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1、2021-2022年六年级上册期末反馈试卷140的60%是( );( )的60%是40。2比它的倒数少( )%; 2比( )少。3甲数是40,乙数是50,甲数比乙数少( )%,乙数比甲数多。4某班今天实到45名学生,缺勤5人,今天出勤率是( )%5把3629改写成比例是( )。6要表示数量的多少需要画( )统计图,要表示数量的增减变化情况需要画( )统计图,要表示各部分数量与总数之间的关系需要画( )统计图。7一个环形铁片,外圆直径是8厘米,内圆半径是3厘米,铁片的面积是( )平方厘米。8在比例尺是1:400000的地图上,量得A、B两地的距离是3.5厘米,A、B两地的实际距离是( )千米。

2、9甲班人数的相当于乙班人数,两个班总人数是81。甲班( )人。9甲数的40%与乙数的相等(甲数、乙数均不为0),甲数与乙数的最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。二、判断题,对的在括号里“”,错的打“”。1一个圆的周长扩大2倍,它的面积就扩大4倍。( )2甲数是乙数的5倍,乙数就是甲数的20%。 ( )3圆的面积公式是s = r2 或者s=2r ( )4所有圆的周长与它直径的比值都相等。 ( )。5x除以y的商是,y与x的比是5:6。( )三、选择题,将正确答案的序号填在括号里。1某工厂本月份用煤24吨,比上个月节约12%,求上个月用煤多少吨。列式是( )。A、24(1-12%) B、24(1-1

3、2%) C、24(1+12%)2如果圆的周长等于正方形的周长,那么圆的面积( )正方形的面积。A、大于B、等于C、小于3收录机每台原价500元,提价5%后,又降价5%,现在每台收录机售价是( )。A、525元 B、500元 C、475元 D、498.75元一件商品,先提价5%,后来又降价5%,现在的价格与原来相比,( )。(1)提高了 (2)降低了 (3)不变 (4)无法比较4用同样长的铁丝围成一个正方形和一个圆,( )的面积大。(1)圆 (2) 正方形 (3)一样大 (4)无法判断四、计算题。1填表r1.2厘米9厘米1.5分米d4分米0.48米2文字题。160比它的137.5%少多少? 12


5、元,定期两年,年利率是2.25。到期取存款时,妈妈应交纳5的利息税。纳税后妈妈共取回多少元7图6是对“某校同学喜欢的球类运动”调查后作出的统计图,观察统计图,回答问题:(1)( )球类运动最受欢迎?(2)( )和( )球类运动受欢迎的程度差不多?(3)最受欢迎的两种球类活动是( ),它们的百分比之和是( )(4)如果你是体育委员,准备组织全班同学去观看球类比赛为了吸引尽可能多的同学参与,你会组织观看( )比赛?附送:2021-2022年六年级上册期末总复习题(全套)一、看图,照样子填空。二、读句子,选择适当的内容填空。(每题2分,共10分)(1) How do_ (you/ your) go

6、to England?(2)My school is near my home. It is not_ (near/far).(3)Lets go to the bus stop_ (on/by) foot.(4) Our classroom is on the_ (two/second) floor.(5) Turn left _ (in/at) the bookstore.三、连词成句。((每题2分,共12分))1. cinema where the is ( ? )_2. Stop should you light red at the ( . )_3. cross the road m

7、ustnt you now ( . )_4. science museum get to how I can the ( ? )_5. library near the its ( . )_6. Lets right turn and turn then right again ( . )_四、选择答语。(每题2分,共10分)( ) How do you go to the supermarket? a. Sure, if you like.( ) Can I go on foot? b. Its near a fast food shop.( ) Where is your home? c.

8、 I go there by the No. 15 bus.( ) Look at the traffic lights. d. you can get there on foot.( ) How can I get to the bookstore? e. We must stop.五、根据句子意思选择正确的选项填空(每题2分,共20分)( )(1). How _ she go to the park? A. is B. does C. do( )(2). We go to the USA_ . A. by ship B. buy ship C. at ship( )(3). If the

9、traffic light is yellow, we must .A. go B. wait C. stop( )(4). In China, drivers drive _the_ side of the road.A. on; left B. in; right C. on; right( )(5). We can go to school _ foot. A. by B. on C. in( )(6). _at a green light. A. Go B. Stop C. Wait( )(7). In England, drivers drive on the _ side of t

