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1、Unit 1 My names Gina 第一学时教案示例教学目的1学会询问周边新同窗的姓名,并且将自己刚结识的好朋友简介给全体同窗2通过学生制作名卡或桌卡来提高学生学习英语的爱好,体现英语的实用性3通过以上任务活动,掌握形容词性物主代词的用法及其与人称代词的主格的区别,并且在第一节课让学生对英语的学习产生爱好。4德育目的:热爱班集体,团结同窗。教学重点和难点1形容词性物主代词的用法2在任务活动中掌握you和your,he和his, she和her 的用法3重点句型 (斜体字为扩展句子):Hi / Hello! Good morning / afternoon / evening.How ar

2、e you? Fine, thank you! / Very well / So-so /All right.Whats your name? My name is / Im Whats his/ her name? His/Her name is 课前准备1学生课前准备:运用网络查阅中英文姓名及初次会面时各国或各地风俗,礼仪体会它们的不同之处;准备硬纸片和水彩笔;用英文简介自己的姓、名。2教学器材:录音机、电脑、图片。3教学课件:中英文名字展示片。教学设计Tasks Students activities Teachers activities1. Game: ask and answer

3、the question: Whats your name? Students make a self-introduction and pass the sentences one by one. At first, teacher makes a self-introduction.2.Two students act out how to greet people. Act out the greeting forms they are familiar with or they find on net. Show the students the pictures of other c

4、ountries customs with computer.3. See who can make the most friends and get the most information. Then report their results with his or hers. Move around to make friends with the ones they are interested in. Make the students move around to make friends with others.4. Design and make their name card

5、s . Design and make their name cards in groups. Ask them to design their name cards and see which group is the best.教学过程设计任务一:结识新朋友。1教师一方面向学生做一种自我简介,将名字写在黑板上: My name is , My first name is, My last name is 同步简介一下名字的意义,然后学生就近结组,进行自我简介。例如:一种学生叫徐烨,她说:My name is Xu Ye. Ye means light;一种叫王超的学生简介说: My nam

6、e is Wang Chao. Chao means Superman。这个任务可以激起学生学习英语的爱好,同步扩大词汇量。2“Whats your name?”传句子比赛。学生按行分组,一种同窗问,“Whats your name?”第二个学生回答,“My name is ”然后再接着问第三个人, “Whats your name?” 第三个人答,“My name is His/ her name is ”再接着问第四个人Whats your name?”。看哪个组最先获胜。任务二:学生运用电脑向人们展示她们所收集的中英文姓,问候语名及各国或各地初次会面时的礼仪,体会它们的不同之处;然后由抽


8、操练了本单元的核心句型和形容词性物主代词,特别是he and his, she and her;同步运用到某些超过本课教学内容的语言知识,学生参与性强,最大限度的调动了她们的积极性,同步也为学生树立了英语学习的信心。Name Hobbies Other information 任务四:制作姓名卡。制作姓名卡,由小组协作共同完毕名卡的设计与制作,名卡中规定涉及学生的汉语名字(拼音书写)和英文名字,其她的内容由各组自行设计,但规定每个人的名卡的设计要有创意、体现小组的共性、美观大方、经久耐用、语言精确。因此,该任务既体现个性,又体现共性;既有分工,又有合伙。任务五:作业。为自己、父母、亲朋好友找一

9、种故意义的英文名字,同步将她们简介给你的同窗们。教学点评本节课的设计体现了任务型教学的特点,同步整个任务链的设计均以学生的爱好为主,由易至难,逐级递进,逐渐完毕各个任务,使学生在快乐的完毕每一种任务的同步,体会到学习英语的乐趣,并使每一位学生都参与到活动中,均有所提高。本节课由于是新学期的第一节课,在教学中,本着 “新学期、新起点、新观念、新结识”的观点设计了四个快乐的任务,同步这几种任务互相连接,环环相扣,形成了一种完整的任务链。整节课课堂氛围活跃,学生学习英语的爱好始终很浓。特别是“找朋友”这个任务,极大地调动了学生的积极性,学生们说出了诸多精彩的句子,。而在制作名卡时,各小组通力合伙,氛


