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1、北师大版小学数学五年级上册期末试卷清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授研究组提供北师大版小学数学五年级上册期末试卷一、直接写出得数。(8分)1/2+1/2= 1/2+1/3= 7/97/9= 5/62/3=15/11= 3/4+3/4= 2/72/7= 1 6/13=二、我能填。(25分)1、16的因数有( ),24的因数有( ),16和24的最大公因数是( )。2、在45、9、5三个数中,( )是( )的因数,( )是( )的倍数。3、15和9的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。4、有一个两位数5,如果它是5的倍数,里可以填( )。如果它是3的倍数,

2、里可以填( ),如果它同时是2、5的倍数,里可以填( )。5、在自然数110中,质数有( ),合数有( )。6、分母是8的最简真分数有( ),它们的和是( )。7、 1又5/8中含有( )个 1/8。再减去( )个 1/8,它的值是1/2。8、把3米长的绳子平均分成5份,每份占全长的( ),每份长有( )米。9、一个平行四边形的底是5cm,高是4cm,它的面积是( ),与它等底等高的三角形面积是( )。10、口袋里有大小相同的8个红球和4个黄球,从中任意摸出1个球,摸出红球的可能性是( ),摸出黄球的可能性是( ),摸出( )球的可能性最大。三、判对错。(5分)1、用2、3、4三个数字所组成的

3、三位数,都能被3整除。 ( )2、所有的假分数都比1大。 ( )3、一个数的最大因数是它本身。 ( )4、一个数的倍数是有限的,而它的因数却是无限的。 ( )5、 1千克的3/5和3千克的1/5一样重 。 ( )四、作选择。(5分)1、要使46是3的倍数,里可以填( )A、1、2、3 B、2、4、6 C、2、5、82、一个三角形的底不变,如果高扩大4倍,那么它的面积( ) A、扩大4倍 B、扩大2倍 C、无法确定。3、将一个平行四边形沿高剪开,可能得到( )。 A、一个三角形和一个梯形 B、一个平行四边形和一个梯形C、两个三角形 D、两个梯形4、下面分数中,最接近1的分数是 ( )。 A、1/

4、7 B、8/9 C、13/125、淘气和笑笑分别向希望书库捐了各自图书的1/5,( )。 A、笑笑捐的图书多 B、淘气捐的图书多 C、笑笑和淘气捐的图书同样多 D、无法确定谁捐的图书多五、我会算(27分)1、细心算(18分)7/9 2/3+ 2/9 1/2+ 1/3+ 1/4 1/5+3/8+4/54/7+ 2/94/7 1 1/65/6 1/5+ 3/8+ 4/52、解方程(9分) x 5/6= 1/9 1/2+ x = 5/6 12x 9x = 8.7 六、解决问题。(30分) 1、粉刷梯形广告牌的正反两面,上底4米,下底5米,高是上底的一半,如果每平方米用油漆0.6千克,需要多少千克油漆

5、?2、把20块巧克力平均分给3个人,每人分到几块?平均分给8人呢?3、甲、乙两个工程队修一条长1400米的公路,他们从两端同时开工,甲队每天修80米,乙队每天修60米,多少天后能够修完这条公路?4、休闲旅行社推出以下AB两种优惠方案:A方案:海滨二日游,大人每位260元,小孩每位140元。B方案:海滨二日游,7人以上(含7人)一律每位200元。若有5个大人,7个小孩,该选哪种方案省钱?5、森林运动会上,小鹿和小山羊进行赛跑比赛,跑了相同的路程,小鹿用了5/6分,小山羊用了6/7分。谁跑得更快一些?6、一本故事书,小红第一天看了全书的4/15,第二天看了全书的1/4,两天看了这本书的一、 解决问

