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1、大学英语四级考试模拟试卷10Part I Writing1、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following question. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Suppose a new semester is about to begin, whats your plan for the coming semester and why?A Plan for th

2、e Coming SemesterPart II Listening ComprehensionSection A2、A. It is the first of a series of civil rights actions in US.B. It was started from Selma, Alabama several days ago.C. It lays the foundation for enforcement of federal civil rights laws.D. It was announced by US Secretary of Education Arne

3、Duncan.3、A. To improve the teaching of English-language learners.B. To better the education of immigrants.C. To entitle every student equal rights to education.D. To find out the reasons of low achievements.4、A. Journalist of a local newspaper.B. Director of evening radio programs.C. Producer of tel

4、evision commercials.D. Hostess of the weekly Business World.5、A. He ran three restaurants with his wifes help.B. He and his wife did everything by themselves.C. He worked both as a cook and a waiter.D. He hired a cook and two local waitresses.6、A. He hardly needs to do any advertising nowadays.B. He

5、 advertises a lot on radio and in newspapers.C. He spends huge sums on TV commercials every year.D. He hires children to distribute ads in shopping centers.7、A. The restaurant location.B. The restaurant atmosphere.C. The food variety.D. The food price.8、A. To set up a moon colony by 2020.B. To send

6、astronauts back to the moon by 2020.C. To continue the current shuttle missions till 2020.D. To create more jobs for NASA till 2020.9、A. There were more important space missions.B. The space agency lacked technology for the programme.C. The current shuttle missions would continue.D. Congress failed

7、to pass President Obamas budget.Section B10、A. About 12 minutes.B. About 20 minutes.C. About 22 minutes.D. About 30 minutes.11、A. Because she thinks theres no way anyone else could fit on.B. Because she thinks that 20 minutes late for a train is pretty standard.C. Because she finds that its hard to

8、find the commuting.D. Because she was shocked by the complicated Schedules.12 A. Read a book.B. Play Game Boy.C. Listen to music. D. Chat with others.13 A. Because she may lose her belongings.B. Because she may miss the stop.What does the man do on the train?13、B听力原文Why does the woman think its risk

9、y to sleep on the train?14、C听力原文M: Tini, you are a student, right?W: Yeah, I am a student.M: Hmm. Do you like the life as a student?W: Of course, I like studying although Im not that much of a bookworm. I like spending time with my friends, and I just like enjoying my student life.M: Are you going t

10、o graduate?W: Yes, fortunately or unfortunately, yes.M: Well, why would you say fortunately?W: Fortunately, in the sense that, its about time to get out to the real world and, you know, earn some money, and earn some experience; but unfortunately, in the sense that, all of these precious memories mu

11、st be put all behind.M: Yeah, soon they are going to be over.W: Right, and then you have more responsibility as soon as you step into the real world, you know. No more spring vacation. No more summer vacation.M: Actually, thats why Im a teacher. I get so much time off, and I dont have to work a 9-5

12、schedule.W: Yes, that is a very smart choice, I think.M: Well, you know, if you dont want to give up the student life, you can just become a teacher. Would you like to become a teacher?W: Well, actually, Im really into the banking industry.M: Banking?W: Yeah, the financing industry, and then so prob

13、ably I might give it a go.M: Thats going to be very stressful.W: It is, but you know, I pretty much like the fast-paced lifestyle, and Im interested in the content of the work.M: Well, good-luck with banking.W: Thank you. Its going to be really harsh, I know.What does the woman do?解析本题询问女士的职业,对话中女士明

14、确提到I am a student.故答案为C。15、B听力原文What makes the woman say its fortunate to graduate?解析对话中女士之所以说毕业是幸运的,是因为Fortunately, in the sense that, its about time to get out to the real world and, you know, earn some money, and earn some experience 由 此可知,能够赚钱、能够得到工作经验是毕业所带来的好事,选项B与之相符。16、A听力原文What, according to

15、 the man, is the benefit of being a teacher?解析男士在说到自己的工作时,提到I get so much time off, and I dont have to work a 9-5 schedule.由此推测,男士认为教师这一职业的优势在于空闲时间比较多,而且不是过朝九晚五的生 活,因此,灵活的工作时间是教师这一职业的优势,选项A与之相符,故为答案。17、B听力原文What makes the woman choose the banking industry?解析女士在对话中说I pretty much like the fast-paced l

