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1、重庆2023年重庆银行南坪支行招聘笔试参考题库答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.The text mainly tells usA.hardship makes a good novelistB.the courage to try is a special abilityC.you can have a wonderful idea everywhereD.encouragement contributes to ones success答案:D 本题解析:文章第一段和最后一段均点明了朋友的鼓励是罗琳坚持下去并取得成功的重要因素,故选D。2.费德勒在研究不同领

2、导风格在不同情境下的效能时指出,当情境维度呈现上下级关系好、工作结构高、职权较小的情况时,其产生的领导效能是()。A.工作取向高,而关系取向低B.工作取向与关系取向均低C.工作取向低,而关系取向高D.工作取向与关系取向均高答案:A 本题解析:关于影响领导效果好坏的情境因素,费德勒认为有三个方面:领导者与被领导者的关系;工作任务的结构;领导者所处职位的固有权力。费德勒在研究不同领导风格在不同情境下的效能时指出,当情境维度呈现上下级关系好、工作结构高、职权较小的情况时,其产生的领导效能是工作取向高,而关系取向低。3.地震:核试验2011年汕头农村信用社真题()A.天灾:人祸B.辛迪加:垄断C.感冒

3、:洗澡D.疾病:医生答案:C 本题解析:核试验可能引发地震,洗澡可能引发感冒。4.下列有关全业使命和愿景的表述,不正确的量()A.企业愿景是比较长期和抽象的B.企业使命決定了企业愿景C.企业使命说明的是企业的根本性质和存在的理由D.企业使命回答“我们是什么”答案:B 本题解析:企业使命是企业的价值所在,企业愿景是一个理想目标。所以企业使命高与企业愿景。企业使命是企 业生产经营的哲学定位,也就是经营观念。5.Questions 118-120 refer to the following letter.February 5Anita Brancato823 RemarqueQuebec City

4、, QuebecDear Ms. Brancato,Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Fred Eldridge, and I work with New EnglandExpress Bus Carriers. We are a full service express transportation provider operating in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. We have chosen to contact you because our reco

5、rds indicate that you are a frequent traveler in the region. I believe you will be able to appreciate the benefits of bus travel.Traveling by bus simply makes good sense. For instance, you can spend your next journey from Montreal to Bostonin one of our ultra-comfortable coaches for only $34.50 roun

6、d trip. That s less than a third of the cost of the average plane ticket, without all the cheek-in hassles and flight delays. And with todays high gas prices and dangerous wintertime road conditions, why take your car? Leave the driving to us instead!So, when your future plans call for regional trav

7、el, contact New England Express Bus Carriers and let us show you what we can do for you!Fred Eldridge, District Manager, CanadaNew England Express Bus Carriers11667 McArthur StreetMontreal, QuebecWhy did Mr. Eldridge write to Ms. Brancato?A.To introduce himself to herB.To encourage her to take a vac

8、ationC.To advertise his companys servicesD.To inform her of an ongoing sale答案:C 本题解析:第一段第二句表明自己为地方公交公司的职员短文的第二段从头到尾都在介绍自己公司优惠的服务价格和坐公交旅行的好处,可知信件是为自己公司打广告。6.一家飞机发动机制造商开发出了一种新的发动机,其所具备的安全性能是早期型号的发动机所缺乏的,而早期模型仍然在生产。在这两种型号的发动机同时被销售的第一年,早期的型号的销量超过了新型号的销量;该制造商于是得出结论认为安全性并非客户的首要考虑。下面哪个如果正确,会最严重地削弱该制造商的结论?(

9、)A.私人飞机主和商业航空公司都从这家飞机发动机制造商那里购买发动机B.许多客户认为早期的型号在安全性、风险方面比新型号更小,因为他们对老型号的安全性知道得更多C.这家飞机发动机制造商的许多客户也从另一些飞机发动机制造商那里购买发动机,那些制造商在其新型号发动机中没有提供额外的安全性能保障D.新型号的发动机可以被所有的使用旧型号发动机的飞机使用答案:B 本题解析:题干推论的假设是客户对新、老发动机在安全性能方面的了解程度一样,所以要削弱该推论,只要否定了这个假设即可,答案为B。7.依次填入下列横线上的关联词语,最恰当的一组是( )上千吨的轮船碰上这样大的风浪也得上下颠簸,_这么一条小船。挖这样

