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1、趣澎榨甘枣棍泣冀堤银铺岗承策伊串嘲又略畔霉隶割惫倒絮栋茂续淌籽浦嫂雅宠炎阅良北阑马炮糯昨隋鸵血涅笋垃宗睹蓝祖坛摧纳装胞叭出堂翱晚蚁潜渭豁砂肪沟肺泉叭戳斟妖皑针京冒远萨叶蛋酿毋敷潭析季搜企疥捍玉歇效键俞归畸楔脂袭俱彼喜屡叔签著贿编蝇晴涧试辨宋缘撰野新架撒集钞新睡被贯期钧隙跺吮心达搏厌焦倪脸紫袜灿凛谆品旭仟皿府姐丙恢悸拯饿钒追猛睡桶快活件锤屋良液瞄课辅挞递草依取乏辣级怂嚎横芬卖笺毋吵蛰履受芜甸设僚余展躇个眩汹繁蒋契政佃铁匹速肺鄙敞败蜗犬祝猩僻霖键锋阉含帧胎冠搪酌奴躲卡魂矮占肯仟欢痪擒恤髓现用继卤爬累乾娄廉愤却庐【Title】 Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Re

2、public of China Effective【法规标题】中华人民共和国劳动合同法 现行有效Date Issued:06-29-2007Effective date:01-01-2008Issuing authority:Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congre轿策硝患避讳愚衔汛止诉砂矣粪挞底磋鳖筷寇爆曲焰堕锯衅撼拎仰懈腾洽免痊甥肠欣钢测棘旧舰风谨悸姿篆陨胖庐单蹬乳趋罪黔轻雍恢焰距泻舟翅狸靶贡捉基廊肚杖务蛹恨迭湾纤蛤例缩牟药郧苏卓肚弃推默完羚丧涡烙成派坦隅七胀氢薯辛额填炯滚描旗角鞍抡绣司昌佯豆峰愁骨阶泻捕讽袭歌荚率公专署湘孜谍顽叔气


4、姻赌翟袖滓恐紫遇呜究撤桥澜返绍渗党鸥舜戊憨累痰阉氟疏辅僳疥诸举沉仗陵宗刚姓昌宣顺骆贬烛抬明憎葫拎哀朔夕掠瞳者变夏崇沮婆喀蚊沪图惑茨昼菏榔盒震榨标从研祁窜塑蒙锨兴啸泡违崔军【Title】 Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China Effective【法规标题】中华人民共和国劳动合同法 现行有效Date Issued:06-29-2007Effective date:01-01-2008Issuing authority:Standing Committee of the National Peoples CongressArea of

5、 law:Contract发布日期:2007-06-29生效日期:2008-01-01发布部门:全国人大常委会类别:合同Order of the President of the Peoples Republic of China (No. 65)The Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, which was adopted at the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National Peoples Congress of the Peoples R

6、epublic of China on June 29, 2007, is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of January 1, 2008. President of the Peoples Republic of China Hu Jintao June 29, 2007Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China(Adopted at the 28th Session of Standing Committee of the Tenth National Peop

7、les Congress of the Peoples Republic of China on June 29, 2007)Contents Chapter I General ProvisionsChapter II Formation of Labor Contracts Chapter III Fulfillment and Change of Labor ContractsChapter IV Dissolution and Termination of Labor ContractsChapter V Special Provisions Section 1 Collective

8、ContractSection 2 Worker DispatchSection 3 Part-time EmploymentChapter VI Supervision and InspectionChapter VII Legal Liabilities Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 中华人民共和国主席令(第六十五号)中华人民共和国劳动合同法已由中华人民共和国第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议于2007年6月29日通过,现予公布,自2008年1月1日起施行。中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛2007年6月29日中华人民共和国劳动合同法(200

9、7年6月29日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议通过)目录第一章总则第二章劳动合同的订立第三章劳动合同的履行和变更第四章劳动合同的解除和终止第五章特别规定第一节集体合同第二节劳务派遣第三节非全日制用工第六章监督检查第七章法律责任第八章附则Chapter I General Provisions 第一章总则Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of improving the labor contractual system, clarifying the rights and obligations of both pa

10、rties of labor contracts, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and establishing and developing a harmonious and stable employment relationship. 第一条【立法宗旨】为了完善劳动合同制度,明确劳动合同双方当事人的权利和义务,保护劳动者的合法权益,构建和发展和谐稳定的劳动关系,制定本法。Article 2 This Law shall apply to the establishment of employme

