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1、人教新目标七年级英语下册 Unit1 词汇专练(有答案)一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.My sister cant (play) the violin.2.Lets (join) the sports club!3.Bob likes (watch) basketball games on TV.4.His friend John (have) an art lesson on Wednesday.5. (she) favorite subject is P.E.6.They (be) busy this week. They cant go to the store with you

2、. 7.Can you (speak) Japanese?Sorry, I cant.8.There is a (sing) club in our school. Do you want to join it? 9.Mrs. Miller often (tell) us some interesting stories in her class. 10.The twin brothers would like to join a (sport) club. 11. Lang Lang can_ ( play ) the guitar very well.12. Tom is good at_

3、 ( sing ) Chinese songs.13. Do you want_ ( join ) the chess club?14. You can join the story_ ( tell ) club.15. I want to join a_ ( sport ) club.16. About 200_(people) will come to the party next week.17. He wants_(make) friends with the two boys.18. Mr. Wang and his son are great_(musician).19. Thes

4、e_(drum) are Lucy and her brothers.20. You can_(write) your name on the card, Mike.二、根据字母提示填空1. Grandma usually t_ interesting stories to the kids.2. Leo is an English boy, but he can s_ good Chinese.3. Alex is good at d_ pictures.4. My favorite subject is music, and I can play the p_.5. Jack likes

5、w_ stories. He w_ a story yesterday.6. Gina wants to j_ the music club.7. Mary likes singing and dancing. She wants to be a m_ in the future.8. Welcome to our school. Let me s_ you around.9. There are two p_ in the classroom. One is a teacher, the other is Marys mother.10. Can you help us t_ the mus

6、ic? Sorry, Im too busy.11We want to j_the swimming club12I cant sing but I can d_wellI want to join the dancing club13His father often plays s_with him on Sundays14I can speak Chinese and I can a_speak English15Do you like to play the d_?16My mother is at h_now17I want to w_a letter to my friend18Sh

7、e can play the v_but she cant play the guitar19-Are you free t_? Yes20The old man can t_many interesting stories三、根据汉语提示填空1. Mary can_ (跳舞) well.2. Dont_ (画)on the wall.3. Shall I tell you a funny_ (故事)?4. Please _ (写) in pen on both sides of the paper.5. Mr. King is the most famous talk_ (节目) host

8、in America.6. Please_(告诉) me about your old school.7. Amy hopes to_(写作) a book one day.8. Does Jerry like these TV_(节目)?9. -What do you think of the two_(故事)?-Theyre interesting.10.Millie is probably at lunch_(或者) in a meeting.11. The English_(故事) are interesting and fun. We like them. 12. My parent

9、s are very_(忙碌的) every day.13. Beethoven(贝多芬) is a great m_.14. Here are lots of_(人) in the room.15. My uncle can_(制造) model places.16. Miss Wang_( 教) us English.17. Lets go to the library_(今天).18. I have two music lessons every_(周末).19. Simon_(认为) biology is a very difficult subject.20. What_(语言) d

10、oes he speak?参考答案一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.play 2.join 3.watching/to watch 4.has 5.Her 6.are 7.speak8.singing 9.tells 10.sports 11. play 14. telling 15. sports12. singing 13. to join16. people 17. to make18. musicians 19. drums 20. write二、根据字母提示填空1.tells 2.speak 3.drawing 4.piano 5.writing wrote 6.join 7.m

11、usician 8.show 9.people10.turn on 11join12dance 13soccer/sports 14also15drums 16home 17write 18violin 19today三、根据汉语提示填空20tell1. dance 2. draw3. story 4. write5. show6. tell7. write 8. shows 9. stories10. or11. stories 12. busy 13 musician 14. people15. make 16. teaches 17. today 18. weekend19. think

