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1、2022年考博英语-西南科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Relying on his( ), the doctor cured the seemingly incurable patient.问题1选项A.approachB.faithC.expertiseD.confidence【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项approach“方法,方式”;B选项faith“信仰,信念”;C选项expertise“专业知识,专门技术”;D选项confidence“自信,信任”,句意:医生依靠他的专业知识治好了这个看似无法治愈的病人。由选项意思和句意可知,C选项符合句意。2. 单选题

2、The meeting was( )over by the mayor to discuss the tax raise in the city.问题1选项A.propelledB.pickedC.postponedD.presided【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项propel“推进,驱使”,B选项pick“挑选,采摘”,pick over“择优,分档挑选”;C选项postpone“延迟,缓办”;D选项preside“主持”,preside over“主持,负责”。句意:会议由市长主持,讨论城市税收增加问题。由选项意思和固定搭配可知,D选项符合句意。3. 翻译题Translate th

3、e following text into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.In the United State of America houses have changed as social customs changed. At first, American houses followed the patterns brought from Europe by the early immigrants, but, since timber was the most easily obtained material

4、, boarded walls and shingle roofs largely replaced bricks and tiles. Lately, different regions have evolved their own methods of house building to suit local conditions; for instance, a low rambling house with widely spreading eaves, is typical of the Pacific coast. In addition, the plan of the hous

5、e has begun to change as the American way of life has diverged more and more from the European. Houses are less formal, and rooms merge one into the other, providing more space for general family life and fewer rooms for special purposes.【答案】在美国,房屋随着社会习俗的改变而改变。起初,美国的房屋仿效早期移民从欧洲带来的模式。但由于木材是最容易获得的材料,木

6、板墙和木瓦屋顶大量取代了砖块和瓦。最近,不同的地区发展出了适合当地条件的房屋建造方法;例如,布局凌乱的低矮房子有着散开的屋檐,是典型的太平洋海岸建筑。此外,随着美国人的生活方式越来越不同于欧洲人,住宅的规划也开始改变。住宅不那么正式,房间相互融合,为一般家庭生活提供了更多的空间,特殊用途的空间也变少了。4. 单选题Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and that if countries play games together they will learn to

7、 live together. Others say that the opposite is true: that international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. There is probably some truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that sports encourage i

8、nternational brotherhood. Not only was there the tragic incident involving the murder of athletes, but the Games were also ruined by lesser incidents caused principally by minor contests.One country received its second-place medals with visible indignation after the hockey final. There had been nois

9、y scenes at the end of the hockey match, the losers objecting to the final decisions. They were convinced that one of their goals should not have been disallowed and that their opponents victory was unfair. Their manager was in a rage when he said: “This wasnt hockey. Hockey and the International Ho

10、ckey Federation are finished. ” The president of the Federation said later that such behavior could result in the suspension of the team for at least three years.The American basketball team announced that they would not yield first place to Russia, after a disputable end to their contest. The Game

11、had ended in disturbance. It was thought at first that the United States had won, by a single point, but it was announced that there were three seconds still to play. A Russian player then threw the ball from one end of the court to the other, and another player popped it into the basket. It was the

12、 first time the USA had ever lost an Olympic basketball match. An appeal jury debated the matter for four and a half hours before announcing that the result would stand. The American players then voted not to receive the silver medals.Incidents of this kind will continue as long as sport is played c

13、ompetitively rather than for the love of the game. The suggestion that athletes should compete as individuals, or in non-national teams, might be too much to hope for. But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much that encourages aggressive patriotism.1. According to the auth

14、or, recent Olympic Games( ).2. What did the manager mean by saying, “Hockey and the International Hockey Federation are finished”?3. The basketball example implied that( ).4. The author gives the two examples in paragraphs 2-3 to show( ).5. What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?问题1选项A.create

15、d goodwill between the nationsB.bred only false national prideC.barely showed any international friendshipD.led to more and more misunderstanding and hatred问题2选项A.His team would no longer take part in international games.B.Hockey and the Federation are both ruined by the unfair decisions.C.There sho