6、题1、 把49个面包,每8个装一盒,可以装几盒,还剩几个?2、 一本24页的书,我每天看5页,至少要几天看完?3、 怎样租车老师带29名学生去旅游, 大车:限坐8人小车:限坐3人, 大车小车方案一方案二4、 李老师买了5支圆珠笔花了15元钱,又买了一支钢笔花了12元钱,一支圆珠笔比一支钢笔便宜多少钱?5、 一本奇妙的海洋共有52页,我看了17页,剩下的5天看完,剩下的每天看多少页?二、解决问题1、 书包 文具盒 26元 6元 我用50元买了一个书包,剩下的钱可以买了几个文具盒2、商店有7包袜子,每包有6双,卖出32双,还剩下多少双?3、工人叔叔修一条长100千米的公路,已经修了55千米,剩下的

7、每天修5千米,几天可以修完?4、学校举行合唱比赛,二年级有9个班,其中有一个班派了4个人参加比赛,而其他每个班都派了6个人参加比赛,二年级一共有多少人参加合唱比赛?5、一篇文章有900个字,我已经打了580个字,剩下多少个字没打?三、解决问题1、32个茶杯,每6个装一盒,可以装几盒?还剩几个?2、开家长会,小兰要给到会的28位家长每人倒一杯水,1瓶水可以倒6杯。需要几瓶水?3、一张桌子围6人,我们班有46人,至少需要几张桌子?4、 面包 饼干 花生 3元 4元 7元(1) 我买4包花生和1袋饼干,该付多少元?(2) 我有20元,买5包面包应找回多少元?5、 玫瑰花 菊花 百合花 每枝5元 每束

8、8枝共24元 每枝4元 (1)买一枝玫瑰花比一枝菊花贵多少元? (3) 买一枝百合花和一枝菊花,共花多少元? 四、解决问题1、海豚队一共获得多少分? 海豚 赢一场得3分 平一场得1分2、开家长会搬凳子,单人椅有24张,双人椅有9张。一共能坐多少人? 3、我们有6人,要折100知纸鹤,现在每人折了9只,还要再折多少只纸鹤呢?我花12元买6瓶果汁。4、哪种饮料便宜,每瓶便宜多少元?小明说: 小红说:5、 三(1)班男生有30人,女生有24人,要乘车去旅游,中巴限坐9人,至少需要几条船?五、解决问题一班二班三班2429281、三个班学生组成体操队,进行体操表演,平均排成9行,每行多少人?2、妈妈拿来

9、50个苹果,给了14个张阿姨,把剩下的每个篮子装9个,需要几个篮子?3、二(1)班有7个组,其中有一个组6人,而其余每组7人,二(1)班一共有多少人?4、 电视机 电冰箱 洗衣机 560元 960元 815元(1) 买一台电视机和一台洗衣机共花多少元?(2) 买一台电视机比一台电冰箱便宜多少元?6、 一本连环画共有215页,淘气看了76页,还剩下多少页没看?六、解决问题1、一捆铁丝长1000米,用去156米。(1)还剩下多少米?(3) 剩下的铁丝比用去的多多少米?2、下图是胜利商店卖出水果情况,看图提出问题,并解答。3、便民超市运进苹果109箱,运进的桃子比苹果少25箱。(1)运进桃子多少箱?

10、(2)两种水果共运进多少箱?4、芳芳家买一把椅子花了168元,买一张桌子比椅子多花282元。(1)这张桌子多少元?(2)芳芳家买这一套桌椅共花多少元?七、解决问题1、小剧场共有500个座位。一、二年级的学生去看电影,座位够吗?一年级248人二年级247人北京2、下面是“北京南京”沿线各大站的火车里程表。里程/千米北京天津137北京济南497北京滁州814北京蚌埠979北京南京1160天津 蚌埠 (1) 天津到济南有多少千米?(2) 济南到滁州有多少千米?(3) 天津到南京有多少千米?少年宫3、小明从家经过少年宫到学校比小明从家直接到学校远多少米?八、解决问题1、共有850棵白菜,运走了288棵