11、稍有些乱,在后来课堂中应加以指引。教师自身也需要提高对新课标和任务型教学的结识,以完善此后的教学。 第二学时教案示例教学目的1 简介更多的英文姓名,并且辨别出姓和名;2 学习英语中姓名(name/ full name)、姓(family name/last name)和名(given name/first name)的用法;3 通过用英语说出自己的电话号码的任务,学习数字09;4 制作身份证,以综合运用所学的姓名和数字;5 德育目的:我长大了,学会对人有礼貌、学会感谢。教学重点和难点1 理解英语与汉语中姓与名的位置不同,精确掌握英语的姓与名的体现;2 听懂并能说出电话号码,培养学生的英语意识。

12、3 重点句型:Whats your English name? My English name is Whats your last name/ family name? My last / family name is Whats your telephone number? My telephone number is 主题词 (斜体字为扩展词):last name family name second name surname Tanaka Barnes Green Mitchell Jones Lim Smith Brown Cooper Locke first namegiven n

13、ame Tony Bill Paul Mark Amy Gina Kenji Lisa Chi-yong Mary Kate Katherine Elizabeth Kim Mike Nick Tom Johntelephone number 课前准备1 学生课前准备:父母或朋友的录音磁带、硬纸卡片2 教学器材:电话、小皮球、录音机、电脑3 教学课件:身份证课件教学设计Tasks Students activities Teachers activities1. Game: throw the ball while asking and answering the question. In g

14、roups, one student throws the ball and asks: “Whats your English name?”, the other one answers it ,then throw the ball again. Do this game first as an example.2. Guess, “Who is he/ she?” Play students tape and ask the other students to guess who the speaker is. Introduce two words: family name and f

15、irst name.3.Create the Class Telephone Book Interview other students what are their telephone numbers. Direct.4.Check the telephone number from 114. One student is the operator, others can check the telephone number by asking : “Whats s telephone number?” Ask the students to do it,and tell them the

16、rules. 5.Make ID Card. They can add some information as a real ID Card. Then, make their own ID Card in groups. Show students the teachers ID Card on the computer.教学过程设计一、接力游戏询问学生的英文名。一方面由教师仿做,教师拿出一种小皮球,任意抛向一名学生,同步问:“Whats your English name?”,这个学生接住球并回答:“My English name is ”, 然后由这名学生将球抛向另一名学生, 第二名学生

17、在接物品时必须回答:“My English name is ,his/her English name is (只要反复前一名学生的名字即可)”,然后传递下去并问:“Whats your English name?”。最后将学生分为几组在组内做。在这个活动中,学生的积极性很高(球必须接住,否则也算做失误),达到课标中规定的既从学生的爱好出发,又具有易操作的特点 。二、做“新学期的新祝愿”。在这个活动中,同步引入姓(family name/last name)和名(given name/first name)与汉语的位置区别。将学生所录制的带有家人或朋友的祝愿的磁带放在录音机中,同步用英语简介:

18、“ His/Her family name is , his/her first name is ,do you know who is he/she? ”然后由其她学生猜:“This is your father,his name is ”。在猜的过程中,学生可以加上她们会的其她的信息,例如:她(她)的职业等,充足展示她们的所长并为猜的学生提供某些提示性信息,三次机会,猜对了加分。在这个任务活动操作过程中,给了学生很大空间去发挥,也用到了某些本单元未波及到的句型,例如: Whats he/she? Is he/she in our class? How old is he/she? 等。三、

19、建立班级电话簿。学生互相询问电话号码,用“Whats your telephone number?” 这个句型,并记录在教师发的记录卡上,最后通过整顿,再加上某些公益电话,形成班级电话簿。附表:Name Family name First name Telephone number 四、这个任务是模仿114查号台,该任务运用上一种任务整顿后的班级电话簿去查询,它规定每一位学生都要投入角色,特别是作为话务员,规定声音甜美、温和,态度和蔼。其实行过程是由一种学生作为话务员,其她学生可以任意拨通电话并且询问:“Whats s telephone number?”,同步话务员回答:“ His/Her