16、uld be no more hockey matches organized by the Federation.D.The Federation should be dissolved.问题3选项A.too much patriotism was displayed in the incidentB.the announcement to prolong the match was wrongC.the appeal jury was too hesitant in making the decisionD.the American team was right in rejecting

17、the silver medals问题4选项A.how false national pride led to undesirable incidents in international gamesB.that sportsmen have been more obedient than they used to beC.that competitiveness in the games discourages international friendshipD.that unfair decisions are common in Olympic Games问题5选项A.The organ

18、ization of the Olympic Games must be improved.B.Athletes should compete as individuals in the Olympic Games.C.Sport should be played competitively rather than for the love of the game.D.International contests are liable for misunderstanding between nations【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.事实细节题。题干:

19、根据作者,最近的奥林匹克运动会_。由题干中的“recent the Olympic Games”内容可以定位到文章第一段第三句but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that sports encourage international brotherhood.(但近年来,奥运会在支持体育促进国际友谊这一观点方面做得很少。),可知,C选项“几乎没有显示出任何国际友谊”,符合题意。A选项“在国与国之间建立了友好关系”,与原文观点相反,故排除。由第一段第二句that internation

20、al contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred.(国际竞赛鼓励虚假的民族自豪感,导致误解和仇恨),可知,B选项“只孕育了虚假的民族自豪感”和D选项“导致越来越多的误解和仇恨”是说international contests的,而不是针对Olympic Games的,故排除。综上所述,本题的正确答案为C选项。2.事实细节题。题干:这位经理说“冰球和国际冰球联合会完蛋了”是什么意思?根据第二段的例子,我们可以看出,在比赛中获得亚军的球队,表现出愤懑之情,拒绝接受最后的结果。他们认为


22、从球场的一端把球扔到另一端,另一个俄罗斯队员把球投进篮里。这是美国篮球队第一次在奥林匹克比赛中失利。评判委员会争论了四个半小时才宣布维持比赛结果。美国队投票决定不接受银牌。表明爱国情绪太过头,体育规则受到藐视。可推断出A选项“这次事件展现了太多的爱国主义”为正确答案。而B“延长比赛时间的公告是错误的”,C选项“上诉陪审团在做决定时太犹豫了”和D选项“美国队拒绝获得银牌是正确的”都没有证据可证明。综上所述,本题的正确答案为A选项。4.推理判断题。题干:作者在2-3段举了两个例子来说明_。结合文章的主题international contests encourage false national

23、pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred(国际竞赛鼓励虚假的民族自豪感,导致误解和仇恨),可以判断冰球和篮球的例子都说明比赛中的竞争阻碍了国际友谊。可推断出C选项“奥运会的竞争性阻碍了国际间的友谊”为正确答案。A选项“错误的民族自豪感如何导致国际比赛中不受欢迎的事件”,B“运动员比以前更听话了”,和D选项“不公平的决定在奥运会中很常见”都不是这两个例子想要说明的问题。综上所述,本题的正确答案为C选项。5.主旨大意题。题干:从文章中可以得出什么结论?通过最后一段内容Incidents of this kind will continue as l

24、ong as sport is played competitively rather than for the love of the game. The suggestion that athletes should compete as individuals, or in non-national teams, might be too much to hope for. But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much that encourages aggressive patriotism.

25、(只要体育运动是为了竞争而不是为了热爱这项运动,这样的事件就会继续发生。认为运动员应该以个人身份或非国家代表队参加比赛的建议,可能是一种奢望。但是,在目前的奥运会组织中,鼓励强烈爱国主义的因素太多了。),可知,B选项“运动员应以个人身份参加奥运会比赛”,C选项“体育运动应该是竞争性的,而不是出于对运动的热爱。”不符合题意。D选项“国际竞赛容易引起国与国之间的误解”文章有提到international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred(国际竞赛鼓励虚假的民族自豪感,导致误

26、解和仇恨),但是并没有说这个误解是国与国之间的,所以排除D选项。这是一篇评论性文章,文中寄托了作者的希望。可以看出A选项“必须改进奥运会的组织工作”,是作者通过文章内容希望改进的建议。综上所述,本题的正确答案为A选项。5. 单选题This sort of rude behavior in public hardly( )a person in your position.问题1选项A.becomesB.fitsC.supportsD.improves【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项become有“与相称,适合(某人)”的含义,例句:This dress doesnt become the

