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1、2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题问题1选项A.The woman arrived ahead of schedule.B.The woman failed to meet her tennis appointment.C.The man did not play the tennis game by the rule.D.The man helped put the woman on the waiting list.【答案】B【解析】7. W: I reserved a tennis court. Its taken over by someon

2、e else.M: Yes, mom. I understand. We have a policy that every party is more than 15 minutes late for a starting time. We scheduled the courts for other waiting guests.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。题干为:从这段交谈中可以得出什么?由文中“We have a policy that every party is more than 15

3、minutes late for a starting time.(我们有规定,每场顶多迟到15分钟)”,推测可知B选项“The woman failed to meet her tennis appointment.(女士错过了网球场预约时间)”符合原文。A选项“女士提早到了”;C选项“这个男人没有按规则打网球”;D选项“这个男人帮女士把她放在等候名单上”不符合原文。2. 单选题12.问题1选项A.The womans classmate.B.The womans boyfriend.C.The womans brother.D.The womans teacher.【答案】B【解析】M:

4、I heard all the time that John is dating several girls.W: But its not true, he has explained everything to me.M: Do you really believe what he said?W: Yeah, I believe in our feelings for each other.Q: Who is John?【解析】推断题。根据对话推断John是对话中女士的男友。3. 单选题Fluoride deters tooth decay by reducing the growth of

5、 bacteria that destroy tooth enamel.问题1选项A.inhibitsB.loosensC.hastensD.triggers【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. inhibits 抑制;禁止 B. loosens 放松;松开C. hastens 加速;催化 D. triggers 引发;触发【答案】A【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】由本句句意可知破坏细菌的生长可以“阻止”蛀牙,所以A选项“抑制,禁止”符合题意。划线单词deters“阻止”。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项均不符合题意。【句意】氟化物通过减少破坏牙釉质的细菌的生长来阻止蛀牙。4. 单选题1.问题1选项

6、A.The man is busy.B.The man has trouble breathing.C.The man is out of town on business.D.The man is hiding himself from the woman.【答案】A【解析】W: I dont see much of you these days, where have you been?M: I am working on a big project. I dont even have time to breath.Q: What can we learn from the convers

7、ation?【解析】推断题。男士说:I dont even have time to breath(我甚至没时间呼吸),由此推测他很忙。5. 单选题16-20问题1选项A.He is having a physical checkup.B.He has just undergone an operation.C.He has just recovered from an illness.D.He will be discharged from the hospital this afternoon.问题2选项A.He got an infection in the lungs.B.He had

8、 his gallbladder inflamed.C.He was suffering from influenza.D.He had developed a big kidney stone.问题3选项A.A bit better.B.Terribly awful.C.Couldnt be better.D.Okay, but a bit weak.问题4选项A.To be confined to a wheelchair.B.To stay indoors for a complete recovery.C.To stay in bed and drink a lot of water.

9、D.To move about and enjoy the sunshine.问题5选项A.From4 p.m.to6 p. m.B.From5 p.m.to7 p. m.C.From6 p. m. to8 p. m.D.From7 p.m. to9 p. m.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】W: Hello.M: Hello!W: So, did you have a comfortable night?M: No, not really.W: Sorry to hear that. And how are you feeling at the moment

10、?M: A bit better.W: You dont feel sick at all?M: No, Im OK.W: Thats good! Are you having sips of water?M: No.W: Would you like some?M: Well, I dont really feel likeW: Ah, you cant drink anything at the moment.M: The nurses have been giving me mouth washes.W: Yes. I think you begin to pick up as the

11、day goes on. And well carry on giving you something to ease the discomfort. Does it hurt much?M: Well, it does when I move about.W: Right. (19) But the sooner we have you on the move, the quicker you start to heal. So well help you sit in the chair this afternoon. Enjoy the sunshine.M: OK, I cant sa

12、y Im really looking forward to that.W: (17) You have a pretty big gall stone and the Gall bladder was quite inflamed. There was a lot of infection around it and inside it. (16)Well, its out now. So no need to worry about it. It wont cause you any more trouble.M: Uh.W: Any more questions or anything