11、,再运走360棵,还剩下多少棵?2、人民剧场楼下425个座位,楼上比楼下少185个座位。 (1)楼上有多少个座位? (2)人们剧场一共有多少个座位?3、 手表 电饭锅 自行车 台灯 138元 295元 368元 67元(1) 买一个电饭锅、一辆自行车和一块手表共要多少元? (2)500元买一个电饭锅和一盏台灯应找回多少元?上午 产蛋 528个 售出 480个下午 产蛋 326个 4、下面是小南庄养鸡场某天鸡蛋产售情况记录。到傍晚,养鸡场存有多少个鸡蛋?第五单元达标测验题(100分60分钟)第卷听力部分一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _答案:1.A:wh

12、atre the children doing?B:Theyre swimming.2.A:Whatre the man and WOIaFt doing?B:Theyre dancing.3.A:Whatre the boys doing?B:Theyre playing football.4.A:What can you see in the picture?B:I can see three apples.5.A:How many tomatoes can you see in the picture?B:I can see four.E B AC D二、听句子,选择正确答语(分)1.A

13、.Youre welcome.B.Im sorry to herar that.C.The same to you.D.You must look after yourself.2.A.Yes,there are.B.Yes,there is.C.Yes,it is.D.Its mine3.A.Hes over thereB.Its over thereC.Its far away.D.Its at school.4.A.Yes,they are.B.No,it isnt.C.Yes,there is.D.Why not watch TV?5.A.Thanks a lot.B.All righ

14、t.C.Thats all right.D.Thank you all the same.答案:1.I hurt my leg. 2.Is this bedroom mine?3.Wheres your son?4.Are they going upstairs to watch TV?5.Thanks for telling me the way to the post office.B C A A C三、听短文,选出最佳答案完成短文(10分)On weekdays,Ann gets up at six thirty.She 1 breakfast at seven,and 2 she go

15、es to school 3 her bike.She gets to school at about seven thir-ty.She doesnt like 4 .Classes begin at eight oclock,and lunch 5 at twelve. 6 are over at three thirty,and she 7 home at five oclock.On Sundays,Ann doesnt get up 8 .She gets up at about eight oclock,and 9 breakfast for her family.Her fath

16、er and mother like to 10 breakfast in bed.1.A.isB.areC.hasD.have2.A.afterB.beforeC.thatD.then3.A.byB.onC.withD.for4.A.lateB.be lateC.to be lateD.to late5.A.isB.areC.hasD.have6.A.ClassB.ClassesC.SchoolD.Schools7.A.gets toB.get toC.getD.gets8.A.earlyB.lateC.be earlyD.be late9.A.goesB.hasC.eatsD.makes1

17、0.A.makeB.haveC.makingD.having答案:On weekdays.Ann gets up at six thirty.She has breakfast atseven,and then she goes to school on her bike.She gets toschool at about seven thirty.She doesnt like to be late.Classes begin at eight oclock,and lunch is at twelve.Clas-ses are over at three thirty.and she g

18、ets home at five oclock.On Sundays,Ann doesnt get up early,She gets up at abouteight oclock,and makes breakfast for her family.Her fatherand mother like to have breakfast in bed.15:C D B C A 610:B D A D B第卷笔试部分四、词汇(15分)(一)用所给单词的适当形式填空(分)1.My mother always_(cook)meat for me.2.He is_(read)a book in th

19、e living room now.3.Lets_(make)a big cake.4.I always_(wash)dishes for my mother.5.He wants to be a_(drive)in the future.答案:1.cooks点拨:第三人称单数形式。2.reading点拔:由is可知用现在进行时。3.make点拨:1et sb.do sth.意为让某人做某事。4.wash点拨:wash dishes意为洗盘子。5.driver点拨:意为司机。(二)根据汉语提示完成句子(分)6.Come in!This is my_(厨房).7.Could!you please

20、_(传递)me my raincoat?8.Im very_(乐意的;高兴的)to hear that you will come.9.The_(温度)in this room is very high.10.My grandmother is seventy-six_(年)old.答案:6.kitchen7.pass点拨:pass sb.sth.意为传递给某人某物。8.glad点拨:be glad to do sth.意为乐意做某事。9.temperature10.years点拨:由seventy-six可知用名词复数。(三)根据句意及首字母完成句子(分)11.I hurt my hand

