,应特别注意以下几点:1 抓住四个W和一个H,就是边读边用铅笔做些标记,把What (事件),When(时间),Where(地点),Why(原因),How(经过)划出来。抓住了四个“W”和一个“H”,就抓住了文章的全貌,一些直接性的问题便可解决。2抓住连接词及起关键作用的副词、代词、介词、插入语等。因为这些词具有因果,让步,递进,转折,指代,列举及承上启下等各种连接上下文的特殊功能。这对考生分清文章层次,辨明各种关系,了解人物心理,推断作者意图,进行逻辑推理等手段来分析难点,都具有举足轻重的作用。3 注意领会文章的寓意。4根据题意,初选答案。这一步须仔细审题,领会测

3、试要求,确定解题方法。对那些明显的,有把握的题可以断然确定,不必把其余三个答案再作推敲而浪费时间:有些略难的题,应再查阅短文(不是重读一遍),迅速找出依据,予以排除。常用的解题方法有如下几种: 直接解题法。即从原文中直接找出答案。 归纳解题法。对于不能从原文中直接找出答案的可在把握全文中心和线索的前题下进行概括、归纳得出正确答案。 综合推理法。读者需统观全文,认真分析,综合推理及至计算,最后归纳出正确答案。题干中有suggest, conclude, conclusion, probably, reason, because, according to“等字眼时,属于推断概括型,考查内容着眼于

4、全篇,考生应具备一定的分析归纳,推理等逻辑思维能力。 捕捉关键词。在阅读时应该注意与问题相关的同义词,近义词,反义词或同位词等信息词来得出正确答案。 转换解题法。即原文这么说,而在问题和所给选项中则用另外的词去转换一种说法,但仍表示同一含义。 排除法。根据语言,句法结构,信息词和常识,在没有把握的选项中用排除法得出正确答案。典型例题分析(一)根据内容,从短文后每题的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。Mr Brown first went to look at the underground - fire when he was seven. Through the hole(洞)in the eart

5、h you could see the orange fire, but you had to look fast because it was so hot, said Mr Brown. In 1898, he saw the fire once more(再一次).Now, we can only see the smoke. The fire Mr Brown saw is not the underground - fire. In fact, there are 260 coal(煤)fires in the world. They are harmful(有害)and dange

6、rous. Then how to put them out?Scientists have tried to set(放置)fire to underground coal to speed up(加速)the fires. In this way, the burning(燃烧)of underground coal would be soon finished.(被烧完)。1. Mr Brown first saw the underground - fire _. A. at the age of seven B. seven years old C. in the year of 1

7、898 D. more than(超过)80 years ago2. Mr Brown said that we had to take a fast look at the fire because _.A. it was in the hole B. it was very hot C. it was orange D. it was harmful3. How many coal fires are there in the world?A. Theres only one. B. Its hard to say. C. There are 260. D. The article(文章)

8、doesnt tell us.4. Whats one of the best ways to put out(扑灭)the underground fire?A. To cover(覆盖)the holes with stones(石块).B. To speed up the fires.C. To see the fires burning. D. To do some experiments(试验).5. What is the best title(标题)for the article?A. Watching the Underground - Fire.B. A Way to Put

9、 Out the Coal Fires.C. The Burning Earth.D. Coal and Coal Fires. (二) 1990 was a significant year in world eventsIn February,Nelson Mandela was set free after 27 years in prisonIn October,East and West Germany became one country againThen at the end of 1990,the World Wide Web was bornFor this final e

10、vent we have one man to thank,Tim Berners Lee,the father of the Web Berners Lee was born on June 8,1955 in London,EnglandHis parents,both computer designers,encouraged him to think and work creatively as he grew upHe was an excellent student and naturally took an interest in computers and science Af

11、ter graduating from Oxford University,Tim went to work at a science research centre in SwitzerlandThere he developed some of the different systems that would later become the WebThe first was HTML,the computer language used to make web pagesThe second was an address system that let computers anywher

12、e find each other and send and receive informationIn 1990,while still at the science centre in Switzerland,he put them together to make the first Internet browser(浏览器)It could run on any computer and allowed people to create website to share their information with the rest of the world Tim knew that

