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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-暨南大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题It is essential to be on the( )for any signs of movement in the undergrowth since there are poisonous snakes in the area.问题1选项A.guardB.careC.alertD.alarm【答案】C【解析】本题考查的是固定搭配。根据句意可知此处要填一个词与be on the . for构成搭配,表示“警惕、提防”的意思,care和alarm都不

2、能与之构成搭配,be on the alert for是固定搭配表示“警惕、提防”的意思,guard通常的用法是be on guard for,guard的前面不需要加定冠词the,所以此处应该选择alert,故正确答案为选项C。2.单选题The police decided to( )the department store after they had received a bomb warning.问题1选项A.evictB.expelC.abandonD.evacuate【答案】D【解析】本题考查了动词辨析。evict“驱逐”;expel“驱散;赶走”;abandon“放弃”;evac

3、uate“撤离;疏散”,根据bomb warning(爆炸警报)可知警察会疏散、撤离人员,所以此处应该使用动词evacuate,故正确答案为选项D。3.不定项选择题And researchers say that like those literary romantics Romeo and Juliet, they may be blind to the consequences of their quests for an idealized mate who serves their every physical and emotional need. Nearly 19 in 20 n

4、ever-married respondents to a national survey agree that when you marry you want spouse to be your soul mate, first and foremost according to the State of our Unions: 2001 study released Wednesday by Rutgers University.David Popenoe, a Rutgers sociologist and one of the studys authors, said that vie

5、w might spell doom for marriages. “It really provides a very unrealistic view of what marriage really is,” Popenoe said. “The standard becomes so high, its not easy to bail out if you didnt find a soul mate.”The survey points to a fundamental dilemma in which younger people want more from the instit

6、ution of marriage while they seemingly are unwilling to make the necessary commitments.The survey also suggests that some respondents expect too much from a spouse, including the kind of emotional support rendered by same sex friends. The authors of the study suggest that the generation that was pol

7、led may more quickly leave a marriage because of infidelity than past generations.Popenoe said the poll, conducted by the Gallup Organization, is the first of its kind to concentrate on people in their 20s. A total of 1,003 married and single young adults nationwide were interviewed by telephone bet

8、ween January and March. The margin of error was plus or minus four percentage points.Respondents said they eventually want to get married, realize its a lot of work and think there are too many divorces. They believe there is one right person for them out there somewhere and think their own marriage

9、s wont end in divorce.Since the poll is the first of its kind, researchers say it is impossible to say if expectations about marriage are changing or static.But scholars say the search for soul mates has increased over the last generation and the last century as marriage has become an institution ce

10、ntering on romance rather than utility. “One hundred years ago, people married for financial reasons, for tying families together, they married for political reasons,” Said John DeLamater, a sociologist at the University of Wisconsin. “And most people had children.”Those conditions are no longer the

11、 case for young adults like David Asher, a 24-year waiter in a Trenton cafe who has been in a relationship for about two years. He wants to wait to make sure hes ready to change vows “I know a lot of it has to do with financial reasons,” he said. “Maybe if youre going to have children, marriage is t

12、he best bet.” But the main reason for matrimony. “If youre in love with someone, its sort of like promising to them you are in love.”Thats all well and good, said Heather Helms-Erikson, an assistant professor of human development and family studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro,

13、but passion partly in endorphincaused physiological phenomenonhas been known to diminish in time.1. Whats the best title of this passage?2. The new study in this passage shows that( ).3. It can be inferred that the author would most likely agree with which of the following statements regarding marri

14、age?4. Which of the following is not one of the differences between this generation and the past generations as far as marriage is concerned?5. Which of the following sentences will Heather Helms-Erikson use to illustrate her own argument?问题1选项A.Marriage Scholars Worry Search for “Soul Mates” is unr

15、ealisticB.People Should Seek for Romantic Love like Romeo and JulietC.Marriage Should Happen between Soul MatesD.Search for “Soul Mates” Should be superseded by Reality问题2选项A.many American are very practical when they search for a spouseB.American 20-somethings have a largely romantic view of marria

16、geC.Romantic view of marriage might lead marriage to a happy endingD.Americans are fond of marriage life so they will not care cohabitation问题3选项A.It usually involves idealized mates who can serve their every physical and emotional need.B.It may not be realized unless the couple consider carefully ab