16、ifestyle, and Im interested in the content of the work,由此可知,女士对银行工作的节奏和工作内容都很喜欢,即个人的兴趣所在是 她选择这一行当的主要原因,选项B与之相符。Section C18、B听力原文Good transportation is very important in winter. If you have a car, make sure it is ready for the cold weather. Keep the gas tank as nearly full as you can. This will keep

17、water out of the tank and will be a reserve in case you get into trouble. If a storm traps you in your car, there are some steps you should take for your own safety. Do not attempt to walk to find help. You may quickly lose your way in blowing and drifting snow. Your chances of being found are bette

18、r if you stay in your car. Keep a downwind window open slightly for fresh air. Freezing rain can seal off your car and lock you inside. Run the engine and the heater once in a while. Keep the same downwind window open while the engine is running. Make sure that snow has not blocked the exhaust pipe.

19、 Clap your hands and move your arms and legs from time to time. Do not stay in one position too long. But, do not move too much. Exercise warms you up, but it also causes you to lose body heat. If more than one person is in the car, do not sleep at the same time. One person should always be awake. I

20、f you are alone, stay awake as long as you can. Turn on the inside light at night. This would make your car more visible to rescue crews. Dont panic. Stay with your car.What does the speaker say you should do in winter with your car?解析细节题。文遂开头就疫道“If you have a car, make sure it is ready for the cold

21、 weather. Keep the gas tank as nearly full as you can.”意思是说,如果你有辆车,一岸要确定它适应寒冷的天 气。尽你可能让油箱保持是满的。B选项中的Try to keep the gas tank full.*是对原文的同义转换。故 本题选B。19、A听力原文What should you avoid doing if a storm traps you in the car?解析细节题。题目是问如果在车里面被暴风雪困住,要避免做什么。文中说道,llfastorm traps you in your car, there are some s

22、teps you should take for your own safety. Do not attempt to walk to find help.”意思是说,如果你在车里被暴风雪困住了,不要试图走着去寻求帮助。选项A的“Attempting to leave your car to seek help.n与原文的表述相反。选项B、C、D在下文中提到是可以做的事情。故 本题选A。20、C听力原文Why is too much exercise undesirable when you are trapped in a car by a winter storm?解析细节题。本题考查事实

23、细节。题目是问当你被冬季的暴风雪困在车里的时候,为什么太多 的运动是不合适的。文中说道“But, do not move too much. Exercise warms you up, but it also causes you to lose body heat.M意思是说,别做太多运动,运动能让你热身,但也会造成你失去身体的热量。 选项C即是原文的复制。故本题选C。21、B听力原文Why people think some colors are warm and other colors are cool? Perhaps warm colors like red, orange, a

24、nd yellow remind people of warm days, while the cool colors like green, blue, and violet remind them of cool days. In the north the sun is low during the winter and the sunlight appears quite blue. During summer, the sun is higher and the hot sunlight appears yellow.People associate colors with diff

25、erent holidays. For example, red is associated with Valentines Day. On February 14, Americans send red hearts to people they love. People associate orange with Halloween and Thanksgiving Day. On October 31, many Americans put large orange pumpkins in their windows for Halloween. Violet is a dignifie

26、d color which is associated with Easter. On Easter Sunday, people decorate baskets with purple ribbons.Many expressions in English use colors. These expressions show how people feel about the colors. For example, people associate red with a strong feeling like anger. When someone is very angry, peop

27、le say that he or she sees red. Red is an active color. When criminals are caught in the middle of a crime, people say that they were caught red-handed. Green is the color of grass and leaves. When a man grows plants well, people say he has a green thumb. Blue is a sad, thoughtful color. When a man

28、is sad, he is said to be blue. The blues is a kind of jazz that is usually very sad and slow.According to the passage, why do people think some colors are warm and others are cold?22、A听力原文With which holiday is violet associated?23、C听力原文What does the expression he has a green thumb mean?24、C听力原文Ever

