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1、世界各国饮食文化 he wter cte manes “ innetale anns”th hbto ha mealngof wstisiffrenfrom we mch he, pecally olloqawsern eal the party, rules is rather ma.whenjoin in a wstern melprtiessoud notie he floingems:1, ewi htfreignei geneal did no let the abtle th egtable, treforeo ke toat the wt, o harm o muchtaketh

2、 pnt.2,shouldwa he allguet the n frnt t llascendd heegtble, hoss to pked up hr kife wh aftr fk signal n can just ue the meal3, the tble npkin hld spead on thn alsefend at te neck isl ocet front, u not rn wipthe l on yurmuth rtain ont fingrwih abe nakidime, utthe aolult ch wipe uery., have melto tprp

3、rl bo not wa tw rmslay donrintally on he ae。,sa kif ad fork hour,souldhe eft h se t fok,andby han us the kieslie hemt should voidthe nife to slicon th prceindshto snd out he sund。midway let go theknife andfork, ndshould repot the ”ht” the mrix cen put o eplteithe knie and k put togthr, men tcompltew

4、ith mea6,an odrink e wtr,should e firt food phaynealbottomwhie driningthewaer wit gas cp,want towipe the oi stas on the mouth frst, nd th in order to pven makdirtyt cup., i sneezeorou, o wthe bahom, shud hmaliy that e srrouding srry.8, have mal, alys remin um o inot olit, bt msttin food heouront spe

5、a the wods, nswlow aainswr。9,b the beboaccrdig o ti ive th guesttop vegetle, o the left sde h you, t the yu tntkete vegtablescomplee with meal, ad the hostes stanto rise, and can just lave the ea.tetablenakin puts nt tabe, ad dn shine on the rinal kind fold good(一)基本的讲究排列座次时,国内外的基本作法有所不同在涉外场合排列座次时,一




9、知谁首席,坐时只觉可添宾圆桌成清中叶后饭店酒楼流行的餐台式样,今日家庭中亦普遍使用,尤为今日餐饮业及机关企业食堂的会宴用桌面其座次一般是依餐厅或室的方位与装饰设计风格而定,或取向门、朝阳,或依厅室设计装饰风格所体现出的重心与突出位置设首位通常服务员摆台时以口布折叠成花、鸟等造型,首位造型会非常醒目,使人一望而知而隆重的大型宴会则往往在各餐台座位前预先摆放座位卡(席签),所发请柬上则标明与宴者的台号这样或由司仪导入,或持柬按图索骥、对号入座,自然不易出错englis stle of eatinghabits i also eas, y ateniono nutritin. reakat i uu

10、allyprrideilk r cupord juce, coted withbute toat, rebacon or sausage,gs at noo,th childre eat lunch tschool,dlt a unch oth bon e vcinit o uyaandwch, a cup of coffee n,just kill. nly to th eeken, the briti pople wl be rcon table. usually hmaincose me, such a gildchicn, rst bef,fish and so 。 aiarifege

11、table, e cabbage, freh ea, otaoe,carros no o vegetables in geneal a o longerprocessd, moud on atray,oud fom the sueraket t b readmade saue il bensumed. ate the man ourthre il always e totdigetil of seets, uc as ooking fruit, fruit pudi, ces, cecmndo onfried ish andfries (fshnd chips)his isthe tradit

12、ional rtisfas fod nation (astfood).it i i he 9centuy6s up. athattie,h raiwa put startfrshishonenght dirtl (iect) tansportedfom the st coasto lndon eglish tthe fish paseon p ofgood eepfiedinoil, and fried potaoee eaten toeterople put a mxtureof saltandvnegr saue and our itint th articon ish nd pottos

13、,with ewspper a, and hen et m th ppein hand。tdy, pope oten sea clen aper ackagng, a o povide ork(fok)。a (tea)bitish ation joy cu ofta athrtional brtih (tradtio) on op with porceain tecp, oneperson cp, spnuof tea.e majoriy fbitis eople lieto dr tong ea, but i wttoadd uchilk my yars go, peple etputmlk

14、 intothe up, thead e a, anfialy add wae.cof (offe)nwnhe uitdkigdm, s popularty fcoffe nd ta. peopleiter do no addmilk o ad mik,ordrink ofee or ppa new nsantcffee.wne (wie)gsh wiidstry ery strg. ore ae the any vineyards r poduingine nddwine (reine)egihus verwhere,has everal lavors, eahwth 10,0largd m

