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1、Unit 4 He said I was hard-workingReading: she said helping others changed her life教 学 设 计 庙安乡中心校 李娇娇一、学情分析1. 八年级学生经过一年多的英语学习,掌握了一定的英语基础知识,具备了一定的听说能力,接下来应该培养学生的读、写能力。另外学生对英语学习有了初步的自主、合作、探究、实践的学习能力。2. 阅读理解能力的培养是初中阶段英语教学中的重点。在英语课堂教学中,绝大多数学生在阅读理解方面仍然存在很大的困难,比如没有良好的阅读习惯、没有具备好的阅读策略和方法等等。二、教材分析1. “she said

2、 helping others changed her life”. 是本单元最后一个课时的教学内容。教材从八年级下册开始每单元最后都有一篇阅读文章,这些文章篇幅长,生词相对较多,读前、读中、读后的任务多。根据学生的实际情况及教材的特点,考虑到学生对长篇阅读的畏难情绪以及他们在课堂上可能出现的一些情况,并根据文本的需要整合了运用多种教学方法和阅读策略,让学生享受阅读,最大限度的发挥自己的特长。2. 本节课所有教学活动的设计,旨在一方面消除学生的不良情绪,调动学生主动参与意识,体验阅读的乐趣;另一方面也训练学生的积极思维,提升情感,培养学生运用一定的学习策略。三、教学目标1. knowledge

3、 objectives(1) to master the words and expressions.(2) to get familiar with the topic and use the sentences about helping others.(3) to use “direct speech and reported speech”.2. ability objectivesstudents are required to use the following reading strategies:(1)to find out the information and get th

4、e general idea of the text.(2)to infer the meaning of the word they dont know from the context.(3)to find out the topic sentences for each paragraph.(4)to summarize the text .(5) writing skills.3. emotional objectives:(1)students are to realize the importance of helping others and they are encourage

5、d to help others.(2)students team spirit will be improved by completing a certain task together.(3)by understanding the life in rural areas, students are to realize how happy they are四、教学重、难点train the studentsreading skills.(skim the passage to get a general idea of the reading .read again to learn

6、how to find out the topic sentences. guessing the meaning of the words by the context. read for details to get the detailed information in the text五、教学策略和方法(strategies & ways)(1)first read for meaning ,not for detail. you canunderstand the meaning of a word you dont know from the context.(guessing b

7、y context)(2)to find out the topic sentences for each paragraph.(3)to summarize the text(4)辅助手段:借助多媒体辅助教学,让学生从视觉感官上进一步感受、以加深印象,同时也促使他们对课文重点句子的理解。(5)课前准备:教师制作课件,绘制表格;学生准备相关图表;完成前置性作业。(6)任务型教学法。六、课型阅读课(reading)七、教学过程(teaching procedures)step i pre-work1. duty report & revision.(设计意图:ask a student to m

8、ake a duty report to lead the word “volunteer”).2. brainstorm: ask some questions, let ss discuss in pairs to think of people who need help and things we can do for them, then fill the chart.3. collect different ideas of the studentswho needs helpwhat we can do for themold peopleclean their homes, c

9、arry water for them, help cross the streetthe poor studentsdisable manthe poor(设计意图:引出本课的主题词“volunteer”并通过头脑风暴的形式让学生很快说出那些人需要帮助,我们如何帮助这些特殊的人群,一方面对学生进行情感教育另一方面为下文的学习做铺垫)step ii while-reading(1) show the picture and ask some questions.(who?where.?why?)(设计意图:让学生仔细看课文图片并对他们感兴趣的问题提问,引出本文的主人公杨蕾以及她执教的学校和学生

10、,以及为什么支教等问题,体现课文的主题“helping others“)(2)skim the passage quickly.(设计意图:让学生通过三次的快速阅读课文,首先,让学生注意贯穿整个课文的四个重点单词“who、what、why、how”先获取课文的主要信息)1) read the passage fast and answer the questions and check the answers.who(group name )what they dowhy they dohow would it help?yang lei is frompeking universityvol

11、unteers group.2) read the passage fast and find out the topic sentences of each paragraph(设计意图:然后,再让学生读课文并找出每段的主题句,去体现阅读策略,然后让学生自己总结如何发现主题句,从中培养学生的阅读策略并加以在今后的阅读中运用)3) read the passage fast and guess the meaning of the following words(设计意图:尽可能利用课文中的文本资料,让学生通过上下文猜测单词的意思和词性等,为更近一步的阅读课文做准备,同时培养学生的猜词的阅读策

