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1、2022年考博英语-浙江大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题There was no light on the way and for a second she hesitated, unable to( ) the dim figure awaiting her.问题1选项A.set outB.make outC.pick upD.clear up【答案】B【解析】set out开始,出发,陈述;make out理解,认出;pick up捡起,获得;clear up整理,打扫。句意:路上没有灯光,她犹豫了一会儿,无法辨认出那个等待着她的模糊身影。选项B符合句意。2. 单选题Sin

2、ce the early 1930s, Swiss banks had prided themselves on their system of banking secrecy and numbered accounts.Over the year, they had successfully (1) every challenge to this system by their own government who, (2 ) had been frequently urged by foreign governments to reveal information about the fi

3、nancial affairs of certain account(3 ). The result of this policy of secrecy was(4 )a kind of mystique had grown up around Swiss banking. There was a widely-held belief that Switzerland was(5 ) to wealthy foreigners, mainly because of its numbered accounts and bankers reluctance to ask awkward quest

4、ions(6 ) depositors. (7 )to the mystique was the view that if this secrecy was ever given up, foreigners would fall over themselves in the rush to(8 )money, and the Swiss banking system would virtually collapse overnight.To many, (9 ), it came like a bolt out of the(10) , when, in 1977, the Swiss ba

5、nks announced they had signed a_(11)with the Swiss National Bank (the Central Bank). The aim of the agreement was(12) the improper use of the countrys bank secrecy laws, and its(13) was to curb severely the system of secrecy.The rules which the banks had agreed to observe(14)he opening of numbered a

6、ccounts subject to much closer_(15)than before. The banks would be required, if necessary, to(16)_ the origin of foreign funds going into numbered and other accounts. The idea was to stop such accounts being used for(17 ) purposes. Also, they agreed not to accept funds resulting from tax(18) or from

7、 crime.The pact represented essentially a tightening up of banking rules. (19) the banks agreed to end relations with clients whose identities were unclear or who were performing improper acts, they were still not obliged to inform(20 ) a client to anyone, including the Swiss government. To some ext

8、ent, therefore, the principle of secrecy had been maintained.问题1选项A.resistedB.enduredC.withstoodD.opposed问题2选项A.in turnB.in returnC.in caseD.in all问题3选项A.ownersB.possessorsC.keepersD.holders问题4选项A.thatB.whileC.whichD.therefore问题5选项A.disrespectfulB.irresponsibleC.irresistibleD.irrational问题6选项A.aboutB

9、.ofC.afterD.for问题7选项A.ContributedB.Having contributedC.ContributingD.Contribute问题8选项A.exchangeB.withdrawC.depositD.cash问题9选项A.neverthelessB.as a matter of factC.thereforeD.of course问题10选项A.shockB.blueC.suddenD.blew问题11选项A.pactB.pretextC.provisoD.contract问题12选项A.preventB.to have preventedC.preventing

10、D.to prevent问题13选项A.effectB.influenceC.affectD.impact问题14选项A.invokedB.madeC.causedD.induced问题15选项A.researchB.searchC.scrutinyD.survey问题16选项A.discoverB.identifyC.learnD.know问题17选项A.suspectableB.unsureC.dubiousD.implausible问题18选项A.evasionB.neglectC.omissionD.escape问题19选项A.In spiteB.AlthoughC.UntilD.Ev

11、en问题20选项A.withB.aboutC.onD.of【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A第5题:C第6题:B第7题:C第8题:B第9题:C第10题:B第11题:A第12题:D第13题:A第14题:B第15题:C第16题:B第17题:C第18题:A第19题:B第20题:C【解析】(1)resisted反抗;endured忍耐;withstood抵挡,经得起;opposed反对。句意:一年来,它们成功地顶住了本国政府对这一制度提出的每一个挑战。选项C符合原文。(2)in turn轮流,依次; in return作为回报;in case万一,假使;in all总共,合计。句意:反过

12、来,这些政府又经常被外国政府要求披露某些账户持有人的财务状况的信息。选项A符合原文。(3)account holders指账户持有人。(4)that在这里引导同位语从句,不做任何成分。(5)disrespectful无礼的,失礼的;irresponsible不负责任的,不可靠的;irresistible不可抗拒的,极为诱人的;irrational不合理的。根据下文,瑞士的账户数量有限,而且银行家们不会问储户一些棘手的问题。所以这对外国的富人来说是不可抗拒的,选项C符合原文。(6)ask question of+sb.指向某人提问。about关于,for表原因,句意:银行家们不会问储户一些棘手的