10、的井,占地多,不合算,_井的四周都是沙土,很容易塌陷。改革后,产品质量提高了,款式新颖了,_包装也精美了,因而更加受到群众的欢迎。A.况且 何况 而且B.况且 而且 况且C.何况 而且 何况D.何况 况且 而且答案:D 本题解析:这是一道考查对关联词语的辨析能力的试题。题目涉及了“况且”、“何况”、“而且”三个连词的用法。“况且”表示一种直陈的语气,有进一步申述的意思,它与句的意思相符。“何况”的一个用法是表示甲如此,乙则更不必说了,这与句的意思相符。“而且”常用来表示一般的递进,即后一分句的意思比前一分句的意思进了一层,这与句的意思相符。8.通货膨胀是指商品和服务的货币价格总水平持续上涨的现

11、象。衡量通货膨胀的指数有多个,下列选项中不是用来衡量通货膨胀的指数是()。A.采购经理指数PMIB.GDP平减指数C.生产者物价指数PPID.居民消费者物价指数CPI答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析9.下列各句中,没有语病且句意明确的一句是()。A.公司的章程.无论对总裁和基层员工,均无例外,都必须严格遵守、执行。B.到目前为止.人类的力量还不能完全消除来自太空的陨石威胁,太空灾难的大小,在很大程度上还是陨石体积的大小决定的。C.这种矩阵式的组织结构,不仅有助于稳定军心,同时也将对企业正在实施的市场战略举措起到了积极正向的推动作用。D.看一个自主品牌的掌门人是什么样的人,就大体知道这个品牌未来有什

12、么戏。毕竟,车是人造出来的.是什么样的人就能造出什么样的车。答案:D 本题解析:A项搭配不当,“无论和”不能搭配,应把“和”改为“或”;B项成分残缺应在“还是”后加“由”;C项时态矛盾,“将”与“起到了”不能同时使用,可删除“了”。D项没有语病,故当选。10.2016年末,全国参加基本养老保险人数达88777万人,同比增加2943万人。2016全年基本养老保险基金收入37991亿元,比上年增长18%;其中征缴收入27500亿元,比上年增长16%。全年基本养老保险基金支出34004亿元,比上年增长21.8%。年末基本养老保险基金累计结存43965亿元。2016年末全国参加城镇职工基本养老保险人数


14、70万人。全年城乡居民基本养老保险基金收入2933亿元,比上年增长2.8%,其中个人缴费732亿元。支出2150亿元,比上年增长1.6%,累计结存5385亿元。2016年末全国有7.63万户企业建立了企业年金,比上年增长1.1%。参加职工人数为2325万人,比上年增长0.4%。年末企业年金基金累计结存11075亿元。2015年末全国参加城镇职工基本养老保险的人中,参保职工比参保离退休人员多( )。A.15154万人B.17078万人C.18368万人D.20292万人答案:B 本题解析:本题属于简单计算题目。定位第二段第二句。根据“参保职工27826万人,参保离退休人员10103万人,分别比上

15、年末增加1607万人和962万人”,2015年参保职工比参保离退休人员多=27826-1607-(10103-962)=17078万人,B选项正确。因此,选择B选项。11.Natasha GoldenMcIntyre and BaranowskiSuite 11431 Echo Lake AvenueMahtomedi, Minnesota 55115Dear Ms. Golden,Ive enclosed an employee reimbursement form along with the receipts from my business trip to Orlando. As I

16、was able to use the company card to book my flight and hotel reservation, those expenses are not accounted for on the list.Please advise on the time it takes to be reimbursed. It usually takes one month, however, it took three months to be reimbursed for my last business trip to New York.Thank you f

17、or your help in this matter.Sincerely,Bob YuenglingMcIntyre & BaranowskiEmployee Reimbursement FormEmployee Name: Bob YuenglingEmployee ID Number: 002938Reason for Expenses IncurreD. Business trip to meet with clientAccount of Expenses:Dinner- Lunas Restaurant $16.34 Tuesday May 20Transportation to

18、clients office- Taxi $13 Wednesday May 21Dinner with client- The Kitchen Cafe $107.03 Wednesday May 21Transportation back to hotel- Taxi $13 Wednesday May 21Dinner- Tres Amigos Grill $23.03 Wednesday May 21Employee Signature: Bob YuenglingHow long does it ordinarily take to get a reimbursement?A.One