10、he road. A. right B. left C. cross( )(8). 你告诉别人打算骑自行车去深圳时,应该说:A. Im going to Shenzhen by car. B. I go to Shenzhen by like. C. Im going to Shenzhen by bike. ( )(9). 当你询问别人怎样去Australia时,应该说:A. Do you go to Australia by plane. B. How do you go to Australia? C. Where is Australia?( )(10). This picture m

11、eans _ . A. by bike B. no bikes 五、选词填空:(每题2分,共12分)by sometimes wait lights red goI am a university students. I like reading. Every week, I _to Xin-hua Bookstore. Usually I go there _ bus, but _ I go by bike. I know the traffic _are the same in every country. _ Means stop. Yellow means _ and green me

12、ans go. 六、根据所提供的单词短语翻译下列句子。(每题4分,共12分)next to in front of behind near 1. 教室在图书馆附近。_2. 电影院在科学博物馆的后面。_3. 邮局在书店的正前方。_八、作文。(20分)以How to go to school ? 为题,描述如何从自己家去学校。要求语句连贯通顺,有逻辑,作文不少于六句话。(写在背面) 六年级第二单元复习题I.找出不同类的单词。(每题1分,共10分)( )1. A. by ship B. by plane C. go home ( )2. A. hospital B. museum C. helmet

13、( )3. A. turn right B. turn left C. on foot( )4. A. stop B. wait C. sled ( )5. A. map B. pass C. ear D. GPS( )6. A. museum B. post office C. music D. library( )7. A. plane B. cinema C. bike D. bus( )8. A. turn right B. go home C. turn left D. go straight( )9.A.pizza B. hamburger C. hot dog D. restau

14、rant ( )10. A. must B. often C. sometimes II.选出正确的答案。(每题1分,共20分)( )1. -How do you get to Dalian from Shandong?- .A. by subway B. on foot C. by ship D. by bike( )2. Please _ ! The light is yellow now.A. slow down and stop B. wait C. go D. I dont know.( )3. Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to schoo

15、l _.A. by subway B. by sled C. by ferry D. by car( )4. Where is the _? I want to send a post card.A. bookstore B. post office C. museum D. hospital ( )5. How do you e to school?_.A. She usually walks. B. I sometimes e by bus. C. The bus is ing. D. Sure.( ) 6. Little Jack sometimes goes home _ foot.

16、A. by B. at C. on D. in( ) 7. _can I get to the zoo? A. What B. How C. How old D. Do( )8. _go at the red light! A. Dont B. Do C. To do D. Does( ) 9. Look _ the pictures. They are beautiful. A. to B. / C. a D. at( ) 10.-Dont let the dogs run too fast. - _ . A. Thank you. B. Let me go. C. Youre wele.

17、( ) 11. -_ is the library? -Its over there. A. When B. What C. Where( )12.The hospital is in front _ the school. A. on B. of C. to( )13.- How can I _the cinema? Go straight and turn left. A. get to B. get on C. get off( )14. What _interesting film it is! A. a B. an C. the( )15. Where is John?- _ the

18、 bookstore. A. Of B. For C. In( )1 6. Turn left _ the cinema. A. on B. of C. at ( )17. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the _. A. hospital B. library C. cinema ( )18.The restaurant is next to the park _Don fang Street. A. at B. on C. to ( )19. Is there a post office near here?Yes, _. A. th

19、ere is B. there isnt C. it is ( )20. -_ has GPS? Robin. A. Who B. How C. Where.连词成句。(每题2分,共10分)1. how, I, can, get, the, to, post office(?)_2.a, hospital, near, is, there, here(?) _3. the, next, its, to, bookstore(.) _4. school, at, the, right, turn(.) _5. where, what, museum, great(!) _.选出正确的答语。(每题

20、1分,共5分)I II( )1. How do you go to the USA? A. Great!( )2. Lets go to the park. B. Its near the post office.( )3. How does Amy go home? C. Sure.( )4. Where is your home? D. She goes home on foot.( )5. Can I go by bike? E. I go by plane.选择单词填空。(每题1分,共5分)Who What When How Where1. A: _ would you like to

21、 eat? B: Id like some beef.2. A: _ do you go to school? B: I go to school by bike.3. A: _ do you usually get up ? B: At 6:00.4. A: _ is your English teacher? B: Miss Li.5. A: _ is the hospital? B: Its next to the post office.根据所给汉语提示补充句子。(每题2分,共20分)1.I usually go to school _ _ (步行).2. Please _ (停)an