13、we can do for you?M: No, I think I m OK. (18) Im feeling a bit of weak at the moment. When will my wife be able to come and see me? The nurses told me before, but I cant remember.W: (20) The visiting hours are from 6 to 8 in the evening.M: OK, thank you. Shell be here tonight in that case.W: Fine. I

14、ll stop in to see you tomorrow.M: Thank you.16. Whats true about the man in the conversation?【解析】女士说“Well, its out now. So no need to worry about it. It wont cause you any more trouble”可知,男士得了胆结石,而且胆囊发炎,但现在取出来了,所以是刚经历过手术。故选B。17. What was wrong with the man?【解析】女士说“You have a pretty big gall stone an

15、d the gallbladder was quite inflamed”,由此可知,他胆囊发炎了。故选B。18. How is the man feeling now?【解析】男士说“Im feeling a bit of weak at the moment”,由此可知,病人仍旧感到虚弱。19. Whats the man supposed to do according to the doctors orders?【解析】女士说“But the sooner we have you on the move, the quicker you start to heal. So well h

16、elp you sit in the chair this afternoon. Enjoy the sunshine”可知,男士会四处活动一下。故选D。20. Whats the hospitals visiting hours?【解析】女士“The visiting hours are from 6 to 8 in the evening”可知,探访时间是晚上6点到8点。故选C。6. 单选题2.问题1选项A.He has a terrible backache.B.He has a bad headache.C.He has a toothache.D.He has a diarrhea.

17、【答案】A【解析】M: What time would your doctor be in today?W: He is here after 2:30. Do you need to see him today?M: Yes my back is killing me.Q: Whats the mans problem?【解析】男士说:Yes my back is killing me(我的背疼死了),故选A。7. 单选题15.问题1选项A.Chemotherapy.B.Radiation.C.Injections.D.Surgery.【答案】C【解析】W: What do you know

18、 about treatments of cancer? M: Chemotherapy. But theat makes your hair fall out, doesnt it? W: Yes, there are some unpleasant side-effects. Im not sure we need to consider that at this stage. We should see whether a series of injection will help. Q: What treatment will the man probably receive firs

19、t? 【解析】对话中女士说要先看看药物注射是否有效,患者的状况还不到进行化疗的程度。8. 单选题7.问题1选项A.He is the head of the hospital.B.He is in charge of Pediatrics.C.He went out looking for Dan.D.He went to Michiganon business.【答案】D【解析】M: Hello, this is Don North from Pediatrics. Id like a word with Doctor Wilson if its possible. W: Im sorry,

20、 but he left for Michigan to attend a conference this morning. He was in fact looking for you just before he left. Q: What is true about Doctor Wilson? 【解析】细节题。对话中说到:he left for Michigan to attend a conference this morning,即Doctor Wilson今早前往密歇根参加会议。9. 单选题14.问题1选项A.Saturday morning.B.Saturday night.C

21、.Sunday afternoon.D.Next weekend.【答案】D【解析】W: If you go to the football game on Saturday night and concert or play on Sunday, you wont have much time to study.M: Well, I can do that the weekend after this one.Q: When does the man plan to study?【解析】男士说:I can do that the weekend (我可以下周末再做)。10. 单选题10.问题

22、1选项A.She cant wait for the man.B.She is very eager to see the man.C.She will go to the USA with the man.D.She expects the man to stay.【答案】B【解析】M: Honey Im leaving tonight and get to the United States at 7 oclock tomorrow morning.W: Woo, woo, I cant wait to see you.Q: What does the woman mean?【解析】固定搭

23、配。Cant wait to see sb. 的意思是:迫不及待想见某人。11. 单选题3.问题1选项A.In his bag.B.By the lamp.C.In his house.D.No idea about where he left it.【答案】C【解析】W: What are you looking for? M: My laptop. I cant find it in my bag or anywhere. W: I cant remember you carrying it here. Think about it one more time. M: Thats righ

24、t. I left it at home. Q: Where is the mans laptop? 【解析】细节题。男士说:I left it at home,即他把电脑落家里了。12. 单选题The comments by the family member invited a series of responses following the unsuccessful rescue attempts for the injured in the emergency room.问题1选项A.enquiredB.objectedC.promptedD.suppressed【答案】C【解析】【

