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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上哈尔滨医科大学“Show your life”英语风采大赛主持词男:尊敬的各位领导老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!女:Honorable guests,ladies and gentlemen, good evening! Welcome to “Show your life” English talent competition. Here is the final contest!男:首先请允许我介绍莅临本场比赛的嘉宾有:让我们以最热烈的掌声对他们的到来表示欢迎和感谢!女:Lets welcome all the guests and judges with a

2、big round of applause!男:在这憧憬与梦想汇成的季节,我们展开理想的翅膀女:On the passionate and youthful stage, we show our life heartily!男:今晚,让我们燃烧激情,品味英语的魅力与文化女:Tonight,let s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true!男:下面我宣布“Show your life”英语风采大赛现在正式开始!女:Lets look forward to all the teams wisdom, confidence a

3、nd brilliant performances! Wish them good luck!男:经典的轮回,语言的交汇,比拼东西方名著与经典,云集古往今来的理想与现实女:There are classical stories both from the eastern and western world, full of dreams and realities of both past and present男:英语演绎的经典必将会给我们带来别样的精彩,下面进入本场比赛的第一环节:演绎经典Review第一环节男:经典的爱情总是为人们带来一次次刻骨铭心的感动,亘古不变,首先有请来自临床七年制

4、的Tinker Bell为大家带来孔雀东南飞女:Now let us welcome the first teamTinker Bell, and enjoy男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有请-老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome -to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分女:Thank -s question and the teams answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to Tinker Bell男:下面有请来自公共卫生学院的同

5、学们为我们演绎麦琪的礼物女:Now please enjoy男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有请-老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome -to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分女:Thank -s question and the teams answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to their performance.男:巧妙的回答,深厚的友谊,接下来来自影像口腔专业的Light in the road将用他们精彩的表演为我们重现威

6、尼斯商人那场经典的法庭对峙,有请他们女:Now please enjoy男:感谢Light in the road的精彩表演,有请-老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome -to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分女:Thank -s question and the teams answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to Light in the road男:接下来来自11基础的Girls aloud将会为我们展现一个普通女孩成为公主的历程,有请公

7、主日记女:Now please enjoy男:感谢Girls aloud 的精彩表演,有请-老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome -to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分女:Thank -s question and the teams answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to Girls aloud男:接下来有请来自第三临床医学院的lottery girls为我们演绎经典的傲慢与偏见女:Now please enjoy男:谢谢lottery

8、girls的表演,有请-老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome -to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分女:Thank -s question and the teams answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to lottery girls男:下面有请来自12基础的crazy17为我们带来美丽的经典童话白雪公主与七个小矮人女: Now please enjoy男:谢谢crazy17的表演,有请-老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welc

9、ome -to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答,请评委打分女:Thank -s question and the teams answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to crazy17第二环节男:再次感谢所有队伍为我们带来的精彩表演!男:奇思妙想蕴含独特深意,出口成章方显绝世才华,接下来进入到比赛的第二环节:出口成章Describe.女; Now lets begin the second part of our competition. In this part, each

10、team will elect one contestant to stand for their team and give us an improvised speech. Before the speech, every competitor will choose a picture to watch .Then make a speech about the picture . Every contestant has 10 seconds to prepare and deliver his or her speech. Each speech lasts 3 minutes.男:

11、在本部分中,每个团队将选出一个选手作为他们的代表给我们一次即兴演讲。在演讲之前,每一位选手将选择一个序号,序号后面对应着一组图片。选手看过图片后需做一个关于图片的演讲。每个选手有10秒准备然后开始他们的演讲。演讲时长为3分钟,现在开始比赛。有请各队伍的代表上场。女:Now, please welcome contestant No1,who is from Tinker Bell女:Choose a picture, please/Which picture do you like/Make your choice/A picture pleaseOk Now 10 seconds to pr

12、epare and give your speech/10s to think and show, please/Now time to prepare and deliver your speech/do your preparation and show your idea女: Thank you. It now turns to contestant No2, who is from- which picture would you choose?女:go off the stage and wait for your marks.艺术团表演女:Ok, thanks for all th

13、e competitors.男:惟妙的英文演绎,让我们置身经典的海洋;精彩的英文演讲,让我们称叹选手们的奇思与妙答。接下来请放松您的耳朵,一起来欣赏由校艺术团的康欣悦 史丽琼为我们带来的start of something new-女:Please enjoyby康欣悦 史丽琼from Art troupe. welcome.点评环节男:谢谢-为我们带来的歌曲,下面请用热烈的掌声欢迎-为本场比赛进行点评女:Please welcome-to comment our competition男:谢谢-的点评,接下来有请-点评女:Thanks for-comment, and next lets w

14、elcome-to make comments on our competition男:谢谢-的点评女:Thanks for -s affirmation and encourage颁奖环节男:激烈的比拼闪耀出青春的光彩,机智的问答碰撞出智慧的火花,欣赏完同学们的精彩表演后,接下来到了激动人心的颁奖环节,女:OK, now, Ladies and gentlemen, the exciting moment is coming. we are going to announce the winners.男:下面我宣布,获得“Show your life”英语风采大赛三等奖的队伍是-女:The

15、team who get the third prize of“Show your life” English talent competition is-Congratulations男:有请-为他们颁奖女:Now please welcome-to award them男:下面我宣布,获得“Show your life”英语风采大赛二等奖的队伍是-女:The team who get the second prize of“Show your life” English talent competition is-Congratulations男:有请-为他们颁奖女:Now please

16、welcome-to award them男:下面我宣布,获得“Show your life”英语风采大赛一等奖的队伍是-女:The team who get the first prize of“Show your life” English talent competition is-Congratulations男:有请-为他们颁奖女:Now please welcome-to award them结束语男:心有多大,舞台就有多大。梦想有多远,你就能走多远。女:The stage extends as far as the heart goes. The further the drea

17、m, the farther we can go. We hope more students could dare to display themselves through this competition. And our college could be full of confidence.男:我宣布“Show your life”英语风采大赛到此结束,朋友们,再会!女:Thanks for all your coming! See you later!男:请嘉宾和评委上台与获奖选手合影留念。请观众有序退场。女:Welcome guests and judges to take photos with winning teams on the stage. Audience orderly exits, please.专心-专注-专业

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