Business English Translation

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《Business English Translation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Business English Translation(48页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Chapter one General introduction 1. Definition of business English academically, Business English are also called English for Business purpose(Dudley- evans & St John, 1995:53). 商务英语是指以服务国际贸易和营销等一系列商务活动的内容为目标,集中实用性、专业性和明确的目的性于一身,为广大从事国际商务活动的人们所认同和接受,并具备较强社会功能的一种英语变体。 Connotation of Business English

2、pragmatic nature uniqueness interdiscipline: English, business management, diplomacy, trade negotiation, marketing, finance and so on 2. lingusitic characters of business English objectivity formal words terminology accuracy unique syntax variaty of style hereafter /hereinafter/hereunder This contra

3、ct is made this 15th day of March 1990by ABC coporation hereinafter referred to as sellers and XYZ corporatrion hereinafter referred to as buyer. 本合同由ABC公司(以下称“卖方)与XYZ公司(以下称”买方)于1990年3月15日签订herein The deposit paid by the buyershall not be refunded if the buyers fail to make full payment within the t

4、ime herein specified 如果买方在本合同中规定的时间内未付清所有款项,其保险金不能退还。hereof of or about this (document or writing)The seller reserve the right to cancel this contract at any time if they can not make the delieery as called for under the terms hereof by reason of circumstances beyond their control 如果卖方在合同规定的自身不可抗力的情

5、况下而不能交货时,有权随时撤销合同。hereto both parties hereto :both parties to this agreement .本合约之当事人双方therefor for that reason, because of that when one party removes and replaces any directions whom it has appointed it shall give written notice to the other parties, and stated the reasons therefor. 合同任何一方撤换其已经任命的

6、任何指挥人员时,应书面通知其他各方,并说明其理由。therewith with that Such determination shall take account of any instruction which the Engineer may issue to the contractor in connection therewith.此决定应考虑工程师可能下达给承包商的与之有关的任何指示。wherebyby what; by which / as a result of which this contracotr is made in a spirit of friendly coo

7、peration by and between party A and party B whereby party A shall invite party B for service as a foreighn staff 甲方和乙方本着友好合作的友好精神签订本合同,根据合同甲方聘请乙方为外籍工作人员。wherein in which; in that we are sending you a brochure wherein you will find the particular of the item. 3. standard of translation faithfulness,

8、idionmaticness, consistency 20世纪70年代,西方的翻译研究开始突破之前的文本中心论和对等翻译的局限。试图将视野拓展到译语文化的翻译上来,更多地关注译文、译文读者、译文的社会效应和交际功能,并在此基础上形成了德国功能派翻译理论。该理论的创始人赖斯将文本分为三种基本类型,即信息型(informative text)、表情性(expressive text)、操作型(operative text)。她认为译者应该首先考虑的是功能对等而不是形式上的对等,能否达到语篇的特殊目的是衡量译文是否成功的标准。之后,她的学生Hans Vermeer 创建了功能翻译理论的核心翻译的目

9、的论。她提出翻译是一种具有特殊目的性的行为,而翻译活动面对的是两种或两种以上不同语言,而语言是文化的载体,因此翻译不可能在语言上做到一一对应,而是“在目的与情景中为某种目的及目标受众而产生的语篇”。1所遵循的首要法则是“目的法则”:“翻译行动为所要达到的目的决定整个翻译行为的过程,及目的决定手段。”1 功能目的论的继承者诺德将忠诚原则引入到功能翻译理论中,由此构建了相对完整的“功能加中忠诚“的翻译。忠诚指的是通过译者与客户之间对翻译任务的商议,对原文的译文功能进行限制,使译者忠实与源语言和目标语言两个方面。根据这一原则,译者在翻译过程中需要全方面考虑翻译所涉及到的各种因素。首先译者应充分考虑到

10、客户所想达到的预期目的,然后再分析原文和译文读者的文化和认知差异性,最后决定在译文中采取何种适当的翻译策略和方法, 以求达到译文在译语文化语境中的交际功能。 the licensee shall permit the licensor adequate access to such records to such records and books of account for inspection. 接受方应允许许可方有充分机会查阅这类会计记录以及会计账簿,以接受调查。 we will strengthen our position by reducing costs and improvi

11、ng prodictivity, while increasing our ability to invest more heavily in strategic research and development and other activities. 我们将通过降低成本和提升生产力来强化我们的地位,同时强化我们的地位,同时增强我们的能力,以便更多地投资于策略研究和开发及其其他活动。 example All of these things cost money, so a high quality shoe will likely to be more expensive than a f