29、won a lottery? No? But did that stop you from buying another lottery ticket? If the answer is another no, you might call yourself an optimist. But according to researchers at the University College London, human beings are naturally hopeful creatures. It is all in the brain, they say. A study sugges

30、ts it is very effective at processing good news: about 80% of people have a tendency to see the glass as half-full, not half-empty, even if they dont consider themselves to be optimists. The good news is that this brings a health benefit. Being upbeat and having a positive outlook on life reduces an

31、xiety. A study of nearly 100, 000 women showed a lower risk of death from heart disease among optimists.But its not always good to be optimistic. The authors of this study point out the 2008 financial crisis may have been caused by analysts overestimating their assets* performance even in the face o

32、f clear evidence to the contrary. There are personal health risks too. Dr. Tall Sharot, lead researcher, said: Smoking Kills messages dont work because people think their chances of having cancer are low. Theres a very fundamental bias in the brain. But, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining.

33、 Even if seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses poses a risk to our health, were not going to skip sleeping. Lets just keep our chins up and keep smiling!What did researchers at University College London recently find?解析短文在开头就提到according to researchers at University College London, human being

34、s are naturally hopeful creatures.由此可知,满怀希望是人类的天性,也就是说,人类的天性 还是很乐观的。因此答案为选项C。25、A听力原文What do the researchers mention the 2008 financial crisis for?解析短文中首先提到But its not always good to be optimistic.接着以the 2008 financial crisis为例进行说明,由此可知,乐观也有它的负面影响。因此答案为选项A。26、C听力原文What does the speaker suggest peopl

35、e do?解析短文最后一句Lets just keep our chins up and keep smiling!由此可知,作者还是认为 人们应该保持乐观积极的态度。因此答案为选项C。Part m Reading ComprehensionSection A27、解析此处应为定语成分,可填形容词或分词。第1段的内容表明康拉德希尔顿本想成为银行家, 但后来从购买廉价酒店开始建立了他的酒店王国,第2句开头的Instead表明第1句和第2句的内容形成 对比,强调康拉德希尔顿成为酒店大亨是“偶然的”,因此,他购买廉价酒店也是出于一次“偶然的”机 会,由此可见,casual最符合上下文的语义。28、解

36、析此处应为名词。通过空白处后的双引号及其中的内容可以推断此处最适合的是nickname, 而且nickname也可和动词earn搭配,earn him the nickname可理解为“为他赢得了的称号”。29、解析此处应为定语成分,可填形容词或分词。空白处后的legislator立法者)通常只有联邦的立 法者或州、市的立法者之分,与此语义联系最紧密的是stateo30、解析此处应为名词,并可与动词make构成词组。从上下文提到的希尔顿所做的一系列工作可 以推断他的朋友应该是建议他去德克萨斯州“发展”并“碰碰运气”的,make his fortune正好具有这些意 思,因此选用fortune

37、o31、解析此处应为过去式的动词。从本句提到的希尔顿从银行业转向酒店业可以推断当时希尔顿从 事银行业“没能成功”,因此,空白处应该是一个表示消极意义的动词,soured在语义和语法上都最适 合。32、解析此处应为过去式的动词,并可与介词to搭配。本句开头的It指的是:Mobley酒店,而从to 后的oil-field workers可以知道这间酒店专门为油田工人“提供服务”,因此,此处应选用catered,短语 cater to意为“迎合.的需求”。33、解析此处应为定语成分,可填形容词或分词。从本句最后的A-list stars可以知道希尔顿所开办 的夜总会是“高档的”、“豪华的”,因此,本

38、题应选用luxuriouso34、解析空格前的expanded为不及物动同,故空格所在句的主谓成分是完整的,故考虑应填入副 词。词库中的internationally指希尔顿名声扩大的范围,填入文中语义通顺。词库中另一副词previously 指时间上的“之前”,填入文中语义不通。35、解析此处应为过去式的动词,并可与介词from搭配。本句的内容是为了说明上一句提到的 Hiltons were creative这一观点的,据此可以推断本句应指酒店的预订系统最早由希尔顿酒店推出, 现代的预订系统都“源于”希尔顿这个始祖,因此,选用evolved,短语evolve from意为“从.进化 而来”。

