七年级英语下册 Unit 8 I’ll help to cl ean up th e city parks Period 4课件

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《七年级英语下册 Unit 8 I’ll help to cl ean up th e city parks Period 4课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语下册 Unit 8 I’ll help to cl ean up th e city parks Period 4课件(16页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、 Unit8Could you please clean your room Period41a Teenagers can ask Parents to do or parents can ask teenagers to do 1.buy some drinks and snacks _2.borrow some money_3.clean your room _4.invite my friends to a party _5.go to the store_6.use your CD player _7.take out the trash _8.make your bed _teen

2、agers/parentsteenagersparentsteenagersparentsteenagers/parentsparentsparents1b Make conversations by using the phrases in 1a and role play them.Parent:Could you clean your room?Child:Yes,I can.Child:Could I invite my friends to a party?Parent:No,you cant.2a Listen and check()the things in activity 1

3、a that you hear.1.buy some drinks and snacks 2.borrow some money 3.clean your room 4.invite my friends to a party 5.go to the store 6.use your CD player 7.take out the trash 8.make your bed 2b Listen and fill in the chart.WhoSandys momSandy Sandy and DaveWhatbuy drinks and snacksinvite my friends,bo

4、rrow some money,clean her room and use the CD playermove the good chairs,clean the living room2c Ask your partner for help at a party and talk about these things.A:Could you take out the trash?B:Yes,sure.go to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishes clean the living room3a Which things are abo

5、ut exercise,cleaning,food?Complete the chart after reading.Exercise Cleaning Food take him for a walk.play with him.wash his bowl.clean his bed.give him water and feed him.根据课文内容填空根据课文内容填空 Thanks for _ _ _ my dog.Could you please _ these things _ _?Take him _ _ _.Give him water and _ him.Then _ his

6、bowl.Play _ him.Dont _ _ _ his bed.Have fun!_ you next week.taking care ofdoevery dayfor a walkfeedwashwithforget to cleanSeeLanguage points 1.Thanks for taking care of my dog.谢谢你照顾我的狗。谢谢你照顾我的狗。thanks for doing sth.含义是含义是“因为因为某事感谢某事感谢”,for后面接动词的后面接动词的-ing形式。此时形式。此时,thanks为名词。如:为名词。如:Thanks a lot for

7、 lending me the money.多谢您借给我钱。多谢您借给我钱。2.Give him water and feed him.给他水给他水喝,并喂给他食物。喝,并喂给他食物。give sb.sth.含义为含义为“给某人某物给某人某物”,give后面接双宾语。该短语可以后面接双宾语。该短语可以 由由give sth.to sb.来替换。来替换。如:如:Give me some milk.Give some milk to me.给我一些牛奶。给我一些牛奶。3.Dont forget to clean his bed.被忘了打被忘了打扫他的床铺。扫他的床铺。forget to do st

8、h.含义为含义为“忘记做某事忘记做某事”,在该短语中在该短语中to后面接动词的原形。后面接动词的原形。e.g.Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave the room.当你离开房间时,别忘了关灯。当你离开房间时,别忘了关灯。3b Sandy wants Dave to help her with her party.Complete this e-mail message from Sandy to Dave.Look at the chart in activity 2b for ideas.Dave,Mom says I can h

9、ave the school party at my house.I need some help.When you come over on Saturday,could you help me sweep the floor?Thanks,SandyCould you clean the living room with me?And I need to move the good chairs to the bedroom,could you help me move the good chairs to the bedroom?3c Imagine you are going to m

10、ove to a new house.Write an e-mail message to a friend and ask him or her for help.Dear Rosa,Im going to move to a new house!I need some help.Could you help me 4 GROUPWORK Work in groups of three.Student A,look at page 83.Student B,look at page 85.Student C,look at page 86.A:We need more drinks and snacks.Could you buy some?B:Im sorry,but I dont have any money.C:I have money,but I dont have aHomework Write a message to your friend to ask him/her to take care of your house when you are on vocation.

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