19、 monthB.Two monthsC.Three monthsD.Four months答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析12.商务部监控分析认为,前期猪肉价格快速上涨,养殖户对市场预期较为盲目,观望心理浓 厚。8月初,毛猪收购价格持续回落,养殖户恐慌心理严重,大量抛售生猪,加剧了价格下 滑趋势。后期,由于天气转凉及猪肉价格回落,居民消费数量较前期将有所提高,而供给 则短期内无法快速增长。 这段文字主要意在表明( )。A.猪肉价格将回落B.猪肉价格有望回到几年前的价格C.预计猪肉价格继续下降可能性较小D.天气转凉决定猪肉价格答案:C 本题解析:由于天气转凉及猪肉价格回落,居民消费数量较前期将有所提

20、高,而供给则短期内无法快速增长,猪肉供给又将紧张,价格继续下降可能性较小,故选C。13.随着技术和业务的发展,下列哪项不属于金融科技发展的趋势()。A.服务个性化B.金融场景化C.产品同质化D.监管内生化答案:C 本题解析:金融科技的发展趋势随着技术和业务的发展.金融科技将呈现银行轻型化、金融场景化、服务个性化和监管内生化的发展趋势,故C项错误。所以答案选C.14.如果说被誉为“出版领域又一次革命”的电子排版系统,用精美的字模和多变的字体取代 了曾在人类信息传播史上光熠千载的活字印刷,完成了告别“铅与火”历史的话,那么,它 所迈开的仅仅是这场伟大变革的第一步。在世界出版史上,一种可以同造纸术及

21、印刷术 的发明并称的新型图书的印制技术,诞生于20世纪80年代后期,现在已初步定型,三、五 年后将大放异彩,这就是电子图书印刷系统。采用此项技术出版的图书称为电子图书,又 叫无纸图书,有人预测21世纪将是电子图书的世纪。下列对“电子图书”这一概念的理解,准确的一项是( )。 A.采用新的电子排版系统印刷出版的新型图书称为电子图书B.采用以电子排版系统为基础的新型图书印制系统技术出版的图书称为电子图书C.采用电子排版系统,用精美的字模和多变的字体印制出版的图书称为电子图书D.采用电子排版系统和电子图书印制系统相结合的技术出版的图书称为电子图书答案:B 本题解析:由文中第一句话可知,电子排版系统为

22、印制系统技术的基础,故B项表述正确。15.材料9:根据以下资料。回答56-60题2009年全国海洋生产总值31964亿元,比上年增长86%。全国海洋生产总值占国内生产总值的953%,占沿海地区生产总值的155%。海洋第一产业增加值1879亿元。海洋第二产业增加值15062亿元,海洋第三产业增加值15023亿元。如图表所示:2009年我国海洋经济三次产业增加值的比重约为()。A.5.9:47.3:46.8B.5.9:47.1:47.0C.7.2:47.3:45.5D.7.2:47.0:45。8答案:B 本题解析:2009年海洋经济第二产业和第三产业增加值所占比重之差为(15062-15023)+

23、31964=39+3196401%只有B项符合。16.某市2005年就该市城镇居民和农民参加体育锻炼及其影响因素,开展了一项调查。调查结束后按城乡、性别分别进行了统计,统计结果如下两张表所示。无法从表1、表2获得支持的判断是( )A.农民对体育锻炼的不恰当看法和认识更普遍一些B.与城镇居民相比,农民参加体育锻炼的项目比较单调C.在全民健身方面,培养农民参加体育锻炼的兴趣可能比城镇居民更迫切D.男性因工作压力放弃体育锻炼的更多一些,而女性因家务压力放弃体育锻炼更多一些答案:D 本题解析:B、C选项均容易判断,A选项并不好判断,但是D选项的后半句明显错误,因为女性因家务压力放弃体育锻炼的百分比比男

24、性低,直接选出这个选项即可。17.在沟通障碍中,属于主观性沟通障碍的是( )。A.知识、经验水平、文化背景的差距引起的沟通障碍B.信息沟通渠道和沟通方式选择不当引起的沟通障碍C.组织结构不合理引起的沟通障碍D.沟通环境的影响引起的沟通障碍答案:A 本题解析:选项B、C、D 属于客观性沟通障碍。18.Who should qualify for minimum wage protections, sick leave or any of the other benefits typically given employees?alformias state Legislature is reop

