仁爱初中英语七上《Unit 2Topic 2 What does she look likeC》PPT课件

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1、 Unit 2 Topic 2 Section C Whats this?What color is it?What are these?What color are they?Look at this photo.What does the boy look like?a capThis is a pink cap.a T-shirtI want to buy a green T-shirt.a coatThis coat is black.pantsAre these pants yours?dressThis dress is pink.It is very beautiful.skir

2、tShe often wears a black skirt.glovesWhose gloves are these?skirtT-shirtcoatpantsshoesdresscapPlease match.A:_ is this skirt?B:Its yellow.A:What color _ that _?B:Its _.isdressorangeComplete the conversations and then practice with your partner.What color A:What color _ these _?B:Theyre _.A:What colo

3、r are _ pants?B:_ blue.arepinkglovesthoseTheyreMom,I want to buy a T-shirt,a cap and a pair of shoes.What color is that T-shirt?Its red.What color is that cap?Its yellow.What color are those shoes?Theyre green.Girl:Mom:Girl:Mom:Girl:Mom:Girl:Read and understand.coat T-shirt dress pants skirt T-shirt

4、 greencap redshoes yellowListen 1a and match.Make up a conversation with these words:coat T-shirt dress pants skirt gloves shoes cap A:What color is/are?B:Its/Theyre Underline the childrens clothes and circle the words of colors.Read 2a and complete the table.Name MariaMichaelJaneKangkangHairshort,b

5、rownblackClothes a white T-shirt and blue pantsa yellowdressblonda black cap and blue shoesa purple T-shirt and a pink shirtredThe girl in white is Alice.The girl in a white skirt is Alice.in 穿着,戴着穿着,戴着Can you describe“The Happy Family”?dadmomRead the sounds and then write the words.4.black blond bl

6、ue color yellow glove /l/2.blue shoe /u:/1.glove color /5.will want woman white /w/3.look good /u/Write the words according to the sounds./wait/waid/leg/sn/blu:/glv/Read and pay attention to the rising tone and falling tone.1.What does he look like?2.The girl in a yellow dress is Maria.4.Dose he have short arms?5.Do you have a sister?3.Jane,lift your left hand and left leg.whitewidelegsunblueglove

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