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1、2022年考博英语-安徽大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Hundreds of chickens are raised in the( ).问题1选项A.exposureB.enclosureC.closureD.pressure【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项exposure“暴露;曝光”;B选项enclosure“附件;围墙”;C选项closure“关闭;终止”;D选项pressure“压力;压迫”。句意:里养了数百只小鸡。句中所说的是圈养小鸡,所以会需要一堵围墙。因此B选项符合题意。2. 单选题Office jobs are among the position

2、s hardest hit by computation. Word processors and typists will lose about 93,000 jobs over the next few years, while 57,000 secretarial jobs will vanish. Blame the PC: Today, many executives type their own memos and carry their “secretaries” in the palms of their hands. Time is also hard for stock c

3、lerks, whose ranks are expected to decrease by 68,000. And employees in manufacturing firms and wholesalers are being replaced with computerized systems.But not everyone who loses a job will end up in the unemployment line. Many will shift to growing positions within their own companies. When new te

4、chnologies shook up the telecom business, telephone operator Judy Dougherty pursued retraining. She is now a communications technician, earning about $ 64,000 per year. Of course, if youve been a tollbooth collector for the past 30 years, and you find yourself replaced by an E-ZPass machine, it may

5、be of little consolation to know that the telecomm field is booming.And thats just it: The service economy is fading; welcome to the expertise economy. To succeed in the new job market, you must be able to handle complex problems. Indeed, all but one of the 50 highest-paying occupations air-traffic

6、controller demand at least a bachelors degree.For those with just a high school diploma, its going to get tougher to find a well-paying job. Since fewer factory and clerical jobs will be available, whats left will be the jobs that computation cant kill: Computers cant clean offices, or care for Alzh

7、eimers patients. But, since most people have the skills to fill those positions, the wages stay painfully low, meaning computation could drive an even deeper wedge between the rich and poor. The best advice now: Never stop learning, and keep up with new technology.For busy adults, of course, that ca

8、n be tough. The good news is that the very technology thats reducing so many jobs is also making it easier to go back to school without having to sit in a classroom. So-called Internet distance learning is hot, with more than three million students currently enrolled, and its gaining credibility wit

9、h employers.Are you at risk of losing your job to a computer? Check the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, which is available online at bls.gov.34. From the first paragraph we can infer that all of the following persons are easily thrown into unemployment EXCEPT( ).35.

10、 By saying“putation could drive an even deeper wedge between the rich and poor” (Para.4) the author means( ).36. What is the authors attitude towards computers?37. Which of the following might serve as the best title of the passage?问题1选项A.secretariesB.stock clerksC.managersD.wholesalers问题2选项A.people

11、 are getting richer and richerB.there will be a small gap between rich and poorC.the gap between rich and poor is getting larger and largerD.its time to close up the gap between the rich and poor问题3选项A.Positive.B.Negative.C.Neutral.D.Prejudiced问题4选项A.Blaming the PC.B.The booming telecomm field.C.Int

12、ernet distance learning.D.Keeping up with computation.【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D【解析】34. 推理判断题。定位在第一段Word processors and typists will lose about 93,000 jobs over the next few years, while 57,000 secretarial jobs will vanish.(文字处理人员和打字员将在最近几年失去93000个就业职位,57000个秘书的职位将消失。)Time is also hard for stock clerk

13、s, whose ranks are expected to decrease by 68,000.(股票职员的日子也不好过,其职位预期要减少68000个。)And employees in manufacturing firms and wholesalers are being replaced with computerized systems.(同时,制造业的雇员和批发商也正在被计算机化的系统所替代。)由此可知,A选项“秘书”,B选项“股票职员”,D选项“批发商”都很容易失业。因此C选项“经理”最不可能失业,符合题意,故选C。35. 推理判断题。定位到第四段But, since mos