17、out their responsibility and commitment.C.It becomes more unrealistic nowadays than in the past because most people center on romance instead of utility.D.It results from many reasons such as financial reasons, family reunion, a political reasons.问题4选项A.The young people nowadays require more from ma

18、rriage but they seem not to be willing to make necessary commitments.B.This generation expects too much from their spouse and they cannot keep to be faithfully to their husbands or wives.C.The young people at present pay more attention to look for soul mates than the past generations when they searc

19、h of partners.D.Now some young people usually marry for the same reasons as the older generations such as financial ones and children.问题5选项A.Ten years into a marriage, you will still have great passion and you notice some tone else and say, “Only my wife or husband is my soul mate.”B.“The romantic p

20、art of marriage while it can be there should not be substituted by other things such as shared values and social status.”C.“The couple should focus on the three Cscommunication, conflict resolution and commitment to make marriage the first priority.”D.“Ten years into a marriage, you dont have that a

21、nymore and you notice someone else and think maybe this person is my soul mate.”【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:D第5题:D【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。这篇文章最佳标题是什么?选项A婚姻研究者担心寻找“灵魂伴侣”这种想法很不现实;选项B“人们应该寻找像罗密欧和朱丽叶那样的爱情”;选项C“婚姻是灵魂伴侣之间的事”;选项D“和灵魂伴侣的婚姻最终会被现实打败”,本文中,作者主要介绍了关于年轻人对于婚姻的态度问题的一个调查,结果显示许多年轻人都梦想拥有灵魂伴侣,通过对年轻人的婚姻态度问题进行分析之后,文章最后

22、一段表明,有研究者表示婚姻中的热情会随着时间而消失,所以可以排除选项B和选项C;而选项D所表达的观点又过于绝对,所以正确答案为选项A。第2题:主旨大意题。这篇文章中新的研究表明了什么,选项A“许多美国人在寻找配偶时非常的物质”;选项B“20多岁的美国年轻人有着非常浪漫的婚姻观”;选项C“罗曼 蒂克式的婚姻观也许会带来幸福的婚姻”;选项D“美国人非常热衷婚姻生活,所以他们不会在乎同居”,选项A所表达的观点与研究结果相悖,许多美国人在寻找配偶时不是非常的物质,而是抱着非常浪漫的想法;选项C不属于研究表明的观点,在最新的研究中,研究者表现出对于浪漫的婚姻观的担忧,而不是赞成;选项D文章没有提到,故正

23、确答案为选项B。第3题:推理判断题。可以推断出作者对于以下关于婚姻的看法中最有可能同意哪个?选项A“它通常发生在可以满足彼此生理和心理需求的理想伴侣之间”;选项B“如果夫妻 不认真考虑他们的责任和承诺的话,婚姻将很难维持”;选项C“现在大多数人注重爱情而不是物质,这让婚姻相比过去而言,变得更加不现实”;选项D“婚姻是由许多因素共同决定的,比如经济原因,家族团结和政治原因”,文章中作者只是站在一个客观的角度来讲述年轻人的婚姻观和影响婚姻的一些因素,并没有主观的倾向哪一种婚姻,所以选项A和选项C可以排除,因为前者倾向于灵魂伴侣,后者倾向于物质婚姻;选项D所表达的只是在过去人们结婚的原因,作者并没有

24、表示赞成;选项B所表达的观点正是现在的年轻人对待婚姻所存在的问题,所以最有可能是作者赞成的,故正确答案为选项B。第4题:细节事实题。以下哪一点不是这一代与上一代关于婚姻的看法的差别?选项A“现在的年轻人要求从婚姻中获得很多,但是他们似乎不愿做出承诺”;选项B“这一代人期待从配偶那里获得很多,然而他们并不能对自己的丈夫或者妻子保持忠诚”;选项C “现在的年轻人相比上一代人寻找同伴而言他们更多的关注寻找灵魂伴侣”;选项D“现在的年轻人和老一辈一样因为经济因素和孩子而结婚”,选项A、B和C都在文章中有体现,选项D的表达与文章第8段中“But scholars say the search for s