39、36、解析此处应为名同。本段对希尔顿酒店的发展作一个总结,指出希尔顿酒店集团有多少资产和 每年接待多少客人,由此可见,空白处应为“资产”、“财产”、“物业”的意思,在名词词库中,properties 就有“财产”的意思,故为本题答案。Section B37、解析同义转述题。定位句提到,当查找资料来源时,被观察的许多学生甚至感到绝望过,但没 有一个人曾向图书管理员寻求帮助。题干与定位句表述基本一致,故答案为F。38、解析同义转述题。定位句先提出了学生很少向图书管理员寻求帮助的现象,后面的This is one of the sobering truths the librarians have

40、learned.WJ表明了前面所说的现象正是这项研究的发现之 一。题干中的turn to librarians for help对应定位句中的ask librarians for help,故答案为A。39、解析同义转述题。由定位句可知,研究表明,学生不愿向图书管理员寻求帮助的最根本原因是, 和其他所有人一样,他们并没有意识到自己对信息不了解的程度。题干中的did not realize their own information illiteracy正是对原文unaware of the extent of their own information illiteracy的同义转述, 故答案

41、为G。40、解析细节归纳题。由定位段可知,研究人员通过开放式采访和直接观察的方法来收集数据资料, 接着给出了这样做的目的:to generate data that.would provide deep, subjective accounts,即得 出比较深入、主观的报道。题干中的report对应原文中的accounts,我答案为B。41、解析同义转述题。由定位句可知,除了学生,图书管理员和教授也应该为学生和图书馆工作人 员之间的鸿沟负部分责任。题干中的gap对应定位句中的gulf,故答案为H。42、解析同义转述题。由定位句可知,这次研究最让人担忧、也是最能够预料的发现是:在互联网 时代,学

42、生在查询及评估资料来源时对网络极为依赖。题干中的rely heavily on the Internet与原文中 的extremely Internet-dependent属于同义转述,故答案为C。43、解析同义转述题。定位句提到,教职员工对图书管理员的期望不高,因此他们不会让学生去和 图书管理员建立联系,也没有让学生明白和图书管理员合作会有所帮助。定位句中的faculty指的是上 一句中的professors,题干中的fail to connect students to librarians对应定位句中的students may not be connected to librarians

43、,故答案为H44、解析同义转述题。题干中的surprised是原文did not expect的同义转换,定位句中冒号后面的 内容就是出乎研究者意料的具体内容:学生们并不那么擅长使用谷歌。题干与定位句意思一致,故答 案为D。45、解析同义转述题。定位句中的that指的就是academic librarians should seek to “save time for the reader”,题干中的realize the goal对应定位句中的they can do that,故答案为I。46、解析细节归纳题。该段首先指出,比较学术的资源也不一定能帮学生解决问题,随后以JSTOR 为例,指出

44、虽然JSTOR在采访中被学生们提到的次数位居第二,学生们经常使用它搜索某些话题的 当前研究情况,但是却没有意识到它并不提供最新发表的文章。题干中的newest articles对应原文中 的the most recently published articles,故答案为E。Section CPassage One47、D解析根据题干中的only和understand将本题出处定位于第1段。第1段第1句说,每个梦都是一种来自你自身潜意识的信息,这种信息通过只有自己才能理解 和解读的编码进行表达。接着第2句解释了原因:梦的情境、色彩、情绪和语言都取决于你自己的文 化、教养、俚语和你自己对事物和价

45、值的理解。由此可见,只有做梦者才能理解自己的梦境,这是因 为每个人的梦境都来自做梦者的自身教养和生活经历等,故D正确,其中personal conditions是对原 文中your own culture, breeding, slang(俚语)and your own understanding of things and values的 概括总结。全文翻译每个梦都是一种来自你自身潜意识的信息,这种信息通过只有自己才能理解和解读的编码进行 表达。梦的情境、色彩、情绪和语言都取决于你自己的文化、教养、俚语和你自己对事物和价值的理 解。做梦就好像是照镜子,用自己的眼睛在看着自己。我们睡着后的第一

