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1、B E C商务英语高级考试历年真题(4)1 G e n u i n e f e e d b a c k w o u l d re l e a s e re s o u rc e s t o b eu s e d e l s e w h e re.2 M a n a g e rs a re e x p e c t e d t o e n a b l e t h e i r s t a f f t ow o rk e f f e c t i v e l y.3 E x p e rt s a re u n l i k e l y t o f a c i l i t a t e a m o v e t

2、 og e n u i n e f e e d b a c k.4 T h e re a re b e n e f i t s w h e n m e t h o d s o f e v a l u a t i n gp e rf o rm a n c e h a v e b e e n n e g o t i a t e d.5 A p p ra i s a l s t e n d t o f o c u s o n t h e n a t u re o f t h ef a c e-t o-f a c e re l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n e m p

3、 l o y e e s a n d t h e i rl i n e m a n a g e rs.6 T h e i d e a t h a t e m p l o y e e s a re re s p o n s i b l e f o r w h a tt h e y d o s e e m s re a s o n a b l e.7 D e s p i t e e x p e rt a s s e rt i o n,m a n a g e m e n ts t ru c t u re s p re v e n t g e n u i n e f e e d b a c k8 A

4、n i n c re a s i n g a m o u n t o f e f f o rt i s b e i n g d e d i c a t e dt o t h e a p p ra i s a l p ro c e s s.AP e rf o rm a n c e a p p ra i s a l i s o n t h e u p a n d u p.I t u s e dt o re p re s e n t t h e o n e t i m e o f y e a r w h e n g e t t i n g o n w i t ht h e w o rk w a s

5、p u t o n h o l d w h i l e e n o rm o u s q u a n t i t i e s o fmanagement hours were spent in the earnest ritual ofrating and ranking performance.Now the practice iseven more frequent.This of course makes it al 1 the moreimportant how appraisal is conducted.Human resourcesprofessionals claim that

6、 managers should strive forobjectivity and thus for feedback rather than judgement.But the simple fact of the matter is that the natureof hierarchy distorts the concept of feedback becauseperformance measure are conceived hierarchically.Unfortunately,all too many workers suffer from theinjustices th

7、at this generates.BThe notion behind performance appraisal-thatworkers should be held accountable for theirperformance-is plausible.However,the evidencesuggests that the premise is wrong.Contrary toassumptions appraisal is not an effective means ofperformance improvement-it is judgement imposedrathe

8、r than feedback,a judgement imposed by thehierarchy.Useful feedback,on the other hand,wouldbe information that told both the manager and workerhow well the work system functioned,and suggested waysto make it better.CWithin the production system at the carmanufacturer Toyota,there is nothing that isr

9、ecognizable as performance appraisal.Every operationin the system has an associated measure.The measurehas been worked out between the operators and theirmanager.In every case,the measure is related to thepurpose of the work.That measure is the basis offeedback to the manager and worker alike.Toyota

10、 sbasic idea is expressed in the axiom“bad news first.Both managers and workers are psychologically safe inthe knowledge that it is the system-not the worker-that is the primary influence on performance.It ismanagement s responsibility to ensure that the workersoperate in a system that facilitates t

11、heir performance.DIn many companies,performance appraisal springsfrom misguided as assumptions.To judge achievement,managers use date about each worker?s activity,notan evaluation of the process or system s achievementof purpose.The result is that performance appraisalinvolves managers judgement ove

12、rruling their staffs,ignoring the true influences on performance.Thusthe appraisal experience becomes a question of pleasingthe boss,particularly in meetings,which ispsychologically unsafe and socially driven,determining who is in and who is o u t .EWhen judgement is replaced by feedback in the true

13、sense,organizations will have a lot more time to devoteto their customers and their business.N o time will bewasted in appraisal.This requires a fundamental shiftin the way we think about the organization ofperformance appraisals,which almost certainly willnot be forthcoming from the human resources

14、 profession.关于员工评估和反馈的文章。一个组织内部的上下级沟通真的太重要了。第一题,说真正的反馈可以释放用在别处的资源。意思上真正的反馈可以让人腾出精力。答案是E段的第一句:Whenjudgement is replaced by feedback in the true sense,organizations will have a lot more time to devote totheir customers and their businesso 这题的意思还算比较明显,feedback in the true sense,就是 genuinefeedback,devot