13、问题。故答案为B。(7)句意:造成这种神秘感的一个原因是。这里用-ing形式表主动语态。(8)根据原文:一旦放弃这种保密政策,外国人就会争先恐后地 ,瑞士银行体系也会在一夜之间崩溃。选项B取款符合句意。(9)对许多人来说,1977年瑞士银行宣布与瑞士中央银行签署的一项协议犹如晴天霹雳。根据上下文逻辑,这里应该填选项C更符合。(10)a bolt out of the blue为固定搭配,指出人意料的事,晴天霹雳。(11)pact协定,契约;pretext借口,托辞;proviso附文,限制性条款;contract合同,婚约。签署协议更恰当,所以选项A正确。(12)to prevent表目的。T

14、he aim of sth. is/was to do sth.(13)effect影响,效果,作用;influence影响,感化;affect做名词指情感;impact效果,影响。根据后面的to可知答案为A。influence, affect, impact后面都接on。(14)invoked呼唤;induced引诱,说服。根据原文:银行同意遵守的规则,使得有编号账户的开户受到比以前更严格的审查。选项B符合原文。(15)scrutiny指详细审查。符合银行的办事规则,所以更恰当。(16)如有必要,银行将被要求确定进入编号和其他账户的外国资金的来源。选项B正确。(17)这个想法是为了阻止这些账

15、户被用于可疑的目的。implausible难以置信的;suspectable和dubious都是可疑的意思,suspectable指值得怀疑的;dubious指半信半疑的。选项C更恰当。(18)tax evasion指逃税,为固定搭配。Omission疏忽,遗漏。(19)根据原文:这些银行同意终止与身份不明或行为不当的客户的关系,但它们仍没有义务将客户的信息告知任何人,包括瑞士政府。选项B符合原文转折的逻辑关系。(20)inform on sth. to sb.向某人告知某事。3. 单选题As the firms business increased they more and more em

16、ployees.问题1选项A.took upB.took inC.took afterD.took on【答案】D【解析】动词词组辨析。took up开始(从事),占据(时间,地方);took in吸收;took after与相像,took on雇用,承担。句意:随着公司业务的增长,他们雇用了越来越多的员工。选项D符合句意。4. 单选题If the investment tax credit is ( ) as a part of tax reform plan, the capital-intensive businesses such as steel-makers and airline

17、rs will face a hard time.问题1选项A.repealedB.inferredC.inducedD.appealed【答案】A【解析】repealed废止,撤销;inferred推测;induced引诱,说服;appealed呼吁,求助。句意:如果投资抵税被取消来作为税收改革计划的一部分,钢铁制造商和航空公司等资本密集型企业将面临艰难时期。选项A符合句意。5. 翻译题与你的个人外表和自我态度一样,你做生意的方式也可以使客户产生良好的印象。当拜访客户时,很重要的一点是谈话开门见山。他并不会真的对你所谈论的天气情况,前一天晚 上的总统演说,或是星期天的橄榄球赛感兴趣。他也不会

18、对你夸奖他的西装好看,和墙上的照片中他女儿的模样令人倾倒感兴趣。这样的闲聊是一种不真诚的表现形式,而且侵占了他的时间。我一直认为直截了当是最有效的,因此我向你保证任何一个商人都会因为你能这样做而对你尊重有加。正如外表决定了人的第一印象,外表也同样决定了产品、地点以及公司的第一印象。比方说,你也许注意到了生意兴隆饭店的泊车服务生会把劳斯莱斯、奔驰、凯迪拉克等 汽车停在最显眼的位置,这样你在走向饭店门口的时候一定会看到它们。我过去以为这么做是因为有钱人给了更多的消费,但真实的原因是每个成功的饭店经营者都懂得良好的形象能推销食品。他想告诉公众:我们招待的是懂格调的客人。因此,很明显,我们的食物一定是

