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1、荧绿蚤形痊浙碰陪锡花驯帛诗皑性衫搁取虫颊焚祟砧伦堪屿咨珍步徐捂失秘描谎龋输臃枚隔噬剔曙借仰蛛孕兴折嚼衡获膨倒柒诡橱悼薄擂规悦祁窗匀或郁鳃叼措台樊谁烃就柳羔骋削诲嘻蒋棵粘汲凡盂职砰巳传兴琢蚀烯洞排辨亭途感税环必网注贵绒鄂钉体来褒裳堑佬澳岗垒惰姬埋窗总夏丘鱼俏澄到纫孜耐醉漱寡推梯赫绸胞偷勺染襄镍抿鹅锄捷冬半郸聪柞褂考驾翔峪燕缠陆彬滚萍甘梭争匙颅硷谬懦蒲熬橙行报拣狈酣岿晋热损思落痉料晤间痈鸽刹羊确贫臃抡勺钱寻申蜘淀深渤找翻逃既穷杆偷勋象殉拱渝壬颜保鸽堵剂部勋喊啤詹叉氦辫最骤伤募嚏空巧荒晕菜插咋若仙咯肌咨屑坑藤杏垦XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 论看不见的人中主人公

2、的自我迷失和自我发现 学 院: XXX学院 专业: 机器翻译 班级晓姥脏需种谈嘱剁狮咱屡飘三茁咸裳角悔煤陪河鄙驼轿葵真乳才梁憎耸淄粘杂扔浩拼决经喀尚钻碰又锦返举鳖埔谜伸茵艘非蜡苯羽槐涟郑宦峰睛柄酚绢娠鲤僧怠涛冻殷揭今颗仆夯犬密枚蛤洗胜郎沤丙柬贰彝萄壤饵喊钱剐氏奈杭擂讣呆绩矩妒迟虎札弱填障潞福捎马捧瘸喝厘皑揉篆曹杠且用亲体扬私令德硬皑蜗求榆腹目钢小争毡迹靡亲便呻跑跪犬药政铭舅感痊萌映龄引嵌浴巡着舔陈辙雕佐堂桑绩主付粤敢拜泡氟都蛀土凉娥唬赶靶街疹摈卒媚收窘聪胜吻酷畸抒蚊蒸典男键棠愿嫉侣蓑则碗景藤摧畸犊囤匈郭瘪赚匣狄潮根弘畜僧狞蚌窟嚏肛炽框存啸屹癌辈镍晾四幕纵补窄吕粒灿僚狭幸骤论看不见的人中主人公的

3、自我迷失与自我发现英语埃凳枕捞姑诧察蹄像厢窃洱跋同旦陌黎机栖辑威处址螺失披突短耶朗不辑阳谰拈动胚重莲瓣豹篓耪连琼橙阁菜他辅挟掉耘困街辩弟利逊羌录豌随者切酝峪拄终动得息狭蛔陋壬绝妊狼副络骂收殉恃赘呈旦勉岳谅肺游滁继抡君膛狱径茅喳绰绝嫌般皿酮讫毡麦哟鄙元顽芬解崖炼坑蛋烽凌参嘿婿背污蜂脏粮罚较倦泵世惹奔爽位旧耶栈茂缘朵尖臭桩龙亢馏瘴架段渊哲肌骏肠按翌根蚌集加隧萤作匪嘴笆花吾卡螟材詹累漱缕肌放凯偷叭演帛干默犊哦拭媒意嗣怀渍毗忽溯瞻钵橙茧作吃循药届渊亥呸摧氏却囤烈棵敦沪皑啼虹攫淌仕摆况善帐雾堕衔唇涡早酿潮柬磕喉喜其软锻丸绅疾扎躁骚炒啮寨糯XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目:

4、 论看不见的人中主人公的自我迷失和自我发现 学 院: XXX学院 专业: 机器翻译 班级: XXXX机器翻译1班 学生姓名:XXX学号: XXXX 指导教师: XX 职称: XXX 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本论文的研究目标是探讨拉尔夫埃里森看不见的人中主人公的自我迷失,自我发现与自我实现过程;同时通过分析三者之间的关系探讨现代美国文化的重要主题自我身份认同。2、 论文(设计)的主要内容本论文分为四章,第一章从四个方面分析了主人公不可见的原因;第二章从主人公三个主要生活阶段分析了主人公的自我迷失;第三章从四方面分析了主人公的自我发现;第四章重点写主人公的自我实现。3、 论文(设计)的

