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1、2022年五年级英语下册unit8haveagoodhabit教案1陕旅版一、 整体设计思路1. 以兴趣为导向,激发学生的学习热情,在游戏、竞赛,师生互动问答和小组合作等丰富多彩的课堂教学活动中,激发学生的求知欲和好奇心,变被动学习为主动学习。2. 联系学生生活实际,引导学生运用所学语言进行表达。通过为学生创设真实的情境,引导其学习新词汇。二、 教学目标1. Knowledge:To learn six phrases about peoples behavior. litter on the floor,talk loudly in class, speak with mouth full,

2、 make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line.2. Ability: To evaluate the habits of good or bad.3. Emotion: to guide students develop good habits of life styles.三、 教学重点和难点1. Key Points: To learn six phrases about peoples behavior.2. Difficult Points: Tell the difference between quiet and quite 能运用We shoul

3、dntWe should谈论和评价习惯的好坏。三、教具准备 PPT,相关视频、音频,实物教具:装满水的瓶子和没水的空瓶,相关词汇卡片四、教学过程Step I leading In1. Class greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang.T: Hows the weather today?Ss: ItsT: What day is it today?Ss: Its2. Warming up.T: Yeah. Sit down, please Itstoday, The weather isAre

4、 you feeling happy now?Ss: Yes. Im feeling happy now.T: OK. Now lets watch the video.播放“乱扔垃圾,危害无穷”的视频,学生观看。T: Well. After you watch the video, What do you want to say? If you couldnt speak in English, you may speak in Chinese.S1: S2: T: Wow! You give us a good suggestion. That is “Dont litter on the

5、 floor. We should pick the rubbish up and put the litter into the trash can. We should have a good habit!”教师板书课题Unit 8 Have a Good Habit!带领学生朗读一遍,特别强调“habit”的发音Step II New Presentation.1. 出示PPT图片让学生先浏览一遍,观察学生对各种行为的态度和反应。2. 教师再出示一遍图片,并在出示扔纸屑行为时讲授:T: Whats she doing?Ss: She is T: She is littering on t

6、he floor. Is it a good habit?Ss: No, it isnt .Its a bad habit.教师板书,领读词组litter on the floor.3.教师播放学生上课时大声说话的视频,让学生更直观地学习词组talk loudly in class.讲解loudly- quietly Such as:big- small long-short, fat-thin板书并领读词组talk loudly in class4.出示嘴里含着满满的食物说话的场景,让学生形象地感知词组speak with mouth full.利用实物:空瓶子和装满水的瓶子讲解单词full

7、老师板书领读词组speak with mouth full.T: We cant speak with mouth full. Its a bad habit.5.同理讲授make a noise, 并解释单词noise, nose-noiseT: Dont make a noise in class.板书并领读词组make a noise并补充make a noise=make noises.Such as: fly a kite=fly kites, ride a bike=ride bikes.6.教师突然将手指竖放在嘴巴上,示意学生安静下来之后,引出词组keep quiet.T: Pl

8、ease keep quiet in class. Is it a good habit?Ss: Yes, it is.ie-quiet i-quite quite=very7.出示人们一个接一个排队候车的图片,引出最后一个动词短语wait in line.并讲解line. 板书并领读词组wait in line.T: Is it a good habit or a bad habit?Ss: Its a good habit.Step III Practise.1. Play the VCD, 让学生模仿其语音语调并跟读。2. I say you do.教师说词汇,学生做动作。a. litt

9、er on the floor. 假装往地上扔纸屑。b. talk loudly in class.在教室里大声说话。c. speak with mouth full.假装嘴里面有食物,边吃边说。d. make a noise. 拿个东西敲击某物故意发出噪音。e. keep quiet.把手放在嘴上发出嘘的声音。f. wait in line. 几个学生站成一行排队等候。让大家看图片说词汇,请几位同学上台做动作。如此反复练习,加深学生的印象。3. Play a game: play the piano.把词汇卡片分发给学生,教师读到哪个词组,拿着该词组的学生就要跳一下并且说出自己手中所拿的词组

10、。Such as:T: litter on the floor.A: (跳一下) litter on the floor.T: make a noise.B: (跳一下)make a noise.4. Do some exercises:a. Read and write should shouldntWe _ litter on the floor.We _ make a noise.We _ speak with mouth full.We _ talk loudly in class.You _ keep quiet in class.We _ wait in line.b. Try t

