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1、Passage 1夹叙夹议类第一部分五年高考题荟萃(09 安徽)After spe nding a weeke nd away with my adult son, I was so impressed by his gen erous heartthat I sent him this letter.1 waul t( thank you foj teaching meHvrn-36 l电阴in life bv thr great exainpl亡you 37. Ulien we were eating st that cafe in Bondi and a person whoh罰 閃_h

2、g ham larger diihi t have enough money In pay for i|#without any丿 _、ouwent ovrr and put the 40$2 into his hand.Whr*n昭*Wf*nf l*Avingtyou 41 tlirfiw n five-cent coin onto the pavemt?ni arid血日竝 】衣罠Som亡kid wilt rtally enjoy 43 this. *詁he?* Site Itjld rae ht had meunl lo put $15 of fietml in hh car 4? he

3、 h厨beenlooking oi (he wrong駅卿(计雇表and had put in IS 48 j whn h rame to just b*t!T 49*TTial is ai)号asy50 both jgaugffw run fa乩SomMhi与Hr Miid of ym un: Jl you Micf ihm niffh? nt fhr心济mfioncli. 1 Kundrd【he iruin $6. He wasBO52 and Raid, But whv woiHd yciu dn this for me? Jjtjust sniilcfi as I ihought of

4、 you.Thank you. wru for ladling me thl订冷53 to彳作them艸気仲,NQWwJwn see afive-cn(coin on Lht; 54鈕wdni la pick it up, I thmlc ytm and】“ve it _5_,加 口MTsomekid will get a kic k(HI( finding it.Las! week, a yaun nmn 44tn th? lineHI BpH ml ulalioti didnT kv?th? money roljfwiftr, *Hnw mwrh 46monry to弹iy for his

5、 pf*tn). 136. A. humorousB. privateC. reas on ableD. valuable37. A. followedB. gaveC. setD. took38. A. orderedB.bookedC. offeredD. bought39. A. hesitationB. doubtC. permissi onD. difficulty40. A. otherB. lastC. extraD. rest41. A. aga inB. alreadyC. onlyD. also42. A. noth ingB. everyth ingC. anv thi

6、ngD. someth ing43. A. findingB. acceptingC. looking forD. pointing at-Mil 11.11Mb-44. A. beh ind mi 严p-B. beyondC. ahead ofD. next to45. A. muchB. someC. anyD. enough46. A. farB. 1ongC. shortD. high47. A. andB. butC. SOD. while48. A. 1itresB. kilogramsC.poundsD. kilometers49. A. $15B. $20C. $25D. $3

7、050. A. un tilB. asC. althoughD. uni ess51. A. whatB. whichC. whateverD. whichever52. A. excitedB. surprisedC. i nterestedD. en couraged53. A. easierB. betterC. fasterD. worse54。A. comerB. wayC. groundD. carpet55. A. thereB. hereC. outD. around答案 36.D37.C38.A39.A40.C41.D42.D43.A44.C45.D46.C47.B48.A4

8、9.B50.B51.A52.B53.B54.C 55.APassage 2(09 北京)Jame s New BicycleJames shook his money box aga in. Noth ing! He carefully _36_ the coins that lay on the bed .$ 24. 52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wan ted was at least $ 90!_37_ on earth washe going to get the_ 38_of the mon ey?He knew that his fr

9、iends all had bicycle. It was _39_ to hang around with people whe nyou were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no_40_ask ing his pare nts, for he knew they had no money to _41_.There was only one way to get mon ey, and that was to _42_ it . He would have to fin

10、d a job ._43_ who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice ,whousually had_44_ on most thin gs.“ Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. clay.“ My windows need cleaning and mycar n eeds wash ing.”That was the _45_ of James s odjabb (零工) bus in ess. For three mon t

11、hs he worked every day after finishinghis homework. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards ,and men ded books. He lost count of the _46_ of jobs that people found for him todo. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and men ded books. He lost count of the 47 of c

12、ars hewashed and win dows he clea ned, but the _48_in creased and he knew thathe would soon have _49 for the bicycle he Ion ged for.The day _50_ came when James counted his money and found $ 94. 32. He _51_notime and went dow n to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wan ted. He rode _52_ home, look i

13、ng forward to showing hisnew bicycle to his friends. It had been hard _53_ for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more _54_he had bought it with his own mon ey. He had _55_ what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even tha n thebicycle.36. A. clea nedB. coveredC. coun