25、oul mates has increased over the last generationand the last centuryas marriage has become an institution centering on romance rather than utility. 但是学者表明寻找灵魂伴侣这种想法超过了上一辈以及上个世纪婚姻变成了爱情的殿堂而不是物质”,从此处我们可以看出现在的年轻人更多的是因为爱情而结婚,所以选项D的表述错误,故正确答案为选项D。第5题:推理判断题。Heather Helms-Erikson会用以下哪些话来证明她的观点?选项A “结婚十年后,你依

26、然对婚姻充满激情,而且你会听到有人说,之后我的妻子或者丈夫是我的灵魂伴侣”;选项B“婚姻中的爱情不应该被其他东西所取代,比如相同的价值观和社会地位”;选项C“夫妻应该关注原则沟通,冲突解决办法和承诺,以保持婚姻的优先权”;选项D“结婚十年后,你不再有热情了,当你遇到另一个人然后你会认为也许这个才是我的灵魂伴侣”,做题之前我们必须清楚Heather Helms-Erikson这个人表达了什么观点,根据最后一段我们认为她所表达的观点是:因为爱情而结婚是件很好的事情,但是激情会随着时间而消失。所以我们要从四个选项中选择一个能证明“激情会随着时间而消失”这个观点,所以分析四个选项所表达的意思可知正确答

27、案为选项D。4.不定项选择题Alan Chang was a handsome young man with good manners.One morning he was walking along a street on his way to an appointment. He did not want to be early or late. He had forgotten to put on his watch so he went up to a man who was waiting for a taxi.“Excuse me, sir,” he said, very poli

28、tely, “but could you tell me the time?”The man, who was very well-dressed and looked quite rich, said nothing. He did not even look at Alan.Alan spoke to him again. “Excuse me, sir,” he said, “but could you please tell me what time is?”This time the man looked at him, but he did not speak and looked

29、 quickly away.Alan thought to himself: Well, hes not deaf. He must be just rude.“Why wont you tell me the time, sir?” he demanded.The man turned towards him and said, “Try to understand me, I am standing here waiting for a taxi. You come up to me and ask me for the time. If I tell it to you, you wil

30、l thank me. I will say, Thats all right. You may then say, Its a beautiful day, to which I may reply Yes, I like these sunny winter days. Before we know what is happening we have a friendly conversation. You are a pleasant, polite young man and so when my taxi comes, I offer you a ride. You accept.

31、We talk. I like you. You like me. I invite you to my home. You meet my daughter. She is a very pretty girl. You are a good-looking man. You like each other. Soon you fall in love. You want to marry. Now do you understand my problem?”Alan shook his head.“No sir, Im sorry, I dont. Everything you have

32、said seems very natural to me.”“Exactly,” the man said, “and I do not want my daughter to marry a man who is too poor to buy a watch. Good morning to you,” and with these words he hurried away.1. Why did Alan ask the man what time it was?2. What did Alan think the man was when he would not tell him

33、the time?3. Why didnt the man tell Alan the time?4. What kind of a man did the man consider Alan Chang?5. What is the story really about?问题1选项A.He was late.B.He was early.C.He had forgotten to put on his watch.D.He wanted to meet the mans daughter.问题2选项A.rudeB.deafC.stupidD.unable to speak English问题

34、3选项A.He did not know it.B.He did not have a watch.C.He thought Alan was a thief.D.He did not want to speak to Alan.问题4选项A.a thiefB.a poor manC.a cheatD.a rich man问题5选项A.telling the timeB.being rude to peopleC.not speaking to strangersD.one thing leading to another【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:D【解析】第1题

35、:事实细节题。由第二段第三句He had forgotten to put on his watch so he went up to a man who was waiting for a taxi(他忘了戴表,所以走到一个正在等出租车的人面前)可知C选项“他忘了戴表”正确。第2题:事实细节题。由第七段Alan thought to himself: Well, hes not deaf. He must be just rude(艾伦心想:嗯,他不是聋子。他一定只是没有礼貌)可知,A选项“粗鲁的,无礼的”正确。第3题:推理判断题。由文章第九段至末尾可知,“那个男人”不想让女儿嫁给Alan,

