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1、定语从句模块翻译1. (2011 ,全国 1 )我们会把这个奖项颁发给故事最具想象的作者The prize will go to the writer whose story shows the most imagination.2. (2011 ,山东 ) 这个古老的城镇有着窄窄的街道和彼此紧挨着的小 房 屋The town has narrow streets and small houses that are built close to each other.3. ( 2011, 北京 ) 马丽对杰克比对其他人要好很多,这一点显然让大家感到不高兴Mary was much kinder

2、 to jack than she was to the others, which, of course, made all the others upset.4. (2011, 福建 ) 她特别擅长为她的学生们营造一个可以互相自由交 流 的氛围She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students which allows them to communicate freely with each other.5. (2010, 全国 1) 杰克小时候在一个乡村学校里面念书,这个学校以他祖父的名字命名As a child, jac

3、k studied in a village school, which is named after his grandfather6. ( 2010 , 北京 ) 不活动或者饮食含高脂肪的儿童,体重将很快增 长Children who are not active or whose diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.7. ( 2010, 陕西 ) 那个屋顶曾被暴风雨破坏了的古老寺庙现在正在修葺The old temple whose roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair.8.

4、( 2010, 湖南 ) 我已经和我学校里的几个学生都成为了朋友,我们 在 去年的英语演讲比赛上认识的I ve become good friends with several of the students in my schoolwho I met in the English speech contest last year.9. ( 2010, 全国 2 ) 我拒绝接受因为别人犯错而受到自己受到责难I refuse to accept the blame for something that was someone else s fault.10. ( 2010, 重庆 ) 在中国,城

5、市数量逐渐递增,中国的发展在世界范围内都是有目共睹的In China, the number of cities is increasing whose development is recognized across the world.11. (2010, 四川 ) 大学毕业后,我抽空去旅游了,结果证明这是一个 明智 的决定After graduating from college, I took some time off to go travelling, which turned out to be a wise decision.12. ( 2009, 山东 ) 每次我见到她,她总

6、是给我一个甜甜的微笑,这是习以为常的了Whenever I met her, which was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile.13. ( 2009, 湖南 ) 我出生在路易安娜州的新奥尔良,这是一个其名字 就能 使我们想到美丽的 树木和绿草的城市I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city whose name will createa picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind14. ( 2009 ,辽宁 ) 他们最

7、后三场比赛也都获胜了, 说实在我觉得有点惊讶They ve won their last three matches, which I find a bit surprising actually.15. ( 2009, 江西 ) 我曾在那儿长大的房子已经被拆了,现在被一栋写 字楼 取代了The house I grew up in has been taken down and replacedby an office building.16. ( 2008, 江苏 ) 在我们最近去英国时参观的那个科学博物馆是伦敦的旅游胜地之一The Science Museum, which we vis

8、ited during a recent tripto Brain, is one of London s tourist attractions.17. ( 2007, 浙江 ) 贝克街上的婵氏饭店过去一直运营不善,现在生意非常好 Chan s restaurant on Baker Street, which used to be poorly run, is now a successful business.18. 他的电影在电影节上赢得了多个奖项,这是他完全没有想到的His movie won several awards at the film festival, which wa

9、s beyondhis wildest dream.19. ( 2007, 湖南 ) 服务他人,人们会变得关心他人比关心自己多,这是一种眼见开阔,有回报的行为By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himselfor herself, which can be very eye-opening and rewarding.20. ( 2011, 江苏 ) 观众可以在音乐会两部分之间的间歇去买冰淇淋Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, when thea

10、udience can buy ice-cream.21. ( 2011, 浙江 ) 银行是一个在天气好的时候借你雨伞而当下雨时 又要回去的地方A bank is the place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weatherand ask for it back when it begins to rain.22. ( 2011, 天津 ) 那些仅仅靠体力谋生的日子已经远去了The days are gone when physical strength was all you needed to make a living.23. ( 2

11、011, 安徽 ) 任何没吃完的食物都可以放进冰箱,那里可以保存两到 3 周Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, whereit will keep for two or three weeks.24. ( 2011, 陕西 ) 我和我朋友登上上顶,在上面感受到了湖水的壮丽 景色I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends, where we enjoyed a splendid view of lake.25. ( 2010, 天津 ) 你相信么,理发花了我35

12、美金? 你应该尝试我去的那一家,只要花15 美金can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut?you should try the barber s where I go. It s only 15.26. ( 2010 ,福建 ) 斯蒂芬霍金认为地球可能不是唯一生命体不断发展的星球Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has developed gradually.27. ( 2009, 北京 ) 我