12、s 20. language人教新目标七年级英语下册 专练(有答案)Unit2 词汇一、根据汉语提示填空1. She _(通常) gets up at 6:30 a.m.2. I often take a _(淋浴) before I go to bed.3. He _(工作) in a big factory.4. What time do you often do your _(作业)?5. How many _(字母) are there in English?6. What are your best _(祝愿)?7. Their _(工作) are standing and watc

13、hing at the door.8. My friends are coming _(不久).9. He _(听) to the teachers carefully in class.10. My friend _(写信) to me three times a month.11. I think my father is the_(最好的) man.12. A_(四分之一) of them are from China.13. He_(从不) has ice cream, because its not healthy food.14. Jenny doesnt like watch T

14、V. I dont like it, _(也).15. The park near my home is very (脏)_, I dont like to go there. 16. In the (花园)_, there are some vegetables.17. We see her when she (通过)_ the classroom.18. Im very _(饥饿的), I want some food to have.19. How do you _ (抵达) at the airport?20.Please be _(安静的) in the reading-room.二

15、、用所给词的适当形式填空31He_(take) a shower in the evening every day.32My mother often cooks breakfast for _(we) in the early morning.33Linda brushes her_(tooth) at seven oclock.34Some people lost their _(life) because of COVID 19(新冠肺炎) 35My grandfather often tells us _(fun) stories.6. She _ (do) her homework

16、at 7:00 in the evening.7. Scott _ (work) very long hours.8. What time _ you usually _ (get) up?9. Im the last one _ (take) a shower.10. My father _ (watch) TV in the evening.11. Jim brushes his _(tooth)every morning.12. Rick is a popular_(run)in our school.13. What a _(fun)time to have dinner at hom

17、e!14. I have _(lot)of things to do on weekends.15. Please eat _(quick)you should go to school early.三、根据字母提示填空1. I get up at a_ 6:00.2. School s_ at 7:40.3. Ice-cream usually t_ good, so students like to eat it after school.4. You need to b_ your teeth after eating.5. Here are your clothes. Go and g

18、et d_ quickly!6. .My father goes to b_at ten in the evening.7. Scott is n_late for class.8. His b_friend Alice is in Class Four.9. She can write f_words in a minute.10. After dinner, my parents and I e_at about half an hour every day.四、完成句子完成句子1. 你的父亲七点钟去上班吗?_ your father _ _ _ at seven?2. 你通常几点去睡觉?

19、_ _ do you usually _ _ _? 3. 请仔细地听老师讲课。Please _ _ the teacher carefully.4. 现在很晚了,让我们回家吧。Its _ now. Lets _ _.5. 我的弟弟在下午做家庭作业。My brother _ _ _ in the afternoon.6. 你是什么时候到达合肥的?When do you _ _ Hefei?7. 我经常骑自行车去上班。I often _ _ _ by bike.8. 他十二点吃午饭。He _ _ at twelve.9. 他在晚上看电视。He _ _ in the evening.10. 她真是个

20、好笑的人!_ _ _ woman she is!答案:一、根据汉语提示填空1. usually 2. shower 3. works 4. homework 5. letters 6. wishes 7. jobs 8. soon 9. listens 10. writes11. best 12. quarter 13. never 14. either 15. dirty16. garden 17. passes 18. hungry 二、19. arrive 20.quiet1. takes 2.us 3.teeth 4lives 5.funny 6. does 7. works7. do

21、, get 9. to take 10. watches 11. teeth 12. runner13. funny 14. lots 15. quickly三、根据字母提示填空1.about 2.starts 3.tastes 4.brush 5.dressed 6.bed 7.never 8.best 9.five 10.exercise四、完成句子1. Does, go to work 2. What time, go to bed 3. listen to 4. late, go home 5. does his homework 6. get to / arrived at 7. g

22、o to work8. eats / has lunch 9. watches TV 10. What a funny人教新目标七年级英语下册 Unit3 词汇专练(有答案)一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1It takes us half an hour _(clean) our classroom every day.2Many of the students and _(village) never leave their village.3He _(cross) the river to go to school.4Its interesting _(take) a boat.5Mike