11、o match1、litter on the floor 上课大声说话2、speak with mouth full 随地乱扔垃圾3、talk loudly in class 满嘴吃着东西说话4、make a noise 保持安静5、keep quiet 制造噪音 Step IV. Make a summary.Good HabitsBad Habitskeep quietlitter on the floorwait in linespeak with mouth fulltalk loudly in classmake a noiseWe should_. We shouldnt_.Sin

12、g a song.We shouldnt litter on the floor.We shouldnt talk loudly in class.We shouldnt speak with mouth full.We shouldnt make a noise.We should keep quiet.We should wait in line.要求学生做着动作跟老师学唱歌曲,加深印象,增加课堂的趣味性。演唱歌曲时时渗透情感教育:在我们日常生活中,有许多的规章制度要求大家去遵守。希望同学们都能养成良好的学习生活习惯,做一个受欢迎的小学生。向学生介绍两句和习惯有关的俗语。1. Custom

13、 makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。2. It is never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。Step V Homework.1. To read and remember the phrases what we learned today.2. Do a survey: 调查班上同学的习惯,并帮助他人改掉不好的习惯。3.4. 附送:2022年五年级英语下册unit8haveagoodhabit教案2陕旅版【单元总目标】本单元的话题是人们日常生活的基本行为规范。让学生通过切实的生活实践,养成好的行为习惯、摒弃坏的行为习惯,并能运用D

14、ont litter on the floor. / You shouldnt tell lies. Its a bad habit. Im sorry. I wont. We shouldnt . Wed better . and we should have a good habit. Dont read in bed. Its bad for your eyes. Youd better . 等句型谈论行为习惯的养成。本单元可分为4个课时。第一课时主要学习Part A中Lets learn部分表示人们行为习惯的词汇,通过为学生创设真实的情境,引导其学习新词汇;第二课时以Part A中Le

15、ts talk部分的对话为主,学习如何谈论人们日常小活行为习惯的话题;第三课时以Part B中的Lets learn more为主,复习现在进行时态及祈使句句型,并拓展学习表示建议的句型You should / shouldnt . 引导学生养成好的生活习惯、摒弃坏的行为习惯;第四课时以Part B中Read and think部分的小故事为主要内容,在有效拓展练习本单元重点内容的基础上,进行综合复习并完成检测。【单元具体目标】知识目标一、能听、说、读、写以下词汇:litter on the floor, talk loudly in class, speak with mouth full,

16、 make a noise, keep quiet, wait in line, read in bed二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:1. Dont litter on the floor. / You shouldnt tell lies. Its a bad habit.Im sorry. I wont.2. We shouldnt . Wed better . and we should have a good habit.3. Dont read in bed. Its bad for your eyes. Youd better .情感目标一、在活动体验中教育学生要保持良好的

17、行为习惯,摒弃坏习惯并多多听从长辈意见;在竞赛中培养学生的竞争意识。二、教师以身作则,在平常的教学生活中为学生树立一个良好的行为规范,起到带头作用Unit8 Have a Good Habit! 第1课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册 Unit8【主 题】Warming-up: Think and tick or cross, Lets learn【课 时】第1课时一、教学目标1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:litter on the floor, talk loudly in class, speak with mouth full, make a noise, keep quie

18、t, wait in line。2. 能熟练运用以上词汇。二、教学准备1. 教师准备:(1) Lets learn部分的教学卡片。(2) 本课时的课件。(3) Lets learn部分的教学音频。(4) 关于人们日常行为的视频或是PPT图片(须包括乱扔纸屑、在班级大声说话、嘴里吃着东西说话、制造噪音、保持安静和排队等候这些场景)。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前热身师生进行简单的课前交流,如:T: How do you feel, boys and girls?Ss: We feel very happy.教师故意在教室的地是扔一些纸屑,看看学生们的反应,随即问学生:

19、T: Are you feeling happy now?Ss: No, we arent.T: Why?Ss: It makes our classroom dirty.T: Do you often do that?Ss: No, we dont.T: Is it good?Ss: No. It is not good.T: Youre right! Its a bad habit. We should have a good habit.教师出示本单元标题Have a Good Habit!并讲解habit名词“习惯、习性”。之后,继续询问,引起讨论:T: What are good h