14、t people have the skills to fill those positions, the wages stay painfully low, meaning computation could drive an even deeper wedge between the rich and poor.(但是,由于大多数人都能胜任这样的职位,工资就会非常低,这就意味着计算机自动化可能会在贫富之间打入一个更深的楔子。)也即是说,计算机自动化可能会造成贫富之间的差距越来越大。因此C选项“贫富差距越来越大”正确,符合题意。A选项“人们越来越富有了”,B选项“贫富差距会减小”,D选项“是

15、时候缩小贫富差距了”,均不符合题意。故选C。36. 观点态度题。这篇文章客观地说明了计算机自动化所造成或将要造成的失业问题,作者对此深表同情,但作者对计算机自动化却还是肯定的。定位到第三段The service economy is fading; welcome to the expertise economy.(服务经济正在衰退;欢迎来到专业经济。)和第四段中的The best advice now: Never stop learning, and keep up with new technology.(现在最好的建议是永远不要停止学习,跟上新技术的步伐。)说明在作者眼里计算机自动化是

16、科技的进步,能够催人奋进,努力学习。由此可见作者对计算机持肯定的态度,因此A选项“积极的;肯定的”正确,符合题意。B选项“消极的;否定的”,C选项“中立的”,D选项“怀有偏见的”均不符合题意。故选A。37. 主旨大意题。本文主要围绕“计算机自动化”展开叙述,客观地说明了计算机自动化所造成或将要造成的失业问题,作者对此深表同情,同时也提出忠告:学无止境,跟上新技术不落伍。因此D选项“跟上计算机的使用”正确,符合题意。A选项“责怪电脑”,B选项“蓬勃发展的电信领域”,C选项“网络远程教育”,均不符合题意。故选D。3. 单选题We will stop now and( )working at two

17、 oclock.问题1选项A.presumeB.consumeC.assumeD.resume【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项presume“假定;推测”,B选项consume“消耗;消费”;C选项assume“设想;假定”;D选项resume“(中断后)重新开始”。句意:我们现在停下,2点钟开始。意思是现在先暂停,等到2点后再继续。由此可以排除B选项,A,C选项都有假定的意思,但assume通常用于指在毫无依据的情况下做出假设,很可能是错误的判断。presume通常用于强调基于证据或可能性而得出的看法。此处具体指的意思是“重新开始”。因此D选项符合题意。4. 单选题Hardly( )o

18、pened the letter( )rushed out of the house, wild with joy.问题1选项A.did he, when heB.had he, when heC.had he, did heD.did he, he when【答案】B【解析】考查部分倒装。当Hardly在句首时,为固定的倒装,且和when搭配,为Hardlywhen,可排除C选项。空格后open是实义动词且已经是ed形式,证明之前不能使用did(使用did,open要相对应的使用原型),排除A, D选项,句意:他一打开信,就欣喜若狂地冲出了房子。因此B选项正确。5. 单选题The perso

19、nnel of organs of state must be( )by the masses.问题1选项A.stimulatedB.jeopardizedC.supervisedD.escorted【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项stimulated“促进;激发”;B选项jeopardized“危害;使受危困”;C选项supervised“监督”;D选项escorted“护送”。句意:国家机构的全体人员必须接受民众的。句中的施动者是the masses“民众”,承受者是The personnel of organs of state“国家机构的全体人员”,国家机构的全体人员接受人民监督

20、是坚持执政为民、坚持依法行政的重要保证。因此C选项符合题意。6. 单选题The unemployed man is( )about streets with a cigar in his hand and a miserable feeling in mind.问题1选项A.plungingB.patrollingC.loungingD.lingering【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项plunging“骤降;投入”;B选项patrolling“巡逻;侦查”;C选项lounging“懒洋洋地站着”;D选项lingering“徘徊;磨蹭”。句意:那个失业的人手里拿着雪茄在街上,心里愁闷不安