14、 tedD. checked37. A. HowB. WhyC. WhoD. What38. A. amou ntB. partC. sumD. rest39. A. braveB. hardC. smartD. un fair40. A. poi ntB. reas onC. resultD. right41. A. splitB. spendC. spareD. save42. A. borrowB. earnC. raiseD. collect43. A. OrB. SoC. ForD. But44. A. decisi onsB. experie neeC. opinionsD. kn

15、o wledge45. A. begi nningB. in troduct ionC. requireme ntD. ope ning46. A. similarityB. qualityC. suitabilityD. variety47. A. brandB. nu mberC. sizeD. type48. A. effortB. pressureC. moneyD. trouble49. A. allB.enoughC. muchD. some50. A. fin allyB. in sta ntlyC. n ormallyD. regularly51. A. gaveB. left

16、C. tookD. wasted52. A. patie ntlyB. proudlyC. sile ntlyD. tiredly53. A. appl yingB. ask ingC. looki ngD. worki ng54. A. sinceB. ifC. thanD. though55. A. deservedB. ben efitedC. achievedD. lear ned答案 36.C37.A38.D39.B40.A41.C42.B43.D44.C45.A46.D47.B48.C49.B50.A51.D52.B53.D54.A55.CPassage 3(09 福建)Child

17、re n find meanings in their old family tales.When Stephe n Guyerthree childre n were grow ing up, he told them stories about bow hisgra ndfather, a ban ker,36 all in the 1930s, but did not lose sight of what he valued most. I none of the darkest times 37 his stro ng-min ded gran dfather was n early3

18、8, he loadedhis family into the car and 39 them to see family members in Canada with a 40, “ there are more important thins in lifethan money.”The 41 took on a new meaning recently when Mr. Guyer downsized to a _42house from a more expensive and comfortable one. He was _43_ that his children ,a daug

19、hter,15, and twins, 22, would be upset. To his surprise, they weren t 44_, their reactionechoed (共鸣)their great-grandfather s. What the45 was how warm the people were in the house and how 46 of theirheart was accessible.Many parents are finding family stories have surprising power to help children _

20、47 hard times. Storytelli ng expectssay the phe nomenon reflects a grow ing 48 in telli ng tales, evideneed by a rise in a storytelling events and festivals.A uni versity49 of 65 families with childre n aged from 14 to 16 found kids ability to50_pare nts stories was lin ked to a lower rate of an ger

21、 and an xiety.The 51 is telling the stories in a way children can _52_ . We re not talking hereabout the kind of story that 53,“ When I was a kid, I walked to school every day uphillboth ways, barefoot in the snow.” In stead, we should choose a story suited to tMchild,and make eye contact (接触)to cre

22、ate “ a personal experienee” ,. We don t have to tell children55_they should take from the story and what the moral is .”36. A. missedB. lostC. forgotD. ig nored37. A. whe nB. whileC. howD. why38. A. frien dlessB. worthlessC. penn ilessD. homeless39. A fetchedB. allowedC. expectedD. took40. A. hopeB

23、. promiseC. suggesti onD. belief41. A. taleB. agreeme ntC. arran geme ntD. report42. A. largeB. smallC. newD. gra nd43. A. surprisedB.annoyedC. disappo in tedD. worried44. A. ThereforeB. BesidesC. I nsteadD. Otherwise45. A. talked aboutB. cared aboutC. wrote aboutD. heard about46. A. muchB. manyC. l

24、ittleD. few47. A. beyo ndB. overC. beh indD. through48. A. argume ntB. skillC. i nterestD. an xiety49. A. studyB. desig nC. committeeD. staff50. A. provideB. retellC. supportD. refuse51. A. troubleB. giftC. factD. trick52. A. performB. writeC. hearD. questi on53. A. meansB.endsC. begi nsD. proves54.

25、 A. needsB. activitiesC. judgme ntsD. habits55. A. thatB. whatC. whichD. whom答案 36.B37.A38.C39.D40.D41.A42.B43.D44.C45.B46.A47.D48.C49.A50.B51.D52.C53.C54.A55.BPassage 4(08 宁夏、海南、全国IA 篇)After the birth of my sec ond child, I got a job at a restaura nt. Having worked with an experie need36 for a fewd

26、ays, I was 37 to wait tables on my own .All went38that first week . When Saturday night came, I was luckily39 the tables not far from thekitchen .40, I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays ( 托盘).Before I knew it ,the 41 was full of people. I moved slowly, 42 every step. I remember ho

27、w 43 I was whe n I saw thetray sta nd n ear the tables; it looked differe nt from the one I was 44 on. It had nice handles, which made it 45 to movearound . I was pleased with everything and began to 46 I was a natural at this job .Then, an old man came to me and said,“ Excuse me, dear, my wife and