46、个梦通常都与白天发生的事情有关。我们经历梦境,对其进行整理,然后丢 弃那些我们不需要记住的事情,同时对那些我们需要记住的事情获得更深刻的理解。通常,我们受到 这样一种观点的激励:我们可以利用梦境来补救白天困扰我们的处境。随着梦境的深入,它们可能会 更加不可思议,因为它们能带来梦幻般的经历。通常情况下,这些令人感到愉快的情境可以减轻白天 的压办。但是我们醒来前所做的梦中通常包含了潜意识想要传达给意识的信息。而且如果能被记住、 解读和理解,这样的信息就能成为我们生活中的一种重要工具。依靠梦的内容,梦可以用它们的奇特性,或者有时是它们的惊恐性,给我们带来冲击。有些梦 会困扰我们多年,不仅是因为它们的

47、持久性,主要还是因为我们无法解释或理解它们。其他梦因为其 怪异的情境、情绪和环境而显得突出,这让我们终生难忘。重复出现的梦很常见,当一种特定的生活 情景重复出现,或当我们一次又一次地面临同样的问题时,我们经常会出现重复的梦境。重复出现的 梦通常是我们本性中一些情绪弱点的一种迹象,而这种情绪弱点多年来一直给我们带来麻烦。清晰的梦境很少见,但是它们都与人们控制他们梦境的能力有关。在这种梦境中,做梦者清醒 地意识到她或他正在做梦,做梦者能够使用记忆,同时拳与梦境中的行为和情绪。清晰的梦境常常以 感官和想象的方式得到加强,有时伴有愉快的音乐。人们可以学会控制梦境的方法。有些历史文件和 记录显示,控制梦

48、境的能力帮助人们达到一个思想发展的新高度。48、B解析根据题干中的second paragraph将本题出处定位于第2段。第2段分三个阶段分析了梦的发生过程,其中第4、5句指出,随着梦境的深入,它们可能会更 加不可思议,因为它们能带来梦幻般的经历。通常情况下,这些令人感到愉快的情境可以减轻白天的 压力。由此可见,梦能够减轻白天的压力,因此B正确。A的陈述太过绝对化,与第2段第1句不符。 C原文没有提到。D属于主观臆断,文中没有这样的观点。49、A解析根据题干中的recurring dreams将本题出处定位于第3段最后两句。第3段最后两句提到,重复出现的梦很常见,当一种特定的生活情景重复出现,

49、或当我们一次 又一次地面临同样的问题时,我们经常会出现重复的梦境。重复出现的梦通常是我们本性中一些情绪 弱点的一种迹象,而这种情绪弱点多年来一直给我们带来麻烦。由此可见,有三种情况可能会引发重 复出现的梦境:当我们的某一生活场景重复出现时;当多次面临同一问题时;当感情脆弱时。故A是 对原文的概括,为答案。50、A解析根据题干中的Para. 4将本题出处定位于最后一段。最后一段对清晰的梦境(luciddreams)做了详细说明。其中第2句提到,在清晰的梦境中,做梦 者清醒地意识到她或他正在做梦,做梦者能够使用记忆,同时参与梦境中的行为和情绪。该句正是对 清晰的梦境的具体解释,艮做梦者处于一种有意

50、识的状态”,A项的highly conscious(有高度意识的) 是造成梦境清晰可忆的深层原因,故为答案。51、B解析根据命题按照文章顺序进行的规律,将本题出处定位于最后一段。文章最后两句指出,人们可以学会控制梦境的方法。有些历史文件和记录显示,控制梦境的能 力帮助人们达到一个思想发展的新高度。B项的improve our consciousness正是对最后一段最后一句 中的helps.reach a higher degree of mind development的同义转述,故正确。Passage Two52、C解析推理题。根据题干中的关键词traditionally可定位至文章第二段

51、。文章第一段描述了社会 现象:女在比男性赚得少。第二段第一句提到,All the traditional reasons put forward to interpret the pay gap一that women fall behind when they leave the workforce to raise kids, for example, or that they dont, seek as many management rolesfailed to justify this one.(人们解释这一现象所用的传 统原因诸如女性之所以落在后面是因为离开职场去养育孩了,或者因为她