21、。D选项符合语境语义,故选D。7. 单选题The boy who is talking with your teacher is( )an athlete.问题1选项A.anything butB.none butC.all butD.something but【答案】A【解析】考查词组搭配。A选项anything but“根本不;绝不”;B选项none but“只是;仅”;C选项all but“几乎;差不多”;D选项something but没有此类搭配。句意:和你老师正在说话的那个男孩绝不是一个运动员。A选项词组更加贴合句意逻辑,故选A。8. 单选题Recently, Congressio

22、nal Democrats introduced legislation to make it easier for older workers to win age discrimination lawsuits. Age discrimination remains a significant work place issue.In recent ten years, 15.79 percent of cases brought to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, were described at successful clai

23、ms. While this number is small given the number of workers covered by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, many, if not most, instances of age discrimination are never sued, and cases of hiring discrimination often go undetected.Most of those who do sue are white, male middle-mangers who are li

24、kely to have lost a sizeable salary and pension. For the most part, other groups do not sue because the costs of a lawsuit outweigh the potential benefits. Age discrimination remains a significant workplace issue.There is strong experimental evidence for age discrimination in hiring at least for ent

25、ry level jobs. Recently, I performed a labor market experiment in Boston in which I sent out thousands of resumes for fictitious(虚构的) entry level female candidates and measured response rate based on date of high school graduation. Among this group, younger applicants, whose date of high school grad

26、uation indicated that they were less than 50 years old, were 40 percent more like to be called back for an interview than were older applicants.It is difficult to tell whether employment problems are worse for older worker that for other workers when times are bad. The number of discrimination lawsu

27、its increases during times of high unemployment, but this finding by itself does not indicate an increased level of age discrimination. In times of higher unemployment, the opportunity cost to a lawsuit is lower than it is when times are good.From the employers perspective, mass layoffs may seem lik

28、e a good chance to remove a higher proportion of generally more expensive older workers without the worry of being sued. On the other hand, employers may be less likely to remove protected older workers because they still fear lawsuits. One thing we do know is that once an older worker loses a job,

29、he or she is much less likely to find a new job than a younger worker is.Unfortunately, the effect of legislation prohibiting age discrimination is not easy to see and may actually be part of the reason it is so difficult for older workers to find employment. If it is more difficult to fire an older

30、 worker than a younger worker, a firm will be less likely to want to hire older workers. Indeed, my research finds that in states where workers have longer time to bring a lawsuit claim, older men work fewer weeks per year, are less likely to be hired, and less likely to be fired than men in states

31、where they do not have as much.Not many people would suggest that we go back to a world prior to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, in which advertisements specify the specific ages of people they are willing to hire. However, legislation prohibiting discrimination is no panaceas(万灵药). The re

32、cently proposed congressional legislation could have both positive and negative effects on potential older workers.41. A lot of cases of age discrimination are not known because( ).42. The labor market experiment in Boston shows that( ).43. What may lead to the increase of discrimination lawsuits du

33、ring times of high unemployment?44. From the last paragraph, we learn that( ).45. The author is( )when he analyzes the age discrimination issue.问题1选项A.age discrimination law was just introduced recentlyB.other discriminated groups dont sue except the whitesC.age discrimination cases are in large qua

34、ntity and it is difficult to detect all of themD.benefits from winning a lawsuit may not be enough to cover the expenses问题2选项A.younger male applicants are more likely to be hired than their female counterpartsB.age discrimination is quite common in the hiring processC.the author collected informatio

35、n by interviewing female applicantsD.female applicants who are 50 years old will never have a chance to get a job问题3选项A.The increase of age discrimination.B.The decrease of age discrimination.C.The decrease of opportunity cost to lawsuits.D.The increase of opportunity cost to lawsuits.问题4选项A.employe

36、rs could specify the ages of people they want to hire in the pastB.all employers recruited workers through advertisements in the pastC.legislation prohibiting discrimination cant free old workers from age discriminationD.the recently proposed congressional legislation issue问题5选项A.pessimisticB.partia

