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1、Unit 2My FamilyTeaching aims(教学目标): 1.To talk family relations and family life;2.To master the names of room in a house;3.To understand some theories of preschool English teaching.Important points(教学重点):1. Remember some key words and patterns by heart.2. Let Ss talk family relations and family life

2、and master the names of room in a house;Difficult points(教学难点):1. Some theories of preschool English teaching2. Imitation 3. Cultivation of listening and speakingTeaching aids(教学辅助):Tape, tape recorderTeaching method(教学方法):1.Task-based teaching method, Audio-visual teaching method2.Practicing3.Expla

3、ining and imitating4.Individual, pairs and group work Teaching time(教学时间): 6 periodTeaching procedures(教学过程):Step1. Reviewing(复习)1.Greeting2.Review what weve learned last period3.Duty reportStep2. Leading in(导入) Teacher leads in the topic(My Family) with questions :Q1: What can you see in this pictu

4、re?Q2: Dou you have your family pictures with you? Talk aboutthem with your classmates. Step3. Warming Up 1.T teaches the Ss to read the words twice, then ask them to practice by themselves.2.Listen to the tape and match3. Listen and fill in the form 4. Help the Ss to complete the daily English.5.No

5、tes: Cousin. n 堂亲(兄弟) 表亲(姐妹) Niece n. 侄女 Nephew n 侄子 Aunt n. 阿姨 Uncle n. 叔叔6. 7. Family Members:family家庭 marriage 婚姻 spouse 配偶 couple 夫妻 parents 父母 child 孩子 single 单身者 male 男的 female 女的 husband 丈夫 wife 妻子 father 父亲 mother 母亲 son 儿子 daughter 女儿 grandchildren 孙辈 grandson 孙子,外孙 granddaughter 孙女,外孙女 bro

6、ther 兄弟 sister 姐妹 twin 双胞胎的 grandfather 祖父 grandmother 祖母 granny 奶奶,外婆 grandma 奶奶,外婆 grandpa 爷爷,外公 great-grandfather 曾祖父 great-grandmother 曾祖母 son-in-law 女婿 daughter-in-law 儿媳 father-in-law 岳父(公公) mother-in-law 岳母(婆婆) sister-in-law 妯娌 stepfather 继父stepmother 继母 stepson 继子 stepdaughter 继女 stepbrother

7、 异父(母)之兄弟 stepsister 异父(母)之姐妹 foster father 养父foster mother 养母 adopted son 养子 adopted daughter 养女 uncle 叔父,伯父,舅父,姑父 aunt 婶母,伯母,舅母,姑母 nephew 侄儿,外甥 niece 侄女,外甥女 cousin 堂兄妹,表兄妹 generation 代 descent 世系,血统 offspring 后代,后辈 ancestor 祖先 heir 继承人Step4. Listening and speaking 1.T teaches the Ss to read the wo

8、rds twice, then ask them to practice by themselves.2.Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue3.Learn the dialogue sentence by sentence4. Point out the key points.5. Ask the Ss to answer the questions by themselves.6.Ask the Ss to finish the exercises from P14-167. Notes:Study n. 书房 Living room 客

9、厅 Between . and. Look v. 连系动词 看起来 Balcony n. 阳台 Opposite to 在.对面 Furniture n. 家具 Kitchen n. 厨房 Washing machine n. 洗衣机 Refrigerator n. 冰箱Wardrobe n.衣柜8.Toms House9. look and match Sofa table washing machine Computer wardrobe refrigerator10. position 位置upstairs 楼上downstairs 楼下next to 紧挨着的on the left r

10、ightin the middle near above指在某个物体的正上方;at是在的意思 behind指在什么东西前面; below在下面 beside在旁边 between. and .在之间 in front of在前面(指的是一个整体在另一个整体的前面);in the front of 在前面(指的是在某个整体的前面)next to与接近,挨着 on opposite相反的; opposite to 在。对面outside在外面 over在上面; under在下面11. Name of the house客厅:living room 餐厅:dining room卧室:bedroom

11、厕所:toilet浴室:bathroom 阳台:balcony厨房:kitchen 花园:garden地下室:cellar 走廊:hall way大厅:hall 书房:study阁楼:atticloft 洗漱室(厕所):washroom储藏室 closet, storeroom12. daily furniture常见家具:Armchair 扶手椅Baby crib 婴儿床Bathroom furniture 浴室家具Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台Bookcase 书柜Bookshelf 书架Childrens bed 儿童床Childrens chair 儿童椅Cocktail

12、table 鸡尾酒桌Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌Couch 长沙发椅Cupboard 橱柜Curtain 窗帘,挂帘Dining table 餐桌Divan 长沙发,沙发床Double-bed 双人床mirror镜子Drawer 抽屉Dressing table 梳妆台Fireplace壁炉 Game table 玩具桌Home furniture 家庭家具,民用家具Household furniture 家庭家具Hotel furniture 酒店家具Office furniture 办公家具 Office seating 办公座椅Office table 办公桌 School t

