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1、第二讲名词 模拟演练 1 .用所给词的适当形式填空1 The doctor told Mary that too much(expose) to the sun is bad for theskin.【解析】句意:医生告诉玛丽,过多地暴露在阳光下对皮肤有害。too much 用来修饰不可数名词。【答案】exposure2 Young people go to college with the(expect) that better educatedpeople get a higher pay.【解析】 句意: 年轻人常常怀着这样的期望上大学: 受过更好的教育的人会得到更高的薪水。此处,冠词后

2、要用名词。【答案】 expectation3 Not having been given a written(permit), he had to write anotherletter to the president of the university.【解析】 句意: 因为没有得到书面许可, 他不得不给大学校长再另写一封信。 written 作定语修饰名词。【答案】 permission4 If transport costs had been taken into(consider) at the beginning,the factory would have been built

3、far from its present place.【解析】 句意: 如果运输成本在一开始就得以考虑, 工厂将会建在离目前工厂很远的地方。takeinto consideration 意为“顾及;考虑到”。【答案】 consideration5 As Susan stared at the piles of plastic in her recycling bin, a strong sense of(responsible) made her stick to her recycling work.【解析】 句意: 当苏珊盯着回收箱里的成堆的塑料时, 强烈的责任感让她坚持她的回收工作。此处

4、介词 of 后用名词, a sense of responsibility 意为“责任感,责任心”。【答案】 responsibility6 With the help of some witnesses, three criminals were caught and asked toaid in the(investigate) 【解析】句意:在一些目击者的帮助下,三名罪犯被抓捕并被要求协助调查。冠词the 后用名词。【答案】investigation7 It is not only an embarrassment for sufferers but a test of(endure)f

5、or family and friends.【解析】 句意: 这不仅对当事人来说很尴尬, 对于家人和朋友也是一种忍耐力的考验。此处介词 of 后用名词。【答案】 endurance8 In view of all sorts of rumors and guesses, experts carried out some careful and scientific research and discounted the(possible) of a second earthquakein this area.【解析】句意:针对各种谣言和猜测,专家进行了一些谨慎和科学的研究,排除了这一地域的第二

6、次地震的可能性。【答案】possibility9 Each of us is likely to develop a personal(prefer) for certain typesof entertainment.【解析】句意:我们每个人都可能会形成一种对某些类型娱乐的个人偏爱。【答案】preference10 In severe cases, the economic burden would cause conflict for resources and intensify social(contradict) and unrest as we have seen in the p

7、ast.【解析】句意:在严重情况下,经济上的重负将导致争夺资源的冲突,加剧社会矛盾和动荡,这已被我们以往的经历所证实。 contradict 的名词形式是contradiction 。【答案】contradictions11 A report by the Chinese Academy of Social Science said(employ) amongnew graduates grew to over 12 percent last year because of the global economic crisis.【解析】 句意:中国社会科学院的一份报告说,因为全球经济危机, 应

8、届毕业生失业率去年增长了 12%以上。分析句子结构,空处应是名词作宾语从句的主语。根据句意,应用unemployment。【答案】 unemployment12 Considering the severe fact of global warming, the top priority of all nationsis to reduce CO 2(emit) and increase use of renewable energy.【解析】 句意: 考虑到全球变暖的严重事实, 所有国家的首要任务是减少二氧化碳排放,增加可再生能源的使用。根据后面的 use of. 可知此空应用名词。【答案】

9、 emissions13 Some experts think the wolfs team spirit for(survive) is what isneeded in todays competitive culture.【解析】 句意:一些专家认为:狼为了生存的团队精神是今天的竞争文化所需要的。14 Bob was fired the other day simply because he failed to live up to thebosss(expect) 【解析】句意:几天前鲍勃被解雇了,仅仅因为他辜负了老板的期望。名词所有格后用名词。【答案】expectations15 T

10、oms(polite) was beyond endurance and he was asked to leave theroom by his grandma.【解析】 句意: 汤姆的无礼令人难以忍受, 他的祖母不得不令他离开房间。 从句意看, 应是Tom的无礼才令祖母无法忍受。【答案】 impolitenessn.单句改错1 I met a lot of interesting peoples when I travelled around the world.【答案】peoplesfpeople2 He went to two shoes stores to look for a pa

11、ir of shoes which he liked.【答案】将第一个shoesfshoe3 Our family moved here last month , so I havent made as many friend as I expected.【答案】friend ffriends4 Many parents are worried that there are too many woman teachers in primary and high school.【答案】womaewomen5 A plastic cup lasts longer than one made of

12、glasses.【答案】glasses -glass6 After ten minutes walk , we arrived at the park as planned.【答案】minutes-minutes7 We can acquire a lot of useful informations from various media such as theInternet , TV and newspapers.【答案】informations finformation8 Are you ready to order now?9 Bring us two coffee , please.