37、lC.objectiveD.doubtful【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:C【解析】41. 推理判断题。定位在第二段的最后一句cases of hiring discrimination often go undetected.(许多年龄歧视没有被发现)说出了事实,接下来第三段开始说明原因。根据第三段的最后一句For the most part, other groups do not sue because the costs of a lawsuit outweigh the potential benefits.(其他群体不提出诉讼主要是因为诉讼费远远超过潜在的

38、利益。)由此可知,许多年龄歧视的案例未被发现主要是因为提出诉讼的价格高,而给本人带来的利益也有限。因此D选项“打赢官司的好处可能不足以支付费用”正确,符合题意。A选项“年龄歧视法是最近才出台的”,B选项“除白人外,其他受歧视的群体不起诉”根据原文Most of those who do sue are white, male middle-mangers who are likely to have lost a sizeable salary and pension.(大多数起诉的人都是白人男性中层管理人员,他们很可能失去可观的工资和养老金。)只说了大多数是白人,说法过于绝对,可排除。C选项

39、“年龄歧视案件数量众多,很难全部发现”均不符合题意。故选D。42. 推理判断题。定位在第四段There is strong experimental evidence for age discrimination in hiring at least for entry level jobs. Recently, I performed a labor market experiment in Boston(有强有力的实验证据表明,至少在初级职位的招聘中存在年龄歧视。最近,我在波士顿做了一个劳动力市场实验)实验调查内容就是为了证明年龄歧视在招聘过程中很普遍。因此B选项“年龄歧视在招聘过程中是很

40、常见的”,正确,符合题意。A选项“年轻的男性求职者比女性求职者更有可能被聘用”,实验未涉及性别歧视,可排除。C选项“作者通过对女性申请者的面试来收集信息”,与题意不符,可排除。D选项“50岁的女性申请者永远不会有机会找到工作”说法过于绝对,可排除。根据原文Among this group, younger applicants, whose date of high school graduation indicated that they were less than 50 years old, were 40 percent more like to be called back for

41、an interview than were older applicants.(在这一组中,较年轻的申请人高中毕业日期表明他们不到50岁比较年长的申请人更有可能被召回面试。)只是相较于50岁的申请人而言,青年会更有优势。A,C,D选项均不符合题意,故选B。43. 客观细节题。定位在第五段的最后两句The number of discrimination lawsuits increases during times of high unemployment, but this finding by itself does not indicate an increased level of

42、age discrimination. In times of higher unemployment, the opportunity cost to a lawsuit is lower than it is when times are good.(在高失业率时期,歧视诉讼的数量会增加,但这一发现本身并不意味着年龄歧视的水平会增加。在失业率较高的时期,打官司的机会成本比经济好的时候要低。)由此可知高失业率时期诉讼机会成本较低会导致诉讼案件增加。因此C选项“诉讼机会成本的降低”正确,符合题意。A选项“年龄歧视加剧”,B选项“年龄歧视的减少”,D选项“诉讼机会成本的增加”,均不符合题意,故选

43、C。44. 客观细节题。定位在最后一段的第一句Not many people would suggest that we go back to a world prior to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, in which advertisements specify the specific ages of people they are willing to hire.(没有多少人会建议我们回到就业年龄歧视法颁布之前的世界,在就业年龄歧视法颁布之前,广告会明确规定他们愿意雇佣的人的具体年龄。)由此可知,以前的雇主会明确规定求职者的年龄

44、。因此A选项“在过去,雇主可以指定他们想要雇佣的人的年龄”正确,符合题意。B选项“过去所有的雇主都通过广告招聘工人”,说法过于绝对,错误。C选项“立法禁止歧视并不能使老工人免于年龄歧视”,根据原文legislation prohibiting discrimination is no panaceas.(立法禁止歧视并不是万灵药)年龄歧视应该是老人在应聘过程中会遇到的,歧视法不是万能药,至少也能够对一部分人适用,故可排除。D选项“最近提出的国会立法问题”,表面信息,不需要推理,可排除。故选A。45. 观点态度题。本文讲述了工作中的年龄歧视问题。第一段引出话题,第二三段用数据说明,最后得出结论用