12、lip- flop made in your neighours garbage from a hunk of rubber with two rubber bands for straps. 所有这些都需要花钱,所以,一双高品质的鞋就有可能比你在你邻居家后院里用一大块橡胶再加上两条用作鞋带的橡皮筋做出来的平底人字拖鞋要昂贵得多。 shipment should be made before October; otherwise we are not to catch the season. 你们必须十月底前交货,否则我们就赶不上季节了。 十月底前必须交货,否则我方就赶不上季节了。chapte

13、r two 1.polysemy维特根斯坦:“词汇的意义即是其在语言中的运用”。 How to choose the exact meaning collocationcontext different professional background cover Are you covered for fire and the theft? Does this policy cover my husband to drive? 汇票:是一个人向另一个人签发的,要求见票时或在将来的固定时间,对某人或指定的人或持票人支付一定金额的无条件的书面支付命令。 托收:债权人出具债券凭证(汇票)委托银行向债

14、务人收取货款的一种方式。 信用证是开证行根据开证人的请求和指示,向受益人开立的在一定金额和一定期限内凭规定的单据承诺付款的凭证。 Dickerson is an international marketing company specializing in fertilizers, chemicals, cocoa, pesticides, coal, agriculture products and many others. 狄格森公司是一个国际贸易公司专营化肥、化工产品、可可粉、杀虫药、煤炭、农产品及许多其他产品。 Where extended terms of payment are a

15、greed interest shall be charged from the date of the bill of lading upon the diminishing balance outstanding from time to time. 若约定采用延期付款方式,利息应以提单上的日期开始计算,据每次递减的未付余额计付。根据专业来确定词义根据专业来确定词义2. Bank interest rates are going to rise this month. 1. The premium rates vary with differed interests insured.3.

16、His business interests are very extensive.保险费率因保险标的的不同而有所差异。保险费率因保险标的的不同而有所差异。银行利率在本月要上调。银行利率在本月要上调。他在多家企业中拥有股份。他在多家企业中拥有股份。以一个常见的词为例以一个常见的词为例account1. Accounts payable is created when a firm deals with suppliers who extend credit. 2. The company is one of our major accounts, so we should do our bes

17、t to satisfy their needs. 公司与供货商交易时因其赊购而产生应付公司与供货商交易时因其赊购而产生应付账款账款。那家公司是我们的主要那家公司是我们的主要客户客户之一,因此我们得尽可能满足他们的需求。之一,因此我们得尽可能满足他们的需求。(四)根据词的搭配关系和上下文来确定词义(四)根据词的搭配关系和上下文来确定词义 可指可指“账户、客户、生意往来关系账户、客户、生意往来关系”,复数则可指,复数则可指“账目、会计部账目、会计部门、账款门、账款”等,它在不同搭配或上下文中可有不同的含义:等,它在不同搭配或上下文中可有不同的含义:3. The CFO was accused o

18、f falsifying the company accounts.4. She works in accounts. 5. The newly established company opened an account in HSBC.财务总监被控伪造公司财务总监被控伪造公司账目账目。 她在她在会计部门会计部门工作。工作。这个新成立的公司在汇丰银行开立了这个新成立的公司在汇丰银行开立了账户账户。 polysemy of acronym EFT (electronic fund transfer)电子转账 EFT(earlier finish time)最早完成时间 EFT(estimated

19、 fight time)预计飞行时间 NF (noise factor)噪音指数。NF(normal formulas)标准式, CN(consignment note)铁路运单 CN(credit note)贷方通知书,2. 词类转换 1). 名词转换为动词 a).具有动作意义的抽象名词往往而已转译成动词 Amomg developing countries, China has been the largest recipient of foreign investment, averaging about $40 billion per year during the late 1990

20、s. membership in the World Trade Organization has further resulted in even higher level. 在发展中国家中,中国吸收的外国资额最大。在20世纪末的几年里,中国平均每年吸收的外资都高达400亿美元左右。中国入世后更是引来了更多的投资。 b). 由动词派生的名词往往可以转译成动词。-ment, -tion, a(e)nce, -er, -or 等。 We dont accept partial shipment. 我方不接受分批装运货物。 c). make/have +n. make a request/ mak

