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1、十天搞定托福作文!速速收藏托福写作避免生搬硬套,要把学到的句式和词组灵活运用到自己的写作当中去!这样,写作的分数自然也就提高啦!增加过渡段:A1 好。A1 好,而且 A2 好。(这个“而且”,可以用科技发展啊技术进步啊之类的扩充)A2 好。14 条万能理由:与事物有关:效率、方便、经济、耐久、安全、空间。与人有关:健康、乐趣、成就、性格、情感、交流、经验、他人。理由的安排也要有逻辑顺序首段要雕琢,要表现!1、排比反问:Have you ever been to the West Lake in Hangzhou City? Have you ever walked along the Long

2、 Corridor in the Summer Palace? Have you ever seen the red fallen leaves on the Fragrance Hill?If you have never had such experiences, you would never know how much fun outdoor activities could bring you.2、背景知识式:With the development of science and technology, more and more companies (including inter

3、national companies and small companies) are founded, but there are not enough people totake these positions. So a large number of working opportunities are provided to people who are still teenager students.In some countries, some people think if teenagers do a job while they are still studying in s

4、chool, it may have a bad impact on their grade. Others consider that teenagersshould have jobs while they are still students. As far as Iam concerned, I agree with the latter.Because teenagers can learn amount of useful experience through working and they think through the job they will acquire some

5、 knowledge of how to get a good relationship with others.3、定义式:Technology refers to skills, knowledge, and techniques thathuman beings use in their daily life and work. As everybodymay find, technology develops day by day. How does the development of technology affect our life?Many people hold the o

6、pinion that it is due to the development of technology that human beings have access to the comfortable modern life. On the other hand, a number of people are always aware ofall kinds of destructive influence of the technological development on us. As far as I am concerned, the development of techno

7、logy does far more good than harm to peoples happiness.正文部分每段安排:13 行 主题句48 行 细节论述12 行 主题再现主题句的要求:1、要有概括性:Eg -. When I work in daytime, other people are also working, so I can work more efficiently.Eg +. Outside environment during daytime helps to promote efficiency in many ways.解说: TS 一定要概括, 不要写成反例那

8、样那么细节, 不然后面的话不好展开了。2、避免绝对化:Eg -. Elder people are efficient.Eg +. Compared with many un-experienced young people, most experienced elders can work more efficiently.解说:正例表述得体,尺度很好,有限定成分“most”,有对比说法“compared with”等。3、避免语法和用词错误。细节论述部分:1、个人事例推广到一般:(图书馆有钱该买书还是买电脑)During the last semester, all the twenty

9、students of my class are required to resort to the British Encyclopedia to complete our final paper.However, there was only one set in the whole library because it takes a whole shelf to hold and is too expensive to purchase more than one set. Ever since the university bought in the CD version of th

10、e British Encyclopedia, we are free to refer to the same article at the same time through different terminals.This case is not rare, in reality, frequently many readers of the library need to refer to the same source at the sametime.2、反例:(still 图书馆)Paper books in the library circulate very fast. Fre

11、quently we find a good book lose its good shape within 3 months. Those seldom-borrowed books are not safe at all, in danger ofnatural erosion and worm bites.解说:不好说电脑好存放的时候,就说书不好存放。举反例要适可而止,不能指望全篇用反例来支撑自己的观点。3、具体数据和引用权威:想得4分以上必须注意, 因为4分要求说服力,5分要求appropriateexamples。Eg.My hometown used to have one mil

12、lion acres of forests. The town people are shortsighted as to sell trees for $10 per piece. Trees are sold at a rate of approximately 100 thousand pieces per year, according to the data from the government.Professor Selephant from Peking University, one of the bestuniversities in Environmental Engin

13、eering, once said, the tress in my hometown will disappear within 10 years at thisspeed of lumbering.倒数第二段让步: Eg.Admittedly, books do have certain advantages over computers. They are easier to carry with, lower in unit price, and more energy efficient given that computers are driven by electrical po

14、wer.However, computers have more valuable merits as an efficient, durable, manageable means for libraries of the new century. I therefore reinforce my standpoint to choose computers as my final choice for the investment.解说:让步之后一定记得重申 anyway 我还是坚持 XXX 观点。用书面语代替口语:1、短语不够正式。2、小词不够正式:常见词替换:非正式正式BuyPurch

15、aseChanceOpportunityDeepProfoundEndTerminateHelpAssistanceHugeGiganticSameIdenticalThankGratitudeTryendeavor句式要多样:1、长句优先2、摒弃 There be 句型!Botany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge.(陈述句,同位语,下定义)For many thousands of years it was the one field of awaren

16、ess about which humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights.(时间状语开头)It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of pre-industrial societies that still exist, a detailed learning of plants and heir properties must be extre

17、mely ancient.(名词性从句)This is logical.(长短结合)Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tool, dyes, medicines, shelter, and a great many ot

18、her purposes.(递进句型,排比)Tribes living today in the jungles of the Amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them, botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of “knowledge” at all.(插入语,介词开头)。3、无灵主语,非人物主语开头。4、非主语成分起始句子:Eg

19、.Adj. Basic to any understanding of Canada after World War II is its impressive populations growth.Adv. Too, often, students are forced to cheat on tests.Prep. From the shortage arises the demand for nuclear poweras a new source of energy.Ing.Ed.名词性从句 What was needed in reality was not taught in school.修辞要用:1、比喻 2、排比:短词排比3、引用时间安排:3min 列提纲22min 写正文检查到最后一秒检查重心:1、句法:不缺句子成分2、时态:包括语态esp.三单。3、主谓一致4、平时练习易错的地方。避免性别歧视:1、he or she ,不过出现次数太多会很累赘2、能用 they 就别用 he or she

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