19、精心烹饪的。一个干净整洁的外表也表示你讲效率有条理 我所知道的公司无不希望拥有这样的形象。如果你曾经走进过汽车维修站一间干净而整齐的车库,我确信你会和我一样,认为把车留在那里进行维护感觉更舒服一些。【答案】Just like your personal appearance and attitude, the manner you adopt in doing business can also make a good impression on your customers. When visiting clients, its important to get right to the p

20、oint. Hes not really interested in the weather youre talking about, the Presidents speech the night before, or Sundays football game. He wont be interested in you complimenting him on his suit or the way his daughter looks in the pictures on the wall. Such small talk was a form of insincerity and en

21、croached on his time. I have always believed that it is most effective to be direct, so I can assure you that any businessman will respect you for being able to do so.Just as appearance determines a persons first impression, appearance also determines the product, place and companys first impression

22、.For example, you may have noticed that the parking attendants at a thriving restaurant park rolls Royce, Mercedes Benz, Cadillac and other cars in the most prominent locations, so that you are sure to see them when you walk to the door of the restaurant. I used to think it was because rich people g

23、ave them more money, but the real reason is that every successful restaurateur knows that good looks sell food. He wanted to tell the public: were entertaining style-conscious guests. Therefore, it is obvious that our food must be carefully cooked.A clean and tidy appearance also indicates that you

24、are efficient and organized an image that every company I know would like to have. If youve ever walked into a clean, tidy garage in a garage, Im sure youll agree with me that it feels better to leave your car there for maintenance.6. 单选题Tattoos didnt spring up with the dawn of biker gangs and rock

25、“n” roll bands. Theyve been around for a long time and had many different meanings over the course of history.For years, scientists believed that Egyptians and Nubians were the first people to tattoo their bodies. Then, in 1991, a mummy was discovered, dating back to the Bronze Age of about 3, 300 B

26、. C. “The Iceman”, as the specimen was dubbed, had several markings on his body, including a cross on the inside of his knee and lines on his ankle and back. It is believed these tattoos were made in a curative effort.Being so advance, the Egyptians reportedly spread the practice of tattooing throug

27、hout the world. The pyramid-building third and fourth dynasties of Egypt developed international nations with Crete Greece, Persia and Arabia. The art tattooing stretched out all the way to Southeast Asia by 2, 000 B. C. Around the same time, the Japanese became interested in the art but only for it

28、s decorative attributes, as opposed to magical ones. The Japanese tattoo artists were the undisputed masters. Their use of colors, perspective, and imaginative designs gave the practice a whole new angle. During the first millennium A. D., Japan adopted Chinese culture in many aspects and confined t

29、attooing to branding wrongdoers.In the Balkans, the Thracians had a different use for the craft. Aristocrats, according to Herodotus, used it to show the world their social status. Although early Europeans dabbled with tattooing, they truly rediscovered the art from when the world exploration of the

30、 post-Renaissance made them seek out new cultures. It was their meeting with Polynesian that introduced them to tattooing. The word, in fact is derived from the Polynesian word tattau, which means “to mark”.Most of the early uses of tattoos were ornamental. However, a number of civilizations had pra

31、ctical applications for this craft. The Goths, a tribe of Germanic barbarians famous for pillaging Roman settlements, used tattoos to mark their slaves. Romans did the same with slaves and criminals.In Tahiti, tattoos were a rite of passage and told the history of the persons life. Reaching adulthoo

32、d, boys got one tattoo to commemorate the event. Men were marked with another style when they got married.Later, tattoos became the souvenir of choice for globetrotting sailors. Whenever they would reach an exotic locale, they would get a new tattoo to mark the occasion. A dragon was a famous style

33、that meant the sailor had reached a “China station”. At first, sailors would spend their free time on the ship tattooing themselves and their mates. Soon after, tattoo parlors were set up in the area, surrounding ports worldwide.In the middle of the 19th century, police officials believed that half

34、of the criminal underworld in New York City had tattoos. Port areas were renowned for being rough places full of sailors that were guilty of some crime or another. This is most likely how tattoos got such a bad reputation and became associated with rebels and delinquents.1.According to the passage,

35、tattoos were adopted for all of the following purposes EXCEPT( ).2.Tattoo was believed to be created().3.In Japan, tattoos were accepted as( ).4.Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?5.Why did tattoos become associated with rebels and delinquents in New York?问题1选项A.to tre

