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1、完美 WORD 格式范文.范例.指导.参考2017 年长沙中考英语真题试卷.肝力技能(略)1【知识运用第一节语法填空21.-Heller John. Thij;Mike.応hal are you doing novj,I m wtcbiq a Rxiihiill nmich. It suitedJL7;30 p. m -and_ on for another one hourA.I14K beenB. waxC, wiII be22._ April 22J. peopLe ground (lie Wiirld cdtbialL Earth Djy itidincrciK uaysLA,InB.

2、 AtCrOn23.Tlhmc s_in the city, Why noi hdVc a picnic in the courttryxidc* real? Daweiihaji Monniain miphl he a good chnice.A. inlcrctmg soinclhing B, Noth mg intcrcMing C. LinyLhin inteteMing24._C3i*efLillytplease! Uwk jil the road订百m Tliere ix n school Lihend.A. DriveB. To driveC Driving23. -Is the

3、re anybody who can lend me a hand?-Im airaid net. You know+ ourc (supposed to depend on_ .A. niyKeJfB. yourselfC. fhemwlves2fi. Nut nJy my jweiits hut disci my sisier_ emzy nbout the TV pJay in the name n people.A. isB. arcG have been27. Philip_you make sn much noise when your link sifter K sleeping

4、?Sorry, Mum._quite popular among big cide in China sincelaM April,A, betiiineR. have becomeC. will become29. Well achieve nur dreams some u pleaM? tell me?-For ivto weeks.A. how wii he will he huckB. how Ions he will lie away C. hiw long will he be away第二节词谱填空I. SDiHififfl312S CCBABM30 ACBABas二节 x 近

5、 zH站CACBBJ一40 CACBA完美 WORD 格式范文.范例.指导.参考A father and hi一 二 dauhcr weir flyinjrJkilt in Iht park. The、nun琴dmihtcru link bii ined,如I hey took a_ *1_nn the beach* when the dnughrer un old man selling nppks* she aked Iwr father tobuy her ari apple. Her lullier didift bnn much money wilh lum. but it k a?

6、 enough lu buy two applet. So I忙did* and gave_32. of them tc his chu百hlcr. smiling.His chughler held onv Rpplc in herh話nd and I be other in the right hard. Then lhe hither uked her ishe could 33 one of th亡applet ith him. When the irl heard ihi% wh亡quickly took ft hite st in clKwglu. Perhaps he was j

7、ust ihinking ttw much. Iii ihuier was too36LuuLidciMand about sharing and giving. A wtni】弋disuppejired from hi、face.Suddenlyhhis daugliler with an apple in her left hand sakl* *Daddy have this cne! h is much juicer and37THer hthcr啊Espeech lei*;. He fell_3S_ abvt making lhe judemenl判断)so quickly dkhH

8、ii a Miiallchild. But his Hinilc_39_ kiKjwing why his ilquhlcr quickly luokEbile fmin each tipple.Dont jude anylhinj:or dmw a conch怡ion(结论)ton quickly _40_、闫代vime morelime loucidcoL.tiid itiingK bellcr.37. A. sweeterB. bittererC. biiliicrA. proudB. rtalC. had59. A. wetn. CuElkC bjukC. ran off40 A. A

9、lwaysH. NexerC. Seldomm.阅读技能第一节图表理解AZoo One Day PassAdultsSeniors (Aged &0 und above)Children (Ages 6-17)$24$20$12(.hildrer aged 5 and under PERRFREE Parking9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p. in seven days wek二Open every day except Thanksgiving hy jritJ Chrisiniah Ihy41. Mt i. Siiiiih Ljkeb her live yejr old sun I

10、Qditr zw4andnced to paj,扎贮丄R. SS6C. 54433. A CutB. washC. share34, . firstB. iftundC, third35- A. satisfiedk xurprisetlC- moved3& A. bra、eB. sillyC youngB. eitherC. neither匡slinwerC, hrek31.A. walk32. A. both完美 WORD 格式范文.范例.指导.参考42. 77城ftaas abnxe tells us lhat.A die ztio is lire ibr old peopleH ili