27、 color of your skin.(这件裙子不衬你的肤色);B选项fit虽然也有这个意思,但它主要是指尺寸、式样以及数量是否适合,例句:I cant find clothes to fit me.(我找不到合身的衣服。);C选项support“支持,维护”;D选项improve意为“提高,改善”。句意:在公共场合,这种粗鲁的行为与你的地位是不相符的。由选项意思和句意可知,A选项符合句意。6. 单选题Although architecture has artistic qualities, it must also satisfy a number of important practic

28、al( ).问题1选项A.obligationsB.regulationsC.observationsD.considerations【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项obligation“义务,债务”;B选项regulation“条例,规程”;C选项observation“观察”;D选项consideration“考虑,注意事项”。句意:建筑虽然具有艺术性,但它也必须满足一些重要的实用性考虑。由选项意思和句意可知,D选项符合句意。7. 写作题Write on the ANSWER SHEET a composition of about 250 words based on the to

29、pic “Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment”?You are to write in three parts.In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.In the second part,provide one or two reasons or your experience (s) to support your opinion.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusi

30、on or make a summary.【答案】略8. 单选题The electric shaver( ) before it can be used.问题1选项A.needs repairingB.should be in repairC.has to be repairableD.must repair【答案】A【解析】考查被动语态。electric shaver和repair是被动的关系,电动刮胡刀只能被修。A选项need做实义动词时,主语若是物,动词则要用动名词或不定式的被动形式作宾语,故A选项正确。B、C、D选项均没有被动意义。句意:电动剃须刀需要修理才能使用。因此,本题的正确答案

31、是A选项。9. 单选题The idea of spending the rest of my life there never( )me.问题1选项A.approves toB.attracts toC.appalls toD.appeals to【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项approve to “批准,赞成”,B选项attract“吸引”,一般没有“attract to”这样的用法,可以用attract sb. to do sth.或者sb. is attracted to do sth.,C选项appall“使胆寒,使大吃一惊”,一般不和介词to搭配;D选项appeals to“

32、呼吁,吸引,要求”。句意:在那里度过余生的想法从来没有吸引过我。由选项意思和固定搭配可知,D选项符合句意。10. 单选题She must have been pretty( )to fall for such an old trick.问题1选项A.interestedB.gullibleC.enthusiasticD.shrewd【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项interested“感兴趣的”;B选项gullible“易受骗的,轻信的”;C选项enthusiastic“热情的”;D选项shrewd“精明的,狡猾的”。句意:她太容易上当受骗了,才落入这样的老圈套。由选项意思和句意可知,

33、B选项符合句意。11. 单选题The United Nations( )much to world peace and order.问题1选项A.has attributedB.have attributedC.has contributedD.have contributed【答案】C【解析】考查词义辨析。attributeto“把归因”,contributeto“对作贡献”。表示国家、地名等专用名词做主语时,后面谓语用单数形式,句意:联合国为世界和平与秩序做出了巨大贡献。所以本题的正确答案是C选项。12. 单选题Silver is the best conductor of electri

34、city, copper( )closely.问题1选项A.followedB.followsC.followingD.to follow【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词。一般情况下,分词作状语时,应与句子的主语存在一定的逻辑关系(主谓或动宾关系),否则分词就须有自己的主语或逻辑宾语,来构成“名词或代词+分词”的独立分词结构,用来表示原因、时间、条件、方式或伴随情况等。copper与follow之间为主动关系,故用现在分词形式。由此可见,C选项正确。copper following it closely是以现在分词following为中心的独立主格结构。(独立主格结构就是某一个非谓语动词短语,

35、或名词性短语,或形容词性短语,或介词短语的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,而是自己另带的一个逻辑主语。比如本句的主语是silver,但following的逻辑主语是copper。又如:He stood there, book in hand.中的介词短语in hand的逻辑主语是book而不是句子的主语he,所以book in hand为独立主格结构。)句意:银是最好的导体,铜与之非常接近。综上所述,本题的正确答案是C选项。13. 单选题Every country with a monetary system of its own has to have some kind of market in

