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1、Module 2 No Drugs Function+ Listening and Vocabulary + Pronunciation 教材分析本课时要求通过听的活动了解和学习有关吸毒和犯罪的词汇,培养表达结果,做总结和获取信息的能力。Speaking讨论抽烟带来的危害,为了与听力部分的内容衔接,我对Speaking中的话题做了修改,把讨论吸烟的危害改编成讨论毒品的危害。在这节听说课之前,学生学习了Reading and Vocabulary,通过阅读文章,已经掌握了部分抽烟,吸毒及其危害的词汇,本课时由复习旧课人手,引人新课的新词汇,并以听说为主线,对吸毒这一主题进行延伸和拓展.教育学生关

2、爱社会,关爱他人,远离毒品。 语言知识目标:burglary, connection, crime, criminal, illegal, shoplifting, treatment.听懂电台中的采访录音,学会抓住关键意见进行总结,并用英语讨论,表达吸毒的危害.情感目标:提高自我保护意识,养成良好生活习惯,珍爱生命,远离毒品.语言技能目标:学习策略方面: 通过组织学生预测问题,听辩问题,培养抓住和辨别信息的能力.通过拓展讨论问题,培养学生独立思考,自主学习的能力.以individual work, pair work, group work等形式加强合作学习,从网上或其它媒体了解吸毒危害,学

3、会分析,归纳.文化意识方面: 通过听,说,还有一些补充材料加强学生对毒品危害的认识,提高自我保护意识. Function 1.Read the following sentences and try to understand: so as a result of as a result 2 . complete the sentences with so, as a result and as a result of Listening and vocabulary A: Pre-listening:1.Check the meanings of these words.2.Answer t

4、he following questions:Which word refers to somewhere that you can buy things?Which word means something is against the law?Which word describes somebody who breaks the law?Which word is the crime of stealing from a shop?Which word is the crime of stealing from a house? Listen to the tape and answer

5、 the questions and explain why. (Activity 2)Listen again and complete these sentences. ( Activity 3) B: While-listening 1.Listen to the tape and decide the intonation of mood and feeling,2.Repeat the sentences with different intonation to show the mood or feeling.C: Post-listening : PronunciationAss

6、ignment: Do Listening exercises Speaking +Writing +Everyday English Practise oral English by answering the following questions: Has anyone been to our school to talk about the dangers of smoking?Are your friends and family mainly smokers or non-smokers?Whats the public attitude towards smoking in th

7、e place where you live?Do you think youll be a smoker when you leave school and start work? Writing 1. Read the email from a student in the US. Choose correct subject for the email survey from these three suggestions.2. Write a reply and answer his questions.3. Ask similar questions to him. Everyday

8、 English1.Read through the expressions and know what to do Activity 1.2. Practise the conversation with a partner. Do Activity 2. Task-preparing a presentation on the dangers of smoking1.Make a list of the dangers of smoking to discuss.2.What are the biggest dangers of smoking?3.What are the best id

9、eas for stopping smoking?4. What can we learn from Module 2? posters Look at the two posters and write a passage on the dangers of smoking Yes to life, no to drugs. You can use one of these sentences in your poster:1. Yes to life, no to drugs.2. Never have a try.3. Try it, and aids will kiss you.4. For all you love, never start it.5. Taking drugs is illegal.6. One try, forever regret.7. Drug means the end of your life.8. Drug means the end of your love.9. Drug means skeleton.10.Drug means no friends.

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