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1、五年级英语下学期按要求写句子专项复习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求完成句子。1This isChen Jiesnew dress.(就句子主题部分提问)_new dress_?2Zhang Peng isreading a bonk.(就句子主题部分提问)_Zhang Peng_?3These books are yours.(改为一般疑问句)_books_?4Is it the tiger?(作否定回答)_, it_.2. 句型转换。1. Peter exercises forhalf an hourevery day.(对句子主题部分提问)2. Mother spends about 30

2、 minutes cooking dinner for us.(改为同义句)3. I sleep formore than 8 hoursevery night. (对句子主题部分提问)4. I think I need lots of energy every day. (改为否定句)5. What about a kilo of meat? (用two替换a改成复数句)3. 句型转换。1. We sawpandas. (对句子主题部分提问)_you see?2. We sawmonkeys. (对句子主题部分提问)_did you see?3. We gave bananas to Mon

3、keys. (改为一般疑问句)_you_to the monkeys?4. We were hungry. (改为一般疑问句)_hungry?5. Was the elephant lovely? (转换成陈述句)The_very lovely.4. 按要求完成下列各题。1. Whats the_Tom?(完成对话)He lost his shorts.2. I can find my sock.(改为否定句)I_my sock.3.Some foodwas in the bag.(对句子主题意思提问)_in the bag?4. My trousers areblue.(对句子主题意思提问)

4、_are_trousers?5. Is this your lost sock?(作否定回答)_, it_.5. 按要求写句子。1. Where do you come from?(写出同义句)2. Where does he live ?(用Hong Kong作答)3. Does Amy live in New York?(作否定回答)4. Let me call your mother.(英译汉)5. Lucy也来自英国。(汉译英)6. 按要求改写句子。1. I can do housework.(改为一般疑问句)2.Ican make the bed.(对句子主题意思提问)3. Can

5、you set the table? (做肯定回答)4. Can you play chess? (做否定回答)5. I canuse a computer.(对句子主题意思提问)7. 句型转换。1. She is going to dance On Sunday. (一般疑问句)2. Are we going to read a book? (否定回答)3. Are we going to sing? (肯定回答)4. We are going toread a storytoday. (对句子主题部分提问)5. Is he going to fly a kite?(否定回答)8. 按要求完

6、成下列各题。1Willhemakeabirthdaycard?(作否定回答)2TheschooltripisinOctober.(对句子主题意思提问)_theschooltrip?3Springismyfavouriteseason.(写出同义句)I_spring_.4Illcookformymother.(对句子主题意思提问)_you_foryourmother?5Icanmakeacard.(改为否定的)I_makeacard.9. 按要求完成下列各题。1Can he run very fast?(作肯定回答)Yes,_2Does her mother help her?(作否定回答)3C

7、an she speak English?(作肯定回答)10. 按要求改写句子。1I go to schoolby bike. (对句子主题意思提问)_you go to school?2David goes to the parkby bus. (对句子主题意思提问)_David_to the park?3My house is far from school. (改为否定句)My house_far from school.4I liveon Moon Street. (对句子主题意思提问)_you live?5dotoyouthegoonlibraryfoot( ? ) (连词成句)11

8、. 按要求改写下列句子。1Will he be home at seven oclock?(做肯定回答)2Did you learn Maths at school?(作否定回答)3My father is learning English now.(改为一般疑问句)12. 按要求做题。1. I have an e-friend.(一般疑问句)2. Does he have Chinese lessons?(肯定回答)3. Do they like swimming? (否定回答)4. I likeEnglish.(对句子主题部分提问)5. She likesMusic.(对句子主题部分提问)

9、13. 句型转换。(1)My father has some friends. (改为般疑问句) _ _ father_ _ friends?(2)These are umbrellas. (改为单数句)(3)Sally often reads books in the morning. (改为否定句) Sally_ often_ books in the morning.(4)Joe likes dogs. Joe likes pandas. (合并为一句)14. 句型转换。1.Can you show me your bike? (改为同义句) 2.My sister comes to s

10、chool on foot.(改为同义句)My sister_.3.Bobbys dad does not think so.(改为肯定句)Bobbys dad_.4.My sister goes shopping on Saturdays . (改为一般疑问句)5.Lily works in a bike factory.(改为一般疑问句) 15. 按要求改写下列句子。1Go along this street.(改为否定句)2Does she walk along this road?(改为肯定句)3She gets thereby bus.(主题意思提问)4He cant get out

11、because he is too fat.(主题意思提问)5They pick some big red mushrooms.(改为单数句子)16. 连词成句。1play we with mustnt matches (.)2use we water our to wash hands (.)3Marys on is 10thMay birthday (.)4you to what be do want (?)5is Peter with collecting shells brother his (.)17. 按要求完成句子。1. What can I do for you?(改为同义句)

12、_I_you?2. We often draw pictures in our art club.(改为一般疑问句)_you often draw_in your art club?3. The students havefourChinese lessons in a week.(对句子主题部分提问)_Chinese lessons do the students have in a week?4. Go home late.(改为否定句)_home late.5. care, take, you, of, must, children, good, young (.)(连词成句)18. 按

13、要求完成下列各题。1. My favorite food isbeef. (就句子主题部分提问)_ is _ favorite food?2. My brothers favorite subject isart. (就句子主题部分提问)_ is your brothers _ subject?3. Mr. Black likes milk. (变成一般疑问句)_ Mr. Black _ milk?4. what, you, like, do (?) (连词成句)5. The food is delicious. (译成汉语)19. 按要求写句子。1. Daming lost his bag.(改为一般疑问句)2. Our pen was at home.(改为否定句)3. This bag ismine.(就句子主题部分提问)4. My cap is in my bag。(改为复数句)5. Iwent to schoollast week.(就句子主题部分提问)8 / 8

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