36、which dealers in bills, notes, and other forms of short term credit can buy and sell. The “money market” is a set of institutions or arrangements for handling what might be called wholesale transactions in money and short-term credit. The need for such facilities arises in much the same way that a s

37、imilar need does in connection with the distribution of any of the products of a diversified economy to their final users at the retail level. If the retailer is to provide reasonably adequate service to his customers, he must have active contacts with others who specialize in making or handling bul

38、k quantities of whatever is his stock in trade. The money market is made up of specialized facilities of exactly this kind. It exists for the purpose of improving the ability of the retailers of financial servicescommercial banks, savings institutions, investment houses, lending agencies, and even g

39、overnmentsto do their job. It has little if any contact with the individuals or firms who maintain accounts with these various retailers or purchase their securities or borrow from them.The elemental functions of a money market must be performed in any kind of modern economy, even one that is largel

40、y planned or socialist, but the arrangements in socialist countries do not ordinarily take the form of a market. Money markets exist in countries that use market processes rather than planned allocations to distribute most of their primary resources among alternative uses. The general distinguishing

41、 feature of a money market is that it relies upon open competition among those who are bulk suppliers of funds at any particular time and among those seeking bulk funds, to work out the best practicable distribution of the existing total volume of such funds.In their market transactions, those with

42、bulk supplies of funds or demands for them, rely on groups of intermediaries who act as brokers or dealers. The characteristics of these middlemen, the services they perform, and their relationship to other parts of the financial system vary widely from country to country. In many countries there is

43、 no single meeting place where the middlemen get together, yet in most countries the contacts among all participants are sufficiently open and free to assure each supplier or user of funds that he will get or pay a price that fairly reflects all of the influences (including his own) that are current

44、ly affecting the whole supply and the whole demand. In nearly all cases, moreover, the unifying force of competition is reflected at any given moment in a common price (that is, rate of interest) for similar transactions. Continuous fluctuations in the money market rates of interest result from chan

45、ges in the pressure of available supplies of funds upon the market and in the pull of current demands upon the market.1. The first paragraph is mainly about( ).2. According to this passage, the money market( ).3. Which of the following statements concerning money market is NOT TRUE according to this

46、 passage?4. The author uses the example of middlemen to show( ).5. According to this passage,( ).问题1选项A.the definition of money marketB.the constitution of a money marketC.the basic functions of a money marketD.the general feature of a money market问题2选项A.provides convenient services to its customers

47、B.has close contact with the individuals or firms seeking fundsC.maintains accounts with various retailers of financial servicesD.is made up of institutions which specialize in handling wholesale monetary transactions问题3选项A.Money market does not exist in planned economies.B.Money market has been est

48、ablished in some socialist countries.C.Money market encourages open competition among bulk suppliers of funds.D.Money market relies upon market processes to distribute funds to final users.问题4选项A.market transactions are important in different countriesB.dealers are needed in doing businessC.middleme

49、n can play great role in different transactions and different countries.D.middlemen in different countries have different actions in business.问题5选项A.brokers usually perform the same kinds of services to their customersB.brokers have little contact with each otherC.open competition tends to result in

50、 a common price for similar transactions at any given momentD.changes in the pressure of available supplies of funds upon the market tends to maintain a money market【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。题干:第一段主要是关于_。可以定位到第一段,不难发现,第一段的主要是在描述金融市场的定义The “money market” is a set of institutions or arr

51、angements for handling what might be called wholesale transactions in money and short-term credit.(金融市场就是一组用钱和短期信贷进行批发交易的公共机构或组织。)以及金融市场的目的和作用It exists for the purpose of improving the ability of the retailers of financial services(其设立的目的是为了帮助金融机构),所以C选项“金融市场的基本功能”正确。A选项“金融市场的定义”不够全面,B选项“金融市场的章程”和D选

52、项“金融市场的一般特征”在第一段中均未提及,排除,所以本题的正确答案是C选项。2.推理判断题。题干:根据文章,金融市场_。通过第一段第二行的后半句话可知The “money market” is a set of institutions or arrangements for handling what might be called wholesale transactions in money and short-term credit.(金融市场就是一组用钱和短期信贷进行批发交易的公共机构或组织。),该句的意思与D项“是由专门处理批发货币交易的机构组成的”符合,故D选项正确。A选项“为