20、telephone number is ”。这项任务的设计重要是为了在任务活动中练习让学生脱口而出09这几种英文数字,同步,这项任务活动的过程中所用到的句型Whats s telephone number?和His/Her telephone number is 中,His和Her 是对上一节课形容词性物主代词的一种复习,而“ s telephone number”对于本单元在内容上是一种补充和提高。五、制作ID Card。一方面用电脑展示教师本人的真实身份证的样本,同步告诉学生我们的家长及朋友对我们的祝愿都是但愿我们在新的一年里像一种大人了,那我们就要为自己制作我们的身份证来证明我们长大了,

21、我们会努力做到最佳。然后,观测教师的身份证,有哪些需要更改的,提出更好的建议,制作学生心中抱负的身份证。如下是学生修改后的身份证:附表: ID CardName: Gender:PhotoAge:Class:School: Address:Postcode: Tele Number: E-mail: ID Card No.:0500102六、本节课的作业设计是延续身份证的制作,规定学生写一种“自我简介 ”将本节课所学的知识得以提高,字数不限,我觉得这个活动既可以检查学生这两节课所学到的知识,同步又可以对整体学生的水平有一种理解,应当是一项具有延伸性和拓展性的作业。教学点评本节任务型课程的设计比


23、她各学科相结合,融会贯穿,我但愿学生在新的学期拥有美好的愿望,同步加上朋友的真诚的祝愿会对她们的学习助以一臂之力,而当这个任务完毕时,我感到我的初衷达到了。 另一种任务做114 台查询,是另一种高潮。学生当中有诸多人拨打过这个号码,因此,对这项业务相称熟悉,学得惟妙惟肖,做到了“活动要以学生的生活经验和爱好为出发点,内容和方式要尽量真实;活动要有助于学生学习英语知识 ,发展语言技能,从而提高学生实际语言运用能力”。最后制作身份证的活动,学生将所学知识与实际生活相结合,积极发散思维,制作适合她们并且证明她们是一种成人的证件,这一点符合学生到初中之后但愿她们周边的人可以用成人的眼光来看待自己。同步

24、,本节课的作业是一项具有延伸性和拓展性的作业,也是写作的一次尝试。总之,这节课的任务设计我觉得还是比较成功的,基本达到预先的想法。但是,它也存在如下几种需要继续探讨的问题:第一、在建立班级电话簿的任务中显得时间较为仓促,调节本学时间安排。第二、在制作身份证的过程中,个别学生的动手能力稍差,导致任务未完毕,需考虑小组互助。 Unit 2 Is this your pencil?第一学时教案示例教学目的可以掌握常用物品的英文体现可以询问教室物品或文具名称并找到物主可以综合运用所学句型报告活动成果教学向导语言目的 学习方略与思维技巧 重点词汇运用this /that 的一般疑问句及其答句;What

25、引导的特殊疑问句及其简略回答。 以游戏的形式,做出推理与判断,培养综合分析能力。 pencil, pen, book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key,ID card, baseball, watch, game, ring, computer, notebook语言构造 语言功能 跨学科学习Demonstratives this, that;What questions;Yes/No questions and short answersHow do you spell pencil?(Formulaic) 寻找物主 培养学生绘画和写作能力

26、主题词表pencil, pen, book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key, ID card, baseball, watch, game, ring, computer, notebookExtensive words:textbook; exercise-book; ball-pen; compass; sharpener; rubber; glue; color-pen; sticker; highlight; ball-point; scissors; chalk; file; blackboard; ink; set- squar

27、e; paper; pamphlet; peg.重点句型(1)Is this your pencil? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.(2)Is that my book? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.(3)Is this/that her/his eraser? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.(4) Whats this/ that in English? Its a/an (5)How do you spell pen? P-E-N.主题思维图及任务型活动课前准备让学生收集并自学有关文具或教室物品的名词,并准备某些实物或图片。教师