20、abits? What arc bad habits? What bad habits do you have?教师让学生联想一下他们各自在平时的生活中经常做出哪杵好的行为习惯或不好的行为习惯,激发其兴趣,引导他们快速进入学习状态。(2)新课导入Part A Warming-up: Think and tick or cross教师承接上一环节的讨论,顺势导入热身话题:T: Turn to Page 61 and look at the pictures. Are they good habits?让学生先独自判断这些行为好不好,然后再提出问题:T: Do you often do that?

21、让学生勾出各自经常做的事,并在各自不经常做的事上打叉。课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)新课展示Part A Lets learn1. 教师出示所准备的关于人们日常行为的视频或PPT图片,引出本课时的新授环节。1. 教师出示视频或PPT图片让学生先浏览一遍,观察学生对各种行为的态度和反应。2. 教师再出示一遍视频或图片,并在出示扔纸屑行为时讲授:T: Whats she doing?Ss: She is .T: She is littering on the floor. Is it a good habit?Ss: No, it isnt. Its a bad h

22、abit.教师板书、领读词组litter on the floor,并稍作讲解:litter是动词“乱丢”,另有名词“垃圾”的意思如:If you see litter on the floor, pick it up.教师可进一步提问:T: Do you often litter on the floor? Is it right?3. 教师播放学生上课时大声讲话的视频,让学生更直观地学习词组talk loudly in class,并讲解单词loudly(副词)“大声地”。之后,教师通过问答引导学生练习运用该词组。T: Can you talk loudly in the library?

23、Ss: No. We cant talk loudly in the library.T: Can you talk loudly at the cinema?Ss. No. We can t talk loudly at the cinema.T: Can you talk loudly in class?Ss: No. We cant talk loudly in class.T: Why?Ss: Its a bad habit.教师注意解释in class的意思是“在课堂上”,class之前不能用冠词。板书并领读词组talk loudly in class4. 教师依旧以视频出示嘴里含着

24、满满的食物说话的场景,让学生形象地感知词组speak with mouth full,并讲解单词full(形容词)“全的、满的”。如:Im full.我饱了。教师板书、领读词组speak with mouth full,并引导学生运用:We cant speak with mouth full. Its a bad habit, too.5. 教师以同样的方式讲授makea noise,并解释单词noise(名词)“噪音、杂音”。如:There are too many noises in the room.Dont make a noise in class.板书并领读词组make a no

25、ise,教师在这里也可补充词组make noises。6. 教师突然将手指竖起放在嘴巴上,示意学生安静下来之后,引出词组keep quiet:T: Please keep quiet in class. Is it a good habit?Ss: Yes, it is.单词quiet的读音比较特别,其中字母组合ie的读音为a。教师可注意多领读示范几遍,帮助学生记忆。教学小贴士教师在这里吋提醒学生注意单词quiet最后的两个字母,应是先写e再写t,而不能先写t再写e,否则就成了另一个意义完全不同的单词。1. quiet形容词“安静的”,如:She is a quiet girl. Please

26、 keep quiet in the library.2. quite 副词“很、完全”,如:He feels quite well now.7. 教师以视频出示人们一个接一个排队候车或在超市结账的视频,引出最后一个动词短语wait in line,并讲解单词line (名词)“路、线、排”,如:Draw a line.教师板书并领读词组wait in line,并询问:Is it a good habit or a bad habit?8. 全部完成后,教师可再一一引领学生回头复习,并让他们说出这些生活习惯中哪些是好习惯,哪些是坏习惯。(2)巩固活动1. 教师播放录音,让学生模仿其语音语调跟

27、读Lets learn more部分的词汇。2. 教师带领学生一起边大声朗读边书空本部分的词汇,帮助学生记忆。操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)(1)我说你做教师自己或选出一位学生做动作,让大家根据动作说出相应的词语。如:1. litter on the floor教师假装往地上扔纸屑2. talk loudly in class教师在教室里大声说话3. speak with mouth fill教师假装嘴里面有食物说话4. make a noise教师拿个东西敲击某物故意发出噪音5. keep quiet教师把手放在嘴上发出嘘的声音6. wait in lin

