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1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系): 机械工程学院 专 业 : 机械工程及自动化 姓 名 : 学 号 : 外文出处 :Distributed Network Research Center and Its Application in Agile Manufacturing 附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语:该外文翻译语言流畅通顺,较准确完整地翻译了原文,所翻译的齿轮的特点和作用的文章,与毕业设计的课题相关。达到了本科毕业外文翻译的要求。 签名: 年 月 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文齿轮的特点和作用摘要 齿轮实现在机械设备中不可缺少的组

2、成,它很多优越的性能。齿轮的传动合理恰当的运用齿轮可以提高设备的性能同时也能延长齿轮的寿命。关键词 齿轮 特点 故障 应用齿轮是应用的最广泛的一种传播朝着现代机器.它的的形式主要益处:1 扩散转移到定居,比在目前稳定的工作,传动准确可信性,可以提供空间任意体育和秸秆的两个动机,动力和速度范围2 适用是广泛;3 利差动议一项效率高,= 0.92-0.98;4 工作可靠,使用寿命长;5 外形尺寸外小,结构紧凑齿轮组成的,由齿轮,轴,轴承和箱体,减速机器,为原动机和工作机使用或业绩组织,已经匹配很快转向提供一个转折点功能,应用极为广泛的现代机器。很大的危机蔓延到移动齿轮减速机6 当地的杆传动的领主,

3、但存在着广泛的权力和重量比小,或传动比大 , 但是机械的效率低问题.领导也有很多不足之处对材料质量和工艺水平 , 而且,特别是大型减速机的问题更加突出,使用寿命不长 , 朴拙贴身的减速机在国外,与德国,丹麦和日本放在领导的位置,占据优势 , 在材料和制造工艺特殊,减速机等工作的信誉,服务寿命本.但是蔓延至移动形式 , 还需要解决秸秆齿轮的传动为领主,体积和重量问题,也解决不喜欢减速的方向 , 是一台机器所面临的大国和传动比,小体积,高机械效率和使用寿命大大增长 , 现在发展.减速的机械和电气汽车车身结构也是连接形式扩大强烈,并已编制了不同的结构形式和权力模式号码.有接近10多个 , 在过去一些

4、年,控制由于现代计算机技术和数字技术的发展,使机械加工精度的各种产品,过程效率提高不以为然,推到机器上传播动产第多样化,因此,整个机器包件模具曲折,规范,设计和塑造的艺术之交,使产品更加精细,变成美丽。 成为21世纪中期一套机器材料,齿轮机床仍然是一个动态的传播基本组成.CNC机床和工艺技术的发展,推动一机传动结构 , 飞速发展快速.在蔓延移动电子控制,在系统设计液体新闻界传动,齿轮,采取连锁混合物蔓延到移动,不久将成为成为一个框 , 以优秀的设计又蔓延到移动的方向相结合。的学者提出 , 在传播交叉的设计,将成为新的传播动产文中提到的发展的重要趋势。 就是两个齿轮啮合齿轮使用各种机械动力和运动

5、传递等传输。根据相对位置的齿轮轴平行的圆柱子轴齿轮传动,伞齿轮轴交叉和跨斜轴传动齿轮。结构紧凑,效率高,寿命长等。齿轮是指主要,直接驱动齿轮,运动和动力传输设备。 在所有的机械传动,使用最广泛的设备可用于运动之间转移和权力的任何两个轴。 齿轮的特点是:齿轮传动平稳,传动比准确,可靠,效率高,寿命长,权力运行,速度和尺寸范围。例如,传输功率小 , 几乎一十点零零万千瓦,最高速度300米/秒,从几毫米齿轮直径超过20米。但是,专门齿轮生产设备的需要,啮合噪声传播。 齿轮故障的5种形式,应建立适当的设计标准。不过,牙齿磨损,塑性变形等,因为他们没有得到普遍建立和完善的工程实践中使用的计算方法和设计数

6、据,因此,齿轮传动的设计,它通常只有在保证齿根弯曲疲劳强度和齿面接触疲劳 , 以确保这两个标准 , 强度计算。高功率高速(如航空发动机的主要驱动器,驱动汽轮发电机组等),而且还确保了反键能力的计算方针 , 齿面齿轮传动。至于抵抗能力其他故障,但一般不会在目前的计算方法,但将采取什么措施 , 以加强牙齿的能力 , 抵御这些故障。 1 封闭齿轮传动 知情实践,在封闭齿轮传动,通常以确保主要齿面接触疲劳强度。齿高强度和低核心齿轮(如20,20铬钢表面硬度齿轮渗碳淬火后)或更多的齿轮脆性材料,通常是在牙齿弯曲疲劳强度 , 以确保主要根源。如果两个齿轮硬化和高达齿面硬度,然后视情况而定。较大的发射功率