13、able 课桌Step5. Reading and WritingThanksgiving Day1. T teaches the Ss to read new words twice,2. Ask the Ss to read the text first to get the main idea,3. Demand them to read the text together loudly, then ask them to read it sentence by sentence,4. Learn the text together,5. Ask the Ss to finish the

14、 exercises on P18 6.Notes: Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 Celebrate v. 庆祝 Each other 相互 Help me with a drop of water, and I will return a whole spring. 滴水之恩,定当涌泉相报。 Distance n. 距离 Pumpkin n. 南瓜7. 感恩节的来历11月的第四个星期四是感恩节。感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是备感亲切。感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,它和早期美国历史最为密切相关2。1620年,

15、一些英国受宗教迫害的清教徒乘坐“五月花”号船去美洲寻求宗教自由。他们在海上颠簸了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的11月里,在马萨诸塞州的普利茅斯登陆。在第一个冬天,半数以上的移民都死于饥饿和传染病,危急时刻他们得到了当地印第安人的帮助,活下来的人们在第一个春 感恩节食物火鸡季即1621年开始播种。整个夏天他们都热切地盼望着丰收的到来,他们深知自己的生存以及殖民地的存在都取决于即将到来的收成。最后,庄稼获得了意外的丰收,为了感谢上帝赐予的丰收,为了感谢印第安人的帮助,举行了3天的狂欢活动。从此,这一习俗就此沿续下来,并逐渐风行各地。1863年,美国总统林肯宣布每年11月的第四个星期四为感恩节。感恩节庆祝


17、节是在10月的第二个星期一。8. 中国的孝文化:孝道是中华民族的两大基本传统道德行为准则之一,另一个基本传统道德行为准则是忠。几千年来,人们把忠孝视为天性,甚至作为区别人与禽兽的标志。忠孝是圣人提出来的,却不是圣人想出来的。它是我国古代长期社会实践的历史产物身体发肤,受之父母,不敢毁伤,孝之始也。立身行道,扬名于后世,以显父母,孝之终也。夫孝,始于事亲,中于事君, 终于立身。我们的身体毛发皮肤是父母给我们的,我们必须珍惜它,爱护它,因为健康的身心是做人做事的最基本条件,所以珍惜它,爱护它就是行孝尽孝的开始。让自己健康成长按正确的原则做人、做事,让自己的名字为后人所景仰,就会让后世知道自己的父母

18、教导有方,培养出了一个优秀儿女,这是人行孝尽孝的结束。总的讲,行孝尽孝的开始就是要孝顺父母,长大成人就要忠于国家和君主,最终就是要对他人和社会有所贡献,能实现自己应有的人生价值。因此,诗的大雅中讲:不要忘记你的祖宗和父母,这是人生最需要修养的道德。能做到这些,就很孝很孝了,还有父母在,不远游,游必有方。三年无改于父之道可谓孝矣。父母之年不可不知也,一则以喜,一则以惧。9.中国传统节日:New Years Day 元旦(1月1日) Spring Festival;Chinese New Years Day 春节(农历一月一日) Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历一月十五日) Inte

19、rnational Working Womens Day 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日) Arbor Day 植树节(3月12日) Ching Ming Festival ;Tomb-sweeping Festival 清明节(4月5日) International Labour Day 国际劳动节(5月1日) Chinese Youth Day 中国青年节(5月4日) Nurses Festival 护士节(5月12日) Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(农历五月初五) International Childrens Day 国际儿童节(6月1日) The Partys Brit

20、hday 中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日) The Armys Day 建军节(8月1日) Mid-Autumn (Moon)Festival 中秋节(农历八月十五) Teachers Day 教师节(9月10日) Double-ninth Day 重阳节(农历九月九日) National Day 国庆节(10月1日) New Years Eve 除夕(农历十二月三十日)中国常见传统活动:过年 celebrate the spring festival 春联spring festival couplets剪纸paper-cuts 年画new year paintings买年货 do shopp

21、ing for the spring festival ; do spring festival shopping 敬酒 propose a toast 灯笼 lantern 烟花 fireworks 爆竹 firecrackers (people scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.) 红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.) 舞狮 lion dance (the lion i

22、s believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.) 舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests) 戏曲 traditional opera 杂耍 variety show 灯谜riddles written on lanterns 灯会 exhibit of lanterns 守岁 staying-up 拜年 pay new years call; give new years greetings; pay new years visit 禁忌 taboo

23、去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune 祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to ones ancestors 压岁钱gift money; money given to children as a lunar new year gift culture note: in the old days, new years money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one wou

24、ld live to be a hundred years old. today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth 辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year 扫房 spring cleaning; general house-cleaning 年糕nian-gao; rise cake; new year cake 团圆饭family reunion dinner 年夜饭 t

25、he dinner on new years eve 饺子 jiao-zi; chinese meat ravioli dumplingStep6. Kindergarten Teachers Station1.Listen and imitate2. Listen and follow Breakfast:Good morning, kids.Lets have eggs and milk for breakfast.Breakfast is the most important meal in a day.Lunch:Kids, it is time for lunch.Wash your