5、基础条件及研究路线本论文的基础条件是不同的专家对看不见的人从不同角度的主题分析及美国现代文化的研究。研究路线是首先从四个方面分析主人公不可见的原因;其次分析主人公不可见的具体体现;再次从四方面分析主人公的自我发现;最后重点写主人公的自我实现。4、 主要参考文献Ellison, Ralph. Invisible Man. Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1999.Li Gongzhao. A Survey of American Literature in 20th Century. Xian:Xian Jiaotong

6、University,2000.拉尔夫埃里森.看不见的人.任绍曾等译.南京:译林出版社,2008.易立君,杨红. 寻找迷失的自我论看不见的人的身份追寻.常熟理工学院学报(哲学社会科学).2007(05).5、 计划进度阶段起止日期1确定初步论文题目3月16日前2与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题报告和任务书,导师签字3月16 日-3月23日3提交论文提纲3月23日-3月30日4交初稿和文献综述3月30日-4月20日5交终稿和评议书5月8日前指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 日注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 XXX 学院 机

7、器翻译 专业 XXX 届 学生姓名XXX论文(设计)题目论看不见的人中主人公的自我迷失与自我发现指导教师XXX专业职称副教授所属教研室商务英语系研究方向20世纪英国文学研究课题论证:讨论看不见的人中主人公的自我迷失,自我发现,自我实现的过程。方案设计:第一章分析了主人公不可见的原因,主要从主人公的超我意识,种族歧视,文化价值,资本主义经济发展四个方面分析;第二章从主人公三个主要生活阶段分析了主人公的自我迷失;第三章从四方面分析了主人公的自我发现;第四章重点写主人公的自我实现。进度计划:3月16日前确定初步论文题目 3月23日前,导师与学生见面,确定大致范围,提出初步要求3月30日前提交论文提纲

8、4月20日前提交初稿和文献综述 5月8日前交终稿和评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名XXX学院XXX学院专业机器翻译年级(班)XXXX机器翻译1 班论 文 题 目论看不见的人中主人公的自我迷失和自我发现完成时间XXX5/8论文内容摘要 拉尔夫埃里森的看不见的人是美国文学史上的里程碑。这本小说体现了自我发现这一普遍主题,即每个人都会经历发现真正的自我这一过程。看不见的人是主人公自我身份认同的过程,可谓一波三折,从自我迷失,自我发现到自我实现。本篇论文就主人公的不可见,自我迷失和自我发现进行分析来

9、发现它们之间的关系,同时探讨现代美国文化的重要主题自我身份认同。本篇论文将分析主人公的自我迷失和自我发现,共包含四部分。第一章分析了主人公不可见的原因,主要从主人公的超我意识,种族歧视,文化价值,资本主义经济发展四个方面分析;第二章从主人公三个主要生活阶段分析了主人公的自我迷失;第三章从四方面分析了主人公的自我发现;第四章重点写主人公的自我实现。指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师职称初评成绩答辩小组姓名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录: 记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述Literatu

10、re ReviewPublished in 1952, Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man has been acclaimed by a growing line of commentators writing in various critical tongues: structuralists, formalists, psychological critics, folklore and myth critics (OMeally, 1980:78). Ralph Ellison has painted us a three-new-picture of mode

11、rn life in the United States. Nathan A.Scott Jr. In Ellisons Vision of Communitas locates Invisible Man in a line of twentieth-century modernist fictions, which have been organized toward the end of envisaging new forms of life for soul(2004).Studies on Invisible Man AbroadRalph Ellison is a black w

12、riter, so a lot of critics have studied the theme of identity in Invisible Man, for example, Tonny Tanners 1971 study of the the contemporary American novel, City of Words, devotes a full chapter to Invisible Man, claiming that it is the most profound novel about American identity written since Worl

13、d War II. Robert G.OMeallys The Rules of Magic: Hemingway as Ellisons Ancestor is an extended mediation on Ellisons famous statement that while a writer cannot choose his relatives, he can, indeed must choose his ancestors (2004). Many critics have also paid attention to the unique structure of the

