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The World’s Cultural Heritage。选修 7。保养 v. ___________ 2. 建议 v. ___________ 3. 估计。(使)扩大 v. ___________ 5. 折中。


1、The Worlds Cultural Heritage,Module 6,选修 7,1,1. 保持;维持;保养 v. ___________ 2. 建议 v. ___________ 3. 估计;估算 n. ___________ 4. (使)增大;(使)扩大 v. ___________ 5. 折中;妥协 n. ___________ 6. 许诺做某事;同意做某事 v. ___________ 7. 给予荣誉 v. ___________,重点单词,maintain recommend estimate enlarge compromise undertake honour,2,8. 保护;保存 v. _________ 9. 存在 n. _________ 10. 暴露;显露 n. _________ 11. 促成 v. _____。

2、Literature,Module 3,选修 7,1,1. The room in which the boys were fed was a large stone hall, with a large pot at one end. 孩子们进餐的场所是一间宽敞的大石厅,一口大锅放在大厅一侧。 2. Each boy was allowed one bowl of soup and no more, except on special holidays when he was given another 60 grams of bread. 每个孩子只能分到一碗粥,绝不多给,除非逢特别节日,他们才可以分到另外60克的面包。,重点句型,2,3. they would sit staring at the pot with eager eyes, as if they wanted to eat it. 他们便会坐着,用渴望的眼。

3、Music Born in America,Module 4,选修 7,1,1. Songs that are spoken rather than sung are called rap. 采用近乎念白方式而不是唱的歌曲被叫做rap。 2. As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore, and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York. 粤语流行音乐不仅仅吸引了本地的大量听众,而且传到海外的其他国家,并且香港的歌星在北京、伦敦和纽约都很有名。,重点句型,2,3. “My message is that it doesnt matter if youre black, white, fat, thin, old and young were。

4、Highlights of My Senior Year,Module 2,选修 7,1,1. Something else Ive greatly enjoyed is working as a peer mediator, someone who helps students to settle problems that they have with other students. 另外一件我非常乐意做的事情是做同伴调 解人,就是帮助学生们解决同学之间的问题。 2. and I did enjoy it whenever I won our races! 不管什么时候只要我赢了比赛,我都 会为此欣喜万分!,重点句型,2,3. It took two hours but it was worth it, as everyone told me I looked very elegant! 这花了我两小时,不过很值得,因为每。

5、Ethnic Culture,Module 5,选修 7,1,1. The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500meter Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow. 古城依山而建,对面是海拔5500米的玉龙雪山,山峰被积雪覆盖。 2. The sky is clear blue and I dont think Ive ever seen anything else so beautiful in my life. 这里的天空碧蓝如洗,我想我一生从未见过这么美的景色。,重点句型,2,3. However different we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all equal. 无论起初我们看上去有多么不同,然而我们。

6、Basketball,Module 1,选修 7,1,1. Wearing his famous number 23 shirt, Michael Jordan became the most successful basketball player in the history of the game. 身着著名的23号球衣,乔丹成为篮球运动史上最成功的球员。 2. They have fantastic stories to tell about Michael Jordan, such as the time when he rescued the Bulls from ending a game on a tie. 他们可以讲述很多关于迈克尔乔丹的传奇故事,例如一次他在比赛的关键时刻拯救了公牛队,从而避免打成平局。,重点句型,2,3. At one point, Chamberlain was so much better。

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山西省届高中英语总复习 M4 Music Born in America课件 (外研版选修7) 新课标
山西省届高中英语总复习 M2 Highlights of My_Senior Year课件 (外研版选修7) 新课标
山西省届高中英语总复习 M5 Ethnic Culture课件 (外研版选修7) 新课标
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