11、c ZIHJufkiA free parkingC. theELHJ叫)cn、ex cry daBThe Youth Daily newspaper group is looking for two English-hnije buxines editon 编辑)for the intcinaticnjltdni.Applicants(申增人)shouldhelp the ditor-in-diief(主編sd goals and worlc on completing I hem.give creative idea呂kx able lo rewrite articles if neceis

12、ary and give lessons to the team members who havelittle experience.work hard to imish the tusks on time.haxe 3l Iftist three yeani experienceIf yftii join i畔ynu砧H getfree IUIKL80*% iiiedkul cost,ictcn diys+puid leave,elrvrn public holidii、s mid a itflurn Lickrl io our tkutueluwn.43 lhe Youth Mt/r/v

13、newspaper croup oilers, even8thing: below exceptto Lhe editors.A. free luik.liR. nil mcclicEil costsC. public boidaysL44. It yuu warn luthe job you can_ Thd Youth Lkiily newspaper group tlrs(.A. callB. visitC. cmatl45. l-mm the chart(罔表)we kiitiw lliat_ . hir h(msing.第二节虧文理解AAlmost everyone has a qu

14、estion or two about living in sptice. Whm is I ife usally like in space? And what do astronautsC宇航员)do (here?Asironuuts living in sptKe hmc theSJITIChwitjtw necdh poiiple de cn Ejrth. When Lticy wuke up* they wash their liair,hruh their lectb nnd go to the balhrxm as well, Hocvcn hetau.ie of niicron

15、i ity做 任h). iMrtiiiuut% LukeUIR? ofdieniselves in different was Lor example, the)”亡a kind ufvpetial mallei io jsh their hdir and琴rrstraints i.腿部IK:ii诫冒 to pcsilkun themselves when they use lhe toilet.Asfronuils enls ihree incak d day: brrnkfusL, lunch and dinner* Some fkxwl ciin be eaten in the nut

16、urn form such asfruit. (.Jrher foods require adding waler such as ncuxHes. There ant no fridges in space, sc spice fbcM mus be storedund(mtpareuier equipment(更新E也脑t曲备)keic. Al tte same time, iheCOJIITOI cenier on Earth Ntiids tiiesvLigcs tothe aiHrotiaiiU dirough oicc or cniiil with new instrucLions

17、 to desist thcin in their dtiily mutincs,Whut more, I Win笔in hpw is nt jinl nil wnk jnd nc plliy* A papbr wjy of rclxHotlS U looking out tlieAnd Lhcycun enjoy iheiiLsckc b wale king movie sTirddn bcxiks, pljyin! caiilsind (.ilk ingTOtheir fajr il ies during their free lime,完美 WORD 格式范文.范例.指导.参考The u

18、nderline word hyifne in llus piissae properly Tneiin%in Chinese.A.卫生B. tXftC心理47 for eatiiii? in *-p;Ke, which xtateinenl i、OT rrue?A.ALruiuuL% eal ill tee mejhILdjy people de oil EarlhB.Fruit can be eaten in the natural tbnnC.Food can he Vept freh m阳(lge48. Whats rhe mnin idea of Piiragraph1段落)Four

19、?A.Eming in spaceB. working in spuceC. Rchxii in space49“出eHUes kJuxling ih亡mtwhiiv;、and updatingequipinerd.鸭also rteedinlherr chill v wort;.JX. comniunkate wiih ftinds on EarthB.cuntrol tlie people aL the cumliol utinLer cn Lui illC.received疇借and tblkiw the injiiructions rniin the ccwitrol center w

20、 EiirUi50. Pnom thiswe learn thul_ .A. life in h.pacc h dually the name as life on EarthU. living in space乩different but interesiingC, uMnmauis hiivr little Rci:tirnc in spuctJiA colkfe graduate(毕业生)from Shanxi named Wu Jun created al)page WcChat guided With drawings and simplewords, die step-by-ste

21、p guide explains how to send meiisges take pictures and make vidcu Calls. Wu mikdc I he guide fi)rher purrnlK.bMy wcnls ar? getting oldn They need an easy way to Icam hi)w to tevhnnldjzy. lie jid.Wu experieiites is cuiinnun tHjWLidjys, HdrlcJwiJt:. 40 pticeiit of parents lern abvul new letHinologie轧