15、all pubs,c a many hdedsfyearsof hity, his old pbis usualyhunted legends,t is iteetig tnot onldid ncare boutthewnr, but alsohis huse hs li unstos te general u on tbe in each。someingfishy aoutth ub busnss eter and sll more expensve。atghabi withkfe and frk pyonidine brit ppl genell preferd y of cokinth

16、ere s: cookeinoy and vinegr, brbece,frie and fried。f meat, sefd, game cokinetod aiu; hweer, he atgies ofe eef heyhave peial prefeences, h s brbece bef (roasted ee), i atached ot ony intheonmpt f esonal vegtabes, bakeptat,bualso wlldd sm stak oth mustardsaue; theu f seasoin on the butter ad luorprefe

17、rece; a se ph tate mat u, inmo another spices resh.te orewelknown briishcuisie as: beef keyallocatin (stekkidneypie),fihpai (ngs fischip), the oyal utrcicen (chicn lk)ands. britis eoe nj untng, only once a year at te huning priod,thr ismuch of th oer restaun will b intrdced to am ma, such a deer (ve

18、nso),rabts (hare),pat (phen),,uch as cookng。 geeal cooinggaewhen usnso gi or brris adwne,ts aproac is in rder t move h mel of utt flaor he fotsef.brekfais vey iprantto t britiheole, british rstaurantsin he upplyofa i rangfeas, ave frut juice, fruit, gg, eat, wheporridg cateor,brad,jamad coeenoadastp

19、lar aternon te (igh tea) hmass frome uitd kigdom, and its moefamous teri victoa-styl vtoian syle), the contts can be ad be allinusie, incudnall kind f salpoints,mufin, fruit tats (rt ) ndsanwihs。 ppe on th daily lvs o englh is asoone of the most mportntpartof he ma o er choi i usally late, nd areeat

20、ngeteo proote riendsip etwee eal can imainethey elngtor veryutomos nation, and asupr for themcudtae hors。the unted kingdm at the lol,tee ilbeloto poplewholovet rn, mainy ea tits i aso a wine poducng country。enlish atthe os ofaloholconsumpon on texpnditure than theoter lo tohe many.nobu surnthis is a

21、orld-renoned jpanesestylesushiresturat, perfectinepetation fthe culturl desit f lndon enjythebest w s tlet thesaf reommnd,anothr is caled a reversalf he worlds blak c, pont oconfusng techampgne ga。 core, the est haesomeneelse fot thebill! rember he octo you wanti dvce, orwise。t jhsrstaurntvery authe

22、tic british restaurant, unde the nme the slennosag,thk auc,vrytraditioal brts diespi e reogo,shwsasiple kc! ave to rost olepg, yorkraditionalrualenisdises. coetons aea weight of morn ,个 ood t eat! nsue tht youso, unted kingom must o free tr!akasan resturantanaverage conuptin of 6pond inlondons top r

23、etaurant. n a fals faceski, npapers commnt n s theisoyote sxiscineeretaurnt, ansour ou, pa dck,prk do british sprlngne, greece wheortuguese。t ees th cineeand wetern, at tp o tongueon an.中文:英国人的饮食习惯亦式样简单,注重营养.早餐通常是麦片粥冲牛奶或一杯果汁,涂上黄油的烤面包片,熏咸肉或煎香肠、鸡蛋。中午,孩子们在学校吃午餐,大人的午餐就在工作地点附近买上一份三明治,就一杯咖

24、啡,打发了事。只有到周末,英国人的饭桌上才会丰盛一番。通常主菜是肉类,如烤鸡肉、烤牛肉、烤鱼等。蔬菜品种繁多,像卷心菜、新鲜豌豆、土豆、胡萝卜等.蔬菜一般都不再加工,装在盘里,浇上从超市买回的现成调料便食用。主菜之后总有一道易消化的甜食,如烧煮水果、果料布丁、奶酪、冰激凌等。鱼和油炸土豆条(fsh and hips)这是英国民族传统的快餐食品(stfoo)。它是在9世纪60年代流行起来的。那时,铁路开始把新鲜的鱼一夜间直接(dect)从东海岸运到伦敦。英国人在鱼上面裹上糊放在油里炸好,和炸土豆条一起吃。人们把盐和醋的混合调料倒在炸鱼和土豆条上,用报纸包上,然后从纸包里拿着吃.如今,人们经常用清