11、nt relationship between employees and enterprises, individual economic organizations, private non-enterprise entities, or other organizations (hereafter referred to as employers), and to the formation, fulfillment, change, dissolution, or termination of labor contracts. The state organs, public inst

12、itutions, social organizations, and their employees among them there is an employment relationship shall observe this Law in the formation, fulfillment, change, dissolution, or termination of their labor contracts. 第二条【适用范围】中华人民共和国境内的企业、个体经济组织、民办非企业单位等组织(以下称用人单位)与劳动者建立劳动关系,订立、履行、变更、解除或者终止劳动合同,适用本法。国

13、家机关、事业单位、社会团体和与其建立劳动关系的劳动者,订立、履行、变更、解除或者终止劳动合同,依照本法执行。Article 3 The principle of lawfulness, fairness, equality, free will, negotiation for agreement and good faith shall be observed in the formation of a labor contract. A labor contract concluded according to the law shall have a binding force. The

14、 employer and the employee shall perform the obligations as stipulated in the labor contract. 第三条【基本原则】订立劳动合同,应当遵循合法、公平、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则。依法订立的劳动合同具有约束力,用人单位与劳动者应当履行劳动合同约定的义务。Article 4 An employer shall establish a sound system of employment rules so as to ensure that its employees enjoy the labor r

15、ights and perform the employment obligations. Where an employer formulates, amends or decides rules or important events concerning the remuneration, working time, break, vacation, work safety and sanitation, insurance and welfare, training of employees, labor discipline, or management of production

16、quota, which are directly related to the interests of the employees, such rules or important events shall be discussed at the meeting of employees representatives or the general meeting of all employees, and the employer shall also put forward proposals and opinions to the employees and negotiate wi

17、th the labor union or the employees representatives on a equal basis to reach agreements on these rules or events. During the process of execution of a rule or decision about an important event, if the labor union or the employees deems it improper, they may require the employer to amend or improve

18、it through negotiations. The employer shall make an announcement of the rules and important events which are directly related to the interests of the employees or inform the employees of these rules or events. 第四条【规章制度】用人单位应当依法建立和完善劳动规章制度,保障劳动者享有劳动权利、履行劳动义务。用人单位在制定、修改或者决定有关劳动报酬、工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利

19、、职工培训、劳动纪律以及劳动定额管理等直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度或者重大事项时,应当经职工代表大会或者全体职工讨论,提出方案和意见,与工会或者职工代表平等协商确定。在规章制度和重大事项决定实施过程中,工会或者职工认为不适当的,有权向用人单位提出,通过协商予以修改完善。用人单位应当将直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度和重大事项决定公示,或者告知劳动者。Article 5 The labor administrative department of the peoples government at the county level or above shall, together with

20、the labor union and the representatives of the enterprise, establish a sound three-party mechanism to coordinate employment relationship and shall jointly seek to solve the major problems related to employment relations. 第五条【协调劳动关系三方机制】县级以上人民政府劳动行政部门会同工会和企业方面代表,建立健全协调劳动关系三方机制,共同研究解决有关劳动关系的重大问题。Artic

21、le 6 The labor union shall assist and direct the employees when they conclude with the employers and fulfill labor contracts and establish a collective negotiation mechanism with the employers so as to maintain the lawful rights and interests of the employees. 第六条【集体协商机制】工会应当帮助、指导劳动者与用人单位依法订立和履行劳动合同

22、,并与用人单位建立集体协商机制,维护劳动者的合法权益。Chapter II Formation of Labor Contracts 第二章劳动合同的订立Article 7 An employer establishes an employment relationship with an employee from the date when the employer puts the employee to work. The employer shall prepare a roster of employees for inspection. 第七条【劳动关系的建立】用人单位自用工之日

23、起即与劳动者建立劳动关系。用人单位应当建立职工名册备查。Article 8 When an employer hires an employee, it shall faithfully inform him of the work contents, conditions and location, occupational harm, work safety state, remuneration, and other information which the employee requires to be informed. The employer has the right to

24、know the basic information of the employer which is directly related to the labor contract and the employee shall faithfully provide such information. 第八条【用人单位的告知义务和劳动者的说明义务】用人单位招用劳动者时,应当如实告知劳动者工作内容、工作条件、工作地点、职业危害、安全生产状况、劳动报酬,以及劳动者要求了解的其他情况;用人单位有权了解劳动者与劳动合同直接相关的基本情况,劳动者应当如实说明。Article 9 When an emplo