21、with this k .12.I would like some j to drink.13.The color of our hairs are the s .14.-Where is the meat?-Its I the refrigerator.15.The red bike is m .答案:11.knife点拨:意为小刀。12.juice点拨:意为果汁。13.same点拨:意为相同的。14.inside点拨:意为在里面。15,mine点拨:意为我的。五、单项选择(10分)1.Can you_Chinese?A.sayB.tellC.speakD.talk答案:C点拨:说某种语言用

22、speak。2.- _.May I ask you some questions?-Certainly.A.Im sorryB.Excuse meC.All rightD.OK答案:B点拨:当打扰别人的时候,一般的礼貌用语为Excuse me !3.-How is the weather today?-Its_.A.rainyB.windC.sunD.highly答案:A点拨:形容天气状况用形容词即rainy。4.-Would you like to play football with us?-_,but I am busy now.A.Id like toB.Yes,I am gladC.

23、No,I dont likeD.No,I wouldnt答案:A点拨:要用委婉的语气回答,可排除C、D,以Would like开头的问句的肯定吲答为“Id like to.”而不用“yes”或“rio”。故选A。5.-I bought a pair of shoes for you,Please_.-OK.A.wear itB.take itC.put it onD.dress it答案:C点拨:put on强调动作;而wear强调状态;dress后不能接衣服作宾语;take不符合题意。故选C。6.-Happy New Year!-_.A.Happy tooB.The same to youC

24、.GoodD.Good luck答案:B点拨:固定用语,惑为也祝你新年快乐。7.-Do they like swimming?-Yes, _A.they doB.do theyC.they areD.are they答案:A点拨:以D。开头的一般疑问句的肯定回答为“Yes,do.”。8.-What a beautiful dress!Is it_?-Yes,it is_.A.your;myB.yours;myC.your;mineD.yours;mine答案:D点拨:使用的都是名词性的物主代词。9.-Do you usually go to school by bus?-No,I_.I alw

25、ays go to school by bike.A.neverB.gets toC.getsD.get to答案:A点拨:由我总是骑自行车去学校可知选never。10.Stop talking and_work.A.get B.gets toC.getsD.get to答案:D点拨:get to work意为开始工作;and连接两个并列成分,都用动词原形。六、补全对话(10分)A:Whats the 1 today,Mary?B:Its May 2 .A:Oh,tomorrow is your moms birthday.Do you 3 ?B:Of 4 ,I do.How shall we

26、 celebrate it?A:First 5 all,a birthday gift. 6 7 her a beautiful sweater?B:Thats a good 8 .I think it will make 9 happy.A:Ershall we have a special dinner?B:Yes,Dad.How about a Chinese dinner?A:OK,Im going go buy a sweater.You can cook at home.B:Oh,dont forget to buy a 10 .1.A.dateB.dayC.numberD.mon

27、th2.A.twenty-firstB.twenty-oneC.twentieth-firstD.twentieth-one3.A.forgetB.rememberC.thinkD.think out4.A.that B.soC.thisD.course5.A.ofB.atC.inD.for6.A.WhatB.Which aboutC.What aboutD.When about7.A.buyB.to buyC.buyingD.bought8.A.questionB.problemC.ideaD.answer9.A.youB.meC.dadD.her10.A.birthday cakeB.sw

28、eaterC.chickenD.flower答案:整体把握:此对话讲的是Mary的妈妈的生日到了,Mary和她的爸爸谈论怎么给她的妈妈过生日。1.A点拨:固定句型。意为今天是几月几日。2.A点拨:表达几月几目的日要用序数词,二十一的序数词为twenty-first。 3.B点拨:你记得吗?4.D点拨:固定短语。意为当然。5.A点拨:固定用法,意为首先。6.C点拨:What about是询问“怎么样?”,在这里指“买一个漂亮的毛衣怎么样?”。7.C点拨:What about doing sth.,what about后可跟动名词。8.C点拨:固定用法,意为那是一个好主意。其他的词都不符合题意。9