26、的酒馆生意更好,而且卖得更贵.饮食习惯用刀叉咯英国人一般较喜爱的烹饪方式有:烩、烧烤、煎和油炸。对肉类、海鲜、野味的烹调均有独到的方式;然而,他们对牛肉类方面又有特别的偏好,如烧烤牛肉(oasted beef),在食用时不仅附上时令的蔬菜、烤洋芋,还会在牛排上加上少许的芥茉酱;在佐料的使用上则喜好奶油及酒类;在香料上则喜好肉寇、肉桂等新鲜香料。较为人知的英国料理菜名有:牛肉腰子派(steak kidneyie)、炸鱼排(lisfish ci)、皇家奶油鸡(chce l king)等。英国人喜欢狩猎,在一年只有一次的狩猎期中,就有许多的饭店或餐厅会推出野味大餐,如野鹿(venisn)、野兔(ar

27、e)、雉鸡(haan)、野山羊(ildheep)等的烹调。而一般烹调野味时,均采用些杜松子或浆果及酒,此做法是为了去除食物本身的膻腥味。英国人对早餐非常讲究,英国餐馆中所供应的餐点种类繁多,有果汁、水果、蛋类、肉类、麦粥类、面包、果酱及咖啡等。 时下所流行的下午茶(hgh tea)也是传来自于英国,其较知名的有维多莉亚式vitoriatyle),内容可说是包罗万象,包括各式小点、松糕、水果挞(te)及三明治等。 晚餐对英国人来说也是日常生活中最重要的一部份,他们选择的用餐时间通常较晚,而且都是边吃边喝边聊,以促进用餐人之间的情谊,可想见他们是属于极有自主性的民族,而一顿晚餐对他们来说可能要花上

28、好几个钟头。在英国当地,会有许多爱好喝的人士,主要是因为它本身也是个产酒国家。英国人在饮酒上的花费比起其它的支出还来的多。nobu餐厅这是一家享誉全球的日式寿司餐厅,完美诠释了伦敦的多元文化。最好的享受方式就是让店员推荐,再多叫一份颠倒世界的黑鳕鱼,点一杯晕头转向的香槟。当然,最好还有别人买单!事前要记得定位啦,不然免谈。圣约翰餐厅很正宗的英国餐厅,顶着怀旧庄严的名字,汁浓酱稠、入味十分的传统英式菜。猪是这里的lo,透着一股纯朴劲儿!有转烤全猪、约克夏布丁等传统的英国乡村菜。甜点的分量更是一份打倒2、3个。 很好吃的!保证让你过瘾,有空去英国一定要尝一尝!hakasan餐厅一家平均消费60英镑

29、的伦敦顶级中餐厅。绝不是死撑面子的假把式,报纸上的评论是“史上最性感的中餐厅,是中肯的评价。酸辣汤、琵琶鸭、五花肉斗英国气泡酒、希腊白葡。似乎中西合璧,在舌尖上共谱一曲.itish fodcuretoay peopl in th u eat a more vaie diet thn ever efore.aswel asthe regioa det of englad,scotand, wes, ad rthn ielan h mny immigant comunies haeintrodced their uisis to he evious unadentuous rton:cnes, g

30、rek, indian, tli, hai, aria fast foodssuch aspizz, hambugrsand friedchickeve o ome extent diplaced hetadiinas fodof ish ancips.beus o thclitead the gmanc insofmny of ts earlypeople, the uk hasbeen raitioal be drinking rathertan a in drinki contry. veheles, inrcent es, vineyardin he soutofengld havep

31、roveduccesfl。ith eofngadthe traditnal inkis cir, rther n bee.over ritain as a he,howeer, traditionaldrinks tea。britih fo cultureto peol n the uk e a mr varie dit than eer bfor s wl s the gnal ets f nglad,sotland, wes,annorthern ireland the any immigrant communitieshaveintrdued their cuisines t e pri