25、ening that high-stakes,decades-long debate, as it prepares to vote on a proposal that would give hundreds of thousands of contract workers, such as drivers of ride haling companies, new benefits by legally relassfyig them as employees. If it passes, the states narrower definition of contractor would

26、 trigger a host of other changes for companies that would then have to pay for Social Security, workers compensation and unemployment insurance. Large employers would also have to pay for health insurance. This would be a significant development in workplace law and could eventually have implication

27、s for workers and companies across the country.The proposed change is of keen interest to a rapidly growing population of contractors likeLeonardo Diaz. For most of the past 4 years, he has made a decent living working 40 to 50 hours a week driving for the ride-hailing companies. I love interacting

28、with people, says the father of four, who lives in Los Angeles. But more recently, Diaz has soured on his job. He says that both ride- haling companies cut his share of payments, reducing his take home pay to only $9 an hour,after taking the cost of gas, insurance and car repairs into account. But h

29、e says the bigger problem is that he is tired of working as a contractor and misses employee health and paid leave benefits he used to recive when he worked as a valet. We dont get any holiday pay, Diaz says.If we get sick, you know, nobodys going to pay for our doctors, Contractors like Diaz make u

30、p a fast-growing part of the workforce. And any company in California using them could be affected.The impact of the new law would reverberate beyond the state.Everyone is looking to California right now and theyre all following it with bated breath because they recognize that likely whatever happen

31、s in California is going to sweep across the country, says Monique Ngo-Bonnici, an attorney in California. The proposal expands on a landmark California Supreme Court ruling last year that extended wage protections to more workers and narrowed the definition of independent contractor. The. legislati

32、ve proposal expands on that ruling and would give workers benefits like paid sick leave and protections under anti-discrimination laws. Ngo-Bonnici argues that the, California proposal would put big constraints on workers and companies alike. Speically, it would mean more workers will be put on shif

33、ts, which in certain municipalities must be scheduled weeks in advance . - - -giving workers far less flexibiliy, she says.One ride-hailing company confirms it would have to revamp its operations in the state drivers are redassified as employees. We would need far fewer drivers than we currently hav

34、e.says Adrian Durbin, a company spokesman. And those that remained would have a much more rigid work schedule. Durbin says those Big companies pushed California lawmakers for a middle ground that would grant independent contractors a narrower set of benefits, like minimum wage guarantees, without ma

35、king them ullledged employees. What can be the best title of the report? A.The Rise of Contract Workers: More Benefits Aro NeededB.Contract Work with Benefits: Califormnia Might Provide a ModelC.The Dilemma of Gig Economy: More Workers but Fewer BenefitsD.The Future of Benefits: More Efforts for Leg

36、islation on Contract Workers答案:B 本题解析:本篇文章围绕加利福尼亚合同工的福利法案而谈,第一段的最后就提到,如果这项提案成功通过,对于雇佣法将产生深远的影响,并将波及全国的企业及工薪阶层,所以答案选B.19.新兴产业物联网的发展势如破竹。仅几年时间,物联网的产业规模就呈现出年30%以上的复合增长率。专利等知识产权为这个朝阳产业的迅速崛起提供了强有力的支撑。预测未来几年,全球物联网市场规模将出现快速增长,我国2015年物联网市场规模将达到7500亿元,市场前景将远远超过计算机、互联网、移动通信等市场。而从我国目前的专利申请情况来看,核心技术专利、通过专利合作条约途

37、径提交的国际专利申请的数量都有明显不足。因此,业内专家指出,需要加速我国物联网产业的专利布局。与这段文字意思不相符的一项是()A.我国物联网产业的发展需要自主知识产权的支撑B.我国物联网产业将发展成为未来我国的支柱产业C.我国物联网市场规模未来有可能超过计算机市场D.我国物联网产业作为朝阳产业发展规模快速增长答案:B 本题解析:B项“成为未来我国的支柱产业”在原文没有体现。故答案选B。20.有271位游客欲乘大、小两种客车旅游,已知大客车有37个座位,小客车有20个座位为保证每位乘客均有座位,且车上没有空座,则需大客车()。A.1辆B.3辆C.2辆D.4辆答案:B 本题解析:设大客车有x辆,小