15、e to their customers and the business,就是把资源释放在别的地方。第二题,说经理们是被期望着使员工工作得更有效率。答案是C段的最后一句:It is management?sresponsibility to ensure that the workers operate ina system that facilitates their performance.经理们的责任,也就是managers are expected to,有利于他们的表现,就是 enable their staff to work effectivelyo第三题,说专家不大可能有利于

16、真正反馈的进程。答案是 E 段的最后一句:which almost certainly will not beforthcoming from the human resources profession。人力资源专家,就 是expertso需要理解下这里的forthcoming的含义:willing to divulge information.(人)愿意透露消息的。专家们不愿意透露消息,也就是不能指望专家来facilitate。第四题,说商讨评估表现的方法是有利的。答案是在C段,有点分散。前面说The measure has been worked outbetween the opera

17、tors and their managero 这个措施是在操作者和经理们之间拟定的。between the operators andmanagers,也就是评估表现的方法是被商讨了的。后面介绍的情况都是这个measure有多么的好:is the basis offeedbacko综合起来,就是选项说的,商讨是有好处的。第五题,说评估倾向聚焦于员工和他们直属经理们之间面对面关系的性质。这个选项可能会弄的人一头雾水,首先得弄明白这里的面对面关系指的是什么。员工和直属经理的关系,就是上下级的关系,过分看重这个关系,那么在评估过程中就会有顾虑,谁还敢揭自己上司的短?所以这个句子的意思是说评估过程中

18、有顾忌,无人敢说真话。答案是D段的这么一句:Thus the appraisal experience becomes aquestion of pleasing the boss。评估过程成了讨好自己的老板,说的就是这个意思。P.S:这是我个人对这道题的理解,大家有异议,可以提。第六题,说员工对他们所作负责的想法听起来很合理。答案是 B 段的第一句:The notion behind performanceappraisal-that workers should be held accountable fortheir performance-is plausible。这里的 accoun

19、table 就是负有责任。Plausible是貌似真实的,也就是seemsreasonableo第七题,说虽然有专家们的主张,管理层的结构阻止了真正的反馈。答案是A段的这么一句:the simple fact ofthe matter is that the nature of hierarchy distorts theconcept of feedbacko管理层的机构,就是这句里提到的the nature of hierarchy,等级制的性质。这个单词在BEC阅读里常出现。distort,扭曲,就是选项里的prevent。第八题,说在评估过程中投入了更多的努力。答案是A段的这么一句,有

20、点隐晦:N ow the practice is even morefrequent.This of course makes it all the more importanthow appraisal is conducted.这个句子是紧跟上文的,thepractice指的就是appraisal。评估的更频繁,评估是怎么进行的显得更加重要。认为更加重要了(makes it all themore important),就会投入更多努力了。综合起来,这些的意思就是评估过程投入了更多的努力。不太容易看出来。相关练习:2 0 1 1 年上半年B E C 商务英语考试时间B E C 商务英语高级

21、考试历年真题(5)In the last few years,managers throughout industryhave seen more changes than many of them could haveexpected to see in their entire working lives havingto communicate information which often leads tofeelings of insecurity has become a key activity.Frombeing regarded as relatively unimporta

22、nt in manycompanies,management employee communication hasbecome a central corporate need.C oncordia International provides a good example ofa company that has adjusted well to the changing needsfor communication.since 1995,C oncordia has beenturned inside-out and upside-down,to ensure that itis a ma

23、rketing-led,customer-responsive business,one that looks outwards at customers and competitors,rather than inwards at its own processes and the waythings were done in the past.In the last eight years,C oncordia has reduced its workforce by more than 80.000people-or 35%-on a voluntary basis,with furth

24、erdownsizing anticipated.From being an engineering company,C oncordia is nowremaking itself as a service company.The role ofemployee communication in such a context is to buildpeople s self-confidence,to persuade them that,although it is inevitable that the changes will go ahead,they also bring with

25、 them new opportunities foremployees.However,this is not an easy task.Peopletend to be skeptical of these claims and to feel thatthey are losing touch with the company they have workedfor over many years.This is understandable,since manyof the old certainties are being swept away,includingthe core a

26、ctivities of the company they work for.Aboveall,they have had to face up to the fact that theyno longer have a job for life.Research indicates that people respond to thispredicament in a variety of ways.The bulk of employeesfall into two main categories in terms of their responseto the new situation

27、:on the one hand there are the“pragmatistsn and on the other“the highly anxious vthe former see their job as a means to an end and havea relatively short-term perspective,with strongloyalty to their local term,rather than the companyas a whole.The second category,usually the majority,may respond to

