2016新版广州六年级英语上册U2 详细教案

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《2016新版广州六年级英语上册U2 详细教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016新版广州六年级英语上册U2 详细教案(8页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、 课题复习与巩固U2的单词与课文+复习一般现在时的用法+综合练习1. 四会:会听、会说、会读、会写U2的单词;2. 能正确使用and, when, but, so, because, after, before, if 等连接词连接两个句子;3.掌握动词第三人称单数的变化规则;【只言片语】一、单词回顾_(外)祖父_挤奶_骑_花费_仍然_在帮助_空气二、短语回顾_在一个小农场里_骑自行车_挤牛奶_很多工作要做_回到家_一种健康生活_觉得疲惫_在农村【说文解字】一、 课文回顾Ms White : Children .We have a new student in our class . This

2、 is David .Ms White :同学们。我们班来了一个新同学。这是David.。Jiamin : Hi, David .Where are you from?Jiamin:你好,David。你从哪里来?David : Im from New York City in America . I was born there .David :我来自美国的纽约市。我在那里出生。Janet : Do you like living in our city?Janet :你喜欢住在城市吗?David: Oh yes .It is small but quiet . The streets are

3、 very clean and the people are nice . Things here are cheap ,too.David:是的。这个城市很小,但很安静。街道很干净,人们也很友好。这里的东西也很便宜。Jiamin :Whats New York like?Jiamin:纽约是什么样子的?David :Its a big and modern city but its quite noisy .And everything is very expensive in New York.David:它是一个现代化的大都市,但是太嘈杂。而且纽约的一切都很昂贵。二、句子回顾写出下列句子

4、的英文意思:1. 我喜欢住在农村里,但我经常很忙。_2. 我帮助爸爸挤牛奶。_3. 我每天可以喝到大量新鲜的牛奶。_4. 这大概花费我40分钟。_5. 放学回家后,我仍然有很多工作要做。_6. 我总是很忙,但我从不觉得累。_7. 我认为乡村生活是一种健康的生活。_三、知识点详解live in + 大地点;如:I live _ Guangzhou. 2. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事; help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事如:I sometimes help my mother _ _. (做家务)I love help my mother with

5、 _. (做家务)3. more than+数词 超过,多于如:More than thirty students are boys in our class. plenty of = a lot of = lots of + 可数名词复数/ 不可数名词,表示许多、大量5. It takes about 40 minutes. 这大约要花二十分钟。(1)It takes sb. + 时间+ to do sth. 表达花费某人多少时间他花了两天时间去读这本书。_6. be busy doing sth = be busy with sth 忙于做某事He is busy _ homework.

6、= He is busy _homework.【综合练习】一、根据首字母及句意写出单词。1. A c_ life is a h_ life. 2. Every day I help my dad m_ the cow.3. They are f_ the pigs. 4. It t_ me about one hour from my home to school.5. Can you g_ the book to me. 6. You can p_ some apples from the trees.二、选择题。( ) 1. Is she_ her homework? No, she_.

7、A. do, doesnt B. does, isnt C. doing, is D. doing, isnt( )2. Look! The cousins _ new sweaters. A. are wearing B. wearing C. are wear D. is wearing ( ) 3. Dont talk here. My father and mother _. A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep ( ) 4. Listen! The birds _ in the tree . A. sing B. si

8、nging C. is singing D. are singing( ) 5. Who _ over there now? A. drawing B. is draw C. is drawing D. draw ( ) 6. They come from different _ A. country B. countries C. a country D. countrys ( ) 7. How many _ do you see in the picture? A. tomatos B. tomatoes C. tomato D. the tomato ( ) 8. Would you l

9、ike _ ,please? A. two glass of water B. two glasses of water C. two glass of waters D. two glasses of waters( ) 9. I live _the third floor. A. at B. on C. with D. in( ) 10. Thanks for _those books to me. A. take B. takes C. taking D. takeing( ) 11. It _him about ten minutes.A. take B. taking C. take

10、s D. takeing( ) 12. He likes _his father _the cow. A. helping; milks B. helping; milk C. helps; milk D. help; milks一、选择a或an填空。_pen _bag _apple _big apple_banana _orange _orange _useful pen_hour _house _umbrella _universityIs it _Chinese book or _English book?This is _ ring, and it is _orange ring.Th

11、ere is _ picture on the card.This is _bike. Its_old bike.This is _telephone number.That is _ ID card.I lost my keys.Its _set of keys.Its_apple,not_pear.This is _useful knife.There is _bench in the park.二、根据具体情况回答问题。1. Where do you live? _2. How does your father go to work? _3. Do you like country li