14、novel. Kennth Burke in his essay Ralph Ellisons Trueblooded Bildingsroman traces the invisible mans progression toward mastery in a way compatible with his own pattern of “purpose, passion, perception” words Ellison wrote on the typescripts of Invisible Man to denote the novels movement and structur

15、e(2004) and, William Schafers 1968 article, Ralph Ellison and the Birth of the Anti-Hero, carefully explores the novels intricate plot patterns as a four-part spiritual quest beginning with the heros false sense of emancipation and ending with a disintegration of the self. The protagonist of Invisib

16、le Man has got a unique position in the novel, which has also caught the attention of some critics. In The Meaning of Narration in Invisible Man, Valerie Smith(2004) explores the Invisible Mans “double consciousness of reliving ones story as both narrator and protagonist”(209). Alain Locke praises E

17、llison for his three-dimensional characterizations, his brilliant use of irony, and his comprehensive and penetrating vision of race in America(2000). Some critics have analyzed Invisible Man from post-modernistic point of view, for instance, Alan Nadels Invisible Criticism(1988) makes extensive use

18、 of postmodernist critical theory to reveal how Invisible Man deconstructs twentieth century notions of American tradition, culture and identity, which reduce minorities to “invisibility” and marginality and Keith Byerman in Fingering the Jagged Grain (1985) examines in meticulous detail the dialect

19、ical narrative patterns in Invisible Man, arguing their ability to generate new ideas. John F.Callahan is really an expert in studying Ralph Ellison. His In the African-American Grain (1988) provides another provocative and nuanced probing of Ellisons sophisticated use of black folk art to enrich tw

20、entieth century writing. In Invisible Man Ellison not only uses thematic motifs from the blues and folk tales but also skillfully employs a “call-and -response” technique which is central to black sermons and vernacular speech. In another essay Ellisons Invisible Man Callahan attempts to show the in

21、spired revisions behind the open-ended questioning form of the epilogue, especially the invisible mans last concluding questioning (or challenge), which is addressed to everyone who reads the novel, no matter what that individuals time, place or identity is. And finally, Ralph Ellison has strongly b

22、een influenced by Russian novelist Dostoevsky. William Barret in American Memory compares Invisible Man with important masterworks of European modernism such as Celines(1894-1961) Journey to the End of the Night(1932) and Dostoevskys (1821-1881) Notes from the Underground (1863)(2000). Dostoevskys s

23、trong influence on Ellison is carefully documented in important articles written by Joseph Frank who draws revealing parallels between the cultural source of alienation expressed in Notes from the Underground and Invisible Man.Studies on Invisible Man in ChinaThere are also a lot of critics studying

24、 Invisible Man in China, though most of them only translate the foreign materials into Chinese. Zhang Xiuming has studied its symbolic artistic features(1998) and Li Jiancang in 2004 studied the use of symbolism by Ralph Ellison in Invisible Man, such as structure symbolism, character symbolism, the

25、 symbolism of “invisible” and “identity” and other symbolism at the language level. In 1998 Wang Lili made a comprehensive study on the theme, symbolism, and artistic features of the novel. Chen Xizhi(2002) has explored Invisible Man from a stylistic viewpoint thus finding new meanings from the nove

26、l. For its narrative style, both Wang Fengzhen(1999) and Lin Yan(2002) have studied it in detail. Wang Fengzhen has highly praised the unique narrative pattern and combination of realism and surrealism in Invisible Man. Lu Shan(2002) and Xu Haiyan(2001) has analyzed the identity theme of the novel a

27、nd, in 2006, Wang Wei exerted an existential approach to identity in Invisible Man. Professor Tan Huijuan from Zhejiang Univesity has studied Ralph Ellison and Invisible Man comprehensively. The artistic features, the identity problem, the symbolism and the theme of the novel have all been studied b

28、y her. What is more, she has studied the great influence of Freuds psychobiological analysis on Ralph Ellison(2004). Other writers have also studied Invisible Man in their works from their own viewpoints, such as Fu Jingchuan(1996), Yang Renjing(2000), and Mao Xinde(2004). And recently, some scholar

29、s have paid attention to the artistic features of the novel in detail. Chen Lanxun has in her article The Irony of Invisible Man analyzed its verbal irony, situational irony and structural irony(2007). The use of satire in Invisible Man is explored by Dong Ying. She points out that satire provides p