25、选项释义】A. enquired 打听 B. objected 反对;拒绝C. prompted 提示;促进;激起;导致 D. suppressed 抑制;镇压【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】由本句“在急诊室尝试对伤者的救援均未成功”可知这件事让家庭成员发表言论,从而引起了一系列回应。所以C选项“提示,促进,激起,导致”符合题意。划线单词invited“邀请;导致”。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均不符合句意。【句意】这名家庭成员的评论引起了人们对在急诊室抢救伤者失败的一系列反应。13. 单选题12.问题1选项A.Play tennis.B.Take out the trash.C.P

26、lay computer games.D.Go to court for a lawsuit.【答案】A【解析】W: How about the game of tennis?M: Ok, loserll take out the trash for a month.W: Its a deal.M: See you in the court.Q: What are the speakers going to do next?【解析】细节题。女士提议说待会去打网球,最后男士说:See you in the court(球场上见)。14. 单选题4.问题1选项A.Hes nearly finish

27、ed his work.B.He has to work for some more time.C.He wants to leave now.D.He has trouble finishing his work.【答案】B【解析】M: How is your work going? W: I think I will be finished soon. M: Well, I wont be finished for a while. Q: What can be inferred about the man? 【解析】推断题。男士说:I wont be finished for a whi

28、le,即还要做一会儿。15. 单选题9.问题1选项A.Quit smoking.B.Go jogging every morning.C.Work out in the gym.D.Go on a diet.【答案】C【解析】W: Why dont you try smoking one cigarette less each day, as well as going jogging every morning?M: Good idea, but I dont want to go jogging in the street and a treadmill may be a better c

29、hoice. Im sure trainers at the gym would be able to give me more professional advice.W: That sounds good. There is one near my company. I am its regular member.M: Really? I will go in to have a look.Q: What is the man most likely to do?【解析】细节题。男士说:but I dont want to go jogging in the street and a tr

30、eadmill may be a better choice(但我不想在街上慢跑,跑步机可能是更好的选择),后来决定去健身房找专业人士咨询。16. 单选题 In planning for the health needs of these immigrant families, Francesca Weissman, a healthcare practitioner, asked two questions: (1) “What are the most urgent needs of this population?” and (2) “How can this population be

31、 induced to use the health services that are available?” In some respects, the second question is more important because persuading immigrant families to utilize services is a basic problem. Building trust is a primary goal. Employing caregivers who can speak the clients language will do much to low

32、er ethnic barriers and reduce suspicion on the part of the potential clients. Many traditional families are slow to develop personal relationships, and this holds true in the interactions with caregivers. Unless the families can communicate with caregivers, they cannot begin to trust them. Without t

33、rust, they are not likely to seek or even accept assistance. Communication is a two-way channel. Caregivers, Francesca realized, have an obligation to become acquainted with the culture of the growing ethnic populations, and of their diverse subgroups. By becoming informed and by conveying respect,

34、caregivers can make interactions with immigrant families less frightening and more productive. Awareness of the economic climate and other conditions in the place of origin helps caregivers recognize that the suspiciousness of immigrant families towards officials. A family approach to health care is

35、 recommended for immigrant groups. If the whole family can be involved in the healthcare program, the individual members are likely to be less fearful. Family-oriented programs may begin with practical advice about the neighborhood: locations of grocery stores, where to apply for food stamps, and ho

36、w to look for work. Any programs developed for immigrant families must be offered at convenient times and places because they may not have the knowledge or resources to travel freely in their new community.1. The passage begins by implying that immigrant families may not( ).2. It is difficult to bui

37、ld trust between immigrant clients and caregivers because( ).3. Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3?4. Which of the following is important when the family approach is adopted?5. What does the passage mainly focus on in terms of services to immigrant families?问题1选项A.be aware of th

38、eir own health needsB.be willing to use the available servicesC.be entitled to the basic healthcare servicesD.be able to afford services other than the most basic问题2选项A.caregivers have little overseas working experienceB.caregivers may not speak the clients native languageC.caregivers have a strong

39、sense of cultural superiorityD.caregivers are averse to the clients ethnic background问题3选项A.Understanding different cultures is necessary in offering good services.B.Lack of information and respect is a common problem among caregivers.C.Ethnic populations are gaining significant influence in the hea