13、认为教师这份职业既有趣又具有挑战性, 这是 一份 需要你做一些严肃却有趣的事情的工作I find teaching fun and challenging. It is a job where you are doing something but interesting.28. ( 2008, 北京 ) 我会给你我朋友家的地址,你大多数晚上都可以找 到我I ll give you my friends home address, where I can be reached most evening.29. ( 2009, 江苏 ) 由于财政危机,那些 5 星级酒店每晚收取6000 元的日子

14、已经远去Because of the financial crisis, the days are gone when local 5-star hotel charged 6,000 yuan for one night.30. ( 2009, 浙江 ) 我已经到了人生中该自己做决定的时候了I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of own.31. ( 2009, 福建 ) 让孩子处在一个他们能从不同角度审视自己的环境中对他们是非常有帮助的It s helpful to put chil

15、dren in a situation where they can see themselves differently.32. ( 2009, 重庆 ) 生命就像一次长跑,我们互相竞争并超越自我Life is like a long race where we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.33. ( 2009, 四川 )34. ( 2008, 山东 ) 我能花一整天陪孩子的日子很少了Occasions are quit rare when I have the time to spend a day with my kid.35.

16、( 2008, 安徽 ) 所有的邻居都称赞这个家庭,在这个家庭中,父母 对待孩子像朋友一样All the neighbors admire this family where the parents are treating their child like a friend.36. ( 2007, 全国 1 ) 一些学龄前的孩子们去日托中心学习简单的游戏 和歌 曲Some pre-school children go to a day care center, where they learn simple games and songs.37. ( 2007, 天津 ) 那些成功的盲人舞者

17、觉得跳舞是一项视力比听力 来的跟 重要的活动Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity where sight matters more than hearing.38. ( 2007, 福建 ) 这个我们 2 年前学习耕地的小村庄有了很大的发展The village has developed a lot where we learned farming two years ago.39. ( 2007, 陕西 ) 今天我们要讨论一些英语初学者用语不当的案例Today, we ll discuss a num

18、ber of cases where beginners of English fail to use the language properly.40. ( 2007, 江西 ) 毕业后,她到了职业生涯中需要决定该干什么的时 候了After graduation she reached a point in her career where she needed to decide what to do.41. ( 2011, 浙江 ) 英语是一门多种文化都使用的语言,每种文化使用 有 些许的不同English is a language shared by several diverse

19、cultures, each of which uses it somewhat differently.42. ( 2011, 湖南 ) 朱莉擅长德语,法语和俄语,每一门她都说的很流 利Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all of which she spoke fluently.43. ( 2011, 江西 ) 她带这些游客参观了这个博物馆,这个博物馆的建造花了三年多She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction of which had taken more

20、 than three years.44. ( 2010, 江苏 ) 这个新建的墙面被刷成浅绿色的咖啡馆真的是一 个让我们感到安心的地方,尤其在辛苦的工作之后The newly-built caf e the walls of which are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work.45. ( 2010, 浙江 ) 这片住宅区居住了将近1000 人,他们中的很多人离开自己的村庄为了在城市中生活地更好The settlement is home to nearly 1

21、,000 people, many of whom left their village homes for a better life in the city.46. ( 2010, 上海 ) 风力是一种古老的能源,我们在不久的将来还能再次利用Wind power is an ancient source of energy to which we may return in the near future.47. ( 2009 ,全国 1 ) 她带来 3 位朋友,我一个都没见过She brought with her three friends, none of whom I hadeve

22、r met before48. ( 2009, 陕西 ) 禁枪是一个美国人争论了很久的话题Gun control is a subject about which Americans have argued for a long time.49. ( 2008, 福建 ) 截止到 9 点,所有的奥运会火炬手都登上了珠穆朗 玛 峰顶端,不久在山顶上出现了了一道彩虹By nine o clock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the topof Mount Qomolangma, above which appeared a rare rai

23、nbow soon.50. ( 2008, 陕西 ) 这个人掏出一块金表,表带由钻石构成The man pulled out a gold watch, the hands of which were made of small diamonds.51. ( 2008, 湖南 ) 大量因素会影响到植物的生长速度, 而大多数是不可控制的The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, most of which are beyond our control.52. ( 2007, 山东 ) 这本书于 1946 年

24、创作, 从那时起教育制度见证了巨大改变The book was written in 1946, since when the education system has witnessed great changes.53. ( 2007, 重庆 ) 人类面部表情在某种程度上与动物是不同的,因为人类面部表情某程度上是可以控制的Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degreeto which they can be controlled on purpose.54. (2007, 四川 ) 据说我们家乡正在建造的 2 座学校会在明年开业 It isreported that two schools, both of which are being built in my hometown, will open next year.

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