28、e教师让一些学生上台排队教师站其身后本活动也可以采用教师说词汇,学生做动作或者教师让大家看图片说词汇,请几位同学上台做动作的形式进行。这样进行反复练习,加深学生的印象。(2)抢答教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示Lets learn部分所学的词汇,也可以加上前面几个单元的词汇卡片,学生们举手抢答。教师让最先举手的学生大声读出或拼出该词语,读对或拼对的学生所在组得10分,得分最多的组为优胜组。【板书设计】Unit8 Have a Good Habit! 第2课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册 Unit8【主 题】Warming-up: Talk in pairs and grou

29、p the pictures, Lets talk, Lets sing【课 时】第2课时一、教学目标1. 能听懂Lets talk部分和行为习惯相关的词汇。2. 能运用Dont litter on the floor. / You shouldnt tell lies. Its a bad habit. Im sorry. I wont. We shouldnt. Wed better . and we should have a good habit.与他人 谈论和评价习惯的好坏。3. 能听、说、熟读对话,语音语调准确自然。二、教学准备1. 教师准备:(1 ) Lets learn部分的单

30、词卡片。(2) 本课时的课件以及“传句子”活动中所需要的写有句子的小纸条。(3) Lets talk部分的教学挂图和人物头饰。(4) Lets talk和Lets sing部分的教学音频。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前复习1. 我说你指教师将Lets learn部分的词汇卡片打乱顺序贴在黑板上,然后随意说一个单词短语,学生重复一遍,并快速指向黑板上的相应卡片,比比看谁做得又快又好。经过几轮比赛之后,教师可以让学生来代替教师的角色发令。2. 我指你说同上,教师随意指向黑板上的某一个词汇卡片,学生快速读出卡片上的词汇,比比谁读得又快又准,经过几轮比赛之后,同样可以让学生

31、来指卡片。(2)新课导人Part A Warming-up: Talk in pairs and group the pictures1. 教师让学生仔细观察本部分的图片,引导他们讨论一下这些图片中哪些是好习惯,哪些是坏习惯。2. 教师引领学生一一梳理本部分各个图片中的内容。(1) 第一幅图片,教师可这样引导:T: Look at the sign. Can he park his car here?(学生可能不理解park的意思,教师在这里可以借用单词stop进行启发)第2-6幅图片教师可以参考如下方式引导:(2) Where is the man? (In the hospital.) L

32、ook at the sign on the wall. Can he smoke there?(3) Whats the time for? (Its time for dinner.) What is the boy doing? (He is washing his hands. Thats a good habit.)(4) What is the girl doing? (She is littering in the trash can. Its a good habit.)(5) There is an empty seat on the bus. What arc the bo

33、ys doing? Is that right?(6) These boys are getting on the bus. Are they in line? Is that right?3. 接下来让学生根据教师的引导将这几幅图片的序号写在相应的位置:Good habitBad habit课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)新课展示Part A: Lets talk1. 看图讲解对话(1)教师承接上一环节,继续问学生觉得还有哪些习惯是不对的。在学生说出一些不好的行为习惯后,教师出示Lets talk部分的教学挂图。首先出示第一幅图:T: Look at this

34、picture. Whats on the floor?Ss: Litter.T: Dont litter on the floor. Its a bad habit.(2) 教师出示第二幅图让学生猜猜小男孩的妈妈在跟她说什么:T: Look at this picture. What is the mother telling / speaking to the boy?Ss:.T: Yes. He tells lies. And his mother tells him not to do that.解释tell lies的意思是“撒谎”,并告诉学生不应该撒谎,这样是最不好的行为习惯然后反

35、问学生,加深其印象:T: Should he tell lies?Ss: No, he shouldnt.T: He shouldnt tell lies.(3) 教师出示第三幅图让学生说说图片里的三个孩子分別在做什么:T: What are the girls doing?Ss: They are making a noise in the library.T: Should we make a noise in the library?Ss: No.T: We shouldnt make a noise in the library. Its a bad habit. We should

36、have a good habit. Wed better keep quiet in the library.(4) 教师出示最后一幅图引导学生描述:T: Whats the boy doing?T&Ss: He is writing on the tree.T: Is it a good habit or a bad habit?Ss: Its a bad habit.T. Yes. It s a bad habit. We shouldnt write on the tree. Trees are very useful for us. We should take care of tr