21、e a promise/ have a try/ have a rest/ have a talk.In your order, you made no mention of terms of payment.2). 形容词转换为动词 表示自觉、绝望、想法、感情等心理状态be+ adj. confident, angery, afriad, sure ,ignorant, coancerned, sorry,ashamed,delighted, dhoubtful, ware, graceful, anxious 3). 介词转换成动词 含有动作意味across, through, towar

22、d, along, past, 表原因,目的,方式的介词。4). 形容词转换成名词 表某类人,the poor, the rich, the blind, the young, the old. 5). 描述事物的特征,加“性”、“体”等。we recognize that intellectual property protection is important for the development of new medecines. 3. 词类的引申 1)词义的具体化引申All the wit and learning in the economic circle will be pre

23、sent at the seminar.经济界的所有专家将出息这次研讨会。Carter refused any comment on developments in China,saying onlywe have watched the situation with great interest.卡特拒绝对中国发生的事情进行任何评论,只是说:“我们以极大的兴趣密切地关注形势。”Marketing must not be understood in the old sense of making a sale,telling and selling,but in the new sense o

24、f discovering and satisfying customer needs.营销不是传统意义上的“王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸”式地卖东西,其新理念为发现并满足顾客的需要。3. There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems, more than transient everydayness.他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时的他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时的柴米油盐问题柴米油盐问题。 ( everydayness“平淡无奇”,此处具体引

25、申为“柴米油盐” 。)2. 词义的抽象化引申The president does his best to keep his finger on the pulse of his companys activities. 总裁竭尽全力去掌握公司的运转情况。The weakness of the dollars reflects growing problems facing the US economy, one that seeks to purse both guns and butter.美元疲软反映出美国经济 一个力图使军事与经济发展并重的经济体所面临的日益严重的一些问题。earning

26、s per share have mushroomed at a 34% annual compound rate. 若以复利计算,则每股的利益每年激增了34%The interest rates have seesawed between 10 and 15 per cent.利率一直在 10到15之间不断波动。(see-saw 由“跷跷板一上一下的交替摆动”抽象化为“波动”。)homework 1. The fair price connected with the superiority of varieties of our products willl be able to guar

27、antee our competitive edge in the international market. 我方生产的各种产品价格公道,再加上品质优良,因而能够确保我方在国际市场上的竞争优势。2. We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibility of our products. 等你们全面了解我们产品营销的各种可能性之后,我们再进一步详谈。3. Shares staged a specutacular recovery yesterday and r

28、egained a lot of the ground lost in Thursdays bloodbath. 股票价格昨天有了惊人的回升,这是自星期四惨跌之后的一次大幅反弹。4. The steel industrys success in increasing its profits was attributed to the sectors reduction in expenditures through workforce cuts. 钢铁业在增加利润方面取得了成功,这要归功于该行业通过精简劳动力而减少支出。5. I can assure you weve spared no ef

29、fort and spent quite a sum of money in pushing the sales of your products. 我方可以向你方保证,在推销你方产品时,我们从没有放松努力,并且动用了大量资金。review 1. At dinner Watson was outwardly sympathetic, but he returned to Cambridge convinced that the Wilkins- Franklin relationship would never deliver the goods. 席间沃森深表同情,他回到剑桥后确信威尔金斯和

30、富兰克林之间的关系将不会善终。2. During the half- hour talk, the two sides exchanged views on the choice of terms of payment, bu但t they made no mention of the mode of transportation. 在半小时的商谈中,双方就付款方式交换了意见,但没有提及运输方式。3. We consider it necessary to give prompt attention to any inquiries from our customers. 我们认为对客户的任何

31、征询都有必要及时办理。4. It is reported that there has been a steady increase in Chinas economy this year. 据报道,今年中国的经济稳步增长。5. The goods are in short supply. 该商品现供应短缺。6. The facts have shown the objectivity and correctness of the report . 事实证明这一报告是客观而正确的。Chapter three Amplification&pruning 文字增补是商务英语翻译中的重要技巧之一。英

32、语的语言习惯是只要不文字增补是商务英语翻译中的重要技巧之一。英语的语言习惯是只要不引起误解便应尽量避免哆嗦。但如果汉译时未进行一定的文字增补,拘泥于原引起误解便应尽量避免哆嗦。但如果汉译时未进行一定的文字增补,拘泥于原文形式,机械地对译,反而会影响语义的理解和译文的文体风格。文形式,机械地对译,反而会影响语义的理解和译文的文体风格。增词法增词法 增补同义词增补同义词 增补范畴词增补范畴词 增补解释性的词增补解释性的词 增补产品名称增补产品名称 减词法减词法(一)(一)增补同义词增补同义词 增词法 英语有一词多义的特点,同一个词可以同时与若干个词进行搭配,相互修饰英语有一词多义的特点,同一个词可