28、事先应对学生常用的文具有所理解,同步收集部分同窗的物品,对于不能出示实物的用品则应准备某些简图。让学生挑选一件自己喜欢的物品或图片并为该它制作一种英文标签,即写出该物品的英文名称;教师也可根据将学生学习新词时感觉困难的词语,制作自己的标签,将其放入学生的物品中;同步为各小组准备好活动用的纸盒或袋子。Task One: Lead in-Learning words.教学目的:学习有关文具的英文体现方式需要学习和掌握的新单词与新句型:pencil, pen, book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key, ID card, baseball, wa

29、tch, game, ring, computer, notebook1.Is this your pencil? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.2.Is that my book? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.3.Is this/that her/his eraser? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.4.Whats this/ that in English? Its a/an 5.How do you spell pen? P-E-N.Step 1: 出示实物或图片,问学生Whats this/ that in English?导

30、入Task One中新词。(pencil, pen, book, eraser, pencil-case, backpack, ruler, key, ID card, baseball, watch, game, ring, computer, notebook )板书目的词汇。Step 2: 抽取学生中的文具由学生问,学生答;复习上一步所学单词。Step 3: 从学生中收取一部分文具,引入句型Is this your pencil? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.或Is that my book? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. etc.Task Tw

31、o: Guessing game( Finding the owners)教学目的:巩固目的词汇和Is this your pencil?Yes, it is./No, it isnt. etc.复习Whats this/ that in English? Its a/an How do you spell pen? P-E-N.Step 1: 每位学生将自己准备好的物品放进一种袋子里。Step 2: 教师与一位学生做示范。为接下来的Group work 作铺垫。需要用到的句型打在屏幕上。Step 3: 学生开始做Group work。 Step 4: 展示各小组记录的成果,看哪组同窗在规定期

32、间内猜出的物品的主人最多。 Task Three: Competition.教学目的:培养学生在一定语境下综合运用目的语的能力。Step 1: 在小组内部将各自的文具汇集到一处。运用句型:This is my .Step 2: 互换小构成员。来自外组的同窗负责寻找有关文具的主人。运用句型:Is this your.? Is this Janes ?Step 3: 完毕下表并由Group Leader 进行报告。stationery Owner sharpener Pencilcase eraser dictionary Homework:Write down a dialogue using

33、the words and the target languages.Preview the content of the next period.Blackboard writingUnit 2 Is this your pencil?Whats this /that in English? Its a/anHow do you spell.?Is this your/Tinas backpack? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its his/Marys.教学点评:本学时以寻找物主为主线,用实物或实物简图为学生提供尽量真实的场景,让学生产生一定的体验,并在体验中学习

34、、探究,课堂氛围活跃,学生学习爱好高,学习效果也较好。同步教师为学生设计了一种任务链,加强了活动之间的联系,同步活动之间的层次分明,学生易于接受。本堂课成功的核心是教师课前准备到位,每一种环节都使学生感到新鲜、好奇,在这样一种心理因素的驱使下,学生乐学、好学,教学效果倍增。第二学时教案示例Section ThreeTask Three Draw their own family treeTeaching aims 1. Use the language in the true life.2. Learn to write the language structures.Import and d

35、ifficult points How to use language in their lifeTeaching methods Listening and speaking; discussing and guessingTeaching apparatuses Tape recorder, pictures, cards, some pictures and photos.Teaching ProcessionDesigns for the class Teachers activities Students activitiesRevision Is this your father?

36、Is that your mother? Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Leading Are they your parents? Yes, they are.Presentation Ask students to present their family tree Add the words in the box to the family tree. Play the tape. Ask students to read the letter in 3a and then help them to write a letter to Emma Pair work Dra

37、w a picture of their family and friends Tell your partner about your picture Ask them to show their letters and correct their mistakes. Help Ss finish 3b. Present their family tree in the group, and then in the classUse the language:This is my father. His name isThis is my mother. Her name isFinish

38、Ex 1 . Add the words in the box to the family tree.Ask students to listen again , and choose which pictures are Dace and Lin Hai talking about?Read the letter. Draw a picture of Emmas family. And then write a letter to EmmaRead their letter to the class.Draw a picture of their family and friends Tel