13、 the more people used the Web,the more useful it would beHe wasnt interested in money but knowledge,so he gave out his invention for free to anyone who was interestedMany were interested and the growth of the Internet began Today Tim works as a professor at the MIT in America,researching new and int

14、eresting ways to use the WebHe has received many awards from governments and organizations for his effortsHe is still not very interested in moneyThat is why he is so admired by his students and workmatesIt may also be one of the reasons that few people outside the world of technology know his name阅

15、读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。( ) 1The underlined word significant (in Paragraph 1) most probably means _ Astrange Bterrible Cimportant Ddifficult( ) 2Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? AThe address system was used to make web pages BThe World Wide Web was created in Switzerland

16、CThe first web browser was very expensive to buy DMany people could use the Internet before 1990( ) 3What can we learn about Berners Lee from the passage? AHe was encouraged to be creativeBHe didnt do well at school CHe is a very poor businessman DHe is well known all over the world( ) 4Where does B

17、erners Lee live today? AEngland BSwitzerland CAmerica DCanada( ) 5What is the passage mainly about? A.The events that took place in 1990 B.The history of the Internet C.The invention of the Internet browser D.The man who created the Word Wide Web二 完型填空解题技巧 “完形填空”要求考生不仅要会运用自己学过的词汇和语法知识(特别提醒:所以平时单词的背诵

18、、短语的积累及语法知识的掌握很重要,强调平时的积累)妥善地处理好每个单句,理解语义,还要处理好单句之间以及单句与全文之间的内在关系,选出适当的词填上,使文章完整与通顺。“完形填空”旨在测试考生的综合应用语言能力。因此,要做好“完形填空”,不仅要具备一定的词法、句法和惯用法等语法知识,而且还要具备阅读理解能力、综合分析能力和运用语言知识的实践能力。在做完形填空题时,通常先弄清语境,并依据上下文进行合理的分析、判断,才能作出恰当的选择。具体可分为以下三步:1. 通览全文,了解大意答题时,应先越过空档,通读全文,理顺题意,找出信息词。(特别提醒:所以做完型时也最好有拿笔做记号的习惯)。这是做好完形填

19、空题的关键。因为完形填空的特点是着眼于整体理解。有些同学习惯于提笔就填或边读边填,急于求成,然而,欲速则不达,结果往往由于只见树木不见森林而事倍功半。因此我们应该依据首句给的启示,通过逻辑思维,借助短文中关键词所提供的信息,越过空档,尽快把全文读完,建立语言的整体感,帮助我们了解短文大意。(特别提醒:通读目的主要看时态,人物,地点和事件)2. 细读全文,并开始做题,先易后难通览全文后,认真观察选项,瞻前顾后,仔细推敲,逐项选定(特别提醒:切记要上下文联系在一起选项)。遇到困难,暂放一边,先易后难,这是解题之道。当遇到难以判断的空档时,不妨先放一边,继续往下做。因为有些答案是必须通过下文的理解后

20、才能作出断定的。有时,前后信息之间还有相互提示作用。因此,当我们遇到难题时,不能久久停留于此,这样会浪费不必要的时间。3. 复读检验,消除疏漏完成所有空档后,还要再次通读全文,看看这时的短文行文是否流畅,意义是否连贯,逻辑关系是否合理。复查时,可从语法入手,检查一下句子的时态、主谓一致、代词的性、数、格以及词语的搭配等是否正确。 实例点拨请根据下面短文内容,在短文后面的四个选项中选择一个能填入空白处的最佳答案。Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are children, _1_

21、 students are young people. Why do all these people want to learn_2_? It is not_3_to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school. It is one of their _4_. Many people learn English because it is_5_in their work. Some young people learn English_6_their higher studies because some

22、 of their books are_7_English. Other people learn English because they want to _8_newspapers in English. Some people learn English because they want to _9_ in the USA, England or Australia. English is very_10_in our life (生活).( ) 1. A. all B. the other C. both D. other( ) 2. A. English B. Chinese C.

23、 maths D. Japanese( ) 3. A. hard B. easy C. good D. nice( ) 4. A. books B. classes C. schools D. subjects( ) 5. A. good B. useful C. fine D. pleased( ) 6. A. for B. of C. to D. from( ) 7. A. in B. with C. at D. of ( ) 8. A. look B. see C. look at D. read( ) 9. A. go B. work C. like D. come( ) 10. A.