37、ees and have a good habit.教学小贴士教师在这里可以讲解一下情态动词should的用法。should的意思是“应该”,它的否定形式是shouldnt (=should not),它们常被用来表示提出建议,其后接动词原形。如:I should do exercise more. You shouldnt talk loudly in class.2. Listen and answer教师提出问题,然后播放Lets talk部分的录音,让学生听录音回答问题。问题可参考如下:(1) Does Su Nan (the boy in the first picture) hav

38、e a good habit?(2) Should the girl litter on the floor?(3) Does the boy in the second picture have a good habit?(4) Should he tell lies?(5) Do the girls in the third picture have a good habit?(6) What is Li Shan telling to them? Should they make a noise in the library?(7) Does the boy in the last pi

39、cture have a good habit?(8) Should he write on the tree?(2)巩固活动1. 教师播放录音,学生打开课本,模仿录音中的语音语凋逐句跟读对话。2. 教师指导学生分角色朗读对话。3. 学生两人一组,排练对话。4. 教师请几组学生戴上头饰,上台表演对话。学生表演完毕后,教师进行评价,对于勇于表演的学生,教师要多加表扬,并且多关注平时不善于表现的学生,鼓励其上台表演,教师可以与其搭档,在表演过程中对其进行引导,完成表演后,教师请大家以掌声鼓励该生的进步,增强其自信心及学习英语的兴趣。操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)

40、(1)传句子每一列为一组,教师将全班分成若干组,然后分别发给每一组最后一排的学生一张纸,上面写着课文中的一个句子。在教师说开始后,最后一排的学生立即把纸上的句子告诉他前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的句子告诉自己前面的学生这样依次进行下去。最后,第一排的学生将听到的句子大声说出来,传得最快、最准的组获胜。(2)Part B Lets sing1. 教师播放Lets sing的读词部分,让学生感知本部分的歌词;然后让学生打开课本65页,读一读歌词。2. 教师对其中的生词稍作解说。(1) brush your teeth“刷牙”,其中的your可以根据主语的变换替换为其他的形容词性物主代词,如:He

41、brushes his teeth. She brushes her teeth. They brush their teeth.(2) tidy your room “打扫房间”,其中的your也可以根据主语的变换替换为其他的形容词性物主代词,如:We tidy our rooms. They tidy their rooms.3. 教师播放Lets sing的演唱部分,师生一起学唱歌曲。4. 教师播放配乐,让学生伴随音乐唱一唱歌曲。教师可鼓励学生加入相应的动作边唱边表演,也可以请几位同学上台做动作配合全班同学演唱。【板书设计】Unit8 Have a Good Habit! 第3课时教学设

42、计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册 Unit8【主 题】Lets learn more, Lets play, Look and write your advice【课 时】第3课时一、教学目标1. 能用Dont read in bed. Its bad for your eyes. Youd better read at the desk. You shouldnt have the book so close to your eyes. You should take care of your eyes. 继续谈论习惯问题并向他人提出建议。2. 能听、说、熟读对话,语音语调准确自然。3

43、. 通过对对话的学习,养成正确的阅读习惯,形成关爱自己眼睛的意识。4. 通过小组活动,培养合作的意识。二、教学准备教师准备:1. Lets learn部分的词汇卡片以及Lets play部分的短句卡片。2. Lets learn more部分的教学挂图和人物头饰。3. 本课时的课件。4. Lets sing和Lets learn more部分的教学音频。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前热身1. Part B Lets sing教师播放上节课所学的Lets sing部分的歌曲,和学生一起边做动作边演唱,活跃课堂气氛、激发学生的学习兴趣。2. 教师快速闪动卡片并请学生快速

44、读出来,带领学生复习Lets learn部分的词汇,比比谁读得又快又好!(2)新课导人以师生问答的形式导入新课,可参考如下:T: Do you often litter on the floor, S1 ?S1: No, I dont.T: Do you often wait in line when the light is red, S2?S2: Yes, I do.T: Tom has a stomachache. What shouldnt he do, S3?S3: He shouldnt eat too many ice-creams.T: Amy has a toothache.

