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1、江苏2023年苏州银行博士后研究人员招聘笔试参考题库答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.Questions 5963 refer to the following information.BRAND MANAGERCOMPANY BACKGROUND: The Juneco Company, expected earnings of approximately $40 million, seeks to increase marketing and product innovation efforts to significantly increase reven

2、ues within 12 years. Headquartered in upstate New York, Juneco manufactures kitchenware products and home security systems under several nationally recognized brand names. In addition to these major brands, Juneco produces similar products under private label programs for home improvement merchants.

3、RESPONSIBILITES: The brand managers priority is to handle the heightening of productrecognition of Junecos major accounts abroad. The brand manager position was created to build brand recognition in the marketing sector of Junecos new International Division. The brand manager will spearhead efforts

4、to foster growth in garden tool products.Specific responsibilities include the following:(1) Generate marketing plans and lead the development of new products.(2) Increase public awareness of and demand for Junecos products.(3) Identify and evaluate market requirements and opportunities.(4) Work clo

5、sely with other members of the marketing department, as well as sales and sales operations departments to ensure achievement of company goals.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE AND PRESONAL QUALIFIES: The ideal candidate will have the following qualifications:(1) 35 years experience as brand manager in retail

6、marketing;(2) strong experience in analyzing current markets;(3) outstanding verbal and written communication skills;EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: An MA degree in Marketing is required; an MBA is a significant plus.Upon receipt of application, confirmation letters will be sent to applicants via email.Ther

7、eafter, priority applicants will be invited to meet with, Junecos CEO and Chief Marketing Officer.In which Juneco division will the successful applicant probably work?A.International marketingB.Human resourcesC.ProductionD.Accounting答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析2.农行客服电话_A.95533B.95566C.95551D.95599答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析3.

8、某投资者2018年以同样的价格卖出甲,乙两件艺术品,其中甲艺术品的卖出价比买入价低20%,乙艺术品的卖出价格比买入价格高60%,总卖出价格比总买入价格高6万元,则甲艺术品买入价比乙艺术品高( ) 万元。A.42B.36C.45D.30答案:D 本题解析:因为甲乙两件艺术品的售价相同,由“甲艺术晶的卖出价比买入价低20%”可得甲的成本:售价=S:4=10:8,乙的成本:售价=5:8, 总售价比总成本多(8+8) - (10+5) =1份,1份对应6万,甲买入价比乙买入价多10-5=5 份,5份应为5X6 -30万,D选项正确,A、B、C选项错误。故本题应选D。4.戏曲只有以观众的需求为努力方向,

9、依靠戏曲艺术的魅力才能获得市场竞争力我们应该鼓励戏曲的方言版和普通话版进行竞争语音改革是京剧和昆曲成为全国性剧种的关键因素地方戏要扩大影响,语言上必须做出牺牲地方戏走向衰亡,方言造成的理解障碍导致地方戏传播范围受限是不可忽略的因素地方戏的特色体现在音乐、舞蹈、服装、化妆、绝活、剧情等多个方面,方言并不是唯一特色将以上个句子重新排列,语序正确的是()。A.B.C.D.答案:B 本题解析:第一步,从选项入手,辨析首句。句“只有才能”、句“我们应该”是解决问题的对策,而题干中句明确提到地方戏存在的问题,根据先有问题后有对策的行文逻辑,、句放在首句不合适,故排除A项和C项。第二步,辨析句与句,看哪句更

10、适合做首句。句指出地方戏走向衰亡,方言的问题不可忽视,句提到地方戏走向全国要重视语音改革。可见句是针对句给出的相应对策,句应在句之前,故排除D项。故本题正确答案选B。5.下列关于社会必要劳动时间说法正确的是( )。A.在社会平均的劳动强度下B.在社会年均的劳动熟练程度下C.其它选项均正确D.在社会正常的生产条件下答案:C 本题解析:社会必要劳动时间是指,在现有的社会正常的生产条件下,在社会平均的劳动熟练程度和劳动强度下制造使用价值所需的劳动时间,故C项正确,ABD项均属于其中的一个条件。所以答案选C.6.人类的第四环境是指( )。A.海洋B.外层空间C.大气层D.陆地答案:B 本题解析:人类的