24、 help B. helping C. helps D. helpful 情景交际解题技巧:答题时要面向整体内容,切忌片面理解。答题时,跳过空行,快速把全篇对话通读一篇,了解对话的整体结构,把握对话的内容及语境。语境决定了语言的表达方式、双方说话人的态度以及表达的内容。如在餐馆、图书馆、车站、商店等不同的地点,都有各自的语言表达方式。因而,在做题时,应在理解全篇对话内容的基础上,准确地把握语言环境,把自己“置身”于语境之中, 理解双方谈话的意图。3. 抓好关键词,进行推断,使填词后组成的句子结构完整、合理。考查的形式是补全对上句问题的回答或者是补全对下句所要回答问题的提问。因此一定要注意前后照

25、应,关注上下文之间的密切关系。做题时,可以根据上句的信息推断下句的信息,通过下句的信息推断上句的信息,即:要填前面的空行,看后句的信息,要填后面的空行,看前句的含义。如在打电话时,上句问 “Whos that speaking?” 那么下句所选的就应是 “This is” 。如在餐馆,下句的内容是 “A bottle of beer, please.”那么上句就应该是 “What can I do for you?”或 “Can I help you?” 这样前后对照,才能使上下文相适应。4. 注意对话的表达要符合英美人的风俗习惯。不同的国家有不同的风俗习惯、生活习惯等等。在语言交际中也有各种

26、不同的差异。在交际语言的选用中 ,由于受到各自的文化背景的影响,表达的方式也就不同。因而,在补全对话过程中,所选的句子要符合英美 人的习惯。凡有像 “Have you eaten?”; “What do you want to buy?” 这类句子在对话中都应避免使用。08年厦门中考情景交际根据对话情景A;Can I help you, madam?B: Yes. I 86._this T-shirt here yesterday. But I found something 87._on it when I got home.A; You should have looked it over

27、 carefully yesterday 88._ you paid for it.B:I wish to change (换) it for a clean one.A:Im sorry, but weve sold out all T-shirts 89._this.B.Then Ill change it for another 90. of T-shirt or get my money back.A: Sorry, madam. We can do neither of them. I think we can only try to91._it for you.B : Well ,

28、 I should speak to your manager. Please get him for me. A:OK, wait a moment. Ill go and see if he is free.11年厦门中考情景交际A: Maria, I dont think youve been here before, have you?B: No, Ive traveled to many 86._ in China. But this is the first time to come to Beijing. A: I hope that youll like it.B: Im su

29、re I 87. _. Ive heard a lot about the Great Wall and Ive been dreaming of 88._ it for years. Now Im glad that my dream will come true finally.A: Thats 89. _. Thank you. By the way, hows the 90. _ this time of year?A: Its usually warm and sunny. It is the 91. _ season of the year in Beijing.B. So I c

30、ome here at the right time.A: Sure, you do.历年厦门中考情景交际根据情景提示,用恰当的句子或短语填空92. 你去商店买把吉他, 想询问售货员它的价格, 你应该说:Excuse me , _93. 你想知道笔友汤姆的兴趣爱好是什么, 你应该说: _, Tom?94. 你的同学邀请你去参加个晚会, 你很想去, 但是没有时间, 你应该说: _95. 你想告诉父母你长大后要当个工程师, 你应该说:_ when I grow up.你想知道那支钢笔的价格是多少,你可以这样问售货员:(92.)_?你想询问露茜是哪一年出生的,你可以这样问她:一(93)_ , Luc

31、y?你想邀请迈克来参加你的周末派对,你可以这样对他说;Can(94.)_this weekend, Mike?你想知道南希是什么时候出生的,可以这么问:92. _, Nancy?你想问售货员那本书多收钱,可以这么问:93. _ the book?你想让别人知道你会弹吉他,可以这么说:94. _.你想告诉父母,你将来要当一个演员,可以这么说:95. _ in the future.你想知道你们班新来的同学叫什么名字,你可以这样问:77.Hello, ,please?你想知道Sarah上周末过的怎么样,你可以这样问:78. ,Sarah?你想告诉你的笔友你个性外向,你可以这样说:79.I thin