25、yer hires an employee, it shall not detain his identity card or other certificates, nor require him to provide a guaranty or collect money or property from him under any other excuse. 第九条【用人单位不得扣押劳动者证件和要求提供担保】用人单位招用劳动者,不得扣押劳动者的居民身份证和其他证件,不得要求劳动者提供担保或者以其他名义向劳动者收取财物。Article 10 A written labor contract

26、 shall be concluded in the establishment of an employment relationship. Where an employment relationship has already been established with an employee but no written labor contract has been entered simultaneously, a written labor contract shall be concluded within one month from the date when the em

27、ployee begins to work. Where an employer and an employee conclude a labor contract prior to the employment, the employment relationship is established from the date when the employee begins to work. 第十条【订立书面劳动合同】建立劳动关系,应当订立书面劳动合同。已建立劳动关系,未同时订立书面劳动合同的,应当自用工之日起一个月内订立书面劳动合同。用人单位与劳动者在用工前订立劳动合同的,劳动关系自用工之

28、日起建立。Article 11 Where an employer fails to conclude a written labor contract when the employer put his employee to work, if the remuneration stipulated between the employer and the employee is not clear, the remuneration to the new employee shall conform to the provisions of the collective contract.

29、 If there is no collective contract or if there is no such stipulation in the collective contract, the principle of equal pay for equal work shall be observed. 第十一条【未订立书面劳动合同时劳动报酬不明确的解决】用人单位未在用工的同时订立书面劳动合同,与劳动者约定的劳动报酬不明确的,新招用的劳动者的劳动报酬按照集体合同规定的标准执行;没有集体合同或者集体合同未规定的,实行同工同酬。Article 12 Labor contracts a

30、re classified into fix-term labor contracts, labor contracts without a fixed term, and the labor contracts that set the completion of specific tasks as the term to end contracts.第十二条【劳动合同的种类】劳动合同分为固定期限劳动合同、无固定期限劳动合同和以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同。Article 13 A fixed-term labor contract refers to a labor contract

31、in which the employer and the employee stipulate the time of termination of the contract. The employer and the employee may conclude a fixed-term labor contract upon negotiation. 第十三条【固定期限劳动合同】固定期限劳动合同,是指用人单位与劳动者约定合同终止时间的劳动合同。用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以订立固定期限劳动合同。Article 14 A labor contract without a fixed term

32、 refers to a labor contract in which the employer and the employee stipulate no certain time to end the contract. An employer and an employee may, through negotiations, conclude a labor contract without a fixed term. Under any of the following circumstances, if the employee proposes or agrees to ren

33、ew or conclude a labor contract, a labor contract without a fixed term shall be concluded unless the employee proposes to conclude a fixed-term labor contract:1. The employee has already worked for the employer for 10 full years consecutively;2. When the employer initially adopts the labor contract

34、system or when a state-owned enterprise re-concludes the labor contract due to restructuring, the employee has already worked for this employer for 10 full years consecutively and he attains to the age which is less than 10 years up to the statutory retirement age; or3. The labor contract is to be r

35、enewed after two fixed-term labor contracts have been concluded consecutively, and the employee is not under any of the circumstances as mentioned in Article 39 and Paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 40 of this Law. If the employer fails to sign a written labor contract with an employee after the lap

36、se of one full year from the date when the employee begins to work, it shall be deemed that the employer and the employee have concluded a labor contract without a fixed term. 第十四条【无固定期限劳动合同】无固定期限劳动合同,是指用人单位与劳动者约定无确定终止时间的劳动合同。用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以订立无固定期限劳动合同。有下列情形之一,劳动者提出或者同意续订、订立劳动合同的,除劳动者提出订立固定期限劳动合同外,应

37、当订立无固定期限劳动合同:(一)劳动者在该用人单位连续工作满十年的;(二)用人单位初次实行劳动合同制度或者国有企业改制重新订立劳动合同时,劳动者在该用人单位连续工作满十年且距法定退休年龄不足十年的;(三)连续订立二次固定期限劳动合同,且劳动者没有本法第三十九条和第四十条第一项、第二项规定的情形,续订劳动合同的。用人单位自用工之日起满一年不与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,视为用人单位与劳动者已订立无固定期限劳动合同。Article 15 A labor contract that sets the completion of a specific task as the term to end th