11、第四环境是指外层空间。7.诺斯等学者认为,金融创新就是()。A.规避管制B.制度变革C.降低交易成本D.寻求利润的最大化答案:B 本题解析:诺斯等制度学派的金融创新理论认为金融创新是一种与经济制度相互影响、相互因果的制度变革。8.通货膨胀实质上是一种货币现象,表现为商品和生产要素价格总水平在一定时期内()。A.持续下降B.持续上升C.间歇性下降D.间歇性上升答案:B 本题解析:通货膨胀(Inflation)指因货币供给大于货币实际需求,也即现实购买力大于产出供给,导致货币贬值而引起的一段时间内物价持续而普遍地上涨的现象。其实质是社会总需求大于社会总供给(供远小于求)。纸币、含金量低的铸币、信用


13、人的事业发展答案:B 本题解析:选项中只有B项与结论中所述的更高的学历、更好的职业前景,或者获得更丰厚的收入无关。故答案选B。10.Few laws are so effective that you can see results just days after they take effect. But in the nine days since the federal cigarette tax more than doubled-to $1.01 per pack-smokers have jammed telephone quit lines across the country

14、seeking to kick the habit.This is not a surprise to public health advocates. Theyve studied the effect of state tax increases for years, finding that smokers, especially teens, are price sensitive. Nor is it a shock to the industry, which fiercely fights every tax increase.The only wonder is that so

15、 many states insist on closing their ears to the message. Tobacco taxes improve public health, they raise money and most particularly, they deter people from taking up the habit as teens, which is when nearly all smokers are addicted. Yet the rate of taxation varies widely.In Manhattan, for instance

16、, which has the highest tax in the nation, a pack of Marlboro Light Kings cost $10.06 at one drug store Wednesday. Charleston, S.C, where the 7-cent-a-pack tax is the lowest in the nation. The price was $4.78.The influence is obvious.In New York, high school smoking hit a new low in the latest surve

17、ys-13.8%, far below the national average. By comparison,26% of high school students smoke in Kentucky, Other low-tax states have similarly depressing teen-smoking records.Hal Rogers, Representative from Kentucky, like those who are against high tobacco taxes, argues that the burden of the tax falls

18、on low-income Americans who choose to smoke.Thats true. But there is more reason in keeping future generations of low-income workers from getting hooked in the first place, as for todays adults, if the new tax drives them to quit, they will have more to spend on their families, cut their risk of can

19、cer and heart disease and feel better.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.The new tax will be beneficial in the long runB.Low-income Americans are more likely to fall illC.Future generations will be hooked on smokingD.Adults will depend more on their families答案:A 本题解析:推理判断题。从文章最后一段可以看出,这种新的税

20、收从长远来看是有好处的。 11.The flight attendants most important function is assisting passengers in the_ of emergency.A.happeningB.eventC.openingD.affair答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析12.2011年,我国货物进出口总额达到36421亿美元,比2002年增长49倍,年均增长217。在出口总额中,机电产品占比由2002年的482提高到2011年的572;高新技术产品由208提高到289。2011年,机电产品进口7533亿美元,比2002年增长38倍;高新技术产品进口46

21、30亿美元增长46倍2002-2011年我国货物进出口贸易顺差2002-2011年,我国与印度、南非、俄罗斯、巴西和东盟双边贸易占货物进出口总额的比重上升了( )个百分点。A.5. 1B.5.3C.5.8D.6.6答案:A 本题解析:根据表格,2002年我国与印度、南非、俄罗斯、巴西和东盟双边贸易占货物进出口总额的比重为(08+0.4+19+0.7+88),2011年为(20+1.2+2.2+23+100),上升了(20+1.2+22+23+10.0)-(08+04+19+0.7+88)个百分点,尾数为0+2+2+3+0-8-4-9-7-8=-29,尾数应为3029=1,A符合。13.第(3)

22、处应填_A.free chargesB.freely chargedC.free of chargeD.free to charge答案:C 本题解析:句子表示本来是需要付费入场的活动,但是因为Mitchell捐赠了很多,所以特别地免费提供了两张票。故选“免费的”短语free of charge。14.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:观察图形始终注意两边突起的折叠边,故推断出答案为B。15.In the 1960s, many young Americans were dissatisfied with American society. They wanted t