28、threatened changes with a feeling ofhaving been let down,and even feel anger at the companyfor what they see as changing the terms of theiremployment.The employee communication process needs to becapable of accurately directing its messages at avariety of employee groups and departments within thewo

29、rkforce.this is why middle managers and linemanagers are so key to communication.They are thepeople who know about the full rage of concerns amongthe workforce.The problem in the past was that thiscrucial area was often the responsibility of a separate,relatively isolated unit.C oncordia putsrespons

30、ibility for communication firmly on linemanagers.All their research points to the sameconclusion:people prefer to get their informationface-to-face from their line managers.That is the keyrelationship and where arguments and hearts and minds-are lost.The general rule in company communication is tote

31、ll employees as much as you can as soon as you can.If you can t provide details,then at least put thenews in context and commit yourself to providinggreater detail when it becomes available another ruleof company communication is that there must be a fitbetween what the company is telling its employ

32、ees andwhat it is telling its shareholders.15 In the last eightyears,C oncordia hasA made over 80.000 employees reduncdantB completed a period of downsizingC reduced its workforce of 80.000 by 35%D given 35%of departing employees voluntaryredundancy16 From C oncordia s point of view,the role ofcommu

33、nication is toA win employee support before going ahead with thechangesB change the companyJ s core activities.C emphasise the positive aspects of the changesD explain the need for the changes17 what does research show about most employees?response to change?A they expect it to have a bad effect on

34、the companyB they feel completely powerlessC they become less loyalD they fell they have been treated unfairly18 C oncordia?s communication process mainly reliesonA printed communicationB departmental headsC personal communicationD a separate,specialized unit19 According to the writer,what is the gu

35、idingprinciple about giving information within anorganization?A N ever make promises about future developmentsB Give people an overall view at the earliestpossible stageC always include plenty of hard informationD Hold back until all the details can be provided20 which of the following would be the

36、most suitabletitle for the article?A employee attitudes to company communicationB making company communication more effectiveC Researching company commmucationD Making employees feel less powerless文章取材自一本管理手册,说的是一个组织里的有效沟通问题。这套题目有些特别,不像之前的阅读的第三部分,六道题目分别依次对应文章的六个段落,这题的答案稍微分散了些。15题,答案很明显,但是选项很有迷惑性。答案是

37、第二段的最后一句:In the last eight years,C oncordia hasreduced its workforce by more than 80.000 people-or35%-on a voluntary basis,with further downsizinganticipated.减少了 80000员工(或者说减少了 35%的员工),预期还会减少更多。A选项是对的,made redundant是前面某套题目阅读的第五部分考过的词组;B不对,没有完成(completed),因为预期还会裁减更多(with furtherdownsizing anticipated

38、);C 也不对,迷惑性最大,reducedits workforce of 80.000,用了介词of,所以这句的意思是一共就80000员工,而实际情况是减少了 80000员工;D不对,35%的员工被裁减,都是在自愿的基础上的,而不是离开的人中有35%是自愿的。16题,问根据此人的观点,沟通的角色是什么。也就是问沟通的目的或者作用是什么。答案在第三段。沟通是为了帮助人树立自信,说服他们虽然要面临一些变化,但是同样也会拥有一些新的机会。说白了,就是鼓励这些被裁的人。答案选C,强调变化的积极方面。这里的positive aspects是对前面说的 bring with them new oppor

39、tunities 的一个概括。(想起了电影 在云端,up in the air,里面那个老男人的工作就是职业裁员专家,专门对被裁的人说些这样的话。)17题,问调查显示大多数人对change的反应是什么。这题在答案中也很明显,但是选项很纠结。都有点似是而非。The second category,usually the majority,may respondto threatened changes with a feeling of having been letdown.,and even feel anger at the company for what theysee as chan

40、ging the terms of their employment.大多数员工的反应就是很失望,甚至会很愤怒。个人觉得这题出的不够严谨,没有哪个选项能严格从原文中提炼出来。对比下D要好点,因为对公司失望和愤怒,就是觉得受到了不公正的待遇。此题有待高手补充更完美的理由。1 8 题,问沟通过程主要依赖于什么。答案是第五段的这句:p e o p l e p r e f e r t o ge t t he i r i n f o r m a t i o n f a c e-t o-f a c ef r o m t he i r l i n e m a n a ge r so喜欢面对面的从直属经理那里