45、 What shouldnt she do?S4: She shouldnt eat too many candies.课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)新课展示Part B Lets learn more1. 通过观察教学挂图呈现语言点。(1) 教师出示Lets learn more部分的教学挂图,引导学生仔细观察,引入新授内容:T: Look at this picture. Where is Kevin?T&Ss: He is in bed.T: What is he doing?Ss: He is reading a book.T: Yes. He is r

46、eading in bed. Is it a good habit?Ss: No. Its a bad habit.T: Thats true. Its a bad habit. He shouldnt do that. Hed better read at the desk.教师进一步引导学生观察Kevin拿的书和他的眼睛之间的距离很近。T: Look. He shouldnt have the book so close to his eyes. Its bad for his eyes. He should take care of his eyes. We shouldtake car

47、e of our eyes, too.(2) 重难点讲解教师可借助肢体语言,指着自己的眼睛告诉孩子们:T: Dont red in bed. Its bad for your eyes.板书、领读句型Dont red in bed. Its bad for your eyes.并讲解难点:a. Dont red in bed.Dont . 是祈使句的否定式,用来表示对听话人的建议或要求。教师继续举例,引导学生练习运用。如:Dont write on the tree / wall. Its a bad habit.Dont talk loudly in the library. You sho

48、uld be quiet.b. Its bad for your eyes.Its bad for .“某种行为对不好/有坏处”教师在这里还可以拓展相关句式Its good for.“某种行为对有好处”。如:Dont write on the tree. Its bad for the tree.Have some milk every day. Its good for your health.Fruit is good for your health.c. He shouldnt do that. Hed better read at the desk.sb. shouldnt do st

49、h.常用来表示说话人的建议或对某事的看法。如:You shouldnt make a loud noise in class.He shouldnt tell lies.Youd better是You had better的缩略形式,better后面要接动词原形,常用来表示向某人提出建议或意见,意为“最好”。如:Youd better wear your coat. Its cold outside.其否定形式直接在better后面加not即可,如:Wed better not be late for school.d. You shouldnt have the book so close

50、to your eyes. You should take care of your eyes.have sth. close to .“使某物距近”,have在这里是“使、让”的意思;take care of sth. “照顾好”如:Dont have the fire so close to the tree.The man have the paper very close to his eyes. But he still cant see anything.He should take care of his children.We should take care of the y

51、oung trees.2. Listen and answer教师提出问题,然后播放Lets talk部分的录音,让学生听录音感知完整的对话,并根据所听到的内容回答如下问题:(1) What is Kevin doing?(2) Should he read in bed? Why?(3) Should Kevin read at the desk?(4) What does his mothers tell him?教师启发学生思考:为什么Kevin会戴上这么大的眼镜,因为他没有养成良好的看书姿势和习惯,反问学生:Do you often do that? 并教导他们在平时的学习生活中要保持

52、良好的读书习惯。教师也可以建议学生互相监督,看谁做得最好,看谁能一直将好习惯保持下去。最后教师以How to Take Care of Your Eyes引发学生的思考,得出结论:只介保持良好的看书和学习习惯才能保护自已的视力、保护自己的眼睛。(2)巩固活动1. 教师再次播放录音,让学生模仿录音中人物的语音语调跟读对话。2. 学生两人一组练习对话,最后教师选出几组学生戴上人物头饰上台表演对话,要求体态自然,表演大方,语音语调准确。操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)(1) Part B Lets play1. 教师出示所准备的Lets play部分的短句卡片,让学

53、生大声朗读出来。2. 本部分的各个表达前面基本都已经学习过,教师可以在学生读出短句之后,启发学生思考,仔细分辨出其中哪些是好的行为习惯(Good habit)、哪些是不好的行为习惯(Bad habit)。3. 教师将所有的短句卡片打乱扣放在讲桌上,并将黑板分为左右两个部分,分别写上Good Habit和Bad Habit。之后,一一选取学生上台,从讲桌上抽取卡片后,结合本部分的句子示范说一说。若抽到的卡片是好习惯,就套说句型:We should . We should have a good habit. 并将卡片贴到黑板上Good Habit的下方。若抽到的卡片是坏习惯,就套说句型:We s