45、立法来解决年龄歧视的问题并不是万能的,最近的提案也可能有其利弊。作者在整篇文章中都没有带自己的主观色彩,由此可知作者对年龄歧视问题的分析是客观的。因此C选项“客观的”正确,符合题意。A选项“悲观的”,B选项“部分的;不公平的”,D选项“可疑的”,均不符合题意,故选C。9. 单选题Fraser blogged about his trip, which seems to have been a fact-finding mission involving him, turning up( )at various primary and high school classes to see wha

46、t the students are being taught.问题1选项A.announcedB.to announceC.unannouncedD.to unannouncing【答案】C【解析】考查动名词辨析。A选项announced动词过去分词,“宣布”;B选项to announce动词不定式,“宣布”;C选项unannounced动词的过去分词,“未宣布”;D选项to unannouncing不构成分词形式,这里的to属于介词。句意:弗雷泽用博客记录他的旅程,好像是在实行一个实况调查任务,突然出现在各种小学和中学课堂上了解学生们正在被教授什么内容。根据关键信息a fact-findi

47、ng mission“实时考察任务”,可以推理出他的出现是没有事先通知的。因此C选项符合题意。10. 单选题It was so scorchingly hot that the water droplets falling on it didnt stay at all. They just( ).问题1选项A.evacuatedB.evaporatedC.eliminatedD.escaped【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项evacuated“疏散;撤出”;B选项evaporated“蒸发;消失”;C选项eliminated“消除;排除”;D选项escaped“逃离;逃脱”。句意:天这

48、么热,掉下来的水滴一点儿都没留下,都了。水滴在阳光的炙热下会蒸发掉。因此B选项符合题意。11. 单选题If you have any question or want to further your reading, you can turn to the( )for the sources in this book and the reference books on the same subject.问题1选项A.bibliographyB.biographyC.catalogD.category【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项bibliography“参考书目;文献目录”;B选项b

49、iography“传记;档案”;C选项catalog“目录;登记”;D选项category“种类;分类”。句意:如果你有任何问题,或想深化阅读,可以翻阅获得书中的材料的来源和相同主题的参考书。根据提示词turn to“翻到”,和后面的for the sources in this book and the reference books on the same subject“获得书中的材料的来源和相同主题的参考书”。通常文章会将所有引用过的文献记录在文献目录里。因此A选项符合题意。12. 单选题The noise was so( )that only those with excellent

50、 hearing were aware of it.问题1选项A.dimB.quietC.gentleD.faint【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项dim“不亮的;看不清的”;B选项quiet“安静的”;C选项gentle“温和的;文雅的;高尚的”;D选项faint“微弱的;模糊的;不清楚的”。句意:噪音非常,以至于只有具有良好听力的人才能听到。词组so that“如此以至于”后半句只有听力非常出色的人才能听到,由此可知,噪音是非常微弱的。故选D。13. 单选题The inventor( )his original design in order to increase the mac

51、hines efficiency to a higher level.问题1选项A.executedB.cultivatedC.modifiedD.decorated【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项executed“执行”;B选项cultivated“培养”;C选项modified“修改”;D选项decorated“装饰”。句意:发明家为了把机器的效率提高到一个更高的水平原来的设计。increase the machines efficiency提高效率与original design原来的设计之间的关系,有不足之处即要做出挑战与改变,故C选项更符合语义。14. 单选题Most peop

52、le left and the( )sat down to wait.问题1选项A.remnantsB.remedyC.remainsD.remainder【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项remnants“残余;残留物”;B选项remedy“补救;解决办法”;C选项remains“残余物;剩饭菜”;D选项remainder“残余;剩余物”。句意:大部分人都离开了,坐着等。remnants一般是指残余部分、残迹。remains一般是指古迹,遗迹;遗骸等。句中的主语是人,大部分都走了,还有一部分剩下的人坐着等。remainder做名词时侧重于人和钱的剩余。因此D选项符合题意。15. 单选题(

