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1、牛津高中英语教学设计单元: Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good板块: Welcome to the unitTeaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in1.Letthe students enjoy somepictures about somebeauties and some handsome young men.Then activate students imagination by asking the following questions: Are these movie stars good-looking? Are th

2、ey very famous? Are the young men very handsome? Where can you find them? Do you want to be as beautiful and attractive as them?2. Askthe studentsto say somethingabout an unpleasantpictureand answer thisquestion: Do they look good and feel good? Why?3. Ask the students to answer the following two qu

3、estions concerning themselves: Do you think appearance plays an important part in your life? Which do you think is more important, looking good or feeling good? Explanation通过一些图片引出本课要谈论的话题,注意调动学生的兴趣,激发其想象力,尽可能鼓励他们使用英语,培养良好的口语能力。Step 2 Picture talk and further discussionLet the students look at the f

4、ollowing pictures and do as they are advised to. Imagine a situation that fits the first one and try to make up a story with the following phrases:1. a high school student named Jane2. be admitted to the university3. hold a party to celebrate her success and achievements4. invite sb. to share sth.5.

5、 be at a loss about6. be worried about being too fat7. spend sometime selecting clothes A suggested version:Jane is a high school student and she is extremely happy, because she has to the university she wanted to go to. Tonight her parents will hold a partybeen admitted to celebrateher success and

6、achievements. All her friends and relatives are invited to share herhappiness. But now she is at a loss about the clothes she is going to wear tonight.She is confident about everything except her weight. She is constantly worried about being too fat. Now she has spent at least half an hour selecting

7、 clothes without success. Look at the second and third picture anddiscuss the following questions: Do you think we can make ourselves more attractive by wearing different clothes? Why or why not? Do you usually go to a gym to do sport or exercise? Do you think doing sport regularly has a good effect

8、 on your health and your understanding of life? Why does the boy eat so much fruit? Do you think that will work? Which do you think is more important, eating well or doing exercise? Why? What others can we do to keep ourselves looking good and feeling good? Complete the following dialogue according

9、to the fourth picture:D DoctorG GirlD: What s the matter?G: _1_D: What did you do last night?G: _2_D: Why do you want to be so slim?G: _3_D: Then, have you ever taken any medicine?G: _4_D: I know the problem. You should stop taking the medicine and get enough sleep to stay healthy.Suggested answers:

10、1.I m not feeling well, doctor.2. I stayed up late to do exercise to keep slim.3.It s a fashion. All girls want to be slim.4. Yes, I took the weight-loss pills.Explanation给每个学生机会使用英语,锻炼口语并引导学生正确面对自己的外表,处理好健康和漂亮的关系。Step 3 ConclusionSum up the balance of how to look good and feel good after the discus

11、sion is finished and let the students have a further discussion about this topic: How can we both lookgood and feel good?Some suggested key words are as follows:Confident /Healthy Physically /Healthy mentally /Exercise regularly /Healthy dietExplanation根据讨论的结果总结如何显得美丽和保持健康, 并就这一话题展开深入的探讨。Step 4 Advi

12、ceAsk the students to work in groups to discuss the advice about how to keep fit.Some suggested measures for the students to stay healthy are as follows:Dont eat junk food. Tryand eat a healthy diet. Dont go to bed too late. Make sure you get sufficient sleep. Get regular exercise.Go to see the doct

13、or if youre not feeling well. Dont spend too much time using computers or watching TV, as it is bad for your eyes.Explanation引导学生正确的生活方式,珍惜自己的健康。Step5 Homework1. Find more information about how to keep fit.2.Write a passage about“health and beauty” or“healthy eating and exercise”.Explanation巩固所学内容,为

14、学习下一板块做准备。牛津高中英语教学设计单元: Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good板块: ReadingTeaching procedures:Step1 Lead-in1. Show the students some pictures and ask them to answer the following questions: Do they look good and feel good? Whom do you like better, the thin or the fat? Why?2. Then show them a picture about

15、 a fat man exercising to lose weight which students laugh and ask them this question: Whats the man trying to do?may make theExplanation通过图片,激发学生的兴趣,引入“减肥”这一话题。Step 2 Pre-reading1. Do some pair work to discuss this question? If you are the person who i s a little over-weight, how would you lose weig

16、ht? Suggested answers:Going on a diet / Exercising in a gym / Receiving surgical treatment / Taking weight-loss pills2. Talk about the ways to lose weight and discuss which methods they prefer, including the advantages and disadvantages. Finally fill in the form.Two questions for further discussion:

17、 Which method would you prefer? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them?3. Ask the students to look at the title and predict what will be talked about in thetext.(Who,what, how, why, the results)Explanation结合图片开展讨论,增加话题的趣味性;要求学生根据文章标题对即将学的内容进行预测,更加激发起他们的学习愿望,对培养他们的发散性思维也大有益处。Step 3

