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1、Unit 7 What s the highest mountain in the worldUnit 7单元检测aic -Other human foods arv bad for pets 23 For example, if a(Ior eats choeolaw ii will become 24 -we should not1 k# the vel what Other 25 1here was for pcG around the hou. -Well/, replied.by pcrtx.the floorsnvdl things* such a lattcries lyinx

2、nniind as they can he- etenLast month a snvdl cat was brought 2 beeiwsc it had catvn a button which wa on without being noticed. ”Before 1 left, the vet 28 me some more important advirc to share with you.You should keep all medicines and cleaning products away from pets. Also. petx. such29 their hai

3、r if they are unwell If your pet looks unwell or is30 your vet iriin)ecautiful18. .VownersRvisitorsc.teachersD.actors19. ApaidKchosenLtreatexiD.returned20. A.itHmeGhimD.her21. A.friendlyKhealthyC.goodDighi22. A.until11thoughC.whileD.because23. A.as wellR50 farGas usirtl1just now24. A.brownRsickC.sma

4、rtD.comfort Jible:25. A.secretsRchangesGdangers11mistakes26. A.buyauseGleave1).collect27. A.inRoffC.onndnwn28. A.offrrrdRpostedC.wastedD.accepted29. A.colourRkeepC.loseD.sell30. A.point toRring upC.liear fruniV).look afteracting unusual, you your pets safe.Learning about the environment .s very nnp.

5、r.anL Tlwn- are many I b族 that lotj help you learn To K,.kM-n 小 w、KW:、,,” - “3 W小、i心 w.th .nfomution kbout the and ci”: 脸.fnqliv little thiiuis WC can do to nuke a difterencr.由“ may lira big problenu but there are many lEk nu*.z ,Wc iM have to he smart about it. Some |xx)plcMsng a car or using elect

6、ncity is not wrot J rbci ,ci.r neoule can r together in one car i!itvdd ot10 energy by 5件,1% For example, four people:wewr put grtH-nbouse gax*s ( nto the g four cars to work Whenever we 晔 dectncits I kT,“ 14nd the axnptitcr wlwn they aren l ncvdZ, you tanBy turning off lights the television .thahsp

7、ecially iu suiv卧-tic鹏汽 The cun tan tnve) longer on a s*1 &m*t pollute * much* ciihc-r, Produris like compeers* TVs,B STAR Lih/H标谯 uirr inade to anvr cnorgy. Buying prodW薛 wi Hie fiivirtiinnitni,Buy recyclable prwliHU irwhecd of non rerychble otw*. Recycl tml of thiiiTgs lliAl luvt1 ti I ready Ix-in

8、iisufily Like J|B whvn you gc shnppi门兴+ 仙山 lor ihe r ihree arrowy dnt mnJbe t dick Th lev enfijgy wc usi *h hEwA tar pTOclucrsJ,. HchcXs】 siiiHenz,力 |uir炉门I”2, I ht1 imdvrliified word Br;irpnolingn in Pwgmph 2 titohI pniLi.iiIy niA. sharing a carB. pulling 同匚arL. selling a c3 卜 nim v lie 加&R5 we cm

9、Icoirn th/H . LiJrEiiif rif ( the cltclricily wHcn it ira I needed In a lotM K ekvlricily will causo gre-nt inmbh- io Gur t-mironmen!(,lufa using hh viktyv will iv ;! put *Et.-川h)u:sl囚七+ inio ihf ii r IX r:i yti iibk1 pruducl ttru rm-Hrkvili with the EER;Y S1 ;VR labtdt, W hills 31hr 匕出门耨m垠 fan lit-

10、 hr wriler opijisoi 5:311 Ronit was noi Imiilt in ont duyb(二 Little tbini含 can muk- - bi* diffcrtiHL.1J, olhiiiiK i.b di(K ult v.: tilt rtaH wlio will tryp国写作;随着全球环境的恶ft.建来建多的人选择过低碳生活a请写一箱英语燧? 加入低碳-族E要点如下:1 .节约用水、用电、用城*2 .去翦市门就购物袋#3 .不要购买不必要的衣收t4,不要购买一次拄的朴广和碗塾75 .小行或赭自行车上学。注用口词敷幽同左右口 5头棺结尾已给出不计人意同虬)

11、可适当增加细节.以行文连贯.Willi ihe global配由1 喀 wikmj imirv people chuose to live a lowpurpww nf mluciri mhouM 即耻当Let % Laki mriion and be n. kWBrbMii peopleUnit 7参考答案一单项选择题1-5. ACDAB 6-10. DABDA 11-15. BBAAA二完形填空16-20. BBACD 21-25. DDABC 26-30.CAACB三阅读理解31-34 BAAC四写作 One possible version:With the global warmin

12、g getting worse, more people choose to live a low-carbon life for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gases.We d better save much water and paper and electricity. We should use less carbon and oil. It s important to turn off the lights and computers when leaving room. We should take our own bags in s

13、hopping instead of using plastic bags from supermarket. We can buy few clothes which are necessary. We shouldn t buy or useone-off cups or chopsticks or bowls. It s good for us to walk or ride bikes to school instead of taking cars. We can also plant more trees to change air around us.Let s take action and be a low-carbon people.

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