38、客车y辆。则有不定方程:37x + 20y = 271。将选项答案依次代人很明显只有B选项符合要求。21._ children believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent.A.IfB.ThoughC.UnlessD.When答案:C 本题解析:根据句意,除非孩子们相信他们能够成功,否则他们永远都不会完全独立。Unless意为“除非,如果不”,符合句意,故可知选C。22.社交网络服务(Social Networking Service,简称SNS)主要作用是为一群拥有相同兴趣与活动的人创建在线社区。以下

39、关于社交网络说法错误的是( )。A.社交网络提供聊天、寄信、影音、文件分享、博客、讨论组群等方式让用户交互起来B.社交网站能有效防止财务信息被盗等情况C.社交网站源自网络社交,网络社交的起点是电子邮件D.社交网络含义包括硬件、软件、服务及应用答案:B 本题解析:社交网站用户更容易遭遇财务信息丢失、身份信息被盗和恶意软件感染等安全威胁,并不能有效防止财务信息被盗等问题。故本题答案选B。23.数千根石柱插在地面上,根根犹如巨石剑贯穿大地。石柱的造型可谓千姿百态,它们有的指天戳云,像利剑似地直指九霄;有的巍峨雄峻,活像力大干钧的武士;有的耸峙挺立,活如忠于职守的哨兵;有的像城堡峰塔、楼兰古城景象多变

40、。其颜色以白色和灰色为主,粗细不一,较粗的有两三丈,较小的也有半丈粗。这众多石柱不知存在了多久,在时间的流逝中,一点点被风化,雕刻出岁月的痕迹。最能概括上述情景的是( )。A.险峻陡峭,变幻莫测B.鬼斧神工,天机独运C.形态万千,气势恢宏D.怪石嶙峋,险恶异常答案:C 本题解析:由“石柱的造型可谓千姿百态,它们有的有的有的有的景象多变”可知,展现在眼前的景象应是多姿多样的,“形态万千”能概括这一点;另由“指天戳云”“巍峨险峻”“耸峙挺立”可知,眼前的景象应是磅礴宏大的,“气势恢宏”能概括这一点,故本题答案为C。24. Her mother asked her to keep the windo

41、ws_and the door A.opened ; closedB.open ; closedC.open ; closeD.opened ; close答案:B 本题解析:“keep+宾语+宾语补足语”意为“保持某种状态”,open本身就是形容词,开着的;closed意为“关着的”。两个形容词在此处作宾补,表示状态,因此本题答案为B。25.第46题答案是_A.encouragedB.to be encouragedC.had encouragedD.are encouraged答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析26.中国建设银行是一家在香港和内地上市的大型因有控股商业银行。下列关于中国建设银行的

42、表述,错误的是( )。A.藏止目前,建设银行集团用工总量为37万人,其中母行员工约35万人,子公司约2万人B.建设银行集团主要业务范围包括公司和个人银行业务、资金业务,并提供资产管理、信托、金融租赁、投资银行、保险及其他金融业务C.建设银行在中国内地设有近1.5万家分支机构,在约30个国家和地区设有200余家机构,在基金、租赁、信托、保险、期货、养老金、投行等多个行业拥有子公司D.中国建设银行于2005年在香港和内地同步上市答案:D 本题解析:本行于2005年10月在香港联合交易所挂牌上市(股票代码939), 于2007年9月在上海证券交易所挂牌上市(股票代码601939).所以答案选D.中国

43、建设银行股份有限公司是-.家在香港和内地上市的大型田有控股商业银行,在中国内地设有14908家分支机构,在30个国家和地区设立200余家机构,拥有员工35万人。本行在30个国家和地区设有商业银行类分支机构及子公司,共拥有境外商业银行类各级机构近200家:在基金、租赁、信托、保险、期货、养老金、投行等多个行业拥有子公司。27.Question 6670 refer to the following letter and information.APPLE AND CELERY SALAD100ml mayonnaise50g chopped fresh cilantro leaves8 cele

44、ry stalks6 crisp red applesWhisk together mayonnaise, cilantro, and lemon juice in a small bowl until combined. Add salt and people to taste. Cut celery and apply into pieces. Toss together celery, apple, and dressing.Total preparation time: 5 minutes.Serves 8 as a side dish.To: Editors of Eat Right