28、I 47ved youwork .It seems your tray sta nd has bee n very 48 to you, but we are getti ng ready to49 now ,and my wife n eeds her 50 back. ”At first his 51 did not get across . “ What was he talk ing about?” Then, h s|(ot itset my trays on his wife s orthopedic walker (助步器).I stood frozen as ice ,but

29、my face was52_. I wan ted to get into a hole and 53Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the oneI just54. I havelearned to be more55and not to be too sureof myself.36. A .managerB. .assista ntC. cookD . waitress37. A .promisedB. .in vitedC . allowedD . advised38. A .wellB. .quicklyC

30、. safelyD . wrong39. A .leftB. .give nC . broughtD . show n40. A .ThereforeB .HoweverC . OtherwiseD . Fi nally41. A .kitche nB .streetC . restaura ntD . table42. A .mi ndingB. .cha ngingC . taki ngD . saving43. A .an gryB. .calmC . sadD . hap py44. A .fixedB. .trai nedC . loadedD . waited45. A .slow

31、erB. .lighterC . quieterD . easier46. A .believeB. .agreeC . regretD . prete nd47. A .letti ngB. .maki ngC . watch ingD . having48. A .usefulB. .familiarC . unu sualD . in teresti ng49. A .restB. .orderC . eatD . leave50. A .bagB. .walkerC . trayD . coat51. A .ideaB. .praiseC . messageD . n eed52. A

32、 .coldB. .full of joyC . paleD . on fire53. A .lieB. .hideC . defe ndD . stay54. A .repeatedB. .discoveredC . correctedD . described55. A .carefulB. .patie ntC . hon estD . practical答案36 . D 37 . C38 .A39 . B 40 .B 41 .C 42 . A 43 . D44 . B45 . D 46 . A47. C48 . A 49 .D50 . B 51 . C52 . D53 . B 54 .

33、 D55 . APassage 5(08 山东)On August 26,1999,New York City was struck by a terrible rainstorm.The rain caused the streets to 36 a nd thesubway system almost came to a stop.Unfortun ately,this happe ned duri ng the morning rush hour.Ma ny people who were going to work were 37 to gohome.Some battled to 3

34、8 a taxi or to get on a bus.Still others faced the 39_bravely,walk ing miles to get to work.I 40 to be one of people on the way to work that morningwent from subway line to subway line only to find that most41 had stopped.After making my way 42 crowds of peoplefin ally found a subway line that was 4

35、3 .Unfortun ately,therewere so many people wait ing to 44 the subway that I could not eve n get dow n the stairs to the 45 .So I took the train goingin the opposite direction,and then switched back to the downtown train.Finally,after what seemed like forever,the train 46my stop.Then I had to walk se

36、veral blocks in the in creas in gly heavy rai n.Whe n I fin ally got to my office,I was 47through,exhausted and 48 .My co-workers and I spent most of the day drying off.When it was 5: 00 pm,I was ready togo home .I was about to turn off my computer 49 I received an email from Garth,my Director:I wou

37、ld like to tha nk all of you who made the effort and 50 reported to work .I t is always reassuring (令人欣慰),attimes like these,when employees so clearly show their 51 to their jobs.Tha nk you.Garth s email was short,but I learned more from that 52 message than I ever did from a textbook.The email taug

38、htme that a few words of 53 can make a big difference.The rainstorm and the traffic 54 had made me tired and upset.ButGarth words immediately 55 me and put a smile back on my face.36.A.breakB.floodC.si nkD.crash37.A.forcedB.refusedC.adjustedD.gathered38.A.orderB.payC.callD.search39.A.climateB.sce ne

39、ryC.stormD.burde n40.A.usedB.promisedC.deservedD.happened41.A.practiceB.routi neC.processD.service42.A.toB.throughC.overD.for43.A.operat ingB.cycli ngC.turni ngD.rush ing44.A. checkB.carryC.fi ndD.board45.A.streetB.gro undC.floorD.platform46.A.pausedB.crossedC.reachedD.parked47.A.wetB.weakC.sickD.hu

40、rt48. A.ashamedB.discouragedC.surprisedD.puzzled49.A.whileB.whe nC.whereD.after50.A.hardlyB.casuallyC.absolutelyD.eventually51.A. devotionB.do nati onC.connectionD.reactio n52.A.accurateB.urge ntC.briefD.humorous53.A.promiseB.appreciati onC.adviceD.guida nee54.A.troublesB.sig nalsC.rulesD.sig ns55.A