36、at the diseaseB.to challenge social moresC.to record the footprints of ones lifeD.to adorn oneself问题2选项A.together with biker gangs and rock n roll bandsB.in 1991 when a mummy was discoveredC.firstly in Southeast Asia by 2, 000 B . C.D.by Egyptians and Nubians问题3选项A.a means of ornamentB.a symbol of m

37、agical powerC.a way of communicationD.a sign of success问题4选项A.Both China and Japan confined tattooing to marking criminals.B.Romans used tattoos for decoration.C.Sailors took tattoos as the gift for their friends and relatives.D.Tattoo parlors were usually found in downtown areas.问题5选项A.Because in t

38、he middle of the 19th century, criminals were usually tattooed by the government.B.Because sailors had tattoos and some of the sailors were guilty of some crime or another.C.Because tattoos were the marks for the members of certain organizations.D.Because Port authorities required the sailors to wea

39、r tattoos.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.根据第二段的最后一句“It is believed these tattoos were made in a curative effort.”可知选项A正确;根据第四段的第二句“.used it to show the world their social status.”可知选项B表达有误;根据第六段的第一句“In Tahiti, tattoos were a rite of passage and told the history of the persons life.”可知选项C正确;根据第七段

40、的第一句“Later, tattoos became the souvenir of choice for globetrotting sailors.”可知选项D正确。所以本题选B。2.根据第二段的第一句“For years, scientists believed that Egyptians and Nubians were the first people to tattoo their bodies.”可知选项D正确。3.根据第三段的第四句“the Japanese became interested in the art but only for its decorative at

41、tributes, as opposed to magical ones.”日本人对这种艺术产生了兴趣,但只是因为它的装饰性,而不是魔力。选项A正确。4.根据第三段的最后一句“During the first millennium A. D., Japan adopted Chinese culture in many aspects and confined tattooing to branding wrongdoers.”可知选项A正确;根据第五段的最后一句“.used tattoos to mark their slaves. Romans did the same with slav

42、es and criminals.”可知选项B错误;选项C在文中没有提及;根据倒数第二段的最后一句“Soon after, tattoo parlors were set up in the area, surrounding ports worldwide.”可知选项D错误。5.根据最后一段的内容可知,19世纪中叶,警方认为纽约市一半的黑社会罪犯都有纹身。港口地区以到处都是犯了某种罪行的水手而闻名。这很有可能是纹身名声如此之差,并与反叛分子和犯罪分子联系在一起的原因。选项B符合原文。7. 单选题People were surprised to find that Mr. Johnson ha

43、d the ability to( )everything he was involved in.问题1选项A.prevailB.dominateC.presideD.instruct【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。prevail盛行,流行;dominate控制,支配;preside主持,担任会议主席;instruct指导,通知。句意:人们惊讶地发现Mr. Johnson 有能力操控他所做的每件事。选项B符合句意。8. 单选题The belief that the universe is improving and that good will ( ) triumph over evil pr

44、evails.问题1选项A.ultimatelyB.conclusivelyC.feasiblyD.terminally【答案】A【解析】ultimately最后,根本,基本上; conclusively 最后地,决定性地; feasibly可行地; terminally最后,在末端,致命地。句意:宇宙正在进步,正义终将战胜邪恶的信念盛行。选项A符合句意。9. 单选题Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine ( ) that the Americans were no longer open to European colonization.问题1选项A.

45、entrustedB.assertedC.appreciatedD.reckoned【答案】B【解析】entrust委托;assert主张,声称;appreciate欣赏,感激,领会;reckon测算,估计,认为。句意:制定于1823年的门罗主义宣称美国人不再对欧洲殖民开放。选项B符合句意。10. 单选题Television 一 that most pervasive (遍布的)and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth is moving into a new era, an era of

46、extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world. It is an electronic revolution of sorts, made possible by the marriage of television and computer technologies.The word “television”, derived from its Greek (tele: distant) and Latin (vision: sight) root

47、s, can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance. Very simply put, it works in this way: through a sophisticated system of electronics, television provides the capability of converting an image (focused on a special photo conductive plate within a camera) into electronics impulses, which can

48、 be sent through a wire or a cable. These impulses, when fed into a receiver (television set), can then be electronically reconstituted into that same image.Television is more than just an electronics system, however. It is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such b

