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1、学习资料2010 年长沙市初中毕业生英语口语考查实施细则为评价检测长沙市新课程实验初中毕业生的英语听说及口语交际能力,同时也为了促进初中英语口语教学,特制定本实施细则。一、考查对象及报名(一)考查对象长沙市城区2010 所有初中毕业生。(二)考查报名长沙市城区2010 年初中毕业生在就读学校参加中考报名,凭学生手册参考。二、考查内容及方式(一)考查内容考查内容包括 1 分钟自由展示、 朗读小短文、 对话, 话题交谈等。 口语朗读材料的难度相当于初二年级教材与初三年级教材(上册)的难度,话题为初中教材所要求掌握的话题。(二)考查方式1口语考查采取全市统一插标与学校自行组织考查相结合的办法进行。2

2、学生考查采取面试的形式,时间为3 5 分钟。3市教育局中招办将20 套口语考查题提供插标学生随机抽取,学校自行组织考查的试题可以使用上述试题,也可以根据插标试题自行命制。三、考查程序(一)市插标小组考查程序1确定插标对象。 市插标小组组长根据学校初三毕业生报名册(中考报名结束后下发)随机抽取50 名学生作为插标对象。被抽取的50 名插标对象, 在考场工作人员的组织下,交验本人学生手册,确认其身份。2打印名册。教务处按要求打印3 份插标学生( 50 名插标对象)的成绩册(格式见附件), 1 份用于组长叫号,2 份分别用于市插标成员评价与登分。3抽取考查试题备考。经确认后参与抽样插标的学生由考场工

3、作人员按照学籍号顺序叫号进入考室, 每个考室每次叫3 名考生。考生入场后先交验学生手册,然后抽取考查试题,按照试题内容准备3 分钟。 1 号考生开始考查时,2 号考生入场验证、抽题和准备。3 号考生由考场工作人员安排在考室外侯考。其他没有轮到的考生必须在相应的备考室等待,不得离开备考室。4参与考查。 (1)考查时,考生首先应向考查教师问好,并提交本人的学生手册,然后开始口语考查。(2) 考生口语试卷上提供了两个朗读内容,考生可以任选一个内容进行准备。(3) 考查完毕,考生将口语试卷交还考查教师,领回学生手册。(4) 经过考查教师示意,下一个考生进行考查。5确定学校插标的结果。全部插标考生考查完

4、毕后,市插标小组根据评分标准给出插标学生的口语考查成绩,并以此为依据确定全校学生口语考查成绩的等级比例。6核实与上报。市插标小组组长将考查结果反馈学校校长,由校长核实后签名并加盖学校公章,考查结果一式两份,一份留存学校,一份由插标小组组长于当天上报市中招办。(二)学校自行考查程序1跟踪培训。市插标工作的全过程同时也是对学校自行组考考查人员的培训过程。参与长沙市 2010 年初中毕业生英语口语考查的学校自行组考的考查人员,应在不干扰市插标小组插标工作的情况下,观察本校插标过程,熟练掌握英语口语考查的办法及评分标准。2组织考查。 插标工作结束后,学校按照插标小组的考查办法组织其他学生进行考查,仅供

5、学习与参考学习资料参与抽样插标的学生不再参加考查。3结果表达。 ( 1)学生口语考查满分为 30 分,按照 A 、B 、C、 D 四个等第进行评定,其中 27 30 分为 A ;21 26 分为 B ;1820 分为 C;18 分以下为 D。(2)学校自行组织的学生考查结果不能超过该校市插标确定的等级比例。4上报成绩。(见成绩管理 )四、成绩管理(一)成绩登记与管理参与抽样插标的学生成绩以及学校插标的等级比例由插标小组在2010 年长沙市初中毕业生英语口语考查插标学生成绩册(见附件 )、 2010 年长沙市初中毕业生英语口语考查插标结果报告单上登记,一式两份,一份留存学校,一份交市教育局中招办

6、。(二)成绩录入及上报办法学校将所有学生(含插标学生和自行组织考查的学生)成绩于 4 月 29 日 4 月 30 日导入到长沙市基础教育管理平台中。五、考查时间全市插标和学校自行组织考查工作统一在4 月 15 日 4 月 28 日进行, 市插标具体时间安排见 2010 年长沙市初中毕业生理科实验、英语口语考查插标时间安排表。六、人员选聘全市城区分 7 个插标小组, 插标小组成员由各区教研室和各中学推荐, 每区推荐英语教师(含教研员) 5 名,各中学推荐教师另行通知。推荐名单报市教育局中招办,由中招办审核确定。同时插标小组成员均需签订诚信承诺书。七、学校准备工作(一)人员准备1考前召开初中毕业班