32、k 。你想告诉王老师你擅长唱歌和跳舞,你可以这样说:80. ,Mr. Wang.厦门中考单项选择( )21. I plan to go out for a trip, but Im afraid I dont know the_. A map is helpful, I think. A. price B. way C. time( )22. Do you enjoy your school life?Yes, of course. Ive had_wonderful time here. A. a B. an C. the( )23. The_letter in the word devel

33、op is v. A. second B. third C. fifth( )24. May I borrow your dictionary, Jim? Oh, sorry. It isnt_. A. his B. hers C. mine( )25. Would you like some milk in your tea? Yes, please. But just_. A. little B. a little C. a few( )26.What do you think of the Chinese food?Very_. I like it so much. A. delicio

34、us B. awful C. funny( )27. Could you tell me_it is from here to the science museum?Its about half an hours walk. A. how far B. how long C. how soon( )28. Ive been collecting old coins_ten years ago. A. for B. about C. since( )29. I hear Jay Chou will come to Xiamen.Really? _he comes, I will be very

35、happy because Im a big fan of him. A. If B. Until C. Unless( )30. The English song_very nice. Can you guess who is singing? A. smells B. tastes C. sounds( )31. Did you notice your mother go out a moment ago? No, I didnt. I_TV then. A. have watched B. am watching C. was watching( )32. This morning I

36、went to school in such a hurry (匆忙) that I _ my notebook at home. A. left B. forgot C. lost( )33. I cant give up smoking, doctor.For your health, Im afraid you_ A. may B. can C. have to( )34. Jenny won the first prize in the piano competition. She was so excited that she _all night. A. stayed up B.

37、showed up C. made up( )35. Do you often get online?Yes. I_lots of time on it. Its a good way to kill time. A. cost B. spend C. take( )36. Attention, please! All the mobile phones must _ before the meeting starts. A. turn off B. be turned off C. be turning off( )37. Could you tell me_? He is an actor

38、. A. who he is B. what is he C. what he does( )38. Jack, there is someone in the office_ would like to speak with you. A. who B. which C. whom( )39. What does your uncle look like? A. He is outgoing B. He likes fishing C. He is of medium build( )40. Why not join us in the game, Nancy?_, but I have t

39、o do the dishes first. A. Yes, please B. Id love to C. Lets go中考分类作文好词好句(接上周)4. 彼此沟通信息get information about 了解 express ones idea(feelings)in English用英语表达自己的思想(情感) apologize to sb. for 为向某人道歉thank you for 感谢你 take a message for sb. 给某人带口信hear from sb. 从(某人处)听说 explain sth . to sb. 向某人解释某事look upon sb

40、 as 把某人认为 take sbs side 站在某人一边;支持某人5. 事件中人的态度show sb ones thanks 表示感谢 give sb a meaningful smile冲某人意味深长的一笑 call on sb. to do sth . 号召某人做某事 think highly of sb. 对某人评价很高 force sb. to do sth . 强迫某人做某事 offer to do sth . 主动提出做某事 refuse to do sth . 拒绝做某事 agree to do sth . 同意做某事 regret doing sth . 遗憾做过某事6.

41、事情过程do sth . as usual 像平常一样做某事 do what he wants us to do做他让我们做的事 try ones best to do sth . = go all out to do sth .尽力做某事 get into trouble 陷入困境help sb. out 帮助某人解决困难;帮忙 have the habit of doing sth .有做某事的习惯have no trouble in doing sth . 做某事没困难 make up ones mind to do sth .下决心做某事 give up doing sth . 放弃做

42、某事 find a way to do sth . 找到做某事的pass the time doing sth . 做某事来消磨时间 cant help doing sth . 禁不住做某事feel a little excited about doing sth .对做某事感到有一点兴奋 7. 感官活动与思维活动be delighted in doing 做某事很愉快 take a pleasure in doing sth . 做某事很高兴be sick for ones home 怀念家乡 have a strong desire to do sth .对做某事有强烈的愿望。 catch sight of 看见have a good understanding of 对能很好地理解consider sb. (sth.)to be 认为某人(某物) come to know 开始认识到realize that +从句 认识到

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