41、.correctedB.supportedC.amazedD.refreshed答案 36.B37.A38.C39.C40.D41.D42.B43.A44.D45.D46.C47.A48.B49.B50.D51.A52.C53.B54.A55.DPassage 6(08 天津)Jenna, a popular girl from Westwood Middle School, had graduated first in her class and was ready for new 16 in highschool.17, high school was different. In the

42、first week, Jenna went to tryouts( 选拔赛)forcheerleaders(拉拉队队员 ).She was competing against very talented girls, and she knew it would be 18 for her to beselected. Two hours later, the 19 read a list of the girls for a sec ond tryout. Her heart 20 as the list en ded without her n ame.Feeli ng 21, she w

43、alked homecarry ing her schoolbag full of homework.Arrivi ng home, she started with math. She had always bee n a good math stude nt, but now she was 22 . Shemoved on to English and history, and was 23to find that she didn thave any trouble with those subjects. Feeli ng better, she decided not to24ma

44、th for the timebei ng.The next day Jenna went to see Mrs. Biden about being on the school 25 . Mrs. Biden was n t as 26 as Jenna. rrisorry, but we have eno ugh 27 for the n ewspaper already. Come back next year and we ll talk then. ” Jenna s28ledandleft. “ Why is high school so29_? ” she sighed.Late

45、r in 30 class, Jenna devoted herself to figuring out the problems that had given herso much 31. By the end of class, she understood how to get them right. As she gathered herbooks, Jenna decided shed continue to try to 32 at her new school. She wasbsure if she d succeed,but she knew she had to 33. H

46、igh school was just as her mom had said:“ You will feel like aPassage 7(08 浙江)In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live. These things have come to represe nt, in fact, whatI call 21 and love.I don t remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool. But he did _22 th

47、e water. Any ki nd of _23 rideseemed to give him pleasure. _24_he loved to fish; sometimes he took me along.small fish in a big pond34 a big fish in a small pond. The challe nge is to become the 35 fishyou can be. ”16. A. processesB. decisi onsC. challe ngesD. exercises17. A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. O

48、therwiseD. Besides18. A. difficultB. easyC. bori ngD. in terest ing19. A. editorB. bossC. can didateD. judge20. A. jumpedB.sankC. stoppedD. raced21. A. stra ngeB. happyC. awfulD. l on ely22. A. struggli ngB. improvi ngC. worki ngD. complai ning23. A. ashamedB. disappo in tedC. shockedD. relieved24.

49、A. put upB. prepare forC. worry aboutD. give up25. A. committeeB. n ewspaperC. radioD. team26. A. en thusiasticB. artisticC. sympatheticD. realistic27. A. speakersB. readersC. cheerleadersD. writers28. A. widelyB. weaklyC. excitedlyD. brightly29. A. similarB. ordinaryC. differe ntD. familiar30. A. p

50、hysicsB. historyC. En glishD. math31. A. pleasureB.hopeC. troubleD. sorrow32. A. fit inB. look outC. stay upD. get around33. A. swimB. tryC. askD. escape34. A. in return forB. in case ofC. i n terms ofD. in stead of35. A. slimmestB. smallestC. bestD. gen tlest答案 16.C17.B18.A19.D20.B21.C22.A23.D24.C2

51、5.B26.A27.D28.B29.C30.D31.C32.A33.B34.D35.CBut I never really liked being on the water, the way my father did. I liked being _25_the_ water, moving through it,_26 it all around me. I was not a strong _27_ r one who lear ned to swim early, for I had my 28. But I loved beingin the swimming pool close

52、to my father soffice and 29 those summer days with my father, who _30 come by on a break. I n eeded him to see what I could do. Myfather would stand there in his suit, the 31 person not in swimsuit.After swim min g, I would go _32_ his office and sit on the woode n chair in front of his bigdesk, whe

53、re he let me _33_anvth ing I found in his top desk drawer. Sometimes, if I was leftalone at his desk _34_ he worked in the lab, an assista nt or a stude nt might come in and tell meperhaps I shouldn t be playing with his _35_. But my father always _36 _and said easily,“ Oh,no, it s 37 . ” Sometimes

54、he handed me coins and told me to get _8 一 an ice cream.A poet once said,“ We look at life once, in childhood; the rest _3_ . ” And I think it isnot on ly what welook at once, in childhood” that determ ines our memories thrtt_childhood, looks at us.21.A. desireB. joyC. angerD. worry22. A. avoidB. re