23、o end the Vietnam War and to make all of the people in the U.S. equal. Some of them decided to drop out of American society and form their own societies . They formed utopian communities , which they called communes, where they could follow their philosophy of do your own thing. A group of artists f

24、ounded a commune in southern Colorado called Drop City. Following the ideas of philosopher and architect Buckminster Fuller they built domeshaped houses from pieces of old cars. Other groups, such as author Ken Keseys Merry Pranksters, the followers fo San Francisco poet Steve Gakin, and a group tha

25、t called itself the Hog Farm, lived in old school huses and traveled around the United States. The Hog Farm become famous when they helped organize the Woodstock Rock Festival in 1969. Steve Gaskins followers tried to settle down on a farm in Tennessee, but they had to leave when some members of the

26、 gruop were arrested for growing marijuanANot all communes believed in the philosophy of do you own thing, however . Twin Oaks , a commune founded in Virgiania in the late 1960s, was based on the ideas of psychologist BFSkinner. The people who lived at Twin Oaks were carefully controlled by Skinners

27、 conditioning techniques to do things that were good for the community. In 1972, Italian architect Paolo Soleri began to build Arcosanti, a utopian city Arizsona where 2500 people will live closely together in one large building called an archology Soleri believes that people must live closely toget

28、her so that they will all become one.Where did the members of the Hog Farm commune live?A.In dome-shaped houseB.In old school husesC.On a farm inTennesseeD.In an archology in Arizona答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析16.根据以下资料。回答56-60题:2009年度全国“农民工总量”为22978万人。比上年增加436万人。其中“外出农民工”14533万人,比上年增加492万人。在外出农民工中,“住户中外出农民工”1156




32、”C.“住户中外出农民工”D.“举家外出农民工”答案:A 本题解析:17.存放中央银行款项属于商业银行的()科目。A.资产B.负债C.所有者权益D.损益答案:A 本题解析:存放中央银行的款项属于商业银行的资产类科目。故本题正确答案为A。18.可以用于判断两种商品或者服务是否具有替代关系或互补关系的指标是()。A.需求价格弹性B.需求交叉弹性C.供给价格弹性D.需求收入弹性答案:B 本题解析:需求交叉弹性大小是确定两种商品是否具有替代关系或互补关系的标准。若两种品的需求交叉弹性系数为正数,则说明两种商品互为替代品;若两种商品的需求交叉弹性系数为负数,则说明两种商品互为互补。19.根据以下资料,回


34、量4615万吨,增长76;牛肉产量610万吨,下降05;羊肉产量376万吨,下降18。生猪年末存栏46264万头,增长52;生猪出栏60960万头,增长79。牛奶产量3651万吨,增长36;禽蛋产量2638万吨,增长43。全年水产品产量4895万吨,增长31。其中,养殖水产品产量3426万吨。增长45;捕捞水产品产量1469万吨与上年持平。以下说法不正确的是()。A.2008年棉花的单产为1.3吨公顷B.2007年猪肉产量占肉类总产量的60以上C.2008年早稻、夏粮、秋粮产量均有较大增长D.2008年水产品产量增加147万吨答案:C 本题解析:A项,2008年棉花单产为750万吨576万公顷

35、=13吨公顷,A正确;B项,2007年猪肉产量为4615(1+76),肉类总产量为7269(1+59),猪肉产量占比为,B正确;C项,早稻产量与上年基本持平,C错误:D项,2008年水产品产量增加48954895(1+31)=147万吨,D正确。因此,只有C项错误。20.The passage shows that_.A.mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughterB.mother was too serious about everything her daughter had doneC.mothe

36、r cared much about her daughter in wordsD.mother wrote to her daughter in careful words答案:A 本题解析:由第二段最后一句“But she livedon the surface”和全文内容可知,作者的母亲表面上很冷漠,但心里充满了对作者的爱,正确答案是A。21.Rising wages - together with currency fluctuations and high fuel costs - are eating away the once-formidableChina price adva