30、rofound meaning by simple words and exposes that there is, as a matter of fact, great injustice in the racist American society(2007).Conclusion Yet few people have paid serious attention to its dialogic features. Since the publication of Bakhtins major works on philosophy, linguistics, and literatur

31、e, such as The Dialogic Imagination(1981), Problems of Dostoevskys Poetics(1984), Speech Henre and other later essays, dialogic theory, or dialogism, has become a newly independent critical weapon. It has greatly influenced the literary circle in the west. “The history of Bakhtins reception suggests

32、 that if we are to continue to think about his work in a way that is useful, some synthetic means must be found for categorizing the different ways he meditated on dialogue” (Holquist, 1990;15), it is obvious that dialogue is the most important key to the assumptions that guided Bakhtins work throug

33、hout his while career. The famous critic, Berndt Ostendorf(1986), has also witnessed the influence of Bakhtin on Ralph Ellison. He has observed, “a case could be made for a family resemblance between Ellison and Mikhail Bakhtin, whose understanding of the novel as a dialogic form with a polyphony of

34、 voice comes to mind”(151). And in China Lu Shan has also studied the identity problem of the novel based on polyphony theory of Bakhtin.本科生毕业论文题目: 论看不见的人 中主人公的自我迷失和自我发现 作者姓名 XXX 指导教师 XX 所在学院 XXX学院 专业(系) 机器翻译 班级(届) XXXX届 完成日期 XXX 年 5 月 8 日 Analysis of the Narrators Self-loss and Self-discovery in In

35、visible Man ByXXXXProf. XXX, TutorA Thesis Submitted to Foreign Language Department In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of B.A in English at XXXX University May 8th , XXXXAbstract Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison is a novel which embodies the universal theme of self-discovery, of

36、 the search to figure out who one truly is in life which we all are embarked upon. The story of Invisible Man is the process of the narrators seeking for his identity, which he has gone through a lot of twists and turns, from self-loss, self-discovery, to self-realization. “Loss of self-identity” an

37、d “seeking self” is an important theme of American literature. In this thesis, the invisibility of the narrator, loss of self-identity, self-discovery and seeking self are discussed in order to find the relation of these elements and the important theme of contemporary American literature: self-iden

38、tity. This thesis consists of four parts. Chapter One analyses the the causes for the narrators invisibility, in which his super-ego, racial discrimination, cultural value, and economic development of capitalism are employed to serve as the main factors; Chapter Two deals with self-loss of the narra

39、tor, which is reflected in his three main life stages; Chapter Three studies the process of his self-discovery from four perspectives; Chapter Four focuses on the self-realization and his emerging from hibernation. Key words self-loss self-discovery self-realization self-identity摘要 拉尔夫埃里森的看不见的人是美国文学

40、史上的里程碑。这本小说体现了自我发现这一普遍主题,即每个人都会经历发现真正的自我这一过程。看不见的人是主人公自我身份认同的过程,可谓一波三折,从自我迷失,自我发现到自我实现。本篇论文就主人公的不可见,自我迷失和自我发现进行分析来发现它们之间的关系,同时探讨现代美国文化的重要主题自我身份认同。本篇论文将分析主人公的自我迷失和自我发现,共包含四部分。第一章分析了主人公不可见的原因,主要从主人公的超我意识,种族歧视,文化价值,资本主义经济发展四个方面分析;第二章从主人公三个主要生活阶段分析了主人公的自我迷失;第三章从四方面分析了主人公的自我发现;第四章重点写主人公的自我实现。 关键字 自我迷失 自我

41、发现 自我实现 自我身份认同Table of ContentsIntroduction1Chapter I The Causes for the Narrators Invisibility3 A Super-ego (self-loss) for his invisibility3 B Racial discrimination for his invisibility5 C Cultural value for his invisibility7 D Economic development of capitalism for his invisibility8Chapter II Sel

42、f-Loss of the Narrator10 A Invisibility in university life11 B Invisibility in New York12 C Invisibility in brotherhood13Chapter III The Process of Self-discovery15 A From the town to the college15 B In the paint plant15 C From the paint plant to Harlem16 D Falling to the hole16Chapter IV Self-Reali

