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1、湘潭大学2006年下学期2005级国际政治经济学课程期末考试(B卷)学院 专业 班级 学号 姓名 考试时间 120分钟 考试方式 闭卷 考试成绩 一、写出下列缩写的完整形式(每题1分,共10分)11 / 11文档可自由编辑打印EC_ IAEA_KEDO_OAU_ TMD_ EMS_IMF_NATO_OPEC_ CFSP_二、把下列英文短语和句子翻译为汉语(共70分)A短语(每题0.5分,共10分)1. The Axis Power_2. Meiji Restoration_ 3. Economic viability _ 4. Bubble economy_5. The Big Bang_ 6

2、. stock-s mechanism_ 7. Davos World Economic Forum_8. The robber mentality_ 9. Industrial syndicates_ 10. Nuclear, chemical, and biologically weapons_ 11. Popular mind_ 12. New World Order_13. Incumbent party_ 14. zero-sum game_15. Political temper_16. military-industrial complex_17. Territorial dis

3、putes_18. Mutual confidence_19. Status quo_ 20. Territorial and power ambitions_ B句子(每题6分,共60分)1. Optimism, yes. But Japans economic revolution will not succeed without a fight. A great deal of resistance remains in some Japanese circles-justifiably so. The revolutionary changes in the Japanese econ

4、omic will not bring growth right away. Nor will they end the economic ups and downs anytime soon. The speed and efficacy of these reforms will largely depend on how companies and consumers implement them.2. A Russia that works for its citizens and plays a constructive role in world politics will be

5、a Russia that has chosen well. To achieve such an outcome, a new set of rules must be established. The most important step is to separate business from political power in order to fight corruption.3. The present system of economic management, where most large enterprises are run by insiders who disr

6、egard the owners rights, must be radically reformed. Bankruptcy laws should be fully enforced to help eliminate incompetent managers, crooks, who are unable to adapt to market realities. Enterprises that hold on to workers and produce nothing but debts should be closed or sold. 4. The Third World wi

7、ll be defined as a group of countries which have colonial histories and which are in the process of developing economically and socially from a status characterizes by low incomes, dependence on agriculture, weakness in trading relations, social deprivations for large segments of society, and restri

8、cted political and civil liberties.5. However, there was an important deviation from this perception of the worlds economic divisions. Chinas Mao Tse-tung produced a very different categorization in which USA and the USSR constituted the first world, Japan, the European countries and Canada constitu

9、ted the second world, while Africa, Latin America and most of Asia formed the third world. 6. Pluralist theory acknowledges that democratic capitalist societies, including the United States, are not purely democratic; that is, they do not operate by pure majority rule, But, according to pluralism, d

10、emocratic capitalist societies offer about as much political democracy as is practical in a modern, organizationally and technologically complex world.7. According to pluralist theory, modern capitalist societies are not organic communities that can be ruled by any single majority .Rather, they are

11、technologically complex, specialized societies, organized around competing economic, social, and political interests.Desirable or not, rule by a majority in such societies is structurally unlikely, if not impossible.8. The lack of any real interest in European cooperation before the Second World War

12、 is revealed in the functioning of the League of Nations. Established in 1919 to provide for international collective security, in practice it was dominated by the Europeans and had some potential as a forum for developing understandings and improving relationships between the European states.9. It

13、failed, and did so for three main reasons , First, its aims were vague and were interpreted in different ways .Second, it was intergovernmental in its structure and therefore dependent on the agreement of all member states before any action could be taken .Third, and crucially, the states wanted dif

14、ferent things from it;10. Although change is spreading throughout Japan, revolutionary reforms are most prominent in two new sectors of the economy: communications and technology, the same two sectors driving growth in the United States, which herald a transformation of Japans entire economic struct

15、ure.三阅读理解(每题1分,共20分)Passage 1 Many in the Middle East having difficulty in adjusting themselves to the new situation created by the departure of the imperial powers. For the first time in almost 200yeras, the rulers and peoples of the Middle East arte having to accept the final responsibility for th

16、eir own affaires to make their own mistakes and to accept the consequences. This is difficult to internalize, even to perceive, after so long a period. For the entire lifetimes of those who formulate and conduct policy at the present time and of their predecessors for many generations, vital decisio