32、ouslyunadventuroubritns: chiese, grek, indin, italian, thai, rican fat foods uch aspiza, aburgers nd ried chicken have t ome extendisplacd the traditioalfast fodof fi nd chips.bcause te imate an the rmanicoriis o many f its arly eople,the uk h ben taditiolly eer drinkin the h a wnerinking counry. ne

33、verthless, n recent yars, inyardin the south of nganhae pove sccesf。in t we of enlanthe raditionadrik is cder, rathe tha ber. over britai sa wole, however,th traditinal drinkit-英国的饮食文化今天,人们在英国吃了更多样化的饮食比以往任何时候。以及区域饮食的英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰,许多移民社区介绍了他们的菜以前uadventrou英国人:中国,希腊,印度,意大利,泰国,美国快餐食品,如比萨饼,汉堡包和炸鸡已在一定

34、程度上取代传统的快餐店的炸鱼和薯条。由于气候和日耳曼起源及其早期的许多人,英国一直是传统上喝啤酒,而不是葡萄酒的饮用国。然而,近年来,葡萄园在英格兰南部的已证明是成功的.英格兰西部的传统饮料是苹果酒,而不是啤酒.英国作为一个整体,但是,传统的饮料是茶。ore(韩国):Main Kre Repulifo and dink caracterist: Higprotein,much egtable , hapy evet delca ,atan fom gresyd, snse o tte i burned ith the coldge irst paeto. reneards rice as st

35、aploo don theages Cookd food ivefrs placto stwng to coo ad to o yste , is not usefo a ho ih ainl.Kra ik at noodes , be ,cikenan dosea , doe t le to eatteamed bead, mutn andduck mea.韩国饮食的主要特点:高蛋白、多蔬菜、喜清淡、忌油腻,味觉以凉辣为主。韩国人自古以来把米饭当做主食。菜肴以炖煮和烤制为主,基本上不做炒菜。韩国人喜欢吃面条、牛肉、鸡肉和狗肉,不喜欢吃馒头、羊肉和鸭肉。 pan(日本) Cookingcult

36、ur ntrouces apanMention food andink ,be food,vegtable,fisanflshre that Jpanesquenontape foo mal brns, an the WeernEuroeChiemeal popureals very uch ike o oly giv rt place to rce,before Japan can smpe t ch various ea food。 Japan is a very ichontiesof high grade wate resource,hygiene facilities impove

37、anderects also vey mc , drinstherefore nnngwaer is in anyapnese placeen abe to. Moern Japanulure i rthermre coorful. rlsre the ult studyig tme-honuedJantaditon, ifsado, theikeban smultaneos,lo jmp dico。 The scen bdin but ldinthe rse downtoare , aniqued tepland toersntstrane. eefodn Jaacultue isaniqi

38、tehaveen tidin wedlock日本饮食文化介绍说到饮食,不仅是以大米为主食、蔬菜、鱼与肉为副食的日本式餐点,而且西欧中国餐点一般也很普及,在日本可以品尝到丰富多样的餐食.日本是一个优质水资源非常丰富的国家,卫生设施也很完善,所以自来水在日本的任何地方都可以饮用。现代的日本文化更是多彩多姿。女孩子们在学习自古以来的日本传统文化,如茶道、花道的同时,也跳迪斯科.观览市区、古老寺院和高层建筑相邻而建的情景并不稀奇。故而现代的日本文化是结合了古老的、新兴的、西洋的和东洋的文化而形成。 Tht Jpese loveste birhd epartm oraw ih is ued for fo

39、od ,is cverin up sashmia arult ommly the mos poularapn i the omelnd food。 The Janse cisne is parulrbout the pa asteeepingfood very much, dos no encurahave addeda cndimet, use elicate v fit plce to。 T cltocookd fod ste vry good ruest eply facet face, nt ol ng all ind of orm ,arrngemen ,coour colocati

40、ontha te very elicate vssel esl fo, tood t havr exuiste tinkigaso。 e tang alok on tt is so metilouhat teday style bengjustlike landscapiing-lke taescare o, somems ann bea to esoy that hare or h irst time Jpnsvisitor beuul. 日本人普遍爱食用生鱼,因而盖着生鱼片的寿司是日本国内最流行的食物。 日本料理非常讲究保持食物的原味,不提倡加入过多调料,以清淡为主。对菜肴的色面尤其有着很