7、, 如输入功率75千瓦,比齿轮封闭,热,容易导致诸如润滑不良胶和齿轮损坏,更长时间,以便控制温度上升,而且对制冷量的计算。 2 开放式齿轮传动 开放式(半开)齿轮传动,根据牙齿表面应该是基础 , 确保抗磨损和抗断裂能力齿根两个标准计算,但如前所述,在牙齿表面的耐磨性的方法计算能力还不完美,因此关闭型(半开)齿轮传动,目前只以确保齿根弯曲的设计标准作为疲劳强度。为了扩大开放(半开放式)的齿轮生活,可视具体需要通过增加适当的模量获得。 减速的原动力是一个独立的工作之间的封闭齿轮减速 , 增加扭矩。此外,在某些情况下,有增长使用的设备,并作为加速器众所周知的。 当电机输出轴的速度从主动投入,驱动齿轮

8、旋转,齿轮驱动齿轮运动,以及齿轮齿齿轮比大量的速比齿轮齿条缓慢,那么轴齿轮(输出轴)输出,这起到了产量下降的作用。 类型,品种减速,许多种类已制定了旅游(国家)的超过40种的减速问题。减速机是根据使用的类型的齿轮,齿廓曲线的分割,减速机种是在对减速器结构的不同需要使用为根基,在牙齿表面硬度的基本结构为基础,水平型传动减速器,轴型,装配式,安装类型,连接类型和不同特点设计的减速器的其他因素。减速器与更复杂的机器,就减速造成重大影响有关国家的工作负荷是一个减速选择和负载减速这是国家机器的工作(从动机)的一个重要因素计算负载,通常分为三类:1 布载荷;2 中等冲击载荷;3 强烈的冲击负荷。 机械方面

9、的设备通常是:放缓的速度,是比较小,减少对齿轮传动系统扭-从齿轮(速度)或齿轮(变速)范围内对不等。大量健康的牙齿是驱动轮,一为驱动轮大量使用的牙齿。速度相对较小,对大齿轮传动系统扭矩-的螺丝钉和齿轮。螺杆动力对此做出决定。如果N的齿轮,而彼此围绕旋转的齿轮,环上的螺丝必须旋转。速度比,传递扭矩在一个大涡轮副-一棒和一个涡轮涡。用来决定下涡动力学。如果对牙齿的数涡轮机,而每个涡轮左右旋转,旋转涡必须N极圈。空气电厂通常用于涡轮副减速。 它的作用是: 1 在减速的同时提高输出扭矩,扭矩的电机由减速比比输出输出,但要注意不超过额定扭矩减速的影响。 2 速度 , 同时减少负载惯性时间,比速度平方惯性

10、减少。我们可以看看通用电气有一个惯性的价值。人们普遍斜齿轮减速机减速机(包括平行轴斜齿轮减速机,蜗轮蜗杆减速器,锥齿轮减速机等),行星齿轮减速机,摆线针轮减速机,蜗轮减速器,行星齿轮式机械无级变速机摩擦等。 我们有一个共同的速度型减速器: 1 蜗轮蜗杆减速机是一种相反的自我的主要特色,锁定功能,可以有较大的减速比,输入轴和输出轴轴是不一样的,也不在同一平面上。但在一般较大,传动效率不高,精度不高。 2 谐波传动减速器谐波是利用灵活的组件控制转达运动和弹性变形的势头,交易量不大,精度高,但缺点是柔轮的有限的生命,不容忍,刚度和金属件的影响比较差。输入速度不能太高。3 行星减速比较紧凑的结构,回报

11、差距小,精度高,寿命长,优势额定输出扭矩可以做很多事情。然而,价格有点贵。 机械传动是机械动力传动和运动传输。在机械工程机械传动中的应用非常广泛,有各种形式,可以分为两类:(1) 机械摩擦之间的权力和摩擦传动运动的传播,包括皮带驱动,绳驱动器和摩擦轮传动等。 容易实现无级变速摩擦传动,其中大部分可以适应不同场合的传输距离较大的轴,可以播放缓冲区包含旋转和防护装备的作用,但一般不能用于高的电力传输的场合,也不能保证精确的传动比。 通过与追随者,或通过权力或中间件啮合接触运动驱动器传输,包括齿轮传动,链传动,螺杆驱动和谐波传动等积极参与(2) 项目。啮合可用于高场合输电,确切的传动比,但高的精度和

12、安装精度制造的一般要求。 在机械传动形式分为:摩擦传动,链传动,齿轮传动,带传动涡轮机驱动下的旋涡,棘轮驱动器,曲轴连杆驱动器,气动传动,液压传动(液压机),万向节传动,钢传输(最广泛的电梯)驱动器的耦合,花键驱动器附件2:外文原文Gear features and functionsAbstractGears in the mechanical equipment to achieve an integral, it is a lot of superior performance. The appropriate gear and reasonable use of transmissio