12、略。(宁夏中考题型)1. and at first the thin air made her feel sick.a.稀薄的 b.细的 c.瘦的 d.淡的2. most of the pupils live in school dormitories.a. v b. prep(介词) c. n d . adj3. fortunately, yang leis mother agreed witha.adj, 不幸的 b.adv,幸运地 c.adj,运气 d.adv,不幸的step iii scan the passage carefully, and do exercises(1)read

13、the passage aloud and carefully, and fill in the blanks using the correct form of the words .(内容另附)(2)translate the important sentences .(设计意图:因为此篇是一个大阅读,学生通过几次快速地阅读课文后,笔者认为应该让学生大声的朗读课文,对课文的重点词语、短语和句子翻译(宁夏中考题型)、以及单词的发音,以及文章整篇的结构和主旨大意(宁夏中考题型)更近一步的认识,并对文本内容进行处理)step iv pairwork (3a)(1)show two picture

14、s about poor children in some rural areas & ask students to talk about.(设计意图:通过学生对两幅图片的讨论,为下一个环节课文的拓展学习做准备)(2)(comparing)what is life like for you and yang leis students? discuss with your partners and complete the chart. (设计意图:通过把杨蕾的学生和自己的多方面对比,让学生感受贫困地区儿童的学习和生活境况,一方面,是对文本内容的拓展学习,同时激发学生勤奋学习、助人为乐的情怀

15、.渗透对学生的情感教育)yang leis studentsyouwhere do live ?what kind of food dohave?who teaches them/you?what time do get up?5 a.m.6:00 a.m.what time dofinish studying?11p.m.10:00 p.mstep v.分角色朗读杨蕾和其父母的对话。(设计意图:通过分角色的朗读,体现杨蕾及家人的一种社会责任感,以此激发学生的情感态度与价值观)yang lei的想法:i can open up my students eyes to the outside w

16、orld and give them a good start in life.yang lei父母的想法:young people today need to experience different things.step vi. thinking:(设计意图:渗透德育教育)after learning this passage, what do you learn from yang lei?(answer : we must help others)step vii. post writing(设计意图:通过以上各个环节,想必学生对文本中的字、词、句、段的处理以及学生对文章整体结构、文

17、章内涵有了深层理解,笔者认为在下一个环节中要重点体现学生的综合运用语言的能力,要实现这一目的,笔者设计让学生通过小组合作形式写一篇有关志愿者工作的海报)many people of all ages do volunteer work. the groups in the chart help people or animals all around the world. which one do you like to work for? explain your reasons to the class. ask different ss to say their ideas to the

18、 class.groupsthe work they dogreenpeacecares for “mother earth”doctor without bordershelp sick people in poor countriesunicefhelps children in poor countrieswwfcares for wild animals in dangerstep viii. groupwork (设计意图:在学生掌握了文章结构之后,培养学生的综合运用语言的能力,通过写的形式去体现这一设计意图,并注意运用重点单词“who、what、why、how”)imagine y

19、ou are starting a new volunteer group1. let students talk about: if i am a volunteer, what will i do?2. ask some ss to talk about what to do.3.ask some students to interview and then make a poster (海报)with your classmates.step xi. summary(设计意图:让学生自己对本节课所学知识和阅读方法和策略进行梳理小结) rea, ding strategies: read

20、whil, e focusing , on the meaning. , you can infer the meaning of the word you dont know from the context. find out the topic sentences and so on.step x homework write down your reading summary.八、blackboard design: reading: she said helping others changed her life1. words: world; brothers; changed;

21、agreed; mountains; different.2. sentences:i can open my studentseyes to the outside world and dive them a good start in life. it changed the life of yang lei fromteaching high school students in a poor mountain village.九、教学反思: 本节课在教学思路的设计上是比较理想的。第一,多处体现了阅读的方法和阅读的教学策略。如找主题句;根据上下文猜测词义;重点、难句子的翻译等(宁夏中考题型);第二,阅读方法的运用。如,略读(skim);精读(scan);小结 (summary);头脑风暴(brainstorm)等;第三,整堂课渗透对学生的情感教育。第四,对学生综合运用语言的能力的培养。 本节课容量大,可能会出现完不成教学任务;由于读的时间分配太少,造成了学生在第三个大环节(step iii)中出现了一点问题。具体表现为:特别是翻译文中的重点句子时耽误了一些时间。由于老师过多的关注时间,个别环节过快,落实的不太到位。

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