23、_ his math teacher because she is _ his mother.(like) 6. Its about fifty _(minute) bus ride from my home to the airport.7. Its my dream _ (have) a computer.8. These _ (village) are all good at playing the drums.9. It takes us half an hour _ (take) a walk after dinner every day.10. Its about five _ (

24、hundred) kilometers from here to my home. 11.The _(village) dreams of leaving the village to work in the big city. 12.Be careful when you go _(cross) the street.13.Its very easy _ (find) some useful information on the Internet. 14.Youd better tell me the _ (true).15.The girl is afraid _ (go) out at

25、night.二、根据字母提示填空1.My grandpa is n_ years old this year, but he is still very strong.2. The v_ are very friendly. I like them.3. It t_ me an hour to walk to school yesterday.4. There is an old b_ over the river and every day a lot of people walk on it.5. The Yangtze River is about 6,397 k_ long and i

26、t is longest river in China.6. It is dangerous for little children to c_ the street alone.7. I am a_ Mike cant come here because hes in Shanghai today.8. How about r_ a bike to school?9. You cant swim in this river because it runs very q_.10. If you work hard, your dream can come t_.11. There is a s

27、tore b_ the bus stop and our school.12. We can swim in the r_ in summer.13. There are m_ clubs in our school.14. Li Yings d_ is to be a teacher.15. The river runs quickly, we cant c_ it.三、完成句子,每空一词1.你经常开你的车去乡下吗?Do you often _ _ _ to the countryside?2.今天乘地铁怎么样?How about _ _ _ today?3.我爸爸每天骑自行车上班。My f

28、ather goes to work _ _ every day.4.我们正在公共汽车站等你。We are waiting for you at the _ _.5.你认为这部新电影怎么样?What do you _ _ the new movie?6. 我们匆匆吃了饭,然后跑着去赶火车。We had a _ meal and then _ _ _ the train.7. 从学校到汽车站不是很远。It isnt _ _ the school to the bus stop.8. 他将在两个小时后动身去北京开会。He will _ _ Beijing to have a meeting in

29、two hours.9. 你每天怎样去学校?_ _ you get to school every day?10. 萨姆什么时候离开家去上学?When _ Sam _ home for school?11. 通常你怎样去上学?_ _ you usually go to school?12. 6 月 12 日,怀特先生将离开东京去上海。Mr White is_ Tokyo _ Shanghai on June 12. 13. 他通常每天用一小时做作业。It usually _ him half an hour to _ his homework every day. 14. 你家离学校有多远?H

30、ow far is it _ your home _ school?15. 从你家到学校大约要花多少时间?How long does it _ you _ get to school from your home? 16. My home is _(近的). I _(步行)to school. 17. Li Lei _ (乘地铁) to school every day.18. His father often goes to Shanghai _ _(坐飞机).19. If you dont want to be late, youd better _ a _(打的).20. _ _ _ (

31、骑自行车) to work is good for our health, I think.参考答案:一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. to clean 2.villagers 3crosses 4.to take 5likes; like6. minutes 7. to have 8. villagers 9. to take 10. hundred11.villager 12.across 13.to find 14.truth 15.to go二、根据字母提示填空1.ninety 2.visitors 3.takes 4.bridge 5.kilometers 6.clean 7.afr

32、aid 8.riding 9.quickly 10.true 11. between 12. river 13. many 14. dream 15.cross三、完成句子,每空一词1. drive your car 2. taking the subway 3. by bike 4. bus stop 5.think of6. quick, ran to catch 7. far from 8. leave for 9. How do 10. does, leave 11. How, do 12. leaving, for 13. takes, finish 14. from, to 15.takes,to 16.near, walk 17. takes the subway 18.by air/by plane 19.take,taxi20.Riding a bike

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