37、ntage, prompting thousands of factory owners to flee the Pearl River Delta. Much has been written about the more than doubling of wages at the Shenzhen factory of Foxconn, the worlds largest electronics contract manufacturer, which produces Apple iPhones and iPads and employs 920,000 people in China

38、 alone.One can talk about a world pre- and post- Foxconn, says Victor Fung, chairman of Li & Fung, the worlds biggest sourcing company and a supplier of Wal-Mart. Foxconn is as important as that.Foxconns wage increases are only the most dramatic. Our analysis suggests that, since February, minimum w

39、ages have climbed more than 20 percent in 20 Chinese regions and up to 30 percent in some, including Sichuan. At a Guangdong Province factory supplying Honda, wages have risen an astonishing 47 percent. All this is bad news for companies operating in the worlds manufacturing hub, and chief executive

40、s should assume that double-digit annual rises - if not on the scale witnessed this year - are here to stay.Looked at another way, however, wage inflation provides companies with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rethink radically the way they approach global production - and they should do so s

41、ooner rather than later.Why the urgency? After all, wage hikes in China are nothing new. Since 1990, they have risen by an average of 13 percent a year in U.S. dollar terms and 19 percent annually in the past five years.There are two big reasons the situation is different now. The first has to do wi

42、th productivity.Over the past 20 years, productivity increases have broadly matched wage increase, negating their impact. The pay rises came from a very low base, so while average wages grew 19 percent a year from 2005 to 2010, this amounted to only ¥260 a month per employee, a sum that could be off

43、set by more efficient production or switching to cheaper sources of parts and materials.If labor costs continue, however, to increase at 19 percent a year for another five years,monthly wages would grew ¥623 per month, according to BCG estimates. Such an increase would ripple through the economy in

44、the form of higher prices for components, business services, cargo-handling and office staff.The second reason relates to societal change. Until now, if has been easy to lure a seemingly unlimited number of young, low-wage workers to the richer coastal regions and house them cheaply in dormitories u

45、ntil they saved enough to return home to their families in the interior provinces. In the future, though, young workers will be harder to recruit. This is partly because there will be fewer of them: Largely because of the countrys one-child policy, the number of Chinese aged 15 to 29 will start decl

46、ining in 2011. Moreover, with living standards rising across China, fewer of todays rural youth will want to go to coastal regions to toil for 60 hours a week on an assembly line and live in a cramped dormitory.So what can CEOs do in this fast-changing environment? An instinctive reaction is to sear

47、ch for cheaper labor elsewhere. But this is short-sighted and would provide - at best - a short-term fix. Another option is to stay in China and try to squeeze out greater productivity gains. In Paragraph 5, the author discusses that (). A.if labor costs continue to grow, it would ripple through the

48、 economyB.average wages grow 19 percent from 2005 to 2010C.foreign enterprises should switch their manufacturing to cheaper sourcesD.the wage rises over the past 2 decades could be offset by rising production答案:D 本题解析:答案A根据文章大意可排除,B应该是过去的五年时间,C文章中没有提到。22.按照支付结算办法关于正确填写票据和结算凭证的基本规定,若票据出票日期为10 月10 日,则

49、正确的写法是:( )。A.零壹拾月零壹拾日B.零壹拾月壹拾零日C.壹拾零月零壹拾日D.壹拾零月壹拾零日答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析23.在货币均衡分析中,用来描述在货币市场均衡状态下收入和利率之间相互关系的曲线是()。A.BP曲线B.J曲线C.IS曲线D.LM曲线答案:D 本题解析:LM曲线表示在货币市场中,货币供给等于货币需求时收入与利率的各种组合的点的轨迹。24.艺术必须拒绝融人现实,从而保持一种 的姿态。艺术之美所包含的自由、欢悦与人性是日常现实所 的,同时也不会为纷繁的日常现实所消蚀,所掩盖。依次填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.鹤立鸡群 匮缺B.出类拔萃 缺少C.与众不同 缺乏D