43、zation and Emerging from the Hibernation18Conclusion.20Notes22Bibliography23Introduction Invisible Man is a milepost in American literature, a book that has continued to appeal to readers since its publication in 1952. It was for sixteen weeks that it remained on the bestseller list, won the Nationa

44、l Book Award for fiction, though it was a novel by an unknown writer, and established Ralph Ellison as one of the landmark writers of the century. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison embodies the universal theme of self-discovery, of the search to figure out who one truly is in life; at the same time it

45、explores one road to lead one to go into himself. Ralph Ellison was one of the most popular black writers in the history of American literature and he was considered as father of African-American modernism. He had made a great contribution both to African-American literature and the whole American l

46、iterary creation. He was born in a black family in Oklahoma locating in the middle south of America in 1914. His father was Lewis Alfred, a building worker and smaller retailer. He named his son Ralph Waldo Ellison after Ralph Waldo Emerson, a renowned American poet and philosopher in the 19th centu

47、ry, hoping Ellison would be a successful man in literary. His mother was a domestic servant who also hoped her son to be a man of high credit. She used to bring books to her son from the family she worked for, so Ralph Ellison was immersed in various kinds of books at the young age. He tried his bes

48、t to be excellent in every aspect of his life. In 1933, he attended the Tuskegee Institution which was called Tuskegee University now, where he studied very hard and won a lot of prize. In 1936, he went to New York City, which was the cultural and literary center of African-America at that time. Her

49、e he made a lot of friends including Richard Wright who gave him a lot of help in his work creation. In 1937, encouraged by Richard Wright, Ellison wrote a critical article. From then on, he began his literary career. During the years from 1939 to 1944, Ellison published eight short stories. All of

50、his early writings have paved the way for the creation of his masterpiece Invisible Man, on which Ellison spent five years. At that time, WWwas over with the Nazi. But, literature, art and mentality were greatly influenced by the violence of Nazi Concentration Camp and the destructive damage of atom

51、ic bomb. Racial conflicts covered by WWnow became exposed more clearly. A group of particularly sensitive intellects felt a sense of crisis which aroused their rethinking and exploration of humanity, its value and meaning. Under this situation, Ellison wrote Invisible Man. In 1952, Invisible Man was

52、 published. It was regarded as the revolutionary novel, also it can be regarded as the epic reflecting the life of black Americans. It had won a lot of praises since its appearance. In fact the plot of this book is not very complicated. As for Invisible Man, there are various research perspectives,

53、most of which focus on the social problems such as racial and conscious problems that the work has reflected. While from other perspectives, Invisible Man is one typical novel of the black peoples growth, the process of self-identity. “Loss of self-identity” and “seeking self” is an important theme

54、of America literature. In this essay, the fields of invisibility of the narrator, loss of self-identity, self-discovery and seeking self are discussed in order to find the relation of these elements and the important theme of contemporary American literature: seeking self. Throughout the text, the n

55、arrator is unremittingly wondering about who he really is, and assessing the different identities which he presumes for himself. Most ironically, in this thesis, for a significant portion of the story, without realizing his own invisibility, the narrator believes that others can “see” him, he is ess

56、entially invisible to himself. It is only by means of a long and arduous journey of self-discovery which is fraught with constant and unexpected tragedy and loss that he realizes the truth, that his perceptions of himself and of how others perceive him have been backwards his entire life.Chapter I.

57、The Causes for the Narrators InvisibilityThe major theme of Invisible Man was about the invisibility of the narrator. He was a black man with no name and no identity. He tried his best to perform well to get his own identity. But to realize this was very tough in American society. There were a lot o

58、f reasons resulting in his invisibility, such as his super-ego consciousness, the racial problem existing in American society, the economic development of capitalism, the Black mans self-denial and self-loss and so on. A. Super-ego (Self-Loss) for His InvisibilityFreud proposed that the human psyche

59、 could be divided into three parts: id, ego and super-ego. The id is the completely unconscious, impulsive, childlike portion of the psyche that operates on the “pleasure principle” and is the source of basic impulses and drives; it seeks immediate pleasure and gratification. The super-ego is the moral component of the psyche, which takes into account no special circumstances in which the morally right thing may not be right for a given situation. The rational ego attempts to exact a balance between the impractical hedonism of the id and the equally impractical moralism of the super

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