7、相关任课教师、实验员和初中毕业生动员大会,明确任务,迎接考查。2学校要认真组织本校口语考查人员参与考查培训工作,了解掌握考查的形式及评分标准,但不得干扰插标小组正常的考查工作。(二)场地、器材准备1学校要提前做好备考室( 1 间)和考查室 (2 间 )安排,在考室前门张贴好考室名称(如:备考室、考场1、考场 2),以方便学生考查,划定警戒范围。2学校要加强安全保卫工作,考查人员和参加考查的考生凭考查工作人员证和学生手册进入考查场地,杜绝无关人员的干扰。(三)其他事项及要求1考查学生不能带通讯工具进入备考室,进入考室后必须待考查完,考查教师示意后考生才能离开。2因病或其他原因不能参与考查的学生,

8、学校必须出示市级以上医院相关证明或其他证明材料,在抽查测评学生前交市插标小组组长审核、备案。仅供学习与参考学习资料初中毕业生英语口语测试卷A 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)AWelcome to Guide Dogs Training Center, boys and girls!First, let me tell you something about guide dogs.In 1918 a doctor and his pet dog walked with

9、 a soldier who was blind. The doctor went in the hospital for a short time. When he came out, he saw his pet dog had guided the blind soldier to the other side of the hospital safely. So he taught a dog to guide a blind person and it worked out well.BA: Mike, how old are you?B: Seven.A: How long hav

10、e you played tennis?B: Since I was three.A: Who taught you how to play?B: My father.A: How many days a week do you play?B: About three or four.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题: Personal information(个人情况)请测试员向考生提下列问题:( 1 ) Are you interested in English?( 2 ) Who speaks English best in your class?( 3 ) Do you li

11、ke sports?( 4 ) What is your favorite sport? Why?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷B 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)AOne day a shop owner closed his shop and went home. Just as he was going to bed, the telephonerang. A young man asked,“ What time do you open

12、your shop?” He was unhappy. So he put downhis phone without answering and went back to bed. A few minutes later the telephone rang again.He became very angry and shouted,“ You needn t askIwillmeopenwhenthe shop, for I won tlet you in.”“ Oh, no. I don t want to get in,” the young man said,“ I want to

13、 get out.BA: Hi! How are you today?B: Not very well.A: What s up?B: I got up late this morning and missed the early bus.A: Oh, bad luc k! You were late for school, weren t you?B: Yes. And I lost my school bag.A: How?B: I left it in the bus.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题:School life (学校生活)请测试员向考生提下列问题:( 1 ) D

14、o you live near your school?( 2 ) How do you usually go to school?( 3 ) Do you have sports after school?( 4 ) What do you think of your school? Why?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷C 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)AOnce there was a famous film star called Al

15、ice Brown in England. She was in a lot of films.People could easily remember a film if she was in it. However nobody knew how old she was.Then in a film magazine, someone guessed that her age was 42. The next week, one of her fans wrote a letter and said that she was at least 50. Alice was very angr

16、y and wrote a letter to themagazine herself. It said:“ I am 39 years old and have been for several years.BA: Hello! Is there anything I can do for you?B: Yes. I need an English dictionary.A: Here you are.B: Thank you. Are there any new ones?A: This one is new and it sells well.B: How much is it?A: T

17、en dollars.B: OK. I ll take it.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题:Family, friends and people around (家庭、朋友与周围的人)请测试员向考生提下列问题:( 1 ) Are you the only child in your family?( 2 ) Do you have any friends?( 3 ) What do you usually do when you stay with your friends?( 4 ) Are you happy when you stay with your family me

18、mbers? Why?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷D 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)AOK. Here is something important for everyone going to London next month. As you know, youare going to stay with a family for two weeks. Now, the most important thing is money. You

19、should take about 530 dollars with you. I think that will be enough for everyone. Then, when you arrive you ll be met by your new family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family willfind you easily. They ve been told you all wear red shirts.BA: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. I am looking

20、 for a present for my mother.A: Maybe you can buy her some flowers.B: Great! But what kind of flowers shall I buy? Rose?A: I think these flowers are better. They are for mothers.B: How much are they?A: 80 yuan.B: OK. I ll take it.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题:Daily routines (日常活动)请测试员向考生提下列问题:( 1 ) Do you w

21、atch TV every day?( 2 ) What time do you usually go to school?( 3 ) What do you usually do on weekend?( 4 ) Do you like go shopping? Why?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷E 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)AStudents learn their lessons in class. In class teache