53、客户提供方便的服务”通过第一段第四句If the retailer is to provide reasonably adequate service to his customers(如果零售商要为他的客户提供充足的服务。),可知,为客户提供服务的应该是零售商,所以A选项不正确,B选项“与寻求资金的个人或公司有密切联系”,通过最后一段第一句话In their market transactions, those with bulk supplies of funds or demands for them, rely on groups of intermediaries who act a

54、s brokers or dealers.(在市场交易中,提供资金和寻求资金者之间依靠经纪人或经销商这些中间人来进行交易。),所以B选项不正确,C选项“在不同的金融服务零售商保持账户”,由第一段倒数第二句话可知,金融市场是为了帮助金融机构的零售商们做好他们的工作,和C选项表达意思不符合,所以C选项不正确。综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。3.推理判断题。题干:根据文章可知,以下那个关于金融市场的描述不正确?根据第二段第三行Money markets exist in countries that use market processes rather than planned allocati

55、ons to distribute most of their primary resources among alternative uses.(金融市场存在于那些利用市场而不是计划来分配资源的国家里。),我们可以知道,货币市场不仅仅存在于社会主义国家,所以B选项“金融市场在一些社会主义国家已经建立了”是错误的。A选项“计划经济中不存在金融市场”,与第二段的第一句话“金融市场最基本的功能必须以现代经济形式来体现,甚至是高度计划或社会主义,但社会主义国家不一定都要采取市场形式。”对应,所以排除A选项,C选项“金融市场鼓励大宗资金供应商之间的公开竞争”与第二段的最后一句话“货币市场的特点是,它依



58、项“经纪人之间几乎没有联系”,通过文章第三段第三句话“大多数国家中所有参与者之间的联系都是公开进行”可知B选项不符合文中的题意。D项“可用资金供应对市场压力的变化倾向于维持货币市场”货币市场的浮动并不只是取决于资金提供方,还有市场的需要的因素,所以排除D选项。综上所述,本题的正确答案是C选项。14. 单选题Joe returned from vacation and woke up completely( ).问题1选项A.refreshedB.being refreshedC.having refreshedD.having been refreshed【答案】A【解析】考查非谓语动词。B选

59、项是动名词的被动形式,“being done”,C选项是动名词的完成形式“having done”,D选项是动名词的完成+被动形式“having been done”,句意:乔度假回来,醒来后精神抖擞。所以本题的正确答案应该是A选项。15. 翻译题Translate the following text into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.20世纪80年代以来,中国陆续推出一系列科学技术研究发展的整体计划,旨在战略性地全面提高国家在21世纪的综合科技竞争力。1982年开始实施的国家科技攻关计划,是20世纪中国最大的科

60、技计划。它面向国民经济建设主战场,解决国民经济和社会发展中带有方向性、关键性和综合性的问题,涉及农业、电子信息、能源、交通、材料、资源勘探、环境保护、医疗卫生等领域。【答案】Since the 1980s, China has launched a series of overall plans for scientific and technological research and development for the purpose of enhancing the countrys comprehensive scientific and technological competit

61、iveness strategically and roundly in 21st century. National Key Technology R&D Program, which is carried out in 1982, is China s largest science and technology program in the 20th century. Facing the main battlefield of national economic construction, it solves directional, key and comprehensive pro

62、blems in national economic and social development, involving agriculture, electronic information, energy, transportation, materials, resource exploration, environmental protection, medical and health care and other fields.16. 单选题The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that

63、it was( )to the issue at hand.问题1选项A.irrationalB.unreasonableC.invalidD.irrelevant【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项irrational“不合理的,无理性的”;B选项unreasonable “不合理的,不切实际的”;C选项invalid“无效的,有病的”;D选项irrelevant“不相干的,不切题的”。句意:法官裁定该证据不可采信,因为它与手头的问题无关。由选项意思和句意可知,D选项符合句意。17. 单选题It is( )to expect an adult reaction from a child.问题1选项A.prospectiveB.effectiveC.irrationalD.farcical【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项

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