12、fe? Why? _4. What time does your mother wake up every day? _5. How long do it take from your home to school? _【综合练习2】一、选择不同类的单词,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内。( ) 1. A.finish B. busyC. fresh( ) 2. A. healthyB. airC. good( ) 3. A. seldomB. neverC. milk( ) 4. A. chickenB. duckC. feed( ) 5. A. tiredB. houseworkC.clean

13、 二、看图,根据图意和首字母提示,把下列句子补充完整。1.These people are p_ a_ now.2.Look, the farmers are c_ g_ in the field.3.The boy p_ t_ in the garden yesterday.4.I usually r_ to s_ in the morning.5.Xiaoling usually f_ c_ after school.三、选择最佳答案填空,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内。( )1.Sally _ the park now.A. is visitingB. visits C. visit( )

14、2.Listen, the girls _ an English song in the music room.A. is singingB. are singing C. sing ( )3.Jack _ exercises every morning.A. takesB. is taking C. take ( )4.There are many _ on the hill.A. oranges treeB. oranges trees C. orange trees ( )5.Are they _ in that big house?A. dance B. dancing C. danc

15、es ( )6.The farmers cut grass _ these sheep.A. feedingB. feed C. to feed ( )7.Do you have any other _ in that country?A. friendsB. friend C. friend s ( )8.I can see some ducks _ the river. They are swimming happily.A. in B. under C. on ( )9.The children love _ ice cream very much.A. eat B. eating C.

16、 eats ( )10.Mike usually helps his mother _ housework at the weekend.A. do B. does C. doing 【小升初特训之现在分词+可数名词复数的变化规则】一、 现在分词的变化规则1. 一般在情况下,在动词词尾加_。gogoingplayplaying2. 以不发音的字母e结尾动词,先去_再加_。makemaking3. 以重读闭音节结尾,且动词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先_这个辅音字母,再加_。runrunning swimswimming二、可数名词复数的变化规则1. 一般的名词词尾直接加_ 。2. 以s,es, c

17、h,sh, x 结尾的名词,在词尾加_ 。3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,要先将_改为_再加_。4. 以f 或fe 结尾的名词,要将_或_改为_再加_。【巩固练习】一、用单词的适当形式填空:1. Look! Chen Jie and Mike are _(sing)now. 2. The small bear _ (climb) the tree. 3. My father is _ (read) a newspaper in living room now. 4. Ted is _(answer) the phone. 5. My uncle is _ (drive) a car. 6. L

18、ook, he students _(listen) to their teacher carefully.7. Chen Jie _(wash) clothes now. 8. His sister is _ (write) an e-mail.9. We _(clean) the classroom now. 10. _ you _(work) on my computer now? 11. They _(play) basketball now. 12. Look, the tiger _(not walk).13. The elephant is _(drink) water with

19、 its trunk.14. _the monkeys _ (swing) now?15. Tom_(not play) the compute now.二、 判断句子的正误,正确的写“T”,错误的请在横线上改正:1. Hes writing a story. _2. Your mother is reads a magazine now. _3. Im ridding a bike. _4. The lions are walking. _5. Hes drawed a picture. _三、 根据中文填空:1. Sandy 正在弹钢琴。 Sandy _ _ the piano. 2. 听

20、, 她们正在说英语。 Listen, _ are _ English. 3.我正在做家庭作业。 I _ _ my homework. 4.她正在写信吗? _she _a letter? 5. Zhang Peng 和Tom 在树下下棋。 Zhang Peng and Tom _ _ chess under the tree. 6. 你们正在植树吗? -_ you _ trees? -Yes, we are.四、写出以下单词的复数. I _ him _ this _ her _ watch _child _ photo _ diary _ day_ foot_ book_ dress _ too

21、th_ sheep _ box_man_ woman_ paper_ juice_ 五、判断正误。下例表述正确的,在题后横线上打“”,错误的改正并说明其错误原因。 1、sheeps_ 2、buses_ 4、a onion_ 5、 some boys_ 6、five goose_ 7、two womans_ 6、 10、a paper_ 11、three bottle of water_ 7、 12、two babys_ 13、peachs_ 14、potatoes_6、 15、foxs_ 16、some leafs_ 17、photoes_ 7、 18、dogs_ 20、mouses_作业布置1、写作:你喜欢农村生活吗?为什么呢?(不少于35字。)

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