17、ns were made elsewhere, ultimate control lay elsewhere, and the principle task of statesmanship and diplomacy was as far as possible to avoid or reduce the dangers of this situation and to exploit such opportunities as it might from time to time offer. It is very difficult to forsake the habits not

18、just of a lifetime but of a whole era of history. The difficulty is much greater when alien culture, social and economic preeminence continues and even increases, despite the ending of alien political and military domination. Military and to a growing extent political intervention by the West has in

19、deed ended, but the impact of its science and culture, its technology, amenities and institutions remains and even increases. As in other parts of the non-Western world, this impact has been and will be enormous. In these circumstances, it is natural that Middle Easterners should continue to assume

20、and proceed on the assumption -that real responsibility and decision still lie elsewhere. In its crudest form, this belief leads to wild and strange conspiracy theories directed against those whom they regard as their enemies-Israel, and more generally the Jews, the United States, and more generally

21、 the West. No theory is too absurd to be asserted or too preposterous to be widely and instantly believed. Eave among more responsible statesmen and analysts, a similar belief in alien power, albeit in a less crude form, often seems to guide both analysis and policy. Some even go so far as to invite

22、 outside intervention, presumable in the belief that only outside powers have the capacity to make and enforce decisions. A case in point is the constant appeal to the United States to involve itself in the Arab-Israel conflict, oddly coupled with the repeated accusation of “:American imperialism.”T

23、his state of mind is likely to continue for some time, with appeals for support or even intervention to the United States, to Russia and even to the European Union. In time, no doubt, Middle Eastern governments and peoples will learn how to use this window of opportunity to the best advantage-that i

24、s, of course, if the window remains open long enough. 1. The word “this” in the third sentence of Para.1 refers to_.A. The departure of the imperial powersBThe final responsibility of the Middle Eastern countries for their own affairs CThe consequence created by the departure of the imperial powersD

25、The fact that the Middle Eastern countries have to be responsible for their own affairs2. The Middle Eastern countries were at a loss after the departure of the imperial powers because _.A. they were rather backward and in bad need of foreign assistanceB. they were accustomed to being ruled by an al

26、ien forceC. they were plunged into war after the departure of the imperial powers D. the imperial powers left them nothing but disorder3It is natural for Middle Easterners to assume that_.A. their real enemies are the Western countriesB. no countries can save them but their ownC. it is up to their l

27、eaders, not the ordinary people, to make decisionsD. other countries should come to their help in times of urgency 4. The fact that the Middle Eastern countries often rely on the United States in resolving their conflicts shows that they believe that _.A. American imperialists still have control ove

28、r the world affairsB. outside powers are more capable of effective decisions C. they are weaker than Israel and cannot defeat itD. Israel is assisted and manipulated by the United States 5. The author implied in the passage that_.A. it takes time for the Middle Easterners to adjust themselves to the

29、 new situation B. the world will be more peaceful if each country learns to care about its own businessC. most of the unrest in the Middle East is attributable to Israels aggressive polices D. the Western powers should stop interfering with other countries affairs Passage 2The American Revolution wa

30、s not a revolution in the sense of a radical or total change. It was not a sudden and violent overturning of the political and social framework, such as later occurred in France and Russia, when ushered in, but they were not breathtaking. What happened was accelerated evolution rather than outright

31、revolution. During the conflict itself people went on working and playing, marrying and praying. Most of them were not seriously disturbed by the actual fighting, and many of the more isolated communities scarcely knew that a war was on.Americas war of impendence heralded the birth of three modern n

32、ations. One was Canada, which received its first large influx of English-speaking population from the thousands of loyalists who fled there from the United States. Another was Australia, which became a penal colony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors. The third newcome

33、rs -the United States -based itself squarely on republican principles. Yet even the political overturn was not so revolutionary as one might suppose. In some state, notably Connecticut and Rhode Island, the war largely ratified a colonial self-rule already existing. British officials everywhere oust

34、ed were replaced by a home-grown governing class, which promptly sought a local substitute for king and Parliament.6. In the first paragraph, what does the author suggest about the French and Russian Revolutions?A. They were explosive and abruptB. They were ineffective.C. They involved only those pe

35、ople living in urban areas.D. They led to the release of all political prisoners.7. In the first paragraph ,what does the author mean by “people went on working and praying ,marrying and playing ?” A. Most people got married than divorced.B. The war created new jobs.C. Life went on as usual.D. Peopl