50、.卓尔不群 匮乏答案:D 本题解析:根据首句可知第一空表达的是“艺术拒绝融人现实”后达到的一种独立状态。“出类拔萃”形容人的品德、才能超出同类之上;“与众不同”指跟大家不一样,不契合文意,排除B、C。 第二句所表达的意思是日常现实中具有艺术美所包含的自由、欢悦与人性,但是却很少。选项A 中的“匮缺”强调缺失;选项D中的“匮乏”强调有,但是少。显然后者更符合文意,正确答案为D。25.我国现行的会计法规体系由()构成。A.会计法、会计准则、会计制度B.会计法、注册会计师法、会计制度C.会计法、审计法、注册会计师法D.基本会计准则、具体会计准则答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析26.2017年是中国农历鸡

51、年。在本世纪余下的年份里(不含2017年),农历是鸡年的年份还有()。A.7个B.6个C.8个D.5个答案:B 本题解析:周期问题,本世纪从2000-2099年, 2017年之后还剩下82年,82/12-6.10,所以还有6个鸡年。27.每一次军事变革都是一次思想破冰、头脑风暴,谁能把握住军事理论创新的先机,谁就_了通往未来胜利之门的钥匙。曾几何时,英军最先发明坦克,但德军率先创造“闪电战”理论,让坦克在二战初期_。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.捡到大放异彩B.抓住大显神通C.掌握独领风骚D.拿下一枝独秀答案:C 本题解析:本题考察的是实词与成语的综合。“谁能把握住军事理论创新的先机,

52、谁就_了通往未来胜利之门的钥匙”,第一空填入词应该与提示性词语“把握”近义,可以锁定选项C。将第二空代入,“独领风骚”指的是超群出众,没有人可以与之相比。符合文意。因此,选择C选项。28.YU HUI, a boisterous four- year-old hiving in Shanghai s what marketing people call a digitalnative. Over a year ago, she started communicating with her parents using WeChat, a Chinese mobile-messaging serv

53、ice. She is too young to carry around a mobile phone. Instead she uses a Mon Mon, an internet-connected device that inks through the cloud to the WeChat app. The cuddly critter s rotund belly disguiscs a microphone, which YU Hui uscs to send rambling updatesand songs to her parents ,it lights up whe

54、n she gets an incoming message back.Like most professionals on the mainland her mother uses what rather than e-mail to conduct much of her business. The app offers everything from free video calls and instant group chats to news updates and easy sharing of large multimedia files. It has a business-o

55、riented chat service akin to Americas stack Yu Huis mother also uscs her smart phonc camera to scan the WeChat QR(quick response )codes of people she meets far more ofien these days than she exchanges businesscards. YU Huis father uses the app to shop online, to pay for goods at physical stores, set

56、tle utility bills and split dinner tabs with friends, just with a few taps. He can easily book and pay for axis,dumpling deliveries theatre tickets, hospital appointments and foreign holidays,all without ever leaving the Wechat universe.As one American venture capitalist puts it, Wechat is there at

57、every point of your daily contact with the world, from morning until night.It is this status as a hub for all internet activity, and as a platform through which users find their way to other services, that inspires Silicon alley firms including Facebook to monitor wechat closely. They are right to c

58、ast an envious eye. People who divide their time between China and the West complain that leaving Wechat behind is akin to stepping back in time.The underined phrase akin to is closest in meaning to?A.Based onB.Different fromC.Compared toD.Similar to答案:D 本题解析:无参考答案29.根据贷款五级分类法,下列属于优良贷款的是( )。A.非可疑类贷款

59、B.次级类贷款C.关注类贷款D.可疑类贷款答案:C 本题解析:按风险程度将贷款划分为五类:正常、关注、次级、可疑、损失,后三种为不良贷款。30. 双轨制度是中国从计划经济向市场经济过渡所采取的制度安排,曾在各个经济领域广泛使用。到目前为止,中国所有工业品和绝大多数农产品的市场已经全部放开,但是粮食领域的双轨制度依然存在这从一个侧面反映出粮食流通体制的改革具有复杂性和特殊性。 根据这段文字,关于“双轨制度”理解正确的是()。A.双轨制度在市场经济下完全退出时机尚不成熟B.在计划经济时期,工业产品普遍采用双轨制度C.农产品市场的全面开放指日可待D.粮食市场的双轨制度限制了粮食的自由交易答案:A 本题解析:由“双轨制度是中国从计划经济向市场经济过渡所采取

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