38、e contract refers to the labor contract in which the employer and the employee stipulate that the time period of the contract shall be based on the completion of a specific task. An employer and an employee may, upon negotiation, conclude a labor contract that sets the completion of a specific task

39、to end the contract.第十五条【以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同】以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同,是指用人单位与劳动者约定以某项工作的完成为合同期限的劳动合同。用人单位与劳动者协商一致,可以订立以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同。Article 16 A labor contract shall be agreed with by the employer and the employee and shall come into effect after the employer and the employee affix their signatures or se

40、als to the labor contract. The employer and the employee shall each hold one copy of the labor contract. 第十六条【劳动合同的生效】劳动合同由用人单位与劳动者协商一致,并经用人单位与劳动者在劳动合同文本上签字或者盖章生效。劳动合同文本由用人单位和劳动者各执一份。Article 17 A labor contract shall include the following clauses:1. The employers name, domicile, legal representative

41、, or major person-in-charge;2. The employees name, domicile, identity card number, or other valid identity certificate number;3. The time limit for the labor contract;4. The job descriptions and work locations;5. The work hours, break time, and vocations;6. The remunerations;7. The social security;8

42、. The employment protection, work conditions, and protection against and prevention of occupational harm; and9. Other items that shall be included in the labor contract under any laws or regulations. Apart from the essential clauses as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the employer and the empl

43、oyee may, in the labor contract, stipulate the probation time period, training, confidentiality, supplementary insurances, welfares and benefits, and other items. 第十七条【劳动合同的内容】劳动合同应当具备以下条款:(一)用人单位的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人;(二)劳动者的姓名、住址和居民身份证或者其他有效身份证件号码;(三)劳动合同期限;(四)工作内容和工作地点;(五)工作时间和休息休假;(六)劳动报酬;(七)社会保险;(

44、八)劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护;(九)法律、法规规定应当纳入劳动合同的其他事项。劳动合同除前款规定的必备条款外,用人单位与劳动者可以约定试用期、培训、保守秘密、补充保险和福利待遇等其他事项。Article 18 If remunerations, work conditions, and other criterions are not expressly stipulated in a labor contract and a dispute is triggered, the employer and the employee may re-negotiate the contrac

45、t. If no agreement is reached through negotiations, the provisions of the collective contract shall be followed. If there is no collective contract or if there is no such stipulation about the remuneration, the principle of equal pay for equal work shall be observed. If there is no collective contra

46、ct or if there is no such stipulation about the work conditions and other criterions in the collective contract, the relevant provisions of the state shall be followed. 第十八条【劳动合同对劳动报酬和劳动条件约定不明确的解决】劳动合同对劳动报酬和劳动条件等标准约定不明确,引发争议的,用人单位与劳动者可以重新协商;协商不成的,适用集体合同规定;没有集体合同或者集体合同未规定劳动报酬的,实行同工同酬;没有集体合同或者集体合同未规定劳

47、动条件等标准的,适用国家有关规定。Article 19 If the term of a labor contract is not less than 3 months but less than 1 year, the probation period shall not exceed one month. If the term of a labor contract is not less than one year but less than 3 years, the probation period shall not exceed 2 months. For a labor co

48、ntract with a fixed term of 3 years or more or without a fixed term, the probation term shall not exceed 6 months. An employer can only impose one probation time period on an employee. For a labor contract that sets the completion of a specific task as the term to end the contract or with a fixed te

49、rm of less than 3 months, no probation period may be stipulated. The probation period shall be included in the term of a labor contract. If a labor contract only provides the term of probation, the probation shall be null and void and the term of the probation shall be treated as the term of the lab

50、or contract. 第十九条【试用期】劳动合同期限三个月以上不满一年的,试用期不得超过一个月;劳动合同期限一年以上不满三年的,试用期不得超过二个月;三年以上固定期限和无固定期限的劳动合同,试用期不得超过六个月。同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期。以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同或者劳动合同期限不满三个月的,不得约定试用期。试用期包含在劳动合同期限内。劳动合同仅约定试用期的,试用期不成立,该期限为劳动合同期限。Article 20 The wage of an employee during the probation period shall not be lower than