29、.D点拨:这句话为Mary说的,那样妈妈会很高兴。10.A点拨:过生日当然不能忘了买生日蛋糕。七、句型转换(15分)1.My friend is good at Chiese.(用English改为选择疑问句)_good at Chinese _ _?答案:Is your friend;or English点拨:用or连接两个选择的部分。2.I want to have a rest.(改为同义句)I_to have a rest.答案:would like点拨:两个都为想要的意思。3.Jenny is helping Danny study English now.(改为同义句)Jenny

30、is helping Danny _English now.答案:with his点拨:help sb.do sth.=help sb.with sth.都意为帮助某人做某事。4.Its time to go to school.(改为同义句)Time_ _.答案:for school点拨:Its time to do sth.=Time for sth.都意为到做的时候了。5.They play basketball on the playground.(改为一般疑问句)_they_basketball on the play-ground?答案:Do;play点拨:用助动词do。6.Wha

31、t do you think of this book?(改为同义句)_this book?答案:What/How about点拨:What do you think of?和What/How about?都意为“你认为怎么样?”。7.He is very old.He cant go that far.(改为同义句)He is_old_go that far.答案:too;to点拨:固定结构,意为“太而不能”。8.He does his homework in the evening(对画线部分提问)_he_his homework?答案:When does;do点拨:对时间提问用when。

32、9.Lets go outside.(改为否定祈使句)_outside.答案:Dont go10.He often walks to school(对画线部分提问)_he often_ _school?答案:How does;go to点拨:how在此是对乘车方式提问。八、完形填空(10分)This is a 1 bedroom.It is a nice 2 .The two beds look 3 .This bed is Wang Leis.That 4 is Wang Fangs.The twins 5 one desk and 6 chairs. 7 books and pencil-

33、boxes are on the 8 .Their 9 are behind the chairs.The bedroom is very 10 .1.A.twinB.twinsC.twinsD.twins2.A.bookB.bikeC.roomD.school3.A.sameB.the sameC.a sameD.an same4.A.badB.bedC.bedsD.bag5.A.haveB.hasC.havingD.haves6.A.threeB.oneC.twoD.four7.A.TheyB.ThemC.TheirD.Theirs8.A.deskB.chairC.desksD.chair

34、s9.A.hatsB.schoolbagsC.mapsD.coats10.A.niceB.friendlyC.wellD.right答案:1.D点拨:根据文意可知是两个人的房间,所以应在s后加“”。2.C点拨:由上文提到bedroom可知足房间,所以选room。3.B点拨:look the same为固定用法,意为看上去一样。4.B点拨:由this、that可知所指事物相同,所以选bed。5.A点拨:由the twins可知是两个人,所以选have。6.C点拨:由图示可知是两把椅子。7.C点拨:意为她们的。8.A点拨:由图示可知都在一张桌子上。9.B点拔:由图示可知她们的书包挂在椅子后面。10

35、.A点拨:nice意为舒适的,而其他的词friendly友好的;well副词,好;right正确的,都与句意不符。九、任务型阅读(10分)The activities at weekendsSaturdaySunday8:30-9:308:00-11:00Piano lessonSwimming clubMiss WhiteGao Li10:00-12:0014:00-16:30DrawingComputerMiss YangMr Scott14:30-16:0017:00-18:00English filmsAn English speechMiss LiMr Black上面是一张少年宫双休

36、日活动安排表,请你根据表格完成下面的句子1.You can learn_from Mr Scott in the after-noon.2.You want to learn drawing,so you can go there at around 9:45 on_.3.Gao Li teaches swimming for_ _ev-ery Sunday.4.Mr Black usually gives_ _ _on Sunday afternoon.5.On Saturday you can enjoy_ _from 2:30p.m to 4:30 p.m答案:puter点拨:由14:0

37、016:30 Compfiter Mr Scott可知。2.Saturday 点拨:由Saturday 10:0012:00 Drawing MissYang可知。3.three hours点拨:由Sunday 8:001l:00 Swimming clubGao Li可知。4.an English speech点拨;由17:OO18:00 An English speechMr Black可知。5.English films点拨:由14:3016:30 English films Miss Li可知。十、书面表达假如你叫李华,在网上认识了一个叫David的网友,现在请你根据下列要点给Davi