55、fuseC. praiseD. love23. A. boatB. busC. trainD. bike24. A. ButB. ThenC. AndD. Still25. A. onB. offC. byD. i n26. A. havi ngB. leavi ngC. maki ngD. getting27. A. swimmerB. riderC. walkerD. runner28. A.hopesB. faithsC. rightsD. fears29. A. spendingB. sav ingC. wasti ngD. rui ning30. A. shouldB. wouldC

56、. had toD. ought to31. A. nextB. onlyC. otherD. last32. A. away fromB. out ofC. byD. i nside33. A. put upB. break dow nC. play withD. work out34. A. the momentB. the first timeC. whileD. before35. A. fishi ng netB. office thingsC. woode n chairD. lab equipme nt36. A. stood upB. set outC. showed upD.

57、 turned out37. A. fineB. stra ngeC. terribleD. funny38. A. the stude ntB. the assista ntC. myselfD. himself39. A. memoryB. wealthC. experie neeD. practice40. A. whichB. whoC. whatD. whose答案 21.B22.D23.A24.C25.D26.A27.A28.D29.A30.B31.B32.D33.C34.C35.B36.C37.A38.C39.A40.BPassage 8(08 重庆)I was on a bus

58、 one March evening.The driver didn t 36 to start the bus soon because it was n ot yet 37 .Amiddle-aged woma n got on. Tired and sad,she told her story 38 ,not to anyone in particular.On her way to the station,halfof her39 was stolen.The other half was hidden under her blouse,so she 40 still had some

59、 left.A few minu tes later,she stoppedcryin g,but still looked 41.When all the seats were take n,the driver started the engin e.The con ductor bega n to collect fares(车费).When shecame to an old man in worn-out clothes,he 42 that he had spent all his money when he had accidentally got on a wrong busa

60、nd now he was trying to go home.On heari ng this,she ordered the old man to 43 the bus.The old man was almost in tearsas he 44_ her to let him take the bus home.The driver took the con ductor s side and repeated the con ductor s 45.The woma n was watch ing the in cide nt.46 the driver and the con du

61、ctor raised their voices at the old man, she interfered(干预).Stop 47 him!Can t you see he s only trying to get home?“ He does n t have any mon ey! ” the driver 48 .“ Well,that s no 49 to throw him off the bus, ” she insisted.Then she reached in side her blouse,took out her 50mon ey,a nd han ded it to

62、 thecon ductor. “ Here s his fare and min e.Just stop giv ing him a 51 time. ”All heads turned to the woman. It s only money,” she shrugged.She rode the rest of the way home 52 a happy smile,with the money she d lost earlier 53 .On the road of life,the help of stra ngers can54 our loads and lift our

63、 spirits.How muchsweeter the 55 will be whe n we make it a little smoother for others!36.A. tryB.careC.decideD.i ntend37.A.emptyB.fullC.crowdedD.ready38.A.tearfullyB.seriouslyC.carefullyD.calmly39.A.fareB.possessi onC.moneyD.wealth40.A.stra ngelyB.happilyC.secretlyD.fortunately41. A.u nsatisfiedB.we

64、akC.unhappyD.excited42.A.explai nedB.declaredC.admittedD.fou nd43.A. get offB.startC.get onD.stop44.A.beggedB.scoldedC.praisedD.tha nked45.A.requestB.actio nC.suggesti onD.comma nd46.A.U nlessB.AlthoughC.U ntilD.When47.A.attacki ngB.botheri ngC.blami ngD.wro nging48.A.warnedB.whisperedC.shoutedD.rep

65、eated49.A.problemB.n eedC.matterD.reas on50.A.spe ndingB.collectedC.remai ningD.borrowed51.A.busyB.coldC.hardD.fearful52.A.givi ngB.weari ngC.taki ngD.forci ng53.A.forgotte nB.usedC.ear nedD.returned54.A.moveB.i ncreaseC.lighte nD.carry55.A.worldB.jo urneyC.smileD.frie ndship答案 36.D37.B38.A39.C40.D4

66、1.C42.A43.A44.A45.D46.D47.B48.C49.D50.C51.C52.B53.A54.C55.BPassage 9(08 四川)One ni ght I decided to spe nd some time buildi ng a happier and closer relati on ship with my daughter.For severalweeks she had been 16 me to play chess(棋)with her,so I suggested a game and she eagerly 17 .It was a schoolnight,however,and at nine o clock my daughter asked if I could 18 my moves,because she 19 to go to bed;she had to getup at six in the morning 20 she had strict sleeping habits, 21 I thought she ought to

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