41、获取信息。所以选C,个人的交流。1 9 题,问组织内部提供信息的指导准则是什么。最后一段的第一句就是:T he ge n e r a l r u l e i n c o m p a n yc o m m u n i c a t i o n i s t o t e l l e m p l o ye e s a s m u c h a s yo u c a na s s o o n a s yo u c a no尽可能的快,尽可能的多。不能提供细节的,至少给个大致的背景 消 息(p u t t he n e ws i nc o n t e xt)o时机成熟了,再告知更多。选 B:在可能的最早的阶段

42、让人有个总体的印象。2 0 题,给文章选标题。这种题在B E C 的阅读里还真不多见。选标题,就是要挑选文章的最主要意思,从整体上把握文章的m a i n i d e a s。这篇文章通篇说的就是c o m m u n i c a t i o n,前面介绍了沟通的背景:裁员;接着说了员工对裁员的反应;然后最后两段,一段说员工喜欢什么样的沟通方式,一段说沟通的原则是什么。综合起来,就是关于怎样进行有效沟通的问题。选 B。A不对,片面了,只是文中某部分的内容,并且这部分内容是为后面做背景介绍,不是主要的;C不对,不是简单的research,research仅仅是介绍状况,文章还有关于实现措施的。B

43、 E C 商务英语高级考试历年真题(6)The N egotiating TableYou can negotiate virtually anything.Projects,resources,expectations and deadlines are all outcomesof negotiation.Some people negotiate deals for aliving.Dr Herb C ohen is one of these professionaltalkers,called in by companies to negotiate on theirbehalf.He

44、 approaches the art of negotiation as a gamebecause,as he is usually negotiating for somebody else,he says this helps him drain the emotional content fromhis conversation.He is working in a competitive fieldand needs to avoid being too adversarial.Whether hesucceeds or not,it is important to him to

45、make a goodimpression so that people will recommend him.The starting point for any deal,he believes,isto identify exactly what you want from each other.Moreoften than not,one party will be trying to persuadethe other round to their point of view.N egotiationrequires two people at the end saying yes”

46、.This canbe a problem because one of them usually begins bysaying no”.However,although this can make talksmore difficult,this is often just a starting point inthe negotiation game.Top management may well rejectthe idea initially because it is the safer option butthey would not be there if they were

47、not interested.It is a misconception that skilled negotiators aresmooth operators in smart suits.Dr Cohen says that oneof his strategies is to dress down so that the otherside can relate to you.Pitch your look to suit yourcustomer.You do not need to make them feel better thanyou but,For example,dres

48、sing in a style that is notovertly expensive or successful will make you moreapproachable.People will generally feel morecomfortable with somebody who appears to be like themrather than superior to them.They may not like you butthey will feel they can trust you.Dr Cohen suggests that the best way to

49、 sei 1 yourproposal is by getting into the world of the other side.Ask questions rather than give answers and take aninterest in what the other person is saying,even ifyou think what they are saying is silly.You do not needto become their best friends but being too clever willalienate them.A lot of

50、deals are made on impressions.Do not rush what you are saying-put a few hesitationsin,do not try to blind them with your verbal dexterity.Also,you should repeat back to them what they have saidto show you take them seriously.Inevitably some deals will not succeed.Generallythe longer the negotiations

51、 go on,the better chancethey have because people do not want to think theirinvestment and energies have gone to waste.However,joint venture can mean joint risk and sometimes,ifthis becomes too great,neither party may be preparedto see the deal through.More common is a corporateculture clash between

52、companies,which can put paid toany deal.Even having agreed a deal,things may not betied up quickly because when the lawyers get involved,everything gets slowed down as they argue about smalldetails.De C ohen thinks that children are the masters ofnegotiation.Their goals are totally selfish.Theyunder

53、stand the decision-making process within familiesperfectly.If Mum refuses their request,they willtroop along to Dad and pressure him.If al else fails,they will try the grandparents,using some emotionalblackmail.They can also be very single-minded and havean inexhaustible supply of energy for the cau

54、se theyare pursuing.So there are lesson to be learned fromwatching and listening to chiIdren.15 Dr Cohen treats negotiation as a game in ordertoA put people at easeB remain detachedC be competitiveD impress rivals16 Many people say no”to a suggestion in thebeginning toA convince the other party of t

