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1、2022年成人高考-英语(专升本)考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题34_问题1选项A.improvementsB.changesC.protectionD.development【答案】B【解析】2. 单选题Which of the following is one of the advantages of hanging clothes out to dry?问题1选项A.It may help to build a greenhouse.B.It helps remove bacteria in clothes.C.It uses half the energy tha

2、t clothes dryers do.D.It gets clothes dry much faster than clothes dryers.【答案】B【解析】3. 单选题The carpet has so many stains on it that it needs问题1选项A.replaceB.to replaceC.being replacedD.to be replaced【答案】D【解析】4. 单选题32_问题1选项A.fullyB.recentlyC.silentlyD.Actively【答案】A【解析】5. 单选题Passage TwoGenerations of Ame

3、ricans have been brought up to believe that a good breakfast is essential to ones life. Eating breakfast at the start of the day, we have been told,and told again, is as necessary as putting gasoline in the family car before starting a trip. But for many people, the thought of food as the first thin

4、g in the morning is never a pleasure So despite all the efforts,they still take no breakfast.Between 1977 and 1983, the latest year for which figures could be obtained, the number of people who didnt have breakfast increased by 33%-from 8.8 million to 11.7 million-according to the Chicago-based Mark

5、et Research Corporation of America. For those who dislike eating breakfast, however, there is some good news.Several studies in the last few years have shown that,for adults especially, there may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast. Going without breakfast does not affect work,said Arnold E.Ben

6、der, former professor of nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College in London, nor does giving people breakfast improve work. Scientific evidence linking breakfast to better health or better work is surprisingly inadequate(不充分) ,and most of the recent work involves children, not adults. The literature, sa

7、ys one researcher, Dr.Earnest Polite at the University of Texas, is poor.Which of these is mentioned in the second paragraph?问题1选项A.The number of the people who skip breakfast has increased.B.Many people fill their cars with gasoline in the morning.C.8.8 million people got involved in a study on eat

8、ing habits.D.A company carried out a research in 1983.【答案】A【解析】6. 单选题35_问题1选项A.relyB.keepC.holdD.put【答案】A【解析】7. 单选题Despite the sudden breakdown of the General Manager, _ work is going on in the company.问题1选项A.usualB.routineC.normalD.regular【答案】B【解析】8. 单选题58_问题1选项A.When shall we set offB.What is the

9、timeC.have a wonderful timeD.start packingE.be great funF.What could I getG.What should I takeI.where to【答案】G【解析】9. 单选题Passage TwoThere were many different cultures in the ancient world, but the two that had the most influence on European and American civilizations were the Greek and the Roman.Often

10、 these two cultures are lumped together in our minds, as if they were really exactly alike.But that is not the case.In many ways the Greeks and the Romans could not have been more different.The Greeks were truly democratic, often without a single leader but instead governed by a group of men chosen

11、by the people.The Romans were semi-democratic.They had a governing Senate, but the political power was mostly or completely in the hands of a single emperor.Both cultures were great builders.But the construction interests of the two cultures were also different.The Greeks tended to be more artistic.

12、Their buildings were well constructed and they ley were especially interested in temples, columns, and decorative forms.The Romans, on the other hand were more engineers than artists.They concentrated their efforts on urban planning, well-functioning water pipes, and the best roads.Only in cooking a

13、nd eating habits are the two cultures really similar.Both peoples ate very well indeed: lots of fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, healthy meals, holding at the same time long discussions and tasting excellent wines.In fact, it would probably be fair to say that they both loved life in their warm, s

14、ea-oriented climates, and they both lived a full life.What is the first paragraph about?问题1选项A.The Greek and the Roman were similar.B.People misunderstood European civilization.C.Greek civilization was quite different from Roman civilization.D.European civilization influenced American civilization g

15、reatly.【答案】C【解析】10. 单选题I sent him the package yesterday. He _ it by now.问题1选项A.might have receivedB.receivedC.will receiveD.Receives【答案】A【解析】11. 单选题At such a time of crisis, we must try to _ all differences and stick together.问题1选项A.set apartB.set backC.set asideD.set down【答案】C【解析】12. 单选题What did th

16、e author realize after the surgery?问题1选项A.His wife was a talkative woman.B.His house was full of pleasant talks.C.His son didnt like talking.D.His dog liked pleasant birdsongs.【答案】B【解析】13. 单选题_问题1选项A.fingerB.singerC.hangerD.Ringer【答案】A【解析】14. 单选题My teacher recommended that l_ as careful as possible

17、when I took an exam.问题1选项A.amB.wereC.beD.will be【答案】C【解析】15. 单选题_问题1选项A.captainB.sustainC.containD.retain【答案】A【解析】16. 单选题57_问题1选项A.Where are you going todayB.Thats not our busC.Ill catch up on my reading to kill timeD.There isnt a cloud in the skyE.Did you catch the news todayF.How long have you bee

18、n waitingG.Have a nice dayI.Dont forget your book【答案】F【解析】17. 单选题Passage TwoCoconut(椰子)is an unusual food for many reasons. It is one of the largest edible seeds produced by any plant. Its unusual contents also make it unique in the seed world-it consists of both “meat“ and “water” inside. The cocon

19、ut meat is the white substance with which we are all familiar, as it is used extensively for cooking and flavorings;the coconut water is a white and sweet liquid. Portuguese(葡萄牙的)explorers gave the nut its name in the 15th century, referring to it as coco, meaning “ghost” in their language. The outs

20、ide appearance of coconuts reminded them of a ghosts face, and the tree has had that name ever since.The coconut has varied uses. It is used to make various cooking oils for fast food restaurants around the world to make diet materials. The coconut fluid is a favorite drink in hot climates, providin

21、g a cool and refreshing beverage right off the tree. This water is also used by manufacturers of various sports drinks. Even the shell itself has many uses, including animal food and fertilizer.And all these are only some of the uses found for the coconut fruit. The coconut tree, which produces the

22、nut, also produces many useful things. Its no wonder that the coconut tree has been taken as “the tree of life”.What does the underlined word“edible”in Paragraph 1 mean?问题1选项A.Visible.B.Collectible.C.Available.D.Eatable.【答案】D【解析】18. 单选题Why is Solex suitable for everyone?问题1选项A.Its price is more attr

23、active.B.It can be used to relieve sunburn.C.It can make the skin cells more active.D.It has a mild protection factor.【答案】D【解析】19. 单选题24_问题1选项A.bothB.inC.betweenD.before【答案】C【解析】20. 单选题You should learn through failures.Why dont you _ your plan or try a new approach?问题1选项A.adjustB.repeatC.acceptD.Refuse【答案】A【解析】

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