26、 hands before a meal.Do not spill your food on the table.Would you like some rice or soup?Do you want more?Do not play with your food?Do not speak when you have food in your mouth.Are you full?Wipe your mouth.Please keep the table clean.Notes:Its time for lunch.Dont spill your food on the table.Are

27、you full?Wipe your mouth.3.Look and singThe Finger Family 手指家庭Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger。手指爸爸,手指爸爸,Here I am! Here I am! 我在这里!我在这里How are you, today? 你今天怎么样?Very well, I thank you. 很好,谢谢你。Run away. Run away. 跑开。跑开。Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger, 手指妈妈,手指妈妈,Here I am! Here I am!How are you, today?Very wel

28、l, I thank you.Run away. Run away.Brother Finger, Brother Finger, 手指哥哥,手指哥哥Here I am! Here I am!How are you, today?Very well, I thank you.Run away. Run away.Sister Finger, Sister Finger,Here I am! Here I am! 手指妹妹,手指妹妹,How are you, today?Very well, I thank you.Run away. Run away.Baby Finger, Baby Fin

29、ger, 手指宝宝,手指宝宝,Here I am! Here I am!How are you, today?Very well, I thank you.Run away. Run away.4. Study and do.Imitation.Cultivation of listening and speakingEnglish teachingStep7. Homework 1. Review the key points of this unit 2. Preview Unit 33. Dictation Grandfather niece nephew bedroom washing

30、 machine opposite to study kitchen living room furniture Thanksgiving Daydistance each other celebrate upstairs bathroom grandmother between .and . English songs for kids 2:Jingle bellsDashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh.冲过大风雪 他们坐在雪橇上Over the fields we go, laughing all the way. 奔驰过田

31、野 欢笑又歌唱Bells on bob-tails ring, making spirits bright, 铃声响叮当 你的精神多欢畅What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.今晚滑雪真快乐把滑雪歌儿唱Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.叮叮当 叮叮当 铃儿响叮当Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.我们滑雪多快乐 我们坐在雪橇上Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle

32、 all the way.叮叮当 叮叮当 铃儿响叮当Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.我们滑雪多快乐 我们坐在雪橇上Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.叮叮当 叮叮当 铃儿响叮当Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open

33、 sleigh.Edelweissedelweiss, edelweiss 雪绒花,雪绒花every morning you greet me每日清晨我遇见你small and white, clean and bright又小又白,又干净又晶莹you look happy to meet me 你看起来看见我很高兴blossom of snow may you bloom and grow含苞待放的雪骨朵,也学你会开花生长bloom and grow forever开花生长到永远edelweiss, edelweiss雪绒花,雪绒花bless my homeland forever祝愿我的祖

34、国春常在small and white, clean and bright又小又白,又干净又晶莹you look happy to meet me 你看起来看见我很高兴blossom of snow may you bloom and grow含苞待放的雪骨朵,也学你会开花生长bloom and grow forever开花生长到永远edelweiss, edelweiss雪绒花,雪绒花bless my homeland forever祝愿我的祖国春常在We Wish You A Merry ChristmasWe Wish You A Merry Christmas我们祝你圣诞快乐We wi

35、sh you a Merry Christmas; 我们祝你圣诞快乐;We wish you a Merry Christmas; 我们祝你圣诞快乐;We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.我们祝你圣诞快乐,并新年快乐Good tidings we bring to you and your kin; 我们把佳音带给你及你的亲友;Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year. 圣诞佳音并新年佳音.Oh, bring us a figgy pudding; 噢 给我们一个无花果布丁;O

36、h, bring us a figgy pudding; 噢 给我们一个无花果布丁;Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer. Refrain 噢 给我们一个无花果布丁 再加一杯啤酒, (重复)We wont go until we get some; 吃不到我们就不走;We wont go until we get some; 吃不到我们就不走;We wont go until we get some, so bring some out here. Refrain 吃不到我们就不走 所以快点拿些出来吧,(重复)We wish

37、you a Merry Christmas; 我们祝你圣诞快乐;We wish you a Merry Christmas; 我们祝你圣诞快乐;We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.我们祝你圣诞快乐 并新年快乐.Do-re-miLets start at the very beginning 让我们从头开始 A very good place to start 一个很好的开端 When you read you begin with A-B-C 当你学念书你要先学abc When you sing you begin with d

38、o-re-mi 当你唱歌你要先学do re mi Do-re-mi, do-re-mi The first three notes just happen to be 正好是前三个音符 Do-re-mi, do-re-mi Maria: Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti spoken Lets see if I can make it easy 让我们看看我能不能让它容易些 Doe, a deer, a female deer doe,一头鹿,一头小母鹿 Ray, a drop of golden sun ray,一线金色的阳光 Me, a name I call myself me是我在叫自己 Far, a long, long way to run far要跑很远很远的路 Sew, a needle pulling thread sew是针儿穿着线 La, a note to follow Sew la是跟着sew来的音符 Tea, a drink with jam and bread tea,喝茶加面包和果酱 That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh) 这把我们又带回do

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