22、includingcmpuiers. mobile 1nieme, and niKial media(媒体)*rJ糾丄iuieeui op哗wJuqj昌巴屮Xjj.y jwfi屮!皿3uop jp?q si iiiuuiriq pooJ? r j|JVLptw關屮|pM |HULUII Ofp|0 001 J3AJU K,ji riuq)0訓品wl jq) iuoy f删吊口jajuiUH、】岂乂JIIIUAUOIHLHiPiunuimojSY?UJ O).o|oui|33iVLSU勺1心剧jpqj qaesj pnoL|s U3jp|ii|) jA3 tpvLtijqi q诲o|OuipR

23、M3U u彌|01 paKuddnsSUE NIUOURJgA珀叩山1|,旳MJ3LI IJJtTJ| L)| MIUJJIld WJU l、Ll Si JIJL|J-Fsiuaitxi qaeil PH怡屮谱 币)uouauJOiUL|d纠1 jo uiqi、氓中 附U VluiqiMJUldsc oi snjAt siiu.tndJ忖屮駝“左期乍pjutHiTMimjut iS o血/n njutiiRAEI| uaupiqo础iwosg QNijnitMiu JTijiq nct| uaip”ip snr?gTy(_0p snijnd jpcpTIT屮SJOHJ仏门叭ujpjiq. im

24、p 3jqisod )i ”p j?q rEuuqIIKUMuwndjpq区出口犯ESOXO罠n总us3.|3siLjaqi qp|.IOY nw ?qj oj jaauuo.i ur? sinaird刑亦ouqgj siuaiml ciqj盅押osqVTiu3um(M|ftU9 2冲puns9i|ui&f卫i卩u?.sU9q祓圳)yu c ye sjoc X(n?nsnIJCI)RJUS dunoA 3qi () jo 2取Joplin;UE rLiiq2) UI旳申n niWm |也訓杓JO丁工勺pUE )IU1U| JO )UMd 加申p?yild3j sjop siuxtndpip w

25、qi aiom MJUIpj )uai卩|iipWadOM 釜辛完美 WORD 格式范文.范例.指导.参考aniund ibrHKKCthdHJctiituj-5. Lhc design ttl XuiitifiLti (ietniplnc tKidlly ul Ltir cover, liits, iiofte ihrnugh manyclLinge. The magii7ine N |wha besl known (hr its;anu/ing phnrography-yel it wasnt、hdpcd uiilil 196( Il 11、dlsudurie a grval job de

26、signing i fanioib)dkw Sinvn/iJ*rt.Thu w亡皿罠11 lou标 讥)has slay cd Uic saiitc but almoi vcir)thing else事boui he design has clianed. Therewas a ime when the cover was simple And then Things just got more and ftiore dmtered(余 乱、+ The ma47inc ciwcr*is jobix Ui sell thehas to stand out frum I be cithers. S

27、 yd low burdcr,5S. AtitinJinE I he la?*i paragraph,_ Tnay nitikeHniagrt/irLeNCIIwellA. xpcciiLl coversB. goxl writersC. ktnluslic ddsm.曲垃読SR节咏呼解415 ABBCA咽一活短文劇w制50 ACBCBSI5c covers ci沁Hbecame_ .A. com fb liableB. pleasantU finite red6d Wlial could he the best title this passage?A.Tlw channels of rni

28、iguzine colors.B.The change ol mEigazinc covers.C.Therhjngpfrfmjgine logos.第三节阅读表这MayMTnil bt blesron血ih biigliLel on Lhe 35 dav i)l the eighth inuiidi of die lunar uakml山I J.1.f) . On lliisday, pen卩I亡celebrare Mid- Mimnin Festival. Ft been erijoyirig gremr pnpuhnry j|) nvr rlw ccnrur.In dilcicin Cl

29、iiciiL llidt day tva n harvcsL1i|殳我恥竝汁“】hecuusc crap( I f y werv hiLTveslccl during (IILLLperiod.【t was a. tinnz tor rddxation acid celebraLKYn.JUKIlike Thank giving in Western enumries, familieR乱Itiy io get togeihe r for ihe Mid-An(umn Fftlival in China.Usually, no nailer lnw ftir iwjy t)r busy lhe