13、n gears can improve equipment performance but also could prolong gear life.Keywords Gear, characteristics, fault, applicationWheel gears spreading to move is a the most wide kind of the application spreads to move a form in the modern machine.Its main advantage BE1 spreads to move to settle, work th

14、an in a moment steady, spread to move accurate credibility, can deliver space arbitrarily sport and the motive of the of two stalks;Power and speed scope2 applies are wide;3 spreads to move an efficiency high, =0.92-0.98;4 work is dependable, service life long;5 Outline size outside the is small, st

15、ructure tightly packed.The wheel gear constituted to;from wheel gear, stalk, bearings and box body decelerates a machine, useding for prime mover and work machine or performance organization of, have already matched to turn soon and deliver a function of turning , the application is extremely extens

16、ive in the modern machine. 6 Local deceleration machine much with the wheel gear spread to move, the pole spread to move for lord, but widespread exist power and weight ratio small, or spread to move ratio big but the machine efficiency lead a low problem.There are also many weaknesses on material q

17、uality and craft level moreover, the especially large deceleration machines problem is more outstanding, the service life isnt long.The deceleration machine of abroad, with Germany, Denmark and Japan be placed in to lead a position, occupying advantage in the material and the manufacturing craft spe

18、cially, decelerating the machine work credibility like, service life long.But it spreads to move a form to still take settling stalk wheel gear to spread to move as lord, physical volume and weight problem, dont also resolve like The direction which decelerates a machine to is the facing big power a

19、nd spread to move ratio, small physical volume, high machine efficiency and service life to grow greatly nowadays develops.Decelerating the connecting of machine and electric motor body structure is also the form which expands strongly, and have already produced various structure forms and various p

20、roducts of power model numbers.Be close to ten several in the last yearses, control a technical development because of the modern calculator technique and the number, make the machine process accuracy, process an efficiency to raise consumedly, pushed a machine to spread the diversification of movab

21、le property article thus, the mold piece of the whole machine kit turns, standardizing, and shape design the art turn, making product more fine, the beauty turns. Become a set a machine material In 21 centuries medium, the wheel gear is still a machine to spread a dynamic basic parts.CNC tool machin

22、e and the craft technical development, pushed a machine to spread to move structure to fly to develop soon.Be spreading to move the electronics control, liquid in the system design to press to spread to move, wheel gear, take the mixture of chain to spread to move, will become become soon a box to d

23、esign in excellent turn to spread to move a combination of direction.The academics that is in spread move the design crosses, will become new spread a movable property article the important trend of the development. Is the use of gear teeth of two gears meshing each other transmission of mechanical

24、power and motion transmission. According to the relative position of the gear axis parallel to axis of cylindrical sub-gear drive, bevel gear axis intersect and cross-axis helical drive gear. Compact structure, high efficiency, long life and so on. Gear refers to the main, driven wheel gear direct,

25、movement and power transmission devices. Of all the mechanical transmission, the most widely used gear can be used to transfer between any two axes of motion and power. The characteristics of gear is: a smooth gear transmission, the transmission ratio accurate, reliable, high efficiency, long life,

26、the use of power, speed and size range. For example, transmission of power from small to almost 100,000 kilowatts; speeds of up to 300m / s; gear diameter from a few millimeters to more than 20 meters. However, the need for specialized gear manufacturing equipment, the meshing noise transmission. Ge

27、ar failure for the five forms, should be the appropriate design criteria established. However, tooth wear, plastic deformation and so on, as they have not been widely established and well-established engineering practice to use the calculation method and design data, so the gear drive design, it is

28、usually only on the guarantee that the tooth root bending fatigue strength and tooth surface to ensure contact fatigue strength calculation of the two criteria. For high-power high-speed gear transmission (such as aero-engine main drive, drive turbine-generator unit, etc.), but also ensure the tooth

29、 surface by the anti-bonding capacity calculation guidelines. As for the ability to resist other failure, although generally not at present be calculated, but the measures to be taken to strengthen the tooths ability to resist these failures. 1 closed gear transmission Informed by practice, in the c

30、losed gear transmission, usually to ensure that the main tooth contact fatigue strength. Tooth surface hardness for high strength and low core-tooth gear (such as 20,20 Cr steel by quenching after carburizing gears) or a more brittle material of the gear, usually at the tooth root bending fatigue st

31、rength to ensure that the main. If the two gears are hardened and the tooth surface hardness as high as, then as the case may be. Larger transmission power, such as the input power of 75kW closed more than gear, heat, easy to lead to bad lubrication and gear damage, such as glue, in order to control

32、 the temperature rise, but also for calculation of cooling capacity. 2 open-gear transmission Open (semi-open) gear drive, according to tooth surface is supposed to be based to ensure that anti-wear and anti-fracture ability Dedendum two criteria are calculated, but as mentioned earlier, on the toot