40、lthcare system.D.It is unreasonable to emphasize specific conditions in immigrants native homes.问题4选项A.Sufficient resources should be guaranteed to ensure the success.B.The daily life of the family should be cared for first and foremost.C.Fear among family members should be relieved at the beginning

41、 stage.D.What is included in the programs should be both practical and practicable.问题5选项A.How to establish an immigrant-friendly neighborhood.B.How to help immigrants enjoy available healthcare services.C.How to make an assessment of the existing healthcare services.D.How to assist caregivers in und

42、erstanding immigrants family influence.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】The passage begins by implying that immigrant families may not( ). 文章一开始就暗示移民家庭可能不会_。A. be aware of their own health needs A. 了解他们自己的健康需求B. be willing to use the available services B. 愿意使用现有的服务C. be entitled to the basic

43、 healthcare services C. 享有基本保健服务D. be able to afford services other than the most basic D. 能够负担得起除最基本的服务外的其他服务【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位至原文第一段“弗朗西斯卡韦斯曼提到两个有关移民家庭健康规划的问题:他们最迫切的医疗需求是什么?和怎样引导移民使用现有的医疗卫生服务?在某些方面,第二个问题更重要,因为说服移民家庭使用服务是一个基本问题”。由这一段可知移民家庭不太愿意使用现有的医疗服务。所以B选项“愿意使用现有服务”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“了解

44、他们自己的健康需求”,根据解题思路可知是两个有关移民家庭健康规划中的第一个问题,文中说的是第二个问题更加重要,该选项本末倒置;C选项“享有基本保健服务”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;D选项“能够负担得起除最基本的服务外的其他服务”,文中没有提及属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】It is difficult to build trust between immigrant clients and caregivers because( ). 移民客户和照顾者之间很难建立信任,因为_。A. caregivers have little overseas working experience A. 护理

45、人员海外工作经验少B. caregivers may not speak the clients native language B. 护理人员可能不会说客户的母语C. caregivers have a strong sense of cultural superiority C. 看护者具有强烈的文化优越感D. caregivers are averse to the clients ethnic background D. 护理人员不喜欢客户的种族背景【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位至原文第二段第二句“雇用会讲客户语言的护理人员将大大降低种族障碍”以及倒数第

46、二句“除非家属能与护理人员沟通,否则他们无法信任护理人员”,由这两句可知B选项“护理人员可能不会说客户的母语”是使移民和护理人员很难建立信任的原因,符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“护理人员海外工作经验少”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;C选项“看护者具有强烈的文化优越感”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;D选项“护理人员不喜欢客户的种族背景”,文中没有提及属于无中生有。3.【选项释义】Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3? 下面哪一项可以从第三段推断出来?A. Understanding different cultures is

47、 necessary in offering good services. A. 了解不同的文化是提供优质服务的必要条件。B. Lack of information and respect is a common problem among caregivers. B. 缺乏信息和尊重是照顾者中普遍存在的问题。C. Ethnic populations are gaining significant influence in the healthcare system. C. 少数民族人口在医疗体系中的影响力越来越大。D. It is unreasonable to emphasize sp

48、ecific conditions in immigrants native homes. D. 强调移民家乡的具体情况是不合理的。【答案】A【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词Paragraph 3与题干信息可定位至原文第三段,该处讲到开展移民医疗服务工作第二个方法,由第二句提到“弗朗西斯卡认识到,护理人员有义务熟悉不断增长的种族人口及其多样化的子群体的文化。”,由此句可知A选项“理解不同的文化对于提供好的业务是必要的”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B选项“缺乏信息和尊重是照顾者中普遍存在的问题。”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;C选项“少数民族人口在医疗体系中的影响力越来越大。”,属于无

49、中生有;D选项“强调移民家乡的具体情况是不合理的。”,属于无中生有。4.【选项释义】Which of the following is important when the family approach is adopted? 当采用家庭方法时,下列哪项是重要的?A. Sufficient resources should be guaranteed to ensure the success. A. 应该保证有足够的资源来确保成功。B. The daily life of the family should be cared for first and foremost. B. 家庭的日常