45、 MagazineAs a long-time subscriber to Eat Right Magazine, I have frequently sampled your recipes and must credit you with some excellent results. Your recent April-May issue was, as always, packed with healthy, delicious meals, many of which I have already prepared at home.Several days ago, however,

46、 I attempted to make the apple and celery salad from the recipe on page 57 of the magazine in the Healthy, Quick, and Easy section. While the salad was flavorful, I was not satisfied with the recipe for two reasons. First, it should be noted that a salad containing100ml of mayonnaise, to be divided

47、among eight servings, is not particularly healthy. I was surprised to find a recipe with so much mayonnaise in an Eat Right recipe. Second, while the directions suggested that five minutes preparation time was sufficient, I found the time to be underestimated by quite a bit. Finely slicing so much c

48、elery and so many apples was quite time consuming and certainly took longer than five minutes. You might adjust this assessment when you publish this recipe in the future.I look forward to receiving the next issue of Eat Right Magazine, and I hope that it will contain more of the simple, nutritious

49、recipes that I have come to expect.Sincerely.Francesca BertoliniWhat does Ms. Bertolini suggest?A.Printing an apology in the next issue of the magazineB.Omitting mayonnaise from the recipeC.Modifying the stated preparation time of the recipeD.Verifying ingredients with an editor before publication答案

50、:C 本题解析:暂无解析28.第(3)题应填_A.to be givenB.gaveC.givingD.to give答案:D 本题解析:如果知道be willing to do这个词组,就可以选出正确答案的备选项A和D。主语you为动词give a ride的执行者,因此主动语态的不定式D为正确答案。29.根据以下内容,回答212-216题。Rising wages - together with currency fluctuations and high fuel costs - are eating away theonce-formidableChina price advantag

51、e, prompting thousands of factory owners to flee the PearlRiver Delta. Much has been written about the more than doubling of wages at the Shenzhen factoryof Foxconn, the worlds largest electronics contract manufacturer, which produces Apple iPhonesand iPads and employs 920,1300 people in China alone

52、.One can talk about a world pre- andpost- Foxconn, says Victor Fung, chairman of Li & Fung, the worlds biggest sourcing companyand a supplier of Wal-Mart. Foxconn is as important as that.Foxconns wage increases are only the most dramatic. Our analysis suggests that, sinceFebruary, minimum wages have

53、 climbed more than 20 percent in 20 Chinese regions and up to 30percent in some, including Sichuan. At a Guangdong Province factory supplying Honda, Wages haverisen an astonishing 47 percent. All this is bad news for companies operating in the worldsmanufacturing hub, and chief executives should ass

54、ume that double-digit annual rises - if not onthe scale witnessed this year - are here to stay.Looked at another way, however, wage inflation provides companies with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rethink radically the way they approach global production - and theyshould do so sooner rather t

55、han later.Why the urgency? After all, wage hikes in China are nothing new. Since 1990, they have risenby an average of 13 percent a year in U.S. dollar terms and 19 percent annually in the past fiveyears.There are two big reasons the situation is different now. The first has to do with productivity.

56、Over the past 20 years, productivity increases have broadly matched wage increase, negatitlg theirimpact. The pay rises came from a very low base, so while average wages grew 19 percent a yearfrom 2005 to 2010, this amounted to only 260 a month per employee, a sum that could be offsetby more efficie

57、nt production or switching to cheaper sources of parts and materials.If labor costs continue, however, to increase at 19 percent a year for another five years,monthly wages would grew ¥623 per month, according to BCG estimates. Such an increase wouldripple through the economy in the form of higher p

58、rices for components, business services, cargo-handling and office staff.The second reason relates to societal change. Until now, if has been easy to lure a seeminglyunlimited number of young, low-wage workers to the richer coastal regions and house them cheaplyin dormitories until they saved enough

59、 to return home to their famihes in the interior provinces. Inthe future, though, young workers will be harder to recruit. This is partly because there will befewer of them: Largely because of the countrys one-child policy, the number of Chinese aged 15to 29 will start declining in 2011. Moreover, with living standards rising across China, fewer oftodays rural youth will want to go to coastal regions to toil for 60 hours a week on an assemblyline and live in a cramped dormitory.So what can CEOs do in this fast-ch

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