22、rs teach them. Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students to learn something? Of course not. There is another way to learn. That is students can teach themselves.For example, if you cannot remember something when you are doing

23、 your homework, you can look at your book to find the answer. This is a way to teach yourself. And it is not a difficult thing.BA: Excuse me, is this seat free?B: Yes. You can take it.A: Thanks. Are you Japanese?B: No, I m Chinese.A: May I know your name?B: Sure. My name is Li Juan.A: You look young

24、 and beautiful.B: Thank you.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题:Personal environments (周围的环境)请测试员向考生提下列问题:( 1) Is there a park near your home?( 2) How often do you go to the park?( 3) Do you think your hometown is beautiful?( 4) Who cleans your classroom every day?( 5) How to keep our environments nice and clean?

25、仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷F 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)AI quite enjoy going to school. I don t mean I like study. In fact, I like the time riding on my way.I go to school by bike every day. It s only five minutesbutItry to makeit ride,longer if I

26、get upnot too late. I don t really do anything then. I m just relaxing myself. No teachers, no parents, noclassmates. I am a free bird-only on my way to or from school.BA: What are you going to do when you grow up?B: I think I ll go to teach.A: Why do you like teaching?B: Because teachers get long h

27、olidays.A: Yes. But teachers make less money than office workers.B: Well, I think things are changing.A: OK. Wish you success.B: Thank you.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题: Interests and hobbies (兴趣与爱好 )请测试员向考生提下列问题:( 1) Do you like singing?( 2) Who is your favorite singer?( 3) Are you interested in playing co

28、mputer games?( 4) What do you usually do when you are free?( 5) Whats your hobby?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷G 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)AOne day, Jack saw an advertisement in a window. It said,“ Wanted. The best salesman in the world.Top pay.”Jack

29、 thought he was a great salesman and went to ask for the job.best salesman“I amintheworld,” he said to the manager.“ Give me the job.”“ You must prove you re the best.” The manager said.“ OK, I will!” Jack answered.BA: It s a beautiful day today.B: Yes, it is.A: How about going for a trip to the cou

30、ntry?B: That sounds good. What shall we do there?A: I don t know.B: What about lunch? I think we should buy something nice to eat there.A: Yes. That s a good idea.B: OK. Let s go.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题: Emotions ( 个人感情 )请测试员向考生提下列问题:( 1 ) Do you love your teacher?( 2 ) How are you getting on with you

31、r classmates?( 3 ) What do you think of your school life?( 4 ) Do you think you are a happy boy/girl? Why?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷H 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)AJim is talking about his school life:I like the ten minutes breaks at school. They ar

32、e very important to me. I m always tired afclass. The ten minutes break gives me a good rest. During the ten minutes, we talk, laugh, sing,dance and do what w e like to do. That is my happiest time at school. I m sure every student likesthe ten minutes break.Do you agree with him?BA: Where were you

33、born?B: I was born in London.A: Do you still live in London?B: No, I m living in Beijing now.A: Oh, really? How long have you been there?B: Since last spring.A: Are you happy there?B: Yes. The Chinese people are very friendly.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题: Interpersonal relationships ( 人际关系 )请测试员向考生提下列问题:(

34、1 ) Do you have any brothers/sisters?( 2 ) What do you think of your parents?( 3 ) Who is your best friend?( 4 ) Are you happy at school? Why?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷I 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)ALast spring I went to a pear garden in the countr

35、y with my friends. Looking at the clean sky, looking at the green grassland, looking at the pear trees full of white flowers, I felt quite happy. Some of us were playing games, others were taking pictures. We all enjoyed ourselves. I asked what would happen if pear flowers fell down? Someone answere

36、d me that flowers would become sweet fruit just as our successful and rich future.BA: Hello, David! Did you watch the football match last Friday?B: No, I didn t.A: What a pity! It was so exciting.B: Which teams were in the match?A: Class 1 and Class 3.B: Really? Where did they have the match?A: On t

37、he school playground.B: OK. Next time I won t miss it.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题: Plans and intentions ( 计划与愿望 )请测试员向考生提下列问题:(1 ) Are you going to watch TV tonight?( 2 ) What are you going to do on this weekend?( 3 ) Do you make a plan when new school year begins?( 4 ) What do you want to be when you gro

38、w up?( 5 ) How to make your dream come true?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷J 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)ANow students are busy studying all day, so we hardly have any time to watch TV on weekdays. Even in our spare time, we have to do lots of homework.