22、d _ (等)at a green light. 3. _ (怎样)do you e to school? _ (通常), I e _ _ (乘地铁) 4.We must pay attention to the _ _ (交通灯) .根据短文内容,判断(T)正误(F)。(每题1分,共5分)Hi, Im Mike, Im a clever student. Usually, I go to school on foot. Because my home is near the school. Tom is my good friend. We often go to school togeth

23、er. My father is a doctor, he often goes to work by car. My mother is a teacher, she often goes to work by bus, but sometimes by bike.On the weekends, I often go to the park with my parents. In the afternoon, I often go to the library by bike. I like reading. After dinner, I like watching TV with my

24、 family.( ) 1. Mikes father is a driver. ( ) 2. Tom often goes to school on foot.( ) 3. On weekends, Mike often goes to the park with his father and mother.( ) 4. Mikes mother never goes to work by bike.( ) 5. After dinner, Mike likes reading.根据短文内容,选出正确的答案。(每题1分,共5分)Dabing and Xiaowei usually go to

25、 school by car. They drive past a cinema, a supermarket and a toy shop. The toy shop is next to the supermarket. Yaya and Xiaoli usually go to school by bus. They go past a bank and a post office. The bank is next to the post office. Longlong usually goes to school by bike. He passes by a police sta

26、tion, a library and a swimming pool(游泳池).( ) 1. How many people are there in the passing? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.( ) 2. How does Longlong go to school? A. By car. B. By bus. C. By bike.( ) 3. Does Xiaoli take a taxi to school? A. No, she isnt B. No, she doesnt C. Yes, she does.( ) 4. Where is th

27、e toy shop? A. Its far. B. Its next to the supermarket. C. Its near the school.( ) 5. Where is the bank? A. Its very near. B. Its next to the supermarket. C. Its next to the post office.翻译句子。(每题4分,共20分)1. There is a pet hospital near the cinema. _2. how do you e to school ?_3. you must pay attention

28、 to the traffic lights._4. I usually go to the science museum by subway._5. dont go at the red light._六年级第三单元复习题一翻译下列单词。(每题1分,共20分)拜访_ 看电影_去旅行_超市_ 词典_ 图书_明信片_字典_ 太空旅行_新 课 标 第 一 网单词书_ 中秋节_聚会_This morning _ this afternoon _this evening _tonight _ at noon _tomorrow _ next week _ this year _二选择正确的答案。(每题

29、2分,共16分)( )1.Whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon?A.Imgoingtobuyabook.B.Imastudent.C.Igotoschoolbybike.( )2.Excuseme.Whereisthelibrary?.A.Wheresit ?B.Wherestheschool?C.Itsnexttothepostoffice.( )3.ImgoingtobuyanEnglishbook.A.Doyouhaveicbook?B.Whatareyougoingtobuy?C.Thisafternoon.D.Imgoingtoplanttrees.( )

30、4.当你去商店时,售货员通常首先会说:_A.Howareyou?B.Whatareyougoingtodo? D.CanIhelpyou?( )5.Whereareyougoingthisafternoon?.A.Imgoingtobuysomeicbooks.B.Imgoingtothebookstore.C. Imgoingtovisitmyaunt.( )6.Howdoyougothere?.A.Imgoingtobuyamagazineaboutplants.B.Bybus.C.Imfine.( )7.-_. -Thisafternoon.A.Whereareyou?B.Whatare

31、yougoingtodo?C.Whenareyougoing?( )8.Whatareyougoingtobuy?_A.Byatrain.B.Abook.C.D.on foot 三、给下面的问题选择正确的答案。(每题2分,共10分)( )1.Whatareyougoingtodo? A.Bytrain.( )2.Whenareyougoing? B.Takeatrip.( )3.Whereareyougoing? C.Yes, Iam.( )4.Howdoyougotothezoo? D.At3oclock.( )5.Areyougoingtouseanybooks? E.ImgoingtoB

32、eijing.四、句子翻译。(每题2分,共10分)1.你打算明天怎么去陈江? _2.你们打算去哪里?_3.你们打算什么时候去?_4.Jack 下周来拜访我。_5.我们打算去看一部关于太空旅行的电影。_五、连词成句。(每题1分,共4分)1. have to a family big my dinner going are . _2. tonight together all be will we . _3. Poem read a I going am to Robin and ._4. Were draw pictures going to some Renmin Park in . _六、

33、根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空。(每题1分,共15分)1. Tomorrow, I am _( go ) to have an art lesson. 2. She is going to _ ( cook ) Chinese food this weekend. 3. Will you go to_ (take) a trip on your holiday ?4. Mike is _(go) to see a film tomorrow. 5. Chenjie often _ ( go ) hiking on weekends. 6. Look! My brother is _ (wat