36、e had more than enough leisure time. 8. In the second paragraph, the author states that the colonies struggle for self-government preceded the creation of all of the following countries EXCEPT_.A. Canada B. The United States C. Australia D. The United Kingdom9. Which of the following would be the be

37、st title for the passage?A. The United States: An Isolated Community B. Breathtaking Events During the American RevolutionC. Canada and the American War of IndependenceD. The American Revolution: Evolution Not Revolution10. What will the paragraph following the passage most probably discuss?A. The t

38、ransport of prisoners to Australia.B. The creation of new state government.C. Events leading up to the American Revolution.D. How Canada and the United States became friends.Passage3Because Ireland is an island geographically near the mainland of the united kingdom, English rulers have fought since

39、the middle ages to retain political control over it .Attracted by the lush farmland ,English and Scottish landowners settled there, and in time of famine or political unrest ,the local workers suffered, while their landlords were cushioned by their wealth .The history of modern Ireland is, in fact,

40、largely a story of antagonism and resentment between the Irish and their English and Scottish rulers. Since the 1920s, Ireland has been divided into two parts: Northern Ireland (U1ster) and the Republic of Ireland (Eire). The north is still part of the United Kingdom and is predominantly Protestant;

41、 the south is an independent republic and is mainly Catholic. The majority in U1ster accept this political compromise, but the active and mainly Catholic minority are fighting for union with the independent republic of Southern Ireland .The IRA ,the Irish Republican Army ,have mounted bombing campai

42、gns on military and civil targets in U1ster and England ,they have sent letter-bombs to public figures ,they have shot fellow Irishmen who support the British or belong to opposing, and now equally militant Protestant groups ,As a result of this ,the British have stationed an army in Belfast ,the IR

43、A have been outlawed, and several of them have spent many years in prison or have died in support of their case .Whether the violence and repression is justifiable ,and whether the violence that could result from political change would be worthwhile are the controversial issues that divide everybody

44、 involved. 11. This outline suggest that the central problem is _A. many centuries old B. about three centuries oldC. about sixty years old D. a few years old12. It suggests that the central problem is relationships between_A. Britain and Ireland B.U1ster and EireC. Catholics and Protestants D. The

45、Irish Republican Army and U1ster13. The suggests IRA is_A. part of the British B. part of the Ulster police forceC. a group of militant priests D. a terrorist organization 14. Bomb attacks occur_A. only in England B. only in military buildings C. in England and Northern Ireland D. when public figure

46、s talk about Ireland15. The write feels that the controversy is about_A. the use of violence B. political change C. injustice D. freedomPassage 4 World War initiated the concept of “total war”-a war that involved all, civilians and military alike, in the war effort. This was not really new. Lazare C

47、arnot had anticipated it during the French revolution with his call for “a nation in arms.” But never before World war had nation been required to draw so heavily upon the total human resources available to them. In each county, there was a propaganda effort to portray every person in the state as p

48、ersonally involves in the struggle being waged. In the United States, “Rosie the Riveter” was as much a part of the picture as “G.I.Joe.” the German “Rosies” were not so likely as their American counterparts to be working as riveters, but from 1942 on, they and their children were to face terrors of

49、 war as severe as those experienced by their front-line soldiers. Shivering from fear of being buried alive in the cellars that served as air-raid shelters, they had to emerge from those areas of modest security to extinguish the fire bombs that sizzled in the attics above before entire houses were

50、incinerated. Each explosive bomb that fell could mean life or death for each person who heard it coming, depending on where it fell and how bug it was.There is no rational way of rendering judgment on the moral aspects of the Allied bombing. It did, of course, kill Nazis and ant-Nazis alike; women h

51、ad children as well as men; prisoners of war and foreign workers as well as German s; professors, artists, musicians, and farmers, as well as in munitions factories. And the mode of death, as will be seen, was often shocking and gruesome. But it is faulty to assume that without the bombing all those

52、 who perished would have survived and would have met death more peacefully. Land invasion would have meant the ravaging of cities by heavy artillery, tanks, and flame throwers, the desperate flight of thousands of civilians (which indeed occurred on Germany eastern front), and the ultimate collapse

53、of all forces of order, with internecine fighting, famine, and disease as likely accompaniments. Neither can one assume that more churches, famous monuments, paintings, library books, and the culture wealth they destroyed is a credit to their humanitarian sensitivities. But sentiments of revulsion a

54、re more appropriately directed at war itself, which inevitably brutalizes those involved, destroys normal sensitivities, and opens the way to rape, pillage, and want of destruction. A “clean,” “humane” war is an impossibility. 16. World War Two is particular in that it _.A. anticipated the arrival o

55、f new age in war-wagingB.victimized the ordinary people and soldiers alike on unprecedented scalesC. made the aggressors suffer more than the aggressedD. used the propaganda to get the civilians into it without hesitation17. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that “Rosie the Riveter” was _.