55、heir point of viewB show they are not really interestedC indicate they wish to take the easy optionD protect their company s situation17 Dr Cohen says that when you are trying tonegotiate you shouldA adapt your style to the people you are talkingtoB make the other side feel superior to youC dress in

56、 a way to make you feel comfortable.D try to make the other side like you18 According to Dr C ohen,understanding the otherperson will help you toA gain their friendshipB speed up the negotiationsC plan your next move.D convince them of your point of view19 Deals sometimes fail becauseA negotiations

57、have gone on too longB the companies operate in different waysC one party risks more than the other.D the lawyers work too slowly20 Dr C ohen mentions children s negotiationtechniques to show that you shouldA be prepared to try every routeB try not to make people feel guiltyC be careful not to exhau

58、st yourselfD control the decision-making process.关于negotiating techniques的文章。传统的阅读题型,相对比较容易。15 题,答案很明显:he says this helps him drain theemotional content from his conversation。帮助他抽离他的谈话中的感情成分。要想选对,只需要知道选项B 中detached 的含义:not reacting to or becoming involvedin something in an emotional way16题,这题貌似只能采取排

59、除法。因为几个选项和原文的对应都不是太明显。问为什么很多人在一开始要对一个建议 说“不”。答案是第二段的最后一句:Top management maywell reject the idea initially because it is the saferoption but they would not be there if they were notinterested.o最高管理层在一开始可能会拒绝这个建议,因为这样是一个更安全的选择。但是如果他们真的不感兴趣的话,他们就不会在那里(谈判)了。A 在这段文字中没有提到,B 不对,他们肯定是感兴趣的,C也不对没有提到,原文说的是safe

60、r option。选 D,之所以会拒绝,因为从维护公司利益的角度,这样是一个safer option。17 题,答案也很明显:Dr C ohen says that one of hisstrategies is to dress down so that the other side canrelate to you.这里的两个词组可以解释下:dress down:to wear clothes that are more informalthan the ones you would usually wearrelate to:to feel that you understand som

61、eonesproblem,situation etc所以这个句子意思是穿的不那么正式,这样可以让另一方接近你。也就是A说的是你的风格适应你的谈判对象。C不对,不是 make you feel comfortable,而是 make othersfeel comfortableo D也不对,可能会误选,不是让别人喜欢你,like太夸张了,只是容易接近。18题,答案在第四段的第一句话:Dr C ohen suggeststhat the best way to sell your proposal is by gettinginto the world of the other side.o 走进

62、另一方的世界,就是原文说的understanding the other person,目的是为了 sell your proposal,也就是让对方接受你的建议,选D。19题,谈判失败的原因,答案是第五段的这么一句:Morecommon is a corporate culture clash between companies,which can put paid to any dealo公司文化冲突导致的。文化冲突,就是两个公司在运作、理念等等上的不一致,选C:两个公司以不同的方式运作。20题,为什么要借鉴小孩子的办法,原文最后一段提到小孩子的办法就是,爸爸不行找妈妈,妈妈不行就在感情上

63、敲诈爷爷奶奶。此路不通就换另一条,就是A说的尝试每一条路线。B没有提到,C不对,原文说小孩子有inexhaustiblesupply of energyo D 也没有提到。相关练习:Sweet smell of excess-for just 47.874 a bottleThe marketing says it is the“ultimate symbol ofindulgence and truly impeccable taste”.A new scent,named VI,has(0)launched for Christmas-retailing at just 47.874.Th

64、emakers are proudly promoting it(31),the“worldJ s mostexpensive perfumev and are confident of selling the limitededition of 173 bottles-(32)it should be exactly 173 bottles is notmade clear in the publicity for the product.Although carefully priced at just under the 50.000 mark,this perfume is clear

65、ly(33)something for anyone who considers30 too much to pay for a bottle of eau-de-toilette.Those(34)are potential customers will certainly be reassured to learn that acase covered in rubies and diamonds is included free(35)charge.Purchasers are assured of further savings,with unlimited scentrefills

66、guaranteed indefinitely-at no extra costThe fragrance is the idea of Arfaq Hussain,a 27-year-oldclothes designer who first made a name(36)himself with anair-conditioned jacket he was asked to make by the singerMichael Jackson(37)far,Mr Jackson is the only person to(38)placed an order-he wants two,according to Mr Hussain.Mr Hussain is unconcerned at having no previousexperience of perfumery.u It*s so(39)more than a perfume it s a piece of jewellery,too.explained Mr Hussain.Heattempted to describe

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