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1、PEP8 Unit2 A 知识检测镇海区骆驼实验学校 顾寅一、判断下列单词画划部分读音是否相同,相同在括号内写“T”, 不同写“F”。(10%) 1. load cold ( ) 2. know cow ( ) 3. count south ( ) 4. part car ( ) 5. class hat ( )6. what who ( ) 7. hole hot ( ) 8. south count ( ) 9. know knee ( ) 10. loud country ( )二、看图补全句子(5%)1 2 3 4 51. Sarah has a sore _.2. Wu Yifans

2、 finger _.3. Chen Jie has a _.4. Zhang Peng has a sore _.5. John has a _.三、根据句意及首字母完成单词。(5%)1. There is something wrong with my teeth. I have a t_.2. My nose h_. And my throat is s_.3. W_ the matter with you? Im OK. Dont worry.4. -How do you feel? -I feel sick. I think I have a c_.四、根据答句,写出正确的问句。(5%

3、) 1. A: _? B: Yes, I have a flu.2. A: _? B: I feel sick.3. A: _? B: Mike is 170 cm tall.4. A: _? B: I am not fine today. There is something wrong with my mouth.5. A: _? B: My leg hurts.五、用所给的单词连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(10%) 1. is, my, sore, throat2. drinks, medicine, hot, drink, take, some, and3. you, matter

4、, with, what, the, is4. the, do, how, flu, have , feel, you, you, if 5. the, in, some, sick, feel, winter, people六、选择。(10%) ( )1. _ does John feel ? He feels cold. A. What B. How C. Why( )2. Bai Ling _ not fine. Whats wrong _ her? A. looks, with B. look, with C. looks, to( )3. Please stay in _ bed a

5、nd drink _ water. A. / , many B. / , more C. the , much( )4. _ some medicine and youll feel _ soon. A. Have, better B. Take, better C. Take, fine( )5. Mike is sick. What should he do? A. Take some medicine. B. Go swimming. C. Read many books.( )6. The straw man _ a headache, and the robot _ tired. A

6、. have, is B. has, is C. have, are( )7. How _ Wu Yifan feeling? Hes _ better now. A. are, feel B. is, feels C. is, feeling( )8. If you are sick, you can see the _. A. teacher B. doctor C. hospital( )9. In the football game, John hurt his leg. And now he has a _ leg. A. break B. broke C. broken( )10.

7、 How are you feeling? Im as _ as new.A. good B. better C. best七、读左边的句子,然后从右边句子中选择相对应的句子,把序号写在题前的括号里(5%)( )1. You have a fever. A. See the dentist(牙医)( )2. You have a sore throat. B. Take some medicine and drink more water.( )3. You have a headache. C. Stay in bed and have a good rest.( )4. You have

8、a stomachache. D. Stop drinking and eating.( )5. You have a toothache. E. Dont talk too much. 八、阅读理解(20%)(一)阅读下列对话,判断正误,正确的写“”,错误的写“”。(10%)Doctor: Hi. Whats your name?Pat: My name is Pat.Doctor: Whats the matter?Pat: I have a toothache.Doctor: Do you often eat ice-creams?Pat: Yes, I like eating them

9、 very much.Doctor: Do you often have chocolates?Pat: Yes. Chocolates are my favourite food.Doctor: Do you often eat sweets?Pat: Yes. I love them.Doctor: OK! Open your mouth and say “Ah”.Pat: “Ah”Doctor: Ok. You shouldnt eat ice-creams, chocolates or sweets very often. You should drink more water. OK

10、?Pat: OK. Thank you, doctor. Bye!Doctor: Bye!(1)Pat has a earache. ( )(2)Pat likes eating ice-creams. ( )(3)Pat likes chocolates, but she dont like sweets. ( )(4)Pat can eat ice-creams, but she cant eat chocolates or sweets. ( )(5)Pat should drink more water. ( )(二)阅读下文,选择答案(10%)Mr Smith is a doctor

11、. All the people in the village know him because he has stayed there for a long time. He is kind to the children and often likes to play games with them. The children love him and they think hes a good doctor. One afternoon he is very busy. Many people have a cold. A woman with a baby in her arms co

12、mes in. The doctor doesnt know her but he comes over(过来) and sits down to look over(检查) the baby carefully. The baby looks very nervous(紧张).So Mr Smith points to the boys toy car, and asks, Is this your nose, my little friend?” The boy turns to his mother and says, I think we should find a good doct

13、or!”( )1. Mr Smith is a _?A. baby B. teacher C. farmer D. doctor( )2.All the people in the village know Mr Smith because_.A. hes stayed there for a long timeB. he works in the hospitalC. he often plays games with the childrenD. he is a good doctor( )3.That afternoon, Mr Smith has no time to have a r

14、est because_.A. he is waiting for the babyB. he is a naught(淘气的)boyC. there are many sick peopleD. there are many naught boys( )4.The boy wants to see a good doctor because_.A. he doesnt think Mr Smith is a good doctorB. he doesnt like Mr Smiths joke(玩笑)C. he thinks he is all rightD. he is very nervous( )5. Which of the followings is TURE?(下面哪个是正确的?)A. Mr Smith isnt kind to the children.B. Mr Smith doesnt like games.C. Mr Smith looks over the baby carefully.D. The baby is very happy.

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