38、d写封E-mail,介绍你自已的一些情况。1.家住上海2.喜欢唱歌3.经常玩足球4.想去英国旅行要求:词数在50左右。提供词:live in;sing;play football;go on a trip_答案:范文: David, How are you?My name is Li Hua.I live in Shanghai.I like singing very much.1 often play foot- ball with my friends.I want to be your penfriend.Do you want to make friends with me?By th

39、e way,I want to go on a trip to England.Do you welcome me?Please write soon. Li Hua点评:踢足球笔友交朋友顺便说一下总评:格式正确,语言连贯,达到了题目的要求。北京名校小升初真题一、选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内。(15分)( )1. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse( )2. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths( )3. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp( )4. A. bo

40、ok B. good C. food D. classroom( )5. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cats二、根据所给中文,英文释义及首字母提示完成句子。(15分)6. How many _ (猴子) does the zoo have ?7. He listens to the teacher as _(仔细) as his cousin.8. The old man lived in a _(not quiet) street, so he couldnt sleep well every day.9. W_ (the fourth day in

41、a week) is my busiest day.10. My ideal school starts at 9:00 a.m. and f_ at 3:00 p.m.三、根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。(15分)11.Look! One of the children _(swim)in the lake.12.Lily is much _(health) than her sister.13.They _(fly) to the UK, didnt they ?14.Is _(eat) too much good or bad for your body ?15.Mr. Lee _ (g

42、ive) us a talk on the history of China tomorrow, isnt he?四、选择最佳答案。(110分)( )16.- Could you help me , please ?- _.A. Yes , please . B. Yes , I could. C. Yes, I can. D. Youre welcome .( )17.There is _sheep on the hill .A. little B. a few C. a little D. few( )18.There is _ “h ” , _ “o”,_“u ” and _ “r ”i

43、n the word “hour ”.A. an ; an ; a ; an B. a; an; a; a C. a; an ; an; a D. an; an ; an ; an( )19.-I had a really good weekend at my uncles.-_.A. Oh, thats very nice of you. B. Congratulations.C. Its a pleasure. D. Oh, Im glad to hear that.( )20.-Can I get you a cup of tea?-_.A. Thats very nice of you

44、 B. With pleasureC. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea( )21-Does she work here?-No, but these days she _ here.A. helps B. help C. is helping D. helping( )22. -_ today! -Yes. Shall we have a picnic in the open air?A. What fine weather is B. How fine weather it isC. What a fine weather it is D.

45、How fine the weather is( )23. I _tired yesterday, so I _ go shopping with her.A. am, dont B. was, am not C. was, didnt D. am, am not( )24. -Could you get to the park before 3 oclock?-_. Ill still be at the meeting then.A. I think so B. Yes, I could C. Im afraid not D. Im afraid so( ) 25. Miss Gao is

46、 _teacher. She teaches _ English.A. our, my B. us, me C. us, our D. our, us五、根据明信片内容及26-30的提示语,将英文代号A-E填在相应的横线上。(15分)To_A_Youre an excellent person. I am sure your new job will be a great success.Best wishes fromMrs BellDear_B_Wish you every success in your exams. Well be thinking of you.All our lov

47、e,Granny & GrandpaDear_C_People like you make the world brighter with the special things you do.Love fromAndyTo_D_Hoping that good health will soon be yours.With very best wishes fromeveryone at Better BooksTo dear _E_Life is boring without you. Hurry back.Love,Angela26_ Simon is working in another

48、city for four weeks.27 _ Mary is in hospital.28 _John has just started a new job.29 _Karen will start her final exams next week.30 _Ann cleaned her friends house when her friend was on holiday.六、完型填空。 (110分)“Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(剑桥)ask. But no

49、one can give them a _(31)_answer, for there is no wall to be found _(32)_ the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, _(33)_, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and_(34)_ of the thirtyone colleges(学院).Ca

50、mbridge was already a_(35)_ town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once _(36)_ the Cam. A_(37)_ was built over the river as early as 875,so the town got its name “Cambridge”.In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and mo

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