41、高的要求,不但使用各式各样非常精致的盛器来装食物,对食物的形状、排列、颜色搭配也都有很细腻的考虑。看着那一道道精细得有如风景画一般的日式料理,初到日本的游客往往不忍破坏那份美丽。I Span we h s mn roducts ,recpes, famou cefs, andrestants that y can found almost eveything th yun imgne, soit imosible t rde alth things into o ida。On of the bigges mskeaboutsph food is the xtendedea AN=PAELL.。

42、.。西班牙有著无数的产品、各式的食谱及、菜色、有名的主厨跟餐厅,几乎是你想得到的东西都有,所以其实很难将为数众多的东西以一个概念做表达.事实上,西班牙菜有个极大的错误认知,那就是大家都以为西班牙西班牙海鲜饭.The spnih ood is full ofeihts, spiay the oden spanh fod,u yougotta unesndhour philsphyisto se the classcl ash rcipes to impove them and ransormito modn cuisi Ther oe eencial poins on hphiloh: 西班牙菜

43、是充满欢乐的,特别是以现代摩登的西班牙菜而言,但是在这之前,您可能必需先了解我们的烹饪理念运用传统西班牙菜,并加以改进,使其变为现代摩登菜肴。以下为者个理念的几个重点观念:1) RSPECT ABOU TE IGREET 尊重食材 :th ce ll choose hseft ingreiens daily ooifor theqalt, no mtethe ce.Cook those inredients trying o eepll henatualtef t(NVR VEROOK),so rdue the coonte. 各个厨师会每天寻找他所要用的食材,不论价格,要求品质。在烹调这些食

44、材时,尽量保留他本身天然的原味(绝不过於烹调),因此,缩短了烹调的时间。2) NOTIN 改革创新: nr refuso useenew technis ife ca impro the inaleult, elldo not abuse of tstechs i e dot ned,smetme t best ayis theeyesone.若可改善成品,绝不要抗拒使用新的技术,只要不要在我们不需要时滥用这些技术,其实有时候最的好的方式就是最简单的那一个。3) REDUC THE FA 降低油脂: ry to use he esnc ofeach poduct sasauce,reducng

45、 theueof fatsas cram obtte。尽量利用其食材本身的水份,并浓缩其油脂的成份作为鲜奶油或是奶油使用。-4) USTH TRADTIONACIPES A A ORC OFKNWDGE 传统食谱是相关知识的来源: thos rcipes that ke bein our tabes orcntriegotta hav soetinggood,sotr t us h to irve angt a beer ut wh te ne equpennd technis流传几世纪的某些菜色到现在仍在可在餐厅中出现,那表示一定有某些地方是好的,所以利用这些菜,并运用现代的科技与技术加以改

46、进以求更好的成果.) TH MAININGREDIETGOTABE TH STAR突显主食材 : sop usig auce mas a ain podct,if we flow te pon, eualiygota b te best ne, so edonnd to use nothing to mas tis prdt, the higs w e as garih gota havthefutiono jin theainigede and prad t。别再用一些酱汁将主食材盖住了!如果我们遵循第一点,食材的品质就一定会是最好的,所以我们不必再用任何东西覆盖这个东西。我们用以当盘饰的东

47、西,它的作用是要能搭配主食材,并且能将其层次。 6) MARKET SASO FD 市场当季食材 :the redents ange durn the year, frxple a crab on umme wnt on ts rfect seaon ea, bt the tun will be fantic。 The e we offerotta rotae a he sasonl oduct。 leat 4 difernt ens rin one ya.食材是整年在变化的,比如说螃蟹绝不会是夏季食材的首选,但鲔鱼的品质确是超正的.菜单供应也随著季节性食材做变动,至少一年要有四种不同的菜单。

48、7) FOOD S SOMTHING LSE THN SE 食物不单只有食味 : the tst is realy importan,but the look, thesmell, thteture,tsoud, everyhing counts.。.。try o make the ustomer use th senses, thnfodbecomes ansnsitive exprence.味道是相当重要的,但是整体的视觉、气味、口感、声音等都是环环相扣的。试著让客人们运用他们的五感,食物将会让人有一种全新感受的经验。his arthe main points of th moer spansfodploophy以上是现代西班牙菜理念的几个重点事项文中如有不足,请您见谅!12 / 12

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