36、因此不想跟他说话,因此D选项符合题意。A、B、C选项在本文中均未被提及。第4题:事实细节题。由最后一段中的I do not want my daughter to marry a man who is too poor to buy a watch(我不希望我的女儿嫁给一个穷得连手表都买不起的人)可知Alan被认为是一个穷人,因此B选项正确。第5题:主旨大意题。文章讲述了Alan向路人打听时间,路人却想象了“Alan会跟他相谈甚欢,然后他邀请Alan搭便车,之后邀请Alan去他家,Alan见到了他的女儿并与他女儿陷入爱河”等一系列事情,因此D选项“一件事引发另一件事”符合题意。5.单选题He

37、had wanted a 25% raise in pay, but after talking to his boss, he decided that a 5% raise would have to( ).问题1选项A.sufficeB.satisfyC.gratifyD.delight【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。suffice“足够;足以”;satisfy“满意;令人满意”;gratify“使满足”;delight“高兴;使高兴”,在经过和他老板谈话之后他觉得可以接收5%的涨薪,将涨薪25%与涨薪5%相比,5%只可以说是够的,可以接受的。句意:他原想涨薪25%,但是经过与他老板

38、谈话之后,他决定涨5%就。故正确答案为选项A。6.单选题With their modern, lightweight boat, they soon( )the older vessels in the race.问题1选项A.overranB.exceededC.outstrippedD.caught up【答案】C【解析】本题考查了同义词辨析。overran“超过(范围)”;exceeded“超过,超越(数量,限制)”;outstripped“超过,赶上”;caught up“追上,赶上(接名词时跟with连用)”,此处指的是在比赛中超过,赶上别人,所以可以排除选项A、B,此处如果使用ca

39、tch up的话后面应该加with,用catch up with的形式,故正确答案为选项C。7.单选题People innately( )for superiority over their peers although it sometimes takes the form of an exaggerated lust for power.问题1选项A.striveB.ascertainC.justifyD.adhere【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。strive“努力;抗争”;ascertain“确定;查明”;justify“证明合法”;adhere“坚持;依附”,根据句子结构可知此处

40、应该填入一个动词与for构成词组,根据后面的superiority,分析四个选项可知此处填入strive最为恰当。句意:人天生会去使自己比别人优越,尽管这经常以对权利极大的欲望来体现。故正确答案为选项A。8.单选题The rebel army( )the democratic government of the country lawlessly.问题1选项A.overthrewB.overtookC.overturnedD.overruled【答案】A【解析】同形词辨析题。overthrew“打倒;推翻”;overtook“追上;赶上”;overturned“推翻;倾覆”;overruled

41、“驳回;否决”,根据rebel army“叛军”和lawlessly“非法地”可知此处应该是指叛军推翻了民主政府,所以答案从选项A和选项C之间选;overturn主要是指某种具体事物在位置上的颠倒,或者是指推翻某种已有的理论或者制度;overthrow主要是指用武力推翻某种制度或者机构,所以此处用overthrow比较恰当,故正确答案为选项A。9.单选题Its up to you whether to buy that villa or not but my advice is, before your decision, you must have it( ).问题1选项A.overlook

42、edB.observedC.scannedD.surveyed【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项overlooked“忽略”;B选项observed “观察,注意到”;C选项scanned“扫描,细看,浏览”;D选项surveyed“调查”。句意:这完全取决于你是否买那幢别墅了,但我的建议是,在决定之前,你必须仔细检查一下。根据提到的“买别墅”这件事,可知此处应该是建议要好好检查房子,其他选项观察或者调查都不太合适,scan这个动词,有表示仔细检查的意思,因此选项C符合题意。10.单选题A luxury express train jumped the tracks on a bridge

43、 in eastern India, killing at least 50 on the spot. According to the Northen Railway spokesman, the death( )is expected to rise.问题1选项A.figureB.tollC.spanD.yield【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。figure“数字;人物”;toll“通行费;代价;伤亡人数”;span“跨度;范围”;yield“产量;收益”,此处death toll是表示“伤亡人数”的惯用说法。句意:一列运输奢侈品的火车脱轨掉在了印度东部的一座桥梁上,当地至少50人因为这次事件死亡。据北方铁路发言人说,死亡人数预计将上升。故正确答案为选项B。

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