49、ecomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings.The field of television can be divided into two categories determined by its means of transmission. First, there is broadcast television, which reached the masses through broad-based airwave transmission of television signals. Second, there is n

50、on-broadcast television, which provided for the needs of individuals or specific interest groups through controlled transmission techniques.Traditionally, television has been a medium of the masses. We are most familiar with broadcast television because it has been with us for thirty-seven years in

51、a form similar to what exists today. During those years, it has been controlled, for the most part, by the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS, who have been the major purveyors (传播者)of the news, information and entertainment. These giants of broadcasting have not only shaped television but our pe

52、rception (感觉)as well. We have come to look upon the picture tube as a source of entertainment, placing our role in this dynamic medium as the passive viewer.1.With which topic is the passage primarily concerned?2.The word “put” (2nd sentence of 2nd Para. ) could best be replaced by which of the foll

53、owing?3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a function of electronics in television transmissions?4.What field of television is intended for specific groups?5.Which of the following statements about the relationship between television and its viewers can best be inferred from t

54、he passage?问题1选项A.Recent changes in modem technology.B.The marriage of broadcasting giants.C.The role of television in todays society.D.The content of broadcast television programs.问题2选项A.expressedB.askedC.placedD.inserted问题3选项A.The conversion of image into electronics impulses.B.The sending of impu

55、lses through a wire cable.C.The changing of one image into another image.D.The feeding of impulses into a receiver.问题4选项A.Broad-based.B.Reconstituted.C.Traditional.D.Non-broadcast.问题5选项A.Viewers do not take an active role in watching television.B.Viewers would prefer increased news coverage.C.Viewer

56、s like to use television to reach other human beings.D.Viewers are grown tired of television.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.主旨题。文章第一段讲到电视将改变我们的生活和我们的世界,接下来讲述了电视在当今社会所扮演的角色。所以选项C最能概括全文。2.语义题。根据前后文可知,very simply put可以理解为“简单地说”,这里的put意为“表达”,所以本题选A。3.细节判断题。根据第二段的第二句“television provides the capabilit

57、y of converting an image(focused on a special photo conductive plate within a camera) into electronics impulses, which can be sent through a wire or a cable. ”可知选项A和B正确;根据第二段的最后一句“These impulses, when fed into a receiver (television set) , can then be electronically reconstituted into that same imag

58、e.”可知选项D正确,而选项C错误。原文指转换成相同的图像,而不是把一种图像转换成另一种图像。所以本题选C。4.细节事实题。根据第四段的最后一句“there is non-broadcast television, which provided for the needs of individuals or specific interest groups”可知选项D正确。5.细节推断题。根据最后一段的最后一句“We have come to look upon the picture tube as a source of entertainment, placing our role in

59、 this dynamic medium as the passive viewer.”我们的娱乐来源于显像管,在这个静态的媒体面前扮演着被动的观看者的角色。选项A换了一种方式表达,也是符合原文的。11. 单选题The German general staff made another dangerous concession to what they considered a military necessity. The plan would be () not when countries formally declared war but simply when they ordere

60、d mobilization.问题1选项A.triggeredB.triggeringC.triflingD.trifled【答案】A【解析】trigger引起,发动; trifle浪费,嘲弄。根据句意:德国总参谋部对他们认为是军事需要的东西又作了危险的让步。该计划不会在国家正式宣战时启动,而只是在国家下令动员时启动。首先排除选项C和D,计划是被启动,所以选项A正确。12. 单选题The more a nations companies( )factories abroad, the smaller that countrys recorded exports will be.问题1选项A.l

61、ieB.locateC.spotD.stand【答案】B【解析】句意:一个国家的企业在海外设厂越多,该国的出口记录就会越小。locate为及物动词,符合句意。其他选项做及物动词时都和位置没有关系。13. 单选题The violent ( ) of his youth reappeared and was directed not only at the army, but at his wife at all.问题1选项A.impatienceB.characterC.temperD.quality【答案】C【解析】impatience急躁,不耐烦;character性质,品格;temper脾气,性情,倾向;quality品质,特性。句意:他年轻时的暴躁脾气又出现了,不仅是在军队,而且对他的妻子也是一样。选项C符合句意。14. 单选题They did considerable work to( ) the masses of the United States with the elementary problems of Latin America.问题1选项A.instructB.acquaint

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