54、houldnt . / Wed better not . Its a bad habit.并将卡片贴到黑板上Bad Habit的下方。4. 教师也可以让学生两人一组看课本练习句型,若是好习惯就在相应的短句上打勾,若是坏习惯就在短句上打叉。(2)Part C Look and write your advice1. 教师引导学生仔细观察本部分的图片,并说一说相应的词组或句子。2. 引导学生读一读各个小题中已有的句子,判断横线部分应写的内容,然后借助句型Youd better (not). You should / shouldnt. Dont . 写一句完整的表示建议的句子。3. 教师可以先说一

55、个句子作为示范,随后让学生独自完成这部分的练习内容。4. 教师随机挑选几个学生,分别说一说完整的句子,核对答案。参考答案:1. You d better see a doctor2. You shouldnt litter on the floor3. You should e to school on time4. Youd better take a bus there【板书设计】Unit8 Have a Good Habit! 第4课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册 Unit8【主 题】Read and think, Listen and tick or cross, Di

56、scuss in groups and give some advice, Read and plete【课 时】第4课时一、教学目标1. 能听懂、理解Read and think中情节简单的小故事,并且能流利地跟读录音,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。2. 鼓励学生能够运用学过的知识独立完成Read and plete部分内容。3. 教育学生在生活学习中要养成良好的行为习惯,杜绝不良的行为习惯。二、教学准备教师准备:1. Lets learn部分的词汇卡片。2. Read and think部分人物头饰和教学挂图。3. 本课时的课件。4. Read and think和Listen and ti

57、ck or cross部分的教学音频。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前复习1. 教师出示Lets learn部分的词汇卡片,学生快速抢答,进行热身。2. 教师将学生分成两组,比赛拼读词汇教师说词汇,请两组学生按顺序拼读词汇;如一组拼错,则换另一组继续拼读,直到拼对为止。教师要注意鼓励学生按照其字母的发音进行拼读,在复习词汇的同时,学习如何更好地记忆。3. 师生会话,进行口语练习,复习本单元所学句型,如:T: (教师出示litter on the floor图片,对学生进行引导)Do you often litter on the floor?S1: No. I don

58、t often litter on the floor.T: (教师出示talk loudly in class图片)Should we talk loudly in class?S2: No. We shouldnt talk loudly in class. Wed better / We should keep quiet in class.T: (教师出示speak with mouth full图片) Is it a good habit?S3: No. Its not a good habit. Its a bad habit. We shouldnt / Wed better n

59、ot speak with mouth full.T: Great! Youre all good boys and girls!课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)Part B Read and think教师先引导学生一一观察本部分的各幅图片,大概推测一下故事内容之后,播放录音,让学生整体听一遍录音,然后借助课件或教学挂图展示相应的图片,并提出问题,启发学生结合图片以及刚刚听到的录音内容思考作答。1. 教师出示本部分的第一幅图片,并提出问题:Whats the weather like in summer?Whats the weather like in the

60、 picture?What does Mom ask Alice to take?2. 教师出示本部分的第二幅图片,并提出问题:How is the weather in this picture?Does Alice have an umbrella?3. 教师出示第三幅图片,继续提问:Look! Whats wrong with Alice?What does Mr. Zhao say to Alice?4. 教师出示第四幅图片,并提问:Does Alice go to see a doctor?What does the doctor tell her?5. 教师出示最后一幅图片,提问学

61、生:Where is Alice now?What does she think?Do you often listen to your parents?教学小贴士1. Youd better后面接动词原形表示给对方的肯定建议或意见。意思为“最好做某事”。如:Youd better keep quiet.Youd better not后面接动词原形表示给对方的否定意见或建议,意思为“最好不要做某事”如:Youd better not wear your coat. Its hot.2. often表示“经常”,sometimes表示“有时”;两者都是频度副词。如:I often listen to music on the weekend. Sometimes, I watch TV.6. 教师再次播放Read and think部分的录音,让学生模仿录音中人物的语音语调跟读对话。7. Show time:学生四人一组排练对话,教师可鼓励学生加入更多的相关句型充实故事内容。最后选出几组学生戴上本部分的人物头饰上台进行表演。学生排练之前,教师可以先与几名学生参考本部分的教学挂图或课件中的图片展开讨论、进行示范表演。(2)Part C Listen and tick or cross1. 教师首

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