39、 We feel very tired. We need to rest our minds.I think watching TV is the best and easiest way to relax.TV plays tell us how to be good people. We learn more about nature by watching Animal World.TV shows us a colorful world.BA: Where are you going?B: I m going to the airport.A: For your summer holi

40、day?B: Yes. I m going to stay with my aunt in Beijing.A: How long will you be there?B: About two months.A: I hope you will enjoy yourself.B: Thank you.第三部分:日常交谈。话题:Festivals, holidays and celebrations (节假日活动)请测试员向考生提下列问题: (计 10分)(1)When is Children Day?(2)Do you like going out when you are free?(3)W

41、hat do you often do on New Year s Day?(4)Do you like Spring Festival? Why?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷K 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)ASince the earliest time, trees have always been very useful and important to man who made use of them in many ways. E

42、ven today trees continue to serve man in so many ways.Trees provide man with fruit and wood. Without trees it would be impossible to build hoses, boats and even bridges. Furniture such as tables, chairs and beds are also made of wood.BA: I ve been asked for dinner tonight. What time should I arrive?

43、B: When will the dinner begin?A: At seven.B: Then get there before 7:00.A: What shall I take?B: You can bring a small present.A: Thank you for your help.B: That s all right.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题: Shopping ( 购物 )请测试员向考生提下列问题:(1) Is there a supermarket near your home?(2) Where did you buy you pen?(3)

44、How much is your jacket/shirt/skirt?(4) Do you like going shopping? Why?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷L 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)AMy hometown used to be a poor and small village with old houses here and there. But now it has changed into a new town.

45、 More and more buildings have been built. People are living a happy and easy life. Many people drive to work or take a bus instead of riding a bike or walking. Different kinds of shops can be seen along the wide street. People can buy everything they want. The riveraround our town isn t dirty any lo

46、nger. Flowers and trees are smiling to you all the year round.BA: What are you going to do on this weekend?B: I ve no idea.A: How about going to the English Corner with me?B: I betterd not.A: Why?B: I m not good at English.A: It doesn t matter. I ll help you.B: OK. That will be fine.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10

47、 分)话题:Food and drink ( 饮食 )请测试员向考生提下列问题:(1) Did you have your breakfast today?(2) What do you usually have for lunch?(3) What s your favorite food?(4) Do you have milk and egg every day? Why?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷M 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)A

48、Now more and more people like to use “ OK”to express their ideas instead of saying “ It all sright.When” in class a teacher says “ OK?”he really means “ Doyou understand?If”someonesays sorry to you, you may simply say“ That s OK, ” which means“ Never mind.”Have you ever asked yourself where“ OK” cam

49、e from?“ OK”was used by sailors at first, and it means all is fine or everything is good.BA: Which shirts do you like?B: I can t decide.A: Which color would you like?B: I like blue, but this one is too dark.A: What about that one?B: That s too light.A: Is this one better?B: Yes, that s just right.第三

50、部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题:Sports and health (体育与健康 )请测试员向考生提下列问题:(1) Do you do morning exercise every day?(2) What time do you usually have sports?(3) Is watching TV too much good or bad for your health?(4) Do you like fast food?(5) How to keep healthy?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷N 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自

51、由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)AHello, everyone. Here s some information about our trip to the town of Xingsha tomorrow.It ll take us two hours if there isn t much traffic, so we ll have to start early. The bus will wait fyou at the school gate and it won t leave until half p

52、ast seven.First we ll go to a park. It s a very interesting place and I. Therem sureare you ll enjoy itlots of things to see. We ll stay there for two hours. We ll take sandwiches for lunch and eat together in the park.BA: Can I help you, madam?B: Yes, please. I come to see my son, but I can t find

53、the way.A: Have you ever been to Changsha before?B: Yes, several years ago I did. But Changsha has changed a lot.A: That s true. Do you know your son s phone number?B: Yes.A: OK. Don t worry. I ll call him to meet you here.B: Thank you very much.第三部分:日常交谈。 (计 10 分)话题:Weather (天气 )请测试员向考生提下列问题:( 1 )

54、Is it a fine day today?( 2 ) What s the weather like here in winter?( 3 ) What do you often do when it s very hot in summer?( 4 ) Do you like spring? Why?仅供学习与参考学习资料新课程初中毕业生英语口语测试卷O 卷(教师用卷 )第一部分:请学生用英语作“一分钟自由展示”(自备题)(计 10 分)第二部分:下面有A 和 B 两个语言材料,请你任选一个朗读。(计 10 分)AAs we know, computer is one of the mo

55、st important inventions. The old kind of computer is large.But now, computer is getting smaller and smaller. It muchs cheaper than before. It can helppeople a lot.I like playing computer games. It can make me relax. And I also like surfing on the Internet. Ithink it is very useful for us to study the computer science. But I know that some students

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