33、h surface abrasion resistance of the method of calculating capacity is not perfect yet, so off-type (semi-open) gear drive, the current only to ensure that the tooth root bending fatigue strength as a design criteria. In order to extend the open (semi-open) the life of gear, the specific needs of vi

34、sualization to be obtained by increasing the appropriate modulus. Reducer is the prime mover with an independent closed between the work gear to reduce speed and to increase torque. In addition, in some occasions, there are devices used for growth, and known as the accelerator. When the motor output

35、 shaft speed input from the initiative, the drive pinion rotation, and the drive pinion gear movement, and a large number of teeth than the gear pinion, and the speed ratio gear pinion slow, then the shaft gear ( output shaft) output, which has played the role of output slowdown. Reducer of the type

36、, variety, many types have been formulated for the trip (the country) the subject of more than 40 kinds of reducer. Reducer is based on the type of gear used, tooth profile curve divided; reducer species is based on the use of the different needs of the reducer structure; the type of reducer in the

37、basic structure of the tooth surface, based on hardness, transmission level, the shaft type, assembly type, installation type, connection type and other factors designed reducer different characteristics. Reducer connected with the work load of the state of more complex machines, a great impact on t

38、he speed reducer is a reducer selection and calculation of an important factor in the load reducer that is the work of the state machine (from the motives) of the load, and is usually divided into three categories: 1 uniform load;2 Medium impact load; 3 strong impact load. Mechanical aspects of the

39、slowdown in the devices typically are:1 for the speed is relatively small, less torque on the gear drive system - ranging from a pair of gear teeth (speed) or a range of gear teeth ( variable speed). Large number of teeth for which the driving wheel, a large number of teeth used for the driven wheel

40、. 2 for speed is relatively small, a larger torque on the gear drive system - a screw and a gear. Screw driving force with which to make decisions. If the gear teeth for N, while rotating around each gear, screw on the ring must be rotating N. 3 for the speed ratio, and torque transmission on a larg

41、e turbine vice - a rod and a vortex turbine. Used to decide under which vortex dynamics. If the turbine for the number of teeth N, while rotating around each turbine, vortex must be rotating N pole lap. Air power plant is typically used for turbine Vice reducer. Its role is to: 1 deceleration at the

42、 same time increase the output torque, torque output by motor output by the ratio of reduction ratio, but bearing in mind that do not exceed the rated torque reducer. 2 The speed at the same time reducing the load inertia, the reduction of inertia than the square of speed. We can look at General Ele

43、ctric has a value of inertia. There is a general helical gear reducer reducer (including parallel shaft helical gear reducer, worm gear reducer, bevel gear reducer, etc.), planetary gear reducer, cycloid reducer, worm gear reducer, planetary-type friction mechanical CVT machine and so on.And we have

44、 a common type of speed reducer: 1 worm gear reducer is a main feature of the reverse self-locking function, can have a larger reduction ratio, input shaft and output shaft axis is not the same, nor in the same plane . But in general larger, the transmission efficiency is not high, the accuracy is n

45、ot high.2 harmonic of the harmonic drive speed reducer is to use flexible components of the elastic deformation controlled to convey movement and momentum, and volume not very high accuracy, but the drawback is the limited life Flexspline, the impact of intolerance, rigidity and metal pieces compare

46、d to poor. 3 planetary reducer compare the advantage of compact structure, the return gap small, high precision, long life, rated output torque can do a lot. Enter the speed can not be too high. However, the price a little expensive. Mechanical transmission is the use of mechanical power transmissio

47、n and motion transmission. Mechanical transmission in mechanical engineering in a wide range of applications, there are a variety of forms, can be divided into two categories1 by mechanical friction between the transmission of power and movement of the friction drive, including belt drive, rope driv

48、e and friction wheel drive and so on. Easy to achieve continuously variable friction transmission, and most of them can adapt to the larger axis of the transmission distance of occasions, been able to play a buffer containing the spin and the role of the protection gear, but generally can not be use

49、d for high-power transmission of the occasion, there is no guarantee that an accurate the transmission ratio. 2 items by active engagement with the follower, or through transmission of power or middleware meshing engagement campaign drive, including the gear drive, chain drive, screw drive and harmo

50、nic drive and so on. Meshing can be used for high-power transmission of the occasions, the exact transmission ratio, but the general requirements for the manufacture of high precision and accuracy of the installation. The form of mechanical transmission is divided into: friction drive, chain drive, gear drive, belt drive, under vortex turbine drive, ratchet drive, the crankshaft connecting rod drive, pneumatic drive, hydraulic transmission (hydraulic plane), universal joint transmission,steel transmission (the most widely elevator) drive coupling, spline drive.设计巴巴工作室

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