56、A picture used in the war propagandaB. the mane of an American hero during the warC. a person who was dragged into the warD. a German-born work(每题0.5分,共10分)er who escaped to America during the war18. In the second paragraph, the author seems to consider the Allied bombing on Germany_.A. imprudent B.

57、 immoralC. justified D. reckless19. According to the author, without the Allied bombing, _.A. more lives might have been saved B. people would have died of other disasters C. the Allied landing would have been out of the questionD. many culture objects would have survived 20. The author concludes th

58、e passage by pointing out_.A. there is no such a thing as humane warB. a total war is the more cruel thing in human historyC. a war does no good either to the winner or to the loserD. it is impossible to wage a total war today湘潭大学2006年下学期2005级国际政治经济学课程期末考试(B卷)参考答案一,写出下列缩写的完整形式(每题1分,共10分)1. European

59、Community 2. European Monetary System3. International Atomic Energy Agency4. International Monetary Fund5. Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization6. North Atlantic Treaty Organization 7. Organization of Africa Unity 8. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries9. Theater Missile Defense1

60、0. Common Foreign and Security Policy二把下列英文短语和句子翻译为汉语(共70分)短语(每题0.5分,共10分)1轴心国明治维新经济活力泡沫经济大爆炸股票交易机制达沃斯世界经济论坛掠夺巨头式的心态工业辛迪加,工业联合组织10原子与生化武器11大众的观点、看法12世界新秩序13执政党14零和游戏规则15政治气氛16军工联合企业:军事工业复合体17领土争端18相互信任19社会现状20领土与权力野心句子(每题6分,共60分)1. 乐观吗?当然。但是,日本经济革命不经过拼搏是无法取得成功的。在一些日本权势集团内存在着极大的抵触情绪似乎有理由如此。日本经济领域内的革命

61、性变革将不会立即带来增长。也不会很快结束经济波动。这些改革的速度和成效和大程度上将取决于这些公司和消费者如何予以实施。2. 一个为其国民服务并能在世界政治中起建设性作用的俄罗斯,应该是一个经过思考后作出民智抉择的俄罗斯。为了实现这样一个结果,必须制定一套新的规则。最重要的步骤是把商业与政治权力分开,以此来与腐败作斗争。3. 现存的经济管理体制必须被彻底地改革,因为在这一体制下大多数的大企业被忽视所有者权利的有门路的人所经营着。破产法应被有效地实施,以淘汰那些不能适应市场现实的不称职的经理们和一贯耍花招的人份。牢牢地栓住职工,生产不出东西而负债的企业应被关闭或卖掉。4. 第三世界可以定义为这样一

62、个国家群体,这些国家有被殖民的历史,在经济和社会的发展过程中表现出这样的地位特征:低收入,依赖企业,贸易关系脆弱,社会的大部分人丧失福利救济,且享有有限的政治自由和公民自由。5. 不过这种划分方法与按经济实力来划分世界的方法有着重要的差异。中国的毛泽东提出了一个非常不同的范畴。他认为,美苏构成第一世界,日本、欧洲和加拿大构成第二世界,而非洲、拉美和大多数亚洲国家形成第三世界。6. 多元理论认为,包括美国在内的民主资本主义社会并非纯粹民主:即是说他们不是按照多数统治的原则运行的。但是,多元主义认为,民主资本主义为组织和技术上高度复杂的现代社会提供了现实可行的最大民主。7. 根据多元主义理论,现代资本主义社会不是任何简单多数可以统治的有组织的社会。而是一个技术上高度复杂,十分专业化的社会,围绕着彼此竞争的经济、社会和政治利益而组织起来。不管是否理想,在这样的社会实行多数统治如果不是不

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