18、 Reading1. Fast readingAsk the studentsto read thetext fast and answer the three questions on page 42. andtry to guessthe meaning of the title“Dying to be thin”1) The first is that Amy wanted to be thin very much.2) The second is that Amy was going to die because she had taken some weight-loss pills

19、.2. Careful readingLetthestudentsreadthefirsttwoemailspayingattentiontosomeinformation and then finish some exercises.1)True or false exercises:detailed(1) In Amys first e-mail to Zhou Ling, she says she is going on a diet.(2) In the last two months Amy has lost 10kg.(3) In Amys second e -mail, she

20、regrets taking those weight-loss pills.(4)Li Dong, who comesfrom Canada, has donated his liver to save Amys life.(5)Zhou Ling didn t answer Amy s e -mail in time because he has no computer.(6)In China, people seldom take weight-loss pills to lose weight.Suggested answers:1. F 2.F 3. T 4. F 5. F6. F2

21、) Multiple choice questions:1. According to Paragraph 2 in the first email, Amy is an actress, _. A. who often exercises B. who wanted to lose some weightC. who become illD. who ate little2. Why did Amy decide to take weight-loss pills?A. She was overweightB. She was having problems.C. Her clothes d

22、id not fit. D. She wanted to become slimmer.3. At the hospital, the doctor told Amy she would_.A. live for seven days B. has to donate her liverC. die without a new liverD. need her mothers liver4. Li Dong, a young Chinese, _.A. saved Amy s life by donating money to herB. saved Amy s life by giving

23、her part of his liverC. told Amy never to take weight-loss pills againD. once worked with Amy5. Zhou Ling, Amys friend, _.A. did not want to read Amys emailsB. was sorry to hear about Amys problemsC. thinks Amy should lose weightD. thinks weight-loss pills are necessary6. Amys experience is_.A. an i

24、nteresting oneB. forgotten by her familyC. like that of some people in ChinaD. a problem only actresses haveSuggested answers:1-6 BDCBBC3. Detailed reading1) Fill in the charts about the three periods of Amys mood.What Amy didReasonsresultsAmy s emotionstake Fat-less pillsan actress;slimmer;tiredand

25、 joyfulashamed of beingweakfat.regretfulbe in hospitalliverfailure;liverdying; recoveringdonationhopefulMother s wordsHealth is priceless.Dont damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.2) Have a discussion about this question:Suppose you are Amy s best friend. If you are going to write a l

26、etter to her, whatwill you say to her? And what advice would you give to Amy?3)Read the last email and pay attention tosome detailed information and then finishsome exercises.Questions and answers:(1)Why didnt Zhou Ling write to Amy until today?(2)Why does Zhou Ling feel touching when she knows Amys

27、 story?(3)Zhou Ling thinks who should learn from Amys story?Suggested answers:(1) Her computer was broken.(2)Because a stranger donated part of his liver to Amy whom he doesnt even know.(3) Many people in China, some of whom are not over-weight at all.4 Do the pairwork to finishPartC2 on page 44. an

28、d givethe main ideaof thetext.Suggested answer of the main idea:Welearnfrom Amys experienceoflosingweightthatwe shouldnot be ashamed ofourweightproblems.It s importantforus to learntobe confidentand realizethe valueof good health. We should also follow the good example of LiDong and be always readyt

29、o help others whenever possible.Explanation通过问题的设置检验学生对文章细节以及文中各角色的观点行为的理解,通过小组活动要求学生就某一问题提出看法并展开讨论,加深学生对阅读内容的理解,培养学生的语言运用能力。Step 4 Further DiscussionAsk the Ss to work in groups to discuss the following questions.1. What lessons has Amy learnt from her experience?2. What kinds of advice would you g

30、ive to Amy? Explanation在学生已经理解全文的基础上进一步拓展学生的思维空间,培养其阅读方面的概括能力和语言表达能力。Step 5 Reading strategy1.Explain the differences in meaning between the sentences with“however” and“but ”.2.Find out in the text the sentences containing“however” and “but ”.3.Practice (Fill in the blanks with“ however ” and “ but

31、” )1)Learning the guitar isnt difficult, _ you have to practise.2) Rick was very successful._ , the last fewyears of his life were not happyones.3)My neighbors like loud pop music, _ I dont like.4)So far I haven t had any success, _, Ill keep trying.Suggested answers: 1. but 2. However 3. but 4. however Explanation英语阅读策略是指在英语阅读过程中有意识地调控阅读环节的过程,它是有目的、 有计划地灵活运用一系列阅读方法或技能的学习过程。让学生掌握一定的阅读策略,有利于提高学生的阅读技能和培养学生的自主学习能力。Step 6 Homework1. Read the text again to get a better understanding.2. Finish Part A1, A2 on page 94.

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