33、以同时与若干个词进行搭配,相互修饰、制约,语言仍自然流畅。、制约,语言仍自然流畅。 汉语在词的搭配方面相对严谨,同一个词通常不能同时与多个词搭配。汉语在词的搭配方面相对严谨,同一个词通常不能同时与多个词搭配。 根据汉语词的搭配习惯和英语词汇的一词多义的特点,我们应采用增补同义根据汉语词的搭配习惯和英语词汇的一词多义的特点,我们应采用增补同义词的技巧,这样才能使译文既准确达意,又照顾到汉语的语言习惯。词的技巧,这样才能使译文既准确达意,又照顾到汉语的语言习惯。1. The innovation of products is one of the reform measures of the SO

34、Es because it can decrease loss, cost and budget.2. Both the buyer and the seller are busy at negotiations of business, contract and draft. 产品革新是国企改革措施之一,因为它可以产品革新是国企改革措施之一,因为它可以减减少少损失、损失、降低降低成本并成本并缩减缩减预算。预算。买卖双方正忙于交易买卖双方正忙于交易磋商磋商,合约,合约谈判谈判和汇票和汇票议付议付。 3. High morale contributes to high levels of pro

35、ductivity, high returns to stakeholders, and employee loyalty. 高昂的士气可以高昂的士气可以提高提高企业生产率、企业生产率、增加增加股东收益,股东收益,并提升员工忠诚度。并提升员工忠诚度。 (二)增补范畴词(二)增补范畴词增词法增词法 在英译汉过程中考虑到汉语的表达习惯,经常增加的范畴词有:方法、措施在英译汉过程中考虑到汉语的表达习惯,经常增加的范畴词有:方法、措施、情况、情绪、状态、现象、方面、问题、关系、工作等。例如:、情况、情绪、状态、现象、方面、问题、关系、工作等。例如:The changes of requirements

36、 for the commodities in the market are affected by the internal and external factors.商品市场需求的商品市场需求的变化情况变化情况受内因和外因受内因和外因两方面两方面因素因素的影响。的影响。1. The tension in the Middle East has attracted much attention. 中东的紧张中东的紧张局势局势已引起了广泛关注已引起了广泛关注/备受关备受关注。注。3. Unless these issues are addressed as a matter of urgenc

37、y, the consequent de-motivation of staff will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the performance of the company. 除非这些问题作为当务之急得到及时解决,否则除非这些问题作为当务之急得到及时解决,否则员工中随之出现的消极怠工员工中随之出现的消极怠工情绪情绪无疑将对公司的无疑将对公司的整个运营业绩产生负面影响。整个运营业绩产生负面影响。2. The temperature needed for this processing is not high. 这种加工这种加工方法方法需要的

38、温度不是很高。需要的温度不是很高。 混乱局面混乱局面饱和状态饱和状态 准备工作准备工作 管理情况管理情况 补救措施补救措施 解决方案解决方案 修改方案修改方案 有利地位有利地位 落后状态落后状态 自满情绪自满情绪.confusion saturation preparation management remedies solution modification advantage backwardnessarrogance (三)(三)增补解释性的词增补解释性的词 英语力求简洁,但在翻译成汉语时,需要从句法角度或逻辑关系角度,增英语力求简洁,但在翻译成汉语时,需要从句法角度或逻辑关系角度,增补

39、解释性的词,如动词、名词,以使意思完整,译文通顺自然,符合汉语习补解释性的词,如动词、名词,以使意思完整,译文通顺自然,符合汉语习惯,惯,2. Investor confidence is crucial to the success of our economic system. 投资者的信心对于经济体系的成功投资者的信心对于经济体系的成功运行运行至关重要。至关重要。1. Our product is indeed cheap and fine.我们的产品我们的产品物物美美价价廉。廉。 3. The terms of the contract must be clear, definite,

40、 certain and complete. 合同条款必须合同条款必须表述表述清楚、清楚、意思意思明确、明确、语气语气肯定、肯定、内容内容完整。完整。5. In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu.4. There are friends and friends.朋友有种朋友有种种不同,有种不同,有益友益友,有,有损友损友。 5 5辆丰田牌辆丰田牌汽车汽车,2020台