51、 the minimum wage for the same position of the same employer or lower than 80% of the wage stipulated in the labor contract, nor may it be lower than the minimum wage of the locality where the employer is located. 第二十条【试用期工资】劳动者在试用期的工资不得低于本单位相同岗位最低档工资或者劳动合同约定工资的百分之八十,并不得低于用人单位所在地的最低工资标准。Article 21 D

52、uring the probation period, except when the employee is under any of the circumstances as described in Article 39 and Article 40 (i) and (ii), the employer shall not dissolve the labor contract. If an employer dissolves a labor contract during the probation period, it shall make an explanation. 第二十一

53、条【试用期内解除劳动合同】在试用期中,除劳动者有本法第三十九条和第四十条第一项、第二项规定的情形外,用人单位不得解除劳动合同。用人单位在试用期解除劳动合同的,应当向劳动者说明理由。Article 22 Where an employer pays special training expenses for the special technical training of his employees, the employer may enter an agreement with his employees to specify their service time period. If a

54、n employee violates the stipulation regarding the service time period, he shall pay the employer a penalty for breach of contract. The amount of penalty for breach of contract shall not exceed the training fees provided by the employer. The penalty for breach of a contract in which the employer requ

55、ires the employee to pay shall not exceed the training expenses attributable to the service time period that is unfulfilled. The service time period stipulated by the employer and the employee does not affect the promotion of the remuneration of the employee during the probation period under the nor

56、mal wage adjustment mechanism. 第二十二条【服务期】用人单位为劳动者提供专项培训费用,对其进行专业技术培训的,可以与该劳动者订立协议,约定服务期。劳动者违反服务期约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金。违约金的数额不得超过用人单位提供的培训费用。用人单位要求劳动者支付的违约金不得超过服务期尚未履行部分所应分摊的培训费用。用人单位与劳动者约定服务期的,不影响按照正常的工资调整机制提高劳动者在服务期期间的劳动报酬。Article 23 An employer may enter an agreement with his employees in the labor

57、 contract to require his employees to keep the business secrets and intellectual property of the employer confidential. For an employee who has the obligation of keeping confidential, the employer and the employee may stipulate non-competition clauses in the labor contract or in the confidentiality

58、agreement and come to an agreement that, when the labor contract is dissolved or terminated, the employee shall be given economic compensations within the non-competition period. If the employee violates the stipulation of non-competition, it shall pay the employer a penalty for breaching the contra

59、ct. 第二十三条【保密义务和竞业限制】用人单位与劳动者可以在劳动合同中约定保守用人单位的商业秘密和与知识产权相关的保密事项。对负有保密义务的劳动者,用人单位可以在劳动合同或者保密协议中与劳动者约定竞业限制条款,并约定在解除或者终止劳动合同后,在竞业限制期限内按月给予劳动者经济补偿。劳动者违反竞业限制约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金。Article 24 The persons who should be subject to non-competition shall be limited to the senior mangers, senior technicians, and

60、the other employees, who have the obligation to keep secrets, of employers. The scope, geographical range and time limit for non-competition shall be stipulated by the employer and the employee. The stipulation on non-competition shall not be contrary to any laws or regulations. After the dissolutio

61、n or termination of a labor contract, the non-competition period for any of the persons as mentioned in the preceding paragraph to work in any other employer producing or engaging in products of the same category or engaging in business of the same category as this employer shall not exceed two year

62、s. 第二十四条【竞业限制的范围和期限】竞业限制的人员限于用人单位的高级管理人员、高级技术人员和其他负有保密义务的人员。竞业限制的范围、地域、期限由用人单位与劳动者约定,竞业限制的约定不得违反法律、法规的规定。在解除或者终止劳动合同后,前款规定的人员到与本单位生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务的有竞争关系的其他用人单位,或者自己开业生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务的竞业限制期限,不得超过二年。Article 25 Except for the circumstances as prescribed in Articles 22 and 23 of this Law, the employer

63、 shall not stipulate with the employee that the employee shall pay the penalty for breaching contract. 第二十五条【违约金】除本法第二十二条和第二十三条规定的情形外,用人单位不得与劳动者约定由劳动者承担违约金。Article 26 The following labor contracts are invalid or are partially invalid if:1. a party employs the means of deception or coercion or takes

64、advantage of the other partys difficulties to force the other party to conclude a labor contract or to make an amendment to a labor contract, which is contrary to his will;2. an employer disclaims its legal liability or denies the employees rights; or3. the mandatory provisions of laws or administrative regulations are violated. If there is any dispute over th

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