39、l their partner about their pictureTake out their family photo. Write an introduction about the people on the back of the photo.Homework Make their photo Album with some simple introduction. 教案点评:整节课设计思路清晰,符合学生的认知能力和认知规律。导入自然,任务衔接较好,给学生一种真实的大任务,以小组为单位,在完毕一系列的小任务的同步,完毕大任务,在完毕任务的同步学会语言。课堂教学形式多样,且以学生活动

40、为主体;能关注学生的情感,整个过程以鼓励评价为主,以评价促学生发展。由于新教材试教时间很短,对任务型教学研究还很不够,学生在做报告的时候,如何让全体学生用心去听,是一种急需注重的问题。Unit 3 This is my sister 第一学时教案示例Title Unit 3 This is my sister Teaching aims Target languages This is my sister. That is my brother. This is Harrys brothers Those are Annes parents Is this Harrys cousin?Are

41、these his brothers? Skills Talk about the family members Introduce the family members to others Emotions & cultures To know the usual way to get to know each other.To develop the students ability to communicate and cooperate with others.Learning strategies Using what you know, deducing, personalizin

42、gKey words Father, mother, parents, grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousinImportant & Difficult Points To know the differences between this and that, these and those To grasp the way of introducing family members To get the information from the third personTaskdesignation Task 2

43、 Teacher-students wedding party taking photos Students Activities Sentence patterns Communication goalIntroduce themselves This is Introduce yourself and the other peopleIntroduce the members of another group That is Pairwork: introduce the members of their own group and some other group members The

44、se areThose are Step 2 Family MembersA. Brainstorm. Listen to a clip of the tape. Give me the words and phrases according to the tape. Eg. Who are they? What are they doing?B. Check the answer and listen to the tape again. Complete the simple family tree.Step 3 Wedding partyTask 2Activities Words an

45、d sentence patterns Communication goalGuessing game: what is happening on Anne Parents, grandparents uncle, aunt, cousin Introduce the family member to the other peopleIntroduce the family tree This is Harrys cousin.These are Harrys parents. Group work:Introduce the family members to other people Co

46、mpetition:Compete with other groups Step 4 Talking about photosActivities Sentence patterns Communication goalDraw the photos Is this Harrys mother?Yes, it is. Get information from the third person.Pairwork: Introduce the photos to the partners. This isThat isThese areThose are Groupwork: Ask some q

47、uestions about the photos Are these Harrys parents?No, they arent.These are Annes parents. Step 5 SummaryList all the sentence patterns so that all the students know the target languages. 教案点评:一环节设计思路:一方面由学生熟悉的称谓引入,将上节课的单词进行系统复习,为任务的完毕做铺垫。小组活动为个人的报告作一种记录,由小组长主持,重要目的之一是增进学生之间的互相学习和合伙,学会去倾听和辨别,学会在集体中刊

48、登自己的意见;目的之二,学会关怀别人,对的体现自己的喜好二课后反思:学生是活动的主体,课堂上大部分的时间交给学生,教师的引导是核心。如何一层层的导入,由易至难的阶梯状任务何时引入,如何引入都是核心所在。同步要注意的是,学生活动之前的范例一定要明确清晰,要每个孩子都懂得做什么和怎么做,活动才会顺利的开展,学生才干在活动中有所得。在课堂设计上体现了任务型教学的主导思想,以任务贯穿教师教学和学生活动的各个环节。学生活动的目的明确,每个环节教师都给出了活动所需的语言知识内容,学生亦能精确的使用目的语言,在活动中学习掌握知识。第二学时教案示例Section ThreeTask Three Draw th

49、eir own family treeTeaching aims 1. Use the language in the true life.2. Learn to write the language structures.Import and difficult points How to use language in their lifeTeaching methods Listening and speaking; discussing and guessingTeaching apparatuses Tape recorder, pictures, cards, some pictu

50、res and photos.Teaching ProcessionDesigns for the class Teachers activities Students activitiesRevision Is this your father?Is that your mother? Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Leading Are they your parents? Yes, they are.Presentation Ask students to present their family tree Add the words in the box to the