41、日立牌台日立牌电视机电视机和和3030台施乐牌台施乐牌复印机复印机早已备妥待运,但因你方信用证延迟到达,早已备妥待运,但因你方信用证延迟到达,货物不能按期装运。货物不能按期装运。原文中原文中ToyotaToyota,HitachiHitachi,XeroxXerox都为世界知名品牌,在翻译时要按汉语的习都为世界知名品牌,在翻译时要按汉语的习惯用法把他们的产品名称补充完整,才能使译文具体明了。惯用法把他们的产品名称补充完整,才能使译文具体明了。(四)(四)增补产品名称增补产品名称增词法 对于英文中缺失的产品名称,翻译时有时要根据具体情况增补出来。如对于英文中缺失的产品名称,翻译时有时要根据具体情

42、况增补出来。如:The five Toyota, twenty Hitachi and thirty Xerox have long been ready for shipment, but shipment cannot be effected because of the late arrival of your L/C. comfort comfort 和和 luxury luxury 都是抽象名词,但在构成复数后,词义就具体都是抽象名词,但在构成复数后,词义就具体化了。化了。社会为竞争法则付出的代价,犹如它为便宜的社会为竞争法则付出的代价,犹如它为便宜的舒适家用商品舒适家用商品和和高档

43、消费品高档消费品的代价一样巨大。的代价一样巨大。The price which society pays for the law of competition, like the price it pays for cheap comforts and luxuries, is also great. 减词法减词法 减词法是指将原文中需要、而译文中又不需要的词语省去。减省的词语应是减词法是指将原文中需要、而译文中又不需要的词语省去。减省的词语应是那些在译文中保留下来反而使行文累赘那些在译文中保留下来反而使行文累赘啰啰嗦、且不合汉语语言表达习惯的词语。嗦、且不合汉语语言表达习惯的词语。 减词一般

44、用于以下两种情况:一是从语法角度进行减省;二是从修饰角度进减词一般用于以下两种情况:一是从语法角度进行减省;二是从修饰角度进行减省。行减省。1. We should learn how to analyze and solve problems. 2. The big company has its disadvantages. 我们应该学会如何分析我们应该学会如何分析问题问题和解决和解决问题问题。大企业大企业有有大企业大企业的难处。的难处。3. Managing multinationals means handling both national and organizational cu

45、lture differences at the same time.管理跨国公司意味着要同时处理民族管理跨国公司意味着要同时处理民族文化差异文化差异与组织与组织文化差异文化差异。1. He became an oil baronall by himself. 2. Last year, the output of coal in this region amounted to about 20 percent of the whole country, of steel 25 percent, and of cotton 35 percent.他成了一个他成了一个石油大亨石油大亨一个白手起家

46、的一个白手起家的石油大亨石油大亨。去年,这一地区的煤产量约去年,这一地区的煤产量约占占全国总产量的全国总产量的20%,钢产量,钢产量占占25% , 棉花产量棉花产量占占35。 3. In fact, the blatant use of money to motivate people either to join an organization or to stay on has created more motivation problems than it has solved. 事实上,大张旗鼓地用金钱来促使人们加入某组织或留下来,这事实上,大张旗鼓地用金钱来促使人们加入某组织或留下来

47、,这种做法所引起的激励机制上种做法所引起的激励机制上的问题的问题,远比其所解决,远比其所解决的问题的问题要多。要多。4. The main difficulty is the shortage of funds, teachers and teaching materials. 5. We thank you very much for the warm hospitality accorded to our trade delegation during this visit to your country and for the close co-operation in the busi

48、ness discussions.主要的问题是经费主要的问题是经费不足不足、教员、教员不足不足、教材、教材不足不足这几项。这几项。 我们非常我们非常感谢感谢你们在我贸易代表团访问贵国期间给予的盛情款待你们在我贸易代表团访问贵国期间给予的盛情款待,感谢感谢你们在业务洽谈中给予的密切配合。你们在业务洽谈中给予的密切配合。6. With respect to manuscripts and pictures that are provided by the Chinese party, without the consent of the Chinese Party, the other party may not transfer the copyright, or extend the use thereof, or extend the areas where they shall be distributed.凡我方提供的书稿和图片,未经我方同意,对方凡我方提供的书稿和图片,未经我方同意,对方不得不得转让版权,转让版权,不不得得扩大使用权,扩大使用权,不得不得扩大发行区域。扩大发行区域。 领取货物并支付货款,办理货物进口所需的海关手续。

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