34、ch) TV. 7. Whatshe_ (do) now?8. What_(be)theygoingto_(do)soon?9. What_Tom_(do)nextweek?10. Canyousing?-No, I_(not,can).11. Where _she_(go)nextmouth? Sheis _(go) toJapan. 七、阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)。(每题1分,共8分)MynameisAmy.TomorrowisSaturday.Wehavenoclasses.Myparentsarentgoingtowork,butwearegoingtobeverybusytomo

35、rrow.Mymotherisgoingtobuysomethingfornextweek.Myfatherisgoingtovisitmyauntanduncle.Imgoingtothebookstorebybus.ThenImgoingtobuyadictionary.Tomorroweveningwearegoingtovisitmygrandparentsandhaveabigdinner.Afterthatwearegoingtothecinema.Ithinkwearegoingtohaveaniceweekend.( )1.TomorrowisSaturday.( )2.Amy

36、smotherisgoingtobuysomethingfornextweek.( )3.Amysfatherisgoingtovisithisgrandparentsinthemorning.( )4.Amyisgoingtoplayputergameswithhissister.( )5.Amyisgoingtothebookstorebybike.( )6.TomorroweveningAmyisgoingtowatchTV.( )7.Tomorroweveningtheyaregoingtothecinema.( )8.Amyishappy! 八、阅读对话判断正误,判断正T误F。(每题

37、1分,共5分)Mike:Whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon? John:Imgoingtovisitmyteacher.Mike:Howdoyougetthere? John:Igettherebysubway.Mike:Wheredoeshelive? John:HishomeisnexttothescienceMuseum.Iturnleftatthetrafficlightinfrontofthesubwaystation,thengostraight.Hishomeisontheright.Mike:I amgoingtotheScienceMuseumt

38、hisafternoon.Letsgotogetherafterlunch.1.Johnisgoingtovisithisteacher. ( )2.Johnisgoingbybus. ( )3.Mikeisgoingtothesciencebookstore. ( )4. JohnsteacherlivesnexttotheScienceMuseum. ( )5.MikeandJohnaregoingtogetherafterlunch. ( )九、作文。(共12分)寒假将至,请向大家介绍一下你的假期将如果度过,要求语法正确,句子通顺,不少于六句话。题目自拟。六年级第四单元复习题一、从B栏中

39、找出A栏的答句,将其序号填入题前括号内。(共10分) A( )1. What does he like?( )2.Does she go to work by bus?( )3.What is your hobby?( )4.Does Jim live in Shanghai?( )5.Do you like listening to music?( )6.What are you going to do this afternoon?( )7.How does your father go to England?( )8.Wheres your home?( )9.Is your mothe

40、r an English teacher?( )10.Are you going to the Great Wall next week? BA.Yes,she does.B.No,she isnt.She is a math teacher.C.He likes swimming.D.Im going to buy a ic book in the bookstore.E.Its near the school. F.He goes to England by plane.G.I like watching TV.H.Yes,we are.I.Yes,I do.J.No,he doesnt.

41、二找出不同类的选项填在括号里。(共5分)( ) 1. A. morning B. evening C. afternoon D. Tuesday( ) 2. A. play football B. make kites C. collect stamps D. clean the room( ) 3. A. park B. museum C. teacher D. school( ) 4. A. go to bed B. go to work C. go to school D. study( ) 5. A. English B. Chinese C. Beijing D. P.E.三按要求进

42、行句型转换: (共10分)1. I like riding a bike.(就划线部分提问) _ your _? 2. She lives in Australia.(改一般疑问句) _ she _ in Australia?3. Ann goes to school on foot every day.(同义句) Ann _ _ _ every day.4. What does lily like ?(同义句) Lily likes _ Chinese food .5. Alice usually plays at the park on Saturday.(就划线部分提问)_ does A

43、lice usually _ on Saturday?四,Read and choose.(选择合适的答案填在括号里) (共40分)( ) 1. 当你想知道对方的爱好,应该怎么问: A. Whats your hobby? B. What do you do ? C. Which do you like ?( ) 2. What _his hobbies ? A. are B. is C. am( ) 3. john _ in Australia. A. lives B. live C. living( ) 4. 当你想询问朋友是否喜欢集邮时,应该怎么问: A. Are you collecting stamps ? B. Do you like collecting stamps ? C. What do you like?( ) 5. I like_ kites . A. make B. making C. made( ) 6. How do you _there ? A. goes B. get e ( ) 7. His parents_

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