52、们不太追求从事管理岗 位一都是说不过去的)。故选C。53、B解析细节题。根据题干中的关键词Americas higher education system可定位至文章第三段。 该段尾句提至U, The second is that our higher education system is not designed to focus on the economic consequences of our students years on campus.(其次,我们的高等教育体系并不关心学 生在校这儿年所带来的经济后果)。B项中曲economic impact对应原文中的economic c

53、onsequenceSo 故选B。54、A解析细节题。根据题干中的关键词todays college experience可定位至文章第三段。该段第二 句提至L The first is that no matter how many women may be getting college degrees, the university experience is still an unequal one.(首先,另论有多少女性即将获得大学学位,大学体验仍然是不肃 等的)。除此之外,第四段再次提到,one might think the college campus is a pretty

54、equal place. It is not.(也许有人会想大学校园是一个非常公平的地方。不是的)。由此可知在大学,男女同学的体验是 不一样的。故选A。55、D解析细节题。根据题干中的关键词students和college可定位至文章第四段。该段第三句提到, Studies show that while girls do better than boys in high school, they start to trail off during their college years. (W究表明女孩在中学期间比男孩表现出色,但是在大学期间她们开始变得逊色)o trail off意为减弱”

55、,和D选项中的dont perform as well as.相对应。故选D。56、A!解析细节题。本题可定位于文章尾段。该段最后两句提到,No wonder they are not negotiating for higher salaries as soon as they get out of school. They are too exhausted, and too scared of failing.(难怪她们毕业后不去立即争取更高的薪水。她们太累了,太害怕失败。)题干中的fresh from college对应原文尾段第六句的as soon as they get out o

56、f school 故选APart IV Translation57、Lion dance is an outstanding performance art among Chinese folk people. On Lantern Festival or party celebrations, lion dance is held to add to the happy atmosphere. This custom originated in the Three Kingdoms period, and became popular during the Southern and Nort

57、hern Dynasties. Up to date, it has more than 1,000 years of history. Lion, the king of animals, looking majestic and powerful, impresses people with stately and vigorous presence. People at ancient time took it as a symbol of courage and strength, and believed that it can drive out the devils, and b

58、less livestock and people for safety and peace. So people gradually formed the custom of celebrating with lion dance on Lantern Festival or other major events, in order to pray for good luck, peace and prosperity.C. Because its harmful to her health.D. Because there is no space to turn over.14 A. A

59、bookworm.B. A banker.C. A student.D. A teacher.15 A. She doesnt want to be a bookworm any more.B. She can earn money and gain work experience.C. She doesnt need to spend more money on education.D. She can put all the bad memories behind her.16、A. Flexible working hours.B. Being with students.C. Quit

60、e high salary.D. Good social status.17、A. Her major at the university.B. Her personal interest.C. Her familys recommendation.D. Her being good at numbers.Section C18、A. Carry out a thorough checkup. B. Try to keep the gas tank full.C. Keep extra gas in reserve.D. Fill up the water tank.19 A. Attempt

61、ing to leave your car to seek help.B. Opening a window a bit to let in fresh air.C. Running the engine every now and then.D. Keeping the heater on for a long time.20、A. It exhausts you physically.B. It makes you fall asleep easily.C. It causes you to lose body heat.D. It consumes too much oxygen.21、

62、A. Because different colors reflect different emotions.B. Because different colors remind people of different climates.C. Because different colors are associated with different holidays.D. Because different colors absorb the sunlight differently.22、A. Easter.B. Halloween.C. Valentines Day.D. Thanksg

63、iving Day.23A. He is sad.B. He is angry.C. He grows plant well.D. He is caught in the middle of the crime.24 A. Lottery is extremely attractive.B. People all have desire to be rich.C. Humans are born to be optimistic.D. Its hard to make a right decision.25、A. To show that being optimistic also has i

64、ts bad effect.B. To explain why people are trying to win lotteries.C. To prove a persons feeling is affected by environment.D. To point out human beings are social creatures.26、A. Stop smoking.B. Be health-conscience.C. Stay upbeat.D. Accept the fate.Part DI Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to

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