30、y are, people will in to reluni him it? Jur rhe ekbi7irion.The Mid-Autumn hits its own special fiwd ju.it as other traditional Chinese holidays. People ear im-win cakes wiih flllingwsuch asMigar and cgs. The round n and moon cakes slundibr lamily reunion1|-l| ).完美 WORD 格式范文.范例.指导.参考Whh the beautiful

31、 moon up in the sk) * people sil logelhei; eniflj lhe lull moon, eni moon cakes and fruit, xhare the stories,and express the best u iwhts for ihe hunily memher!;and friends who live Afar.61. Who did Su Shi write rhe poem for in Pnmraph One?fi2. Why wax ihd Mid-Autumn Festival a harvest festival in a

32、ncient China?6J. L Thanksgivingthe Mid Auluinn l ciLival anything in common?fr4. What do the full moan and moon cik聆siand lbr?65.How do people spend lhe night of the Mi,d-Autumn Festival? fLisr at least three activilies)W,写柞技能 第节锻第翻惮Starring high sthoo can he difficull. Everyone is ncrpus and nobody

33、 knows where lo go for classes.第转网凄魚迖Al. Zh67 , Becjue- ctof *0亡kurfdurnw tKu pel icd63. YiM.fUey do枳Fam4、r cumecPeojlf aaitr- the tUUU)Wfbr oulo follow.Frjjet tour rcai-and juM talk to iomeoncn67, 11 i、如iruiiiJ山“n iJ川比,Bui iry (o lake a deep breath and tbund yiwr Viiiue. Doni lr u LTaid lo apprunch

34、 Jii/1 people- lutruducc yourscll and tart a convcrtHit)Ti nbout somethin帛you have in th rouj hair. 2.门、uppi、$d to inakc vuuLyli kxik clrjin iind. lidy, whmever、仆口 壯亠匚Re iTsprctfiil尊?的)of peopled diftcit-nrcs.70. E+frycmc lur hi$ oi:her own “Dinioqjjf ibe岁orkt And eryone beliefin dilkrenl lliing. Li

35、s a pxxl thin呂lo have diffrrrnlfriends with tiilfcrcTit opinions Nxansc ynuCJIDrfUrt thw 7弭Suit(H注盘邀请帽的与作特点;(2)的词左右(开头和结尾己皓出.不讣入总词数)宿中平得岀现你的其实姓名、学栓名和地名Detir齐lf(n r time flits it lime tt) ny Kul-byc.完美 WORD 格式范文.范例.指导.参考Im IfVtkifiti fhn-L iird tn hciin/t from you all! Yrnify,Li Ht/aHmItfjiwtf *1 JiT

36、i.po-./ The tnduvrim 4rrrn jutf trnjnd rtr comn Yiwtaiofr, we do ichool tw&r hs r had time lurr ihkrm our 丹: d MEMHIn Jideil-Elrbi 火mufidutjvD nJ ?pc? wi 廿 ak H? (hr结 jvhmlurdAC ATEpLvuwi 如 haU $ ftradiMbcu pur w theCUSKMOI*fOQ pm ucxi FftdaAt cht pam U doJMU!. wFU uktvxatptKMm ltlxkp TEwmtwr dw iwc

37、et mivtKFiIiApoiiibktot ;cuv toauTOthe pn r If you artrULihle. ma vn help mtfa 茁 nttlUmtIIT. ;、Pkiie kl mtI. iixjci d!i ”auhav tfe.iled.1) Think of 田 mn to pk1)hrvurthmfi Idtc tiljwni-arccrd fcrc rann.)Buy food ud drinks尸片 jw 期站 jfer 如零如*却NiHwrf.UHtui二、评分标冷LM M画和HL a I R. i坤”二*第吧勺熾讯龍蛇寸也,3.书曲替射 r 悴JiA梢井)B甘“亍什】C档 2$俎删圈疇话裁M讦翳述爲育堇本无逞,齐戈遽显沁鱷 删翻删跡帧囁含白|量桥谒累垃倉UHL灣議 勵$鼻事H畫厅MhtlfcTM,程不H碎0莒“坤E档心力対)懵韻圈络曲1进忏羸虧 谓占圖孰婷,!1堆輕盍达师写出E运曲技芒一竺粵丽切子,只育卜别斫可養4 Mid16 j 3.肾上善當二艸竿可择置着奉.悄可fj 序

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