13、【答案】coffee fcoffees9 Many listeners , young and old , are still fascinated by Beethovens piano work.10 . The Green make it a habit to go abroad for their holidays everysummer.【答案】Greers Greensin.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,或填入适当的词Robots used for housework were tested out in some _1_(family). Tony, one ofthe robo

14、ts , looked like _2_talland handsome manwith smooth black hair , speakingin a deep voice.Larry was going to be away from home.Also , _3_(curious)drove himto have a tryon such a new thing.So he hireda robot to accompany his wifeClaire.Clairedidnt like the idea at the beginning , but she agreed to it

15、at last.Atthe first sight of Tony , Claire felt embarrassed.Gradually , Tony began to win the _4_ (hostess)trust.He helped Claire realize her dreams by making her home elegant , giving her a new haircut , changing the makeup she wore and giving her _5_(advise) on her 6(person) dresses.Therefore at t

16、he party all her guests who were invited were filled with _7_(admire) when they saw her house was completely changed.After the test , the company was satisfied with _8_(Tony) report and believed it was 9 success because he had successfully made a woman regain her _10_(confident) and fall in love wit

17、h him.【答案】l.families 2.a 3.curiosity 4.hostess 5.advice 6.personal7.admiration 8.Tonys 9.a 10.confidence精美句子1、善思则能“从无字句处读书”。读沙漠,读出了它坦荡豪放的胸怀;读太阳,读出 了它普照万物的无私;读春雨,读出了它润物无声的柔情。读大海,读出了它气势磅礴 的豪情。读石灰,读出了它粉身碎骨不变色的清白。2、幸福幸福是“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归”的牵挂;幸福是“春种一粒粟,秋收千颗子”的收获.幸福是“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的闲适;幸福是“奇闻共欣赏, 疑义相与析”的愉悦。幸福是“随风

18、潜入夜,润物细无声”的奉献;幸福是“夜来风雨 声,花落知多少”的恬淡。幸福是“零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故”的圣洁。幸福是“壮 志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血”的豪壮。幸福是“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐” 的胸怀。幸福是“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”的气节。3、大自然的语言丰富多彩:从秋叶的飘零中,我们读出了季节的变换;从归雁的行列 中,我读出了集体的力量;从冰雪的消融中,我们读出了春天的脚步; 从穿石的滴水中, 我们读出了坚持的可贵;从蜂蜜的浓香中,我们读出了勤劳的甜美。4、成功与失败种子,如果害怕埋没,那它永远不能发芽。鲜花,如果害怕凋谢,那它永远不能开放。矿石,如果害怕焚烧(熔炉),

19、那它永远不能成钢(炼成金子)。蜡烛,如果害怕熄灭(燃烧),那它永远不能发光。航船,如果害怕风浪,那它永远不能到达彼岸。5、墙角的花,当你孤芳自赏时,天地便小了。 井底的蛙,当你自我欢唱时,视野便窄了。笼中的鸟,当你安于供养时,自由便没了。山中的石!当你背靠群峰时,意志就坚了。水中的萍!当你随波逐流后,根基就没了。空中的鸟!当你展翅蓝天中,宇宙就大了。空中的雁!当你离开队伍时,危险就大了。地下的煤!你燃烧自己后,贡献就大了6、朋友是什么?朋友是快乐日子里的一把吉它, 尽情地为你弹奏生活的愉悦;朋友是忧伤日子里的一股春风,轻轻地为你拂去心中的愁云。朋友是成功道路上的一位良师,热情的将你引向阳光的地带;朋友是失败苦闷中的一盏明灯,默默地为你驱赶心灵的阴霾。7、一粒种子,可以无声无息地在泥土里腐烂掉,也可以长成参天的大树。 一块铀块,可以平庸无奇地在石头里沉睡下去,也可以产生惊天动地的力量。一个人,可以碌碌无为地在世上厮混日子,也可以让生命发出耀眼的光芒。8、青春是一首歌,她拨动着我们年轻的心弦;青春是一团火,她点燃了我们沸腾的热血; 青春是一面旗帜,她召唤着我们勇敢前行;青春是一本教科书,她启迪着我们的智慧和心灵

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