53、 )morbidly aggressive person, he would regard even a stare as some kind of intrusion.问题1选项A.AB.BeingC.AsD.To be【答案】A【解析】考查句子成分。A选项A“一个;一位”;B选项Being“作为”引导主语从句;C选项As“作为”引导定语从句;D选项To be“成为”引导目的状语从句。主句he would regard even a stare as some kind of intrusion.(他甚至会把别人的凝视看作是一种冒犯。)句中成分完整,因此可排除B,C,D选项。句意:一个极其好

54、斗的人,他甚至会把一个眼神注视当作一种侵犯。前面的句子用逗号隔开,可充当主语he的同位语。因此A选项符合题意。16. 单选题For passengers, ships have the advantage of( )cheaper than trains or airplanes.问题1选项A.having beenB.to have beenC.beingD.to be【答案】C【解析】考查介词搭配。介词后大多接名词,接动词时需要用动词的现在分词形式。不可接不定式。故排除BD选项。A选项having been“用来表示完成时态”,和本句的时态不符,故排除A。句意:对于乘客来说,轮船的优势是比

55、火车和飞机便宜。这是一个事实陈述,故使用一般现在时,C选项being动名词可做介词of的宾语。故选C。17. 单选题It would be( )to arrive at a conclusion now.问题1选项A.premierB.prematureC.preliminaryD.prior【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项premier“首要的;第一的”;B选项premature“早产的;不成熟的”;C选项preliminary“初步的;预备的”;D选项prior“先前的;优先的”。句意:现在就下结论会。在任何时候都可以做出一个决定,如果这项决定没有深思熟虑过,那么实施起来就会遇到问

56、题,所以不能够过早的下定结论。因此B选项符合题意。18. 单选题What would you( )if you had been there at the time of the accident?问题1选项A.doB.be doingC.have doneD.to do【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气。if引导的从句使用的是过去完成时had done,提出过去的未发生的条件。主句部分:主语would/should/might/could have动词过去分词。句意:如果你当时在事故现场,你会怎么做?因此C选项符合题意。19. 单选题Taking charge of yourself invol

57、ves putting to rest some very prevalent misconceptions.(46)the top of the list is the notion that intelligence is(47)by your ability to solve complex problems, to read, write and compute at certain levels, and to resolve abstract equations quickly. This vision of(48)asserts formal education and book

58、ish excellence as the true measures of self fulfillment. It(49)a kind of intellectual prejudice that has brought with it some discouraging results. We have(50)to believe that someone who has more educational merit badges, who is very good at some form of school discipline, is “intelligent”.(51)menta

59、l hospitals are filled with patients who have all of the properly lettered certificates. A truer indicator of intelligence is an effective, happy life lived each day an each present moment of every day.If you are happy, if you live each moment for everything its worth, then you are an intelligent pe

60、rson. Problem(52)is a useful help to your happiness, but if you know that given your inability to resolve a particular concern you can still choose happiness for yourself, or(53)a minimum refuse to choose unhappiness,(54)you are intelligent. You are intelligent because you have the ultimate weapon(5

61、5)the big N.B.D.Nervous Break Down.“Intelligent” people do not have N. B. D.s because they are in(56)of themselves. They know how to choose happiness(57)depression, because they know how to deal with the problems of(58)lives.You can begin to think of yourself(59)truly intelligent on the basis of(60)

62、you choose to feel(61)the face of difficult circumstances. The life struggles are pretty much the same for each of us. Everyone who is involved with other human beings in any social context has(62)difficulties. Disagreements, conflicts and compromises are a part of(63)it means to be human. Similarly, money, growing old, sickness, deaths, natural disasters and accidents are all events which(64)problems to virtually all human beings. But some people are able to make(65)to avoid immobilizing depression and unhappiness despite such occurrences, while other collapse or have an N.

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