51、family tree. Play the tape. Ask students to read the letter in 3a and then help them to write a letter to Emma Pair work Draw a picture of their family and friends Tell your partner about your picture Ask them to show their letters and correct their mistakes. Help Ss finish 3b. Present their family

52、tree in the group, and then in the classUse the language:This is my father. His name isThis is my mother. Her name isFinish Ex 1 . Add the words in the box to the family tree.Ask students to listen again , and choose which pictures are Dace and Lin Hai talking about?Read the letter. Draw a picture o

53、f Emmas family. And then write a letter to EmmaRead their letter to the class.Draw a picture of their family and friends Tell their partner about their pictureTake out their family photo. Write an introduction about the people on the back of the photo.Homework Make their photo Album with some simple

54、 introduction. 教案点评:整节课设计思路清晰,符合学生的认知能力和认知规律。导入自然,任务衔接较好,给学生一种真实的大任务,以小组为单位,在完毕一系列的小任务的同步,完毕大任务,在完毕任务的同步学会语言。课堂教学形式多样,且以学生活动为主体;能关注学生的情感,整个过程以鼓励评价为主,以评价促学生发展。由于新教材试教时间很短,对任务型教学研究还很不够,学生在做报告的时候,如何让全体学生用心去听,是一种急需注重的问题。Unit 4 Wheres my backpackPeriod 1教案示例教学目的 掌握有关房间和房间中多种物品的名称学会用使用功能句表述事物的具体位置教学重点 Fur

55、niture: table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, drawer, chair, deskProposition: under, on, behind, next to, betweenDaily appliance: alarm clock, CD, video cassette, television1) Where is the baseball? Its in the backpack.2) Where is my computer game? Its under the bed.3) Where are your books? Theyre on

56、 the chair.Step 1 游戏A)请同窗根据教师的指令变换自己的位置。如教师说,You are next to the front door now.所有的学生将跟着教师的思路开始进入本单元的主题。B)让学生回忆在刚刚的游戏中,我们究竟使用了哪些有关方位的介词,并再一次明确这些方位介词的具体意思和用法。A.规定学生根据事物的真实位置使用某些方位介词表达出事物的精确位置。B.给学生某些例句,引导她们总结出方位介词一般状况下在句中的位置。Step 2 描述我们的教室 A) 同窗们通过观测,告诉人们教室里分别有哪些事物,如黑板、电视、书、文具、图片等。 B) 分别说出她们在教室中的具体位置

57、。将两人分为一组,或将四人归为一组,互相寻味对方物品的摆放位置。可以给学生规定出某些事物,就教室中事物的位置进行对话,也可进行讨论。以便学生可以纯熟掌握基本的方位表述方式。 C) 课堂练习,连词成句。 TV under dresserAir conditioner behind TableBooks Next to SofaVideo cassette on chairStep 3 听录音磁带,并在图中标出她们对的的位置做P20 2A,2BStep 4 向你的同窗简介宿舍的状况。近来我们学校将要接待一批来自盲人学校的同窗来我校学习。为了以便她们的生活和学习,我们将要安排某些同窗向她们简介学校的

58、具体状况,特别是宿舍中某些常用物品的摆放位置以以便她们使用。课前准备:理解学生公寓中生活用品的位置摆放。课堂活动:学生就平常用品的摆放位置进行一一回忆,找到精确位置。句型:Where is the TV? Its on the dresser.Is the TV on the dresser? Yes, it is.同窗们根据自己的生活经验,可将部分生活用品的位置摆放进行某些调节,这样可以让盲人同窗使用起来更简便。Step 5 本课小结A)单词分类整顿Furniture: table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, drawer, chair, deskPropo

59、sition: under, on, behind, next to, betweenDaily appliance: alarm clock, CD, video cassette, televisionB) 罗列句型 1)Where is the baseball? Its in the backpack.2)Where is my computer game?Its under the bed.3)Where are your books?Theyre on the chair.课堂设计点评:作为本单元的第一节内容,重点是通过教学工作使得学生可以尽快理解本单元学习的主题和重要内容以及难点


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