50、生活应该首先被关心。C. Fear among family members should be relieved at the beginning stage. C. 家庭成员的恐惧应该在开始阶段得到缓解。D. What is included in the programs should be both practical and practicable. D. 计划所包括的内容应该是切实可行的。【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位至原文最后一段“移民家庭保健方案”,由第四段第三句“以家庭为导向的项目可能会从有关社区生活的实用建议开始”以及第四句“任何为移民家庭开

51、发的项目必须在方便的时间和地点提供”,由这两句可知采取家庭保健项目要根据实际家庭的周边情况执行,所以执行措施要因时因地制宜,要求有一定的可行性。因此D选项“计划所包括的内容应该是切实可行的。”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“应该保证有足够的资源来确保成功。”,属于无中生有;B选项“家庭的日常生活应该首先被关心。”,属于无中生有;C选项“家庭成员的恐惧应该在开始阶段得到缓解。”,文中并未提及属于无中生有。5.【选项释义】What does the passage mainly focus on in terms of services to immigrant families? 在为移民家庭提供的

52、服务方面,文章主要侧重于什么?A. How to establish an immigrant-friendly neighborhood. A. 如何建立一个移民友好的社区。B. How to help immigrants enjoy available healthcare services. B. 如何帮助移民享受现有的医疗保健服务。C. How to make an assessment of the existing healthcare services. C. 如何评估现有的卫生保健服务。D. How to assist caregivers in understanding

53、immigrants family influence. D. 如何协助护理者了解移民的家庭影响。【答案】B【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】综合全文,文章第一段提出了如何引导移民家庭成员参与社区医疗服务计划的问题。接下来的三段分别从三个方面回答了解决这一问题的方法,所以主要是侧重文章开头提出的第二个问题“怎样引导移民使用现有的医疗卫生服务”。所以B选项“如何帮助移民享受现有的医疗保健服务。”正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“如何建立一个移民友好的社区。”,文中并未提及属于无中生有;C选项“如何评估现有的卫生保健服务。”,文中并未提及属于无中生有;D选项“如何协助护理者了解移民的家庭影响。”,只是片

54、面地阐述了解决的方法,属于以偏概全。17. 单选题 There may be no better example of what is meant by preventive medicine than the strategy of Vaccination. A healthy person is given a tiny taste of a virusflu or polio, saythats too weak to cause illness but just enough to introduce the body to the pathogen. If the virus lat

55、er shows up for real, the immune system is primed and waiting for it. Thats close to how a cancer vaccine works, but not precisely. Most experts see cancer vaccines as a hybrid of treatment and prevention. While its true that the U. S. Food and Drug Administration has approved vaccines against cervi

56、cal and liver cancer, both are designed to fight the viruses most responsible for causing the disease, as opposed to targeting cancer itselfhuman papilloma virus (HPV;人乳头瘤病毒) in the case of cervical cancer and hepatitis B in the case of liver tumors. Using vaccines to prevent nonviral cancers in som

57、eone who is disease-free is a whole different mater. For one thing, its much more difficult to determine a persons chance of developing a particular type of cancer than it is to determine the likelihood of being exposed to, say, the influenza virus or chicken pox. What passes for “exposure” in the c

58、ase of nonviral cancers is a combination of genes and environment and a range of other X factors that can vary from person to person. How do you vaccinate against your family legacy of breast cancer or your constant exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke? But that doesnt mean the immune system cant

59、be exploited in a different way. Cancer vaccines would ideally be used in patients whose disease has already been diagnosed and treated with surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. They would then be immunized as a way to prevent the cancer from coming back and spreading. Such metastases are actually th

60、e leading cause of death from cancer. “The charm of working with the immune system is that we can use the bodys own defense mechanisms to possibly get to that last cancer cell or at least create a surveillance system that keeps that cancer under control,” says an oncologist.1. The first paragraph is

61、 meant to describe( ).2. Which of the following is true of vaccines against cancer?3. According to the passage, why is it difficult to use vaccines to prevent non-viral cancers?4. From the context, what does the author suggest by saying “passes for exposure”?5. We can conclude from the last paragraph that( ).问题1选项A.the evolution of vaccinationB.the mechanism of vaccinationC.the significance of vaccinationD.the popularization of vaccination问题2